Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Rise of the Past ❯ Seems Uncertain ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 13- Seems Uncertain

As they landed at the airport, Kai was still a bit nervous on the dream he had on the ride over. That Nakia girl looked like the spitted image of Ishizu. And she had Ra too, except he was in his Golden stage. Kai looked at the blade in his hand, and felt Dranzer's presence again. Kenny walked over towards Kai and the others as they stood, trying to figure out where to go.

"Listen, I need to upgrade each of your blades. We don't know what we're going to up against, so I think we need a new power boost," declared Kenny. The others nodded, and handed over their blades.

"Oh, you must be the Blade Breakers!" shouted a voice from down the hallway to the main body of airport. They all turned to look down as a short girl about 5'0" came running towards them. She had long black hair with four stripes of silver hair that was pulled into a high ponytail, but the strands still fell down to her shoulders. She had the same complexion that Ishizu had, the same slightly slanted eyes, and the darker skin tone. She wore a white tang top and a denim skirt that came just below her knees, and she wore sandals on her feet. The Blade Breakers looked at her funny.

"Um... can we help you?" asked Tyson. The girl made it over towards, and held out a beyblade in her hand. It was black, outlined with purple, and in the center of the blade, was a bit chip. The Blade Breakers' eyes popped wide open. Was this a challenge? The bit beast she had was a Harpy, the mythical half human/half bird. Kai was in shock... the dream...

"Don't worry, I don't want to challenge you," she stated. "Actually, Mr. Dickenson called me and asked me to help you guys out. I'm Myrrh." Kai stayed more in the shock while the others calmed down that they didn't have to beyblade. Myrrh looked at Kai funny. "What's with you?" she asked. [The dream... Nakia, Sef, Myrrh Ishtar...] He looked like he was in a bit of a trance.

"Yo, Earth to Kai!" stated Max, pretending to knock over his head. "Anyone in there?" Kai snapped out of it, and looked at Max with a death glare.

"Well as you can tell, that's Kai, Tyson, Max-" started Hilary. Myrrh put up her hand as she placed her beyblade away.

"No need for you to introduce yourselves, I already know who each of you are. Mr. Dickenson emailed me everything I need to know. He gave me a big group picture of you guys, and pointed each of you out. But in the picture, there was a white haired girl in it. Where is she?" asked Myrrh. They all felt bad all over again.

"Ishizu," stated Ray. "We had to leave her back in Japan." Myrrh felt the tension building up between her and the Blade Breakers.

"Don't go on," she interrupted the silence. "Its OK. Come on, I'll take you to the others and we'll get out of here. Our time zone is different than yours so here, night is just starting. Its too dangerous to go out at night, so we have to start early in the morning." Myrrh waved her hand towards them, and the Blade Breakers gathered their duffle bags that they brought. They quickly followed her out to the night air of Egypt. Myrrh waved down a taxi and they all hopped in.

"So how do you know Mr. Dickenson exactly?" asked Hilary.

"Well, the leader of my Gang has some connection to Mr. Dickenson. Also the fact that we are descendants of the ones who put helped lock up the Sky Dragon," informed Myrrh. The Blade Breakers leaned in to listen to this.

"Really!" exclaimed Tyson. "TELL!" Myrrh chuckled a bit.

"Well, you see, my great great great great great great... oh I don't know how many greats, but my great whatever father was in the Ancient Battle. He almost died in the fight, but he along with the help of eight other Keepers were able to lock up Alem."

"Nine?" asked Kenny. "But Mr. Dickenson only told us there were five." Myrrh shrugged.

"Then you got the facts wrong," she replied. Kai sat in silence as the others poured on more and more questions to Myrrh. That dream, it at first had made no sense to him, but now... now he understood a lot more than the Chief!

The taxi stopped at a little house just outside of the city of Cairo, and down along one of the side of the Nile. The house was set up with a stable and attached paddock. Inside it was a large herd of Arabian horses, and even there were two camels.

"Why do you have those?" asked Hilary. Myrrh looked at the "herd" in the back yard of her house.

"Ah, those are my families horses and those are my uncle's camels," declared Myrrh. They are mostly used for show when stupid tourists want to get the 'Egyptian experience'. But they will be very helpful, I think, for the chase." They all stepped out of the taxi and Myrrh paid the fair. They walked into the house and found themselves surrounded by a few boys and two adults. On the couch was a tiny boy dressed in tan shorts and a blue t shirt. Beside him was a very large boy, overweight, and wearing a big green shirt and blue shorts. The adults, supposively Myrrh's mother and father, were happy to see the Blade Breakers there. There was another boy in the background. He was dressed in tan shorts and a white muscle shirt, and boy did he show off with that shirt.

"Welcome, Blade Breakers, I am Salama Neftar, and this is my husband Badru Neftar. Welcome to our home. You must be hungry, let me fix up something for you," stated the woman. The Blade Breakers nodded towards her.

"Thank you very much," stated Kenny. Salama grinned at him and she and her husband walked into the kitchen to fix up some food. The boys turned to face them.

"Hey there, so you're the ones who are sent to help us?" asked the short boy. "I'm Abassi, Keeper of Suroh the Wise." The large boy next to him waved his hand.

"You can call me Donkor, Keeper of Sipa the Strong." The Blade Breakers looked at them funny... Suroh the Wise?... Sipa the Strong? Myrrh could sense the confusion in the room.

"Hey, don't worry about it," she smiled at them. "You see, like I said before, we are the last of other original Keepers."

"Who are Keepers?" asked Ray.

"Those who had orbs with Spirits," blandly stated Kai. They all turned at them. The four Egyptian kids looked at Kai funny.

"That's correct," she stated.

"How did you know that Kai?" asked Kenny. "Even I didn't know that!" Kai shrugged.

"The Keepers were the men in ancient Egypt who had bit beasts and who generally used their powers for good," stated Abassi.

"Generally?" asked Tyson.

"I'm sure you know the basic story of the Sky Dragon and the Pharaoh?" asked Donkor. They all nodded. He shrugged his shoulders as they were able to answer their own questions.

"And you guys are some how related towards the Keepers who sealed away Alem," declared Myrrh. They all looked dumbfounded.

"But we aren't Egyptian," stated Ray. The boy in the background stiffed a laugh. They all turned their attention to him for the first time since they arrived.

"You don't necessarily have to be Egyptian to have Keeper blood in you," he smirked at their ignorance. "Those descendants of the Keepers married other races and everyone ultimately has everything in their blood. So even if you weren't chosen to be a Keeper, you still have Egyptian blood in you. It just depends on how much and how dominant it is. So you are all related to one of the Nine Keepers. The one who's bit beast you have." Kai rolled his eyes at the boy.

"Sorry," stated Myrrh. "That's our leader, Malik Naeem, Keeper of Sibuna the Cunning." Malik snorted at them.

"And this is the bunch that Mr. Dickenson thinks is more capable of keeping Alem safe?" rhetorically asked Malik. Tyson's blood boiled.

"I don't know what your problem is pretty boy, but we are just as well qualified as you!" he shouted. Hilary pulled Tyson down.

"Please don't argue," she stated. "We need to cooperate with them in order to stop The Wraiths from getting Alem." Tyson growled and looked back at Malik

"I agree with Hilary," stated Abassi. "We need to get to Alem's Temple as soon as we can."

"Then lets go right now," declared Max.

"Not so fast rich boy," stated Donkor. "We can't go out at night."

"Why not?" asked Ray.

"Because," started Myrrh.

"Because there has been too much funny business going around Cairo Egypt for us to run into and get caught in. We need to focus on stopping those scientists from getting Alem," firmly said Malik.

"Who wants some dinner?" asked Salama.

--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

"Doctor, are you read to start the process?" asked one of the scientists. Dr. Kay turned to look at the group of scientists surrounding a lab table. She grinned and Zagart wasn't too far behind Dr. Kay.

"We need to hurry this up along, Dr. Kay," stated Zagart. "Those Blade Breakers are on their way to guard Alem." Dr. Kay just smirked and typed away on her computer, grinning. "Answer me woman!"

"Patients Zagart," she stated. "If you want this to work, than we need to take it at the pace that it's being presented."

"Is this full proof?"

"Yes it is. I have all the kinks worked out... How is the subject?" She turned to look at Ishizu strapped down to the table. Her arms, torso, shoulders, and thighs were all tightly strapped down to the table. Ishizu was wide awake and fidgeting and squirming around on the table. There were many wires attached to her, and suction cup like things pressing the wires into Ishizu's temples.

"LET ME GO!" shouted Iz. She continued to squirm and try and get out of her bonds. Dr. Kay typed a few things in her computer and pressed enter. She walked over towards Ishizu, a malicious grin over her face. She leaned over Ishizu, her long black hair complementing Iz's long white hair. Her eyes matched Iz's gray ones, with their evil aura lowing around her. "Let me go! I'm going to kill you!"

"Then that is no incentive for me to let you go than is it?" questioned Dr. Kay. Ishizu glared at her, and struggled again. "Plus I do have a purpose for you. You see, you're going to get us Alem." Ishizu's eyes widened. [Why was that name so familiar?] "But now, its time to take a nap..." Ishizu looked at Dr. Kay funny, but suddenly one of the scientists pulled a helmet looking thing over. It too was a massive ball of wires and lit up inside. The scientists put it over her head, and strapped it in place, as Ishizu tried her best to wiggle away from it. But... SNAP! It was in place. Dr. Kay stepped back and flipped the switch. The whites of Iz's eyes widened as the last thing she could hear was he laughter of Dr. Kay....


O.O Cliffie!!!! This is short, but please read and review.... any suggestions???