Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodlove ❯ five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I got a rewiew!!!-cries happy tears-

Thanks a bunch Kimik0123!!!I owe you a lot!!!


Disclaimer:dont own beyblade..nor the characters on the show,ne ne understood?

When he opened his eyes he simply knew that he had been sleeping too long.The warmth by his side was gone.Panick welled up in his chest.Quickly he got out of bed and picked up his gun.If Rei had turned vampire again and left his apartment...Then he would be in major trouble.If Mariah got to know that he was shielding a vampire she would fire him straight away.With a lump in his throat he moved towards the door,the gun in his hand.As the skilled hunter he was he moved swiftly,like a shadow.

The sound of something that was opened reached his ears.The source of the noise had been the kitchen.Careful not to make any sounds that might warn the other he entered the kitchen,hiding behind the desk.Rei was sitting by the table with his back towards him,apparently eating something.Kai moved quickly and placed the gun against the boy`s temple.

"Dont move",he warned.

"Kai?What are you doing?"

Rei`s voice sounded scared.Kai arched an eyebrow when he saw that he was eating ice cream.

"What the heck are you doing?You scared me shitless!"he hissed and removed the gun.Rei looked up at him with those big,innocent eyes.

"I am sorry,I didnt mean to scare you..I just needed something sugary to eat",he appologied.Kai snorted and sat down on the oposite side of the table.

"You want some?"Kai shook his head.

"Come on,I know you do..Just admit it!"Rei grinned,his fangs glinting.Kai sighed in defeat and was about to stand up to find himself a spoon when Rei stopped him.

"You can share with me,if you want to?"he suggested.Kai smiled at him.


As Rei fed him with ice cream he couldnt help but think about how different this Rei was from the demon.He was such a cute,vibrant creature when like this,so innocent and full of life.He came back to reality when Rei dropped the spoon onto the floor.Kai looked weirdly at him.

"Rei?Something wrong?"The boy whimpered and clutched his stomach.

"Kai..get away from me..I cant hold him back anymore...",Rei whispered,his eyes wide with fear.

Kai ran to the bedroom hurriedly,opening his drawer,pulling out another syringe.As fast as he could he returned to the kitchen.Rei was lying on the floor,his whole body trembling as he tried to hold back the demon.

"Take it easy,Rei.I am here",he comforted and sat down beside him.Rei was gasping for air,his mouth and eyed wide open,his fists clenched.

"Hurry!"he cried.kais at on top of him to keep him down and injected the liquid into his arm.His bosy struggled and fought the drug for a little while before he went toally limp-Kai sighed in relief and put away the syringe.Rei was still conscious,though only barely.His eyes were clouded,his lips still parted.

"Dont worry,you`ll be able to move again in a little while.The drugs I used this time wasn`t as strong as the others",he smiled.

He wasnt even sure if the boy could hear him...He moved Rei onto the couch in the living room.With worried eyes he tucked him in and told him that he would be gone for a little while.The truth was that he was out of drugs to keep Rei`s vampire side asleep.He needed to go to the office and get some new syringes.Meaning he would have to steal them.They needed Mariah`s permission,and he couldnt risk that she got to know what he was up to,she might fire him.He really wanted to help Rei,he sincerly believed that he could get better somehow.

Kai knew he was getting emotionally attached to him.It was an impossible affair.There could be no relationship between a vampire and a human.He started his motorbike and drove off.The traffic was heavy,and it took him more than half an hour to get to the office.Brooklyn greeted him with one of his trademark grins and blew him a kiss.

"Is Mariah in?"The orangehaired boy shook his head.

"No-oh!She is out meeting one of her sources".Kai almsot sighed in relief.

"I`m leaving the report on her desk",he stated and entered his chief`s office.She wouldn`t be very pleased if she found out about this.The medics closet was located close to her desk,and he lock-picked it with a needle he found.He was quite good with locks,another special talent of his it was.Carefully he picked out what he needed and locked the closet again.Just as he was about to get the hell out of this place his co-worker stopped him with a single question.

"By the way..Hos is the kid doing?You know,the blackhaired boy you had with you when I picked you up the other day".

Kai found it really strange how Brooklyn seemed to call everyone either a kid or a boy,despite their age.He even said that to Kai,who was four years older than him.

"Um..He is sick..I am taking care of him",he replied quickly and left.

Brooklyn frowned.What was up with Kai today?He was acting all strange.Normally he would glare at him and tell him to shut up or something.he shruged and went back to his computer.He could just pop in at Kai`s place later today.

Rei felt like he was floating in water.He was breathing slowly,as if asleep and both awake at the same time.There was something about being in this state that calmed him down.He smiled brightly as the image of Kai floated to his mind.he felt something specai for the young man.He couldn`t quiet figure out what it was.Of course it was gratitude and friendship,but it went deeper than that too...

"Rei...How do you feel?"He recognised the soft voice as Kai`s.

"I didn`t hear you come,I was too busy listening to the ocean",he giggled and sat up,his face all happy.

"Can you hear the ocean,Kai?".He shook his head and dearly hoped that the boy would stop hallucinating soon.He was aware that the drugs he had used could cause this kind of effect.Suddenly Rei was hanging around his neck,giggling like a little girl.

"Rei,what the heck are you doing???"

He kinda panicked and tried to pry he boy off him,which proved to be impossible.In the end he gave up and let him stay where he was.
Rei grinned cheesily and mumbled something he didnt get.He was acting just like a drunk.

"Kaaaaaaiiii?You like me right?Say you like me!!"

Kai felt the heat rise in his cheeks.Rei laughed at his expression and closer to him,straddling his hips.

"Rei!!What are you doing???"he squealed.Yes,the great Kai Hiwatari squealed like a little girl.This only made Rei laugh even harder.

"What does it look like I am doing?"he whispered seductivly into his ear and leaned closer.It had to be the drugs,it just had to be!!!Kai thought.His eyes widened as the boy kissed him,sucking lightly at his bottom lip.Kai really hoped that Rei wouldn`t notice just how "excited" he was at the moment.Rei earned a low,involuntary moan from Kai as he rubbed up against him.Kai managed to push the eager boy off his lap.He wiped his mouth and went to the kitchen in need of a moments peace to calm down again.He so badly wanted to just pin Rei to the couch and tear off his clothes.The fact that he hadn`t gotten laid for more than seven months didn`t help much either.He took a deep breath.The boy was obviously teasing him.

Rei giggled again as Kai left him alone.Sure,he was still pretty ligthheaded and stuff,but he wanted to be close to Kai.He chuckled as he thought of how he had succeded in teasing the young man.It felt good to know that Kai fancied him.Lying back down he closed his eyes and drfited off to sleep again.

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