Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ A Careless Whisper ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: AHHHH im sorry this chapter is *checks* two hours late Dx I went to the doctor after school today and got…LE GASP..a shot and then I had some actual homework to do (which I usually never have) and so, now I finally have time to write something.
Warnings: what you are about to read is not appropriate for children under the age of 18. Ironically, this story is written by a 17 year old.
Disclaimer: If I owned a Beyblade… da na na na na na na na na naaaaaaa
A Careless Whisper - Chapter 15
His hands are everywhere. Sliding over every inch of me and I haven't a care in the world except for what he's doing. He's touching me like one would pet a small kitten. Only his attentions aren't pure in any form of words. His lips are pressing soft, light kisses up and down my neck and when he came back up he slid his tongue around the point of my ear. I suppressed a shudder, threading my fingers through his hair, allowing my eyes to slip closed as he continued on. But he pushed away from me, sitting up. I wanted to pout or whine or complain…something! But I couldn't. Maybe it was the vision in front of me that had me speechless. I never knew he was as beautiful as he is. I always knew he was hot and sexy. But the word beautiful never came to my mind.
Until now.
Once devoid of his shirt, he slid a hand across my stomach and up my chest making me shiver. With a feral grin he undid the clasps of my shirt slowly.
“Bastard.” I finally managed, feeling myself get excited knowing what was hopefully to come. Hopefully, because it would happen as long as nobody interrupted. He snickered, a new sound to me, and kissed my throat before pulling me up some to slip my shirt off my shoulders. I felt like a rag doll. Motionless under his hands and able to do nothing but succumb to what it was he wanted me to do. Or, more specifically, what he wanted to do to me.
“And that's why you love me.” he almost purred, gripping my hips as he slid down, kissing my chest. I could have glared and come back with something witty if it weren't for him choosing that exact moment to torture one of my nipples.
“Ughh….b-bitch.” I gasped, arching slightly against his mouth. I guess that amused him. He chuckled and switched over to the other one.
“Love you too, Ray.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Tyson Granger's POV- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I love you.”
I smiled, brushing my lips over his nose.
“I love you too, Max.”
His baby blue pools of wonder stared up at me. Unsurely. Questioningly. Yet decidedly lovingly.
“Do you?”
I sighed, ducking my head down to nuzzle his neck. He always smells so good. Like sugary sweets and strawberries. It's really the most wonderful smell. I kissed the small bit between his neck and his shoulder. He shivered.
“Yes, Max. I really do love you.”
Sliding my hand down his bare side, I took his hand; lacing my fingers with his. The most adorable blush came across his pale cheeks. Letting myself smile softly at him, I leaned down and kissed him. Once he responded, I allowed my eyes to slip closed. God, he really tastes like he smells. Running my tongue over his bottom lip, I released his hand and brush my fingertips over the waistband of his boxers. Another cute shiver. Slipping my tongue into his warm mouth, my hand followed suit, slipping under his boxers.
“T-Tyson.” he moaned, eyes fluttering as I started to stroke him slowly. Pulling away to allow him breathing room, I kissed his cheek then along his jaw.
“Yes Maxie?” I whispered, wrapping my fingers around him, feeling bold. Another moan, louder this time.
“A-ahh…” I started to pump him, kissing and licking around his ear love. “T-Tyson…please.” he gasped, arching. Leaving his ear alone, I kissed down his neck, sucking on his collar bone. “Please what?” I teased, giving him a sharp squeeze.
“A-ahh!” His head tossed back, his hips bucking against my hand. So. Fucking. Hot.. I watched him. Hair messed, cheeks flushed already, lips parted as pleas for more than just a hand job came from him. I grinned, leaning up. With a last pump to him I pulled my hand away making him whine.
“What? I thought you wanted to get fucked?” I whispered, grinding myself against him slowly. Ohh this was going to be fun.
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ray Kon's POV- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Do you know what's awesome?
Sex is awesome.
Do you know what's better than sex?
Sex with Kai.
Do you know what's better than sex with Kai?
Nothing is better than sex with Kai.
With that thought, I rolled onto my side and curled up against the Russian who had surprised me more than once tonight. First by asking me to go on a walk. Then he took me to the park instead. Where he confessed….a lot. He confessed a lot. Told me everything that I had no idea of. And when I made it known I felt the same? Well…lets just say we retreated back to my bedroom for some fun.
I'm sure you're all WOOHOO about that.
I mean, I finally have him so no more cutting right?
No more being sad.
And Max….Max is obviously in a good…well, sort of good relationship right?
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
A/N: ANOTHER ENDING OF CHAPTERS FOR YOU 8'D those were more like limes for now. But they are the first ones I have ever written…so…im sorry if they're really bad. please read,review,suggest,criticize,etc.