Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Rise of the Past ❯ Crack the Code ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 14: Crack the Code

The next morning, Myrrh woke the Blade Breakers up very early. She had a hard time with Tyson, but she threw a bucket of cold water over him. Easy enough? Tyson jumped up in a heart beat, freaking out entirely. Myrrh smiled and put the bucket down on the ground.

"OH MY GOD!" cried Tyson. "That is fucking cold!" Kai rolled his eyes at Tyson.

"She's only been trying to get you up nicely for the past ten minutes," laughed Max. The soaking wet, and cold, Tyson just glared at Max. Myrrh stuck her hands out.

"He's right, don't be mad at Max," she smiled. "Plus, you'll be happy in a few minutes. During the day, you're going to want that cold water splash. The temperature here is nothing like back in Japan. We're in a desert."

"Hey Kenny, you have our blades?" asked Ray. Kenny's eyes popped open and he spun around and dug into his bag. He pulled up four beyblades, super charged from their old state. Walking over to them, Kenny handed out each beyblade, the holder staring at the upgrade they had.

"What did you do to them?" asked Tyson, looking at his upside down. Kai looked at his, unlike the others, his didn't seem to be different to him, just a few adjustments. Kenny smiled and took a deep breath.

"Well you see, I figured that went we go up against who ever the scientists are going to throw against us, we'd best be ready for anything. So Dizzi and I spent the night figuring how to tweak your blades to get more power and spin out of them. Thanks to her... Walla! Also I figured that you guys were probably going to blade in the sand. Am I correct Myrrh?" She nodded at Kenny. "So Dizz and I worked on your blades to allow them to still get their maximum power even in harsh conditions, AKA sand. Now individually.... I changed your attack ring Tyson, your old one seemed to be wearing down just a tad, and we wanted Dragoon to be in his prime. He is now Dragoon CM. CM for Capital Mode. Ray, Diz and I gave Driger and extra power boost, and put a new core in yours. Max, Diz and I came up with an amazing defense combination with parts that Mr. Dickenson had given us. There is no getting passed Draceil CM's defenses. Kai... well it doesn't look like much, but we actually changed your weight disk to be just a bit heavier to help Dranzer with maneuvering around the sand. And when you battle in a stadium, your defenses are raised when you need them. The attack ring is the strongest one I had in my stash. I figured you'd like the edge. It's made of a metal alloy that is virtually indestructible. Now Dranzer, Dragoon, Driger, and Draceil CM are ready for this battle." Everyone looked down at their blades.

"Thanks Kenny," stated Ray.

"Yea, Draceil CM looks stacked!" he exclaimed. Donkor poked his head into the room.

"Hurry, Salama and Badru have the packs all set," he stated. "Malik and Abassi are setting up the team. And Malik figured he'd set up the chariots as well." Donkor winked at them, and turned back towards the door and left. Myrrh stuck her tongue out at him.

"Chariot?" asked Ray.

"Oh did I forget to mention that the Temple is a day's hike? Well we have to get to Alem before those scientists, and the quickest way we have is horse," she stated.

"But I've never ridden a horse," explained Max. Myrrh smiled.

"And that is why we have the chariots set up. It's another thing we use for the tourists. It's a great thing to have because our chariot is built to fit 4. Come on. We have to leave now." The Blade Breakers followed Myrrh out of the room and out of the little house. They saw Malik and Abassi sitting aboard two Arabians, a gray one, and Abassi on a chestnut [red] one with a white face. And Badru stood at the head of a team of two Arabians, two black ones, in front of a chariot, Donkor getting into it. Salama was standing in front of the other chariot, posterior towards a chestnut and a black Arabian. Myrrh jumped