Azumanga Daioh Fan Fiction ❯ Todai Days ❯ The Beach Trip ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"The Beach Trip"

"Whew, am I glad that's over" Tyler said as he sat down in the beach house's livingroom.

He had three bandages on his head from where Kaorin had brutally beat him with the lead pole at the train station. The bruises that he had recieved had gone down substantially but were still visable to all who looked at him. "I wonder what her problem was" he said to himself as Andrew and Shane walked into the room.

"Dude, you okay?" Andrew asked, carefully conceling the grin that had been on his face.

"Yeah Tyler, how are you holding up after that beating?" Shane asked right after Andrew, not even trying to hide the fact that he thought it was hilarious.

"I'm okay, I just want to know what the hell that was all about? I mean I'm sitting there talking to Sakaki one moment and the next I'm on the ground being beaten to withen inches of my life" Tyler said, getting a little angry as he spoke.

"Well Kagura told us that Kaorin beat the hell out of ya because you were near Sakaki and she's kinda got a crush on Sakaki" Andrew said

"Which is totally freakin' hot." Shane added.

Just then, Sean and Sakaki came in the door and looked at Tyler."Man, why the hell didn't ya run when i toldja to? I mean if you hadn't of just stood there ya might not of gotten beaten up so badly." Sean said, starting to crack up near the end and finally just began laughing as Tyler began to tell him to shut up.

"Look buddy I didn't hear what you said so that's why I just stood there, maybe if you'd yelled louder I would've heard!" Tyler roared back enraged at Sean's disregard for the fact that he was almost killed by a psychotic girl with a crush on the same girl he liked.

"Are you okay Tyler?" Sakaki asked softly, not wanting to be a menace to Tyler who's head was pounding at this point. "Yeah I'm good Sakaki, thanks for asking" he responded, happy that she was concerned for his health, unlike everyone else.

"Well now that we've got all our stuff in here it's finally time to relax" Kagura said, streching out after she put down the last box that they had brought.

"Yay it's the beach, it's the beach!!?" Tomo exclaimed happily as she took off out the house's back door and towards the ocean.

"Well I guess she' relaxed enough eh?" Sean said as he walked down the stairs from his room into the livingroom. He was wearing his trunks and holding a chair in his right hand as he reached the first floor and began to walk towards the door.

"Look who's talking, Mr.takes-his-stuff-to-his-room-and-doesn't-help-us" Yomi said as Sean walked by her.

"Hey I did my part, it isn't my fault that y'all brought so much stuff" Sean responded with a laugh.

As Sean was arguing with the girls over whether or not he should of helped, Tomo came rushing through the door and hid behind the couch.

"It''s's Yukari and Nyamo, they're here and they're staying in the house next door" Tomo said, completly terrifyied.

"Hey, why the hell are you upset that they're here Tomo, I thought that you liked those two?" Yomi asked as Tomo began to come out of hiding.

"I'm not upset that they're here, it's the fact that I saw who they had with them that upsets me" Tomo said still terrifyied.

"So who did they have with them Tomo?" Osaka said as she suddenly appeared next to Tomo.

"They had Ki...Kim...Kimura!! they had Kimura with them!!!!" Tomo shrieked as she jumped back behind the couch and the rest of the girls reeled back with shock.

As the girls ran over the room panicing, Sean walked into the middle of the room and yelled for them to calm down only to be ran over by kaorin who came bursting through the door.

"It's Kimura!! He's here and he's looking for me!!!" she screamed in fright as she ran over to Sakaki and hid behind the tall girl. Sakaki, looking herself fearful, blushed.

"Kimura? Here? But... Why?"

"Who the hell is Kimura?!" Andrew suddenly roared from the kitchen as he stormed into the livingroom.

"Tell me who is Kimura, what the hell are you all so upset for. And what the blazing hell happened to Sean?" he said as the girls all suddenly quieted down and Sean laid down on the floor in a crumbled heap.

"Kimura is a creepy teacher who likes highschool girls and has a huge crush on Kaorin" Tomo and Kagura both said simutaneously as they breifly poped out from under the blanket they were hiding under. Andrew rolled his eyes.

"Ok that answers two questions, so now tell me what happened to Sean?" Andrew said, a little suprised that they would let a guy like Kimura teach in highschool.

"I think I might have ran him over during the panic" Tomo said as she popped back under her's and Kagura's blanket.

"Might have?" Sean groaned, trying his best to weakly rub the footprints off of his back.

