Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Lonely ❯ Lonely ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not and never will own Beyblade or Mr. Lonely by Akon (whoever he is).
Normally I don't write fics like this, so most likely this…won't be very good, lol. But oh well, read it anyway!

I'm Mr. Lonely,
I have nobody,
for my own…

I'm so lonely,
I'm Mr. Lonely
I have nobody,
for my own
I'm so lonely…

this one here
goes out to all my playas out there,
man y'all know I got to have one "good girl" who's always been there,
like you took all the bullshit
then one day she cant take it no more and decides to leave… yeah
I mean, it's not like I mean to do these things.
They just…happen?
No, I know WHY I do them.
It's either I'm nice to you, or I'm my usual annoying and obnoxious self towards you.
I've always been annoying and obnoxious.
How would it look if I suddenly changed the way I acted, just for you?
Not that I wouldn't—I totally would…if I could.
How would it look to all the guys?
Then there's Kai.
He doesn't seem like the taunting and teasing type, but trust me, he is.
Before what happened today, I thought it'd be okay, we'd just go on being good friends, as always.
But now I think I realize what impact my actions actually have on you.

I woke up in the middle of the night
and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side
coulda sworn I was dreamin,
for her I was feelin,
so I had to take a little ride,
Back tracking ova' these few years,
tryana figure out what I did to make it go bad,
cause ever since my girl left me,
my whole life came crashin and I'm so…

lonely (so lonely),
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (call my own)

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (call my own)
I'm so lonely (Girl)
“What NOW?!”
“You are SUPPOSED to be training young man!”
“So? Since when are YOU the team captain?”
“…Since when are you?”
“Tyson. Get your ass over here NOW. I already told you we'd be training today, now leave Hilary alone.”
Kai unenthusiastically said, but I could tell he was trying to stand up for you in his own special way.
“No! I know we're supposed to be training, and I know I should be over there, but SHE doesn't have the right to order me around!”
So maybe I WAS a little mad at you at the time.
After all, it's in my nature to get annoyed easily, especially when people tell me to do things.
But it still wasn't in my place to say what I said next…
“Maybe not, but she is right, so quit givin' her a hard time about it!”
“What?! I'M the one who's giving the other a hard time?! Like, her presence alone makes me wanna scream sometimes!”
Immature, yes. But I didn't think you'd take it as bad as you did. But who knows, maybe it was just the last straw?
“Oh YEAH?! W-well…same goes for me, you know!”
I could tell you were struggling with your emotions and trying your hardest not to cry in front of me; of them.
After all, you can usually come up with much better comebacks.
“And don't start going on about how sorry you are, Kinomiya! Because I know you NEVER mean it!”
Umm, oops?
After that you just made some excuse about a dentist appointment—perhaps you'd forgotten that your mom would come pick you up at 4 right after she finished working?
Can't believe I had a girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life
after all I put you through
you still stuck around and stayed by my side
what really hurt me is I broke your heart,
baby you were a good girl and I had no right,
I really wanna make things right, cause without you in my life girl I'm so…

Lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (call my own)

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (call my own)
I'm so lonely
What was I thinking, not going after you?
Maybe I still don't quite get why you got so upset at that one statement.
I'm sure I've said worse over the years.
Maybe it was just one of those things ya just can't explain.
But the only thing I really care about right now is that I somehow managed to take things too far and winded up hurting you.
I feel I've gotta make things right again…but how?
I mean it's not like I can just get up, walk to your front door, and be all, `Hil, I'm sorry, I-“ heeeeyy! That actually might work!
I don't particularly want to do it now, at 9:00 at night, but what else can I do?
There's no way I'll be able to sleep anyway, knowing you're angry with me.
I would hope you'd be the same way. Really, I would.
This may sound a little (okay, maybe a lot) corny, but it's like if you're upset, so am I.
It's almost like the whole double-cry thing.

Been all over the world ain't neva met a girl that can take the things that you been through
Never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing you
Cause ain't nowhere in the globe I'd rather be
Ain't no one in the globe I'd rather see
Than the girl of my dreams that made me be
so happy but now so lonely…

Lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (call my own)

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (Girl)
I always feel instant remorse when I say these things to you.
I know I shouldn't say them in the first place—It's not nice, obviously, and it's like I'm taking you for granted whenever I do.
Cause most girls probably wouldn't be able to take all the things that you do.
You've been through tough battles, because even though you might not have been blading, you were always there, and it was like whenever one of us was hurt, you were hurt, too.
You took care of us through everything. Like when I sprained my ankle. Or when Daiichi ripped his pants. Or when Kai wanted to quit blading. Or even when any of us were just feeling like we couldn't make it through something, you were there.
And how do I seem to repay you?
I know I'm constantly wondering aloud why you hang around with us, saying that you're no good and you do nothing but sit around.
But I also know that's not really true.
Seriously, I don't know what the Bladebreaker's ever did without you that first year.
I really never think the day will come when you'll get up and leave us.
But who knows—if I keep acting the way I am, maybe it will.
I'd do anything to prevent that from happening, though.
I may not be able to admit that I like you out loud, to your face (although things would probably be better that way, but I know in my head at least that that's the way things are.
Sometimes I wonder what you think.
Usually I don't bother myself too much with it.
It's usually pretty obvious what the answer is—no.
But once in a while, there comes a time when I think there might just be hope for me; for us.

Never thought that I'd be alone
I didn't know you'd be gone this long
I just want you to call my phone
so stop playing girl and come on home (come on home),
baby girl I didn't mean to shout,
I want me and you to work it out,
I never wished to ever hurt my baby,
and its drivin me crazy cause I'm so…

Lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)

I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (Girl)
I'm heading over to your place now.
Arrgh what in the world am I gonna say?!
I mean, I've gotta sound like I really mean it—which I do—since apparently every other time I apologize, I don't.
“And don't start going on about how sorry you are, Kinomiya! Because I know you NEVER mean it!”
Man it really hurt when you said that.
You know that, don't you?
Yeah I'm pretty sure you meant to say that, like revenge for you.
Is that so?
You have no idea what I'd do for you of I could.
If I really had to, I'd jump off a cliff, for lack of a better example, for you.
From the moment I met you I know you'd be different from the rest of them—the girls who hang around with us only because of the fame.
But they'd all ditch us soon as they found out that our lives actually require hard work, and at times (which are pretty much everyday) are dangerous.
You, on the other hand, never did.
Why I'll never know, cause I'm turning myself around right now.
What was I thinking?!
I can't do this, and apparently I won't do this.
I'll see you every few days, at practices and such, and maybe we'll avoid each other, but perhaps that would be for the best.
I can't possibly be the only reason you hang with us. That makes no sense, so I know you'll come back. Come back for Kai, or Ray, maybe even Max. Hell, you could be madly in love with Kenny for all I know.
I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Hil.
So lonely (lonely)
So lonely, (so lonely),
Mr. Lonely (Lonely), so lonely (So lonely)
So lonely (lonely)
So lonely, (so lonely)
So lonely
Mr. Lonely…

By the way, in case you were confused (I don't know how you could be, though), this was written in Tyson's POV and he's sort of talking to Hilary in his head, you know?
Anyway…how was that? I didn't really try (even though this took forever, lol) but I really have no idea, so review, please