Artemis Fowl Fan Fiction ❯ One Artemis is Bad Enough! ❯ Being Silly ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"That was gross." Said Foaly flatly. Angel punched him on the arm.
"Well he's right." Said Sly. Chuko punched his gut.
"Artemis!" Shouted Commander Root walking into the lobby of section.
"What?" Asked both Artemis' in unison. Root stared at the group.
"Would you mind telling me... WHAT ARE THESE MUD MEN DOING UNDERGROUND!?" Shouted Root, once again earning the name, Beat Root.
"Uh. Excuse me?" Asked Angel walking up to Root. She pointed to herself. "Mud Girl."
"Oh whatever! Foaly, get everyone out of here. ...Now!"
"Okay. The kids won't be a problem." He said taking the Commander apart from the group. "It's Butler we'll need to worry about." Slowly Root whirled around to see that both the Butler siblings were there. Juliet waved.
"Hey shorty, how ya been?" She asked. Root's face grew redder still.
"Is that any of your business, you stinky Mud Girl?!" He growled.
"Well, no...but it's none of your business to ask." Juliet replied.
Root didn't like to be corrected, but he had a soft spot for women in the force, or at least protecting people, so let that one slide.
"Well, could you at least tell me why you're down here?" Asked Root.
"We're down here because we need to bring up both Artemis'." Said Butler. "Got a problem with that?"
"No. Of course not." Said Holly, before Root could reply.
"But why'd you take these two?" Asked Markarov.
"We needed their help. Well, actually, we just needed Fowl's, but then he said," Started Foaly.
"Excuse me, Foaly, but I do believe there are more important matters at hand." Said Artemis (Fowl), before Foaly could continue.
"Such as what?" Asked Angel, as she tapped her foot.
"That's on a need to know basis." Foaly said.
Before Angel could reply with the usual retort, Artemis cut in. "And if you want my help, they all need to know." She said firmly.
Root sighed. "I suppose there's no other way to get your help?" He asked.
"Nope. Unless you have a lot of gold and a lot more chocolate." Artemis said. Root opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Artemis interjected. "And I mean a lot for humans." Root's mouth snapped closed.
"Well, that's settled." The male Artemis said, clapping his hands together once. He invited everyone to sit and began explaining everything that was going on.
"So let me get this perfectly strait..." Mark said.
Artemis H. beat him to it. "Yes, we're underground. Yes, they're fairies. Yes, the guy who stole my name is a genius. Did I forget anything?" She asked.
"Nope, you got it." Mark said, by now used to his teammate knowing what he was thinking, even without the link.
"Good. Now on to the pressing situation. How do we catch Opal. Mr. Fowl, do you have any ideas?" The other Artemis said, leaning back into Marks chest. He put an arm over her shoulder.
Artemis took a moment to respond. "Not quite yet. What about you, Miss Haun? Surely you and your team can come up with a sufficient plan?"
Angel's eyes widened. She turned to her teammate, tore him from Mark's arms, and rushed out of the room.
"Artemis, is that who I think it is?" Angel asked quickly. "Artemis and Juliet and Domovi and Mulch and Foaly and Holly? Are they all Colfers?"
Artemis laughed. "Wow. It took you that long to figure that out? And try not to speak so loud, please. It gives me a headache just to imagine that I can talk to the Artemis Fowl!"
Angel smiled. "So I'm not crazy, right?" She asked.
Artemis smiled back. "Oh, I never said that. But you are right."
"Come on, I'll bet that they're all trying to figure out why you had an apparent mental breakdown."
"Hey, Artemis?" Asked a male voice.
Artemis looked up from her book. She smiled when she saw her teammate, Mark, standing at her door. "Hey! What with all the planning, I haven't spoken to you all day!"
"Yeah." Mark agreed half heartedly, plopping down on the couch beside her.
"Hey, I something wrong?" Artemis asked, tossing her book across the room onto her bed. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just wondering...No, never mind." Mark said, moving to get up.
Artemis grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. "Minding." She said firmly, smiling.
"Alright...What's up with you and...Artemis. You know, the other one." Mark asked.
"What do you mean?" Artemis asked.
"I don't know, it's just that whenever I look at you, he glares at me like he's trying to melt me. And...The way he acts around you...He almost seems like he's about to grab you and run." Mark said slowly, closing his eyes as he leaned back on the couch.
Artemis took a deep breath before speaking again. "Markarov Von Argott, are you jealous?" She asked, mocking incredulity.
Mark sighed, smiling slightly. "I guess I am. I know...I worry about you. I really care, you know? I think...A lot more than a teammate should."
Artemis was speechless for a moment. Did he really say that? I mean, I'm sure we've kissed and all, but did he just say...THAT? She thought. The words echoed in her head, More than a teammate should...More than a teammate....More...
All at once, they sunk in. Artemis smiled widely, before tackling Mark to the couch. She laughed before kissing him lightly on the lips. "I care about you, too. Way more than a teammate should!"
Markarov smiled through the kiss, rolling over so he was the one on top. "Artemis, can I ask you something?" He asked, burying his face in her neck.
Artemis laughed slightly, moving so she was lying next to, not under, Markarov. "Sure."
"Will you promise me...You'll be careful?" Mark asked. "Just, don't get to comfortable with him, okay?"
Artemis laughed suddenly, breaking the mood. "Oh, Mark, you're acting like you're running away or giving me up! You know you're the only guy I care about!...Don't you?"
"Of course I do. I'm sorry, I was being silly. I just worry." Mark said. "So do you want to go get some dinner?" He asked.
"Isn't it a little late?" Artemis asked.
"That just means we'll get it all to ourselves." Mark said. Both he and Artemis got up and, holding hands, they walked off to find kitchen.