"Ook, so now that that's settled how bout I go and meet the three teachers y'all are talking about" Andrew said, shocked at how someone as big as Sean could have been knocked out cold by someone as small as Tomo. "Hey wait up and we'll come too Andrew" Shane and Tyler said as they helped Sean off the gorund and to a couch for him to recover on.

"Ow mah head hurts" Sean said as they laid him onto the couch.

As they began to head for the door to leave Andrew and Yomi moved around Kaorin to protect her just in case Kimura attacked her(As if he would.)

"So you guys from America, right?" Yukari Tamazaki asked the four americians as they sat in the livingroom of the three teacher's beach house two doors down from our 10 freind's house.
"Yeah we are, we just came to Japan to go to Tokyo U and see the world." Andrew said as a loud banging noise came from the closet and then a bound and gagged man in about his 40's fell out of it.

"Mhm.. mhm... kaorin I've come for yo..*BANG*" Kimura said as Yomi slammed a fire extinguisher into his skull and knocked him out.

"Well he was harder to take care of then I thought he was gonna be" Andrew said with a laugh. When they had arrived at the house about three hours earlier, Kimura was outside and immediatly upon seeing Kaorin ran towards her proclaiming his love for her. That was until Andrew clotheslined him just before he got to Kaorin, and then Yomi began to kick him. It took only about 10 minutes to restrain Kimura, but that was after everyone else showed up to help, and Sean got knocked out again , this time by Kagura who accidentally hit him with a steel chair.

"Hey Yukari-baby, why'd you and Nyamo bring him with ya in the first place?" Tomo asked, as Sean and Yukari both reached for and grabbed the saki at the same time.

"Oh my, I wonder who's gonna let go first" Yukari said as she began to pull back on the bottle, expecting Sean to let go and be a gentleman about it.

"Yeah, I wonder" Sean said, grinning and pulling on the bottle himself.

"Wow is this a challenge?" Yukari exclaimed begininng to smile.

"Ya bet it is" Sean replied with a grin and stern tug on the bottle. Nyamo frowned

"Sean I don't think that it's a smart idea to challenge Yukari to a drinking contest, I mean she's a wild drunk and has never loss" she said, not wanting a more graphic repeat of what had happened with her trying to keep Yukari from drinking two years before.

"Heh, I'm not worried, I've never lost either." Sean replied with a cocky tone.

"Hey what about my question?" Tomo roared over all of the commotion, having been forgotten.

"Don't worry about it" Yukari said as she and Sean both took their first shots of saki in their drinking contest. Oh boy this could be bad Nyamo thought as Sean an Yukari went through their fifth shot of saki.

This should be good it's always great to see Sean do something stupid while drunk Andrew thought as the thirteenth shot was taken by the two contestants of what seemed to be a neverending contest.

"You know what kid? You're better than I thought" Yukari slurred as she took the 40th shot of the contest.

"Thanks ya're better than I thought too" Sean replied taking the contest's 45th shot and began to fall backwards.

Finally after 46 shots, both Sean and Yukari passed out from a saki overdose.

"Wow, that was amazing" Nyamo said, shocked that someone had actually hung with Yukari and forced her into a draw.

"Nah, we've seen him drink a lot more" Andrew siad, upset that Sean didn't do anything stupid while drunk.

"Hey! put down that pillow!" Yukari suddenly yelled out and pointed her hand at the ceiling before letting it drop back down limply.

"Ok, so does she always drink that much?" Tyler said, suddenly appearing beside Nyamo.

"WHA..! how'd you do th... nevermind. Yes she does always drink that much." Nyamo said trying not to have a heart attack from Tyler's sudden appearance.

"I'm ready to go back to the house now" Sean somehow managed to say as he slowly sat up and tried to get to his feet.

"But... how.. all the saki" Nyamo blurted out, trying to figure out how Sean was still awake, much less able to stand after all the saki he'd drunk.

"He's the perfect drinking machine because he's Irish and German, so he can drink all he wants and still be able to have some motor skills" Tyler said as Sean got to his feet only to fall back down "Ok maybe not" he said as he and Andrew helped Sean to his feet.

"Well we've got to get him back so nice meetin' ya and all. Come on guys lets go." Andrew said as he and Tyler helped Sean stagger out of the teacher's house and back towards their house.

"Heh well they seem like pretty good kids" Nyamo said to herself after they had left, when Kimura once again fell out of the closet and tried to get free.

"Oh get back in there you!!" Nyamo said as she threw him back inside, and slammed the door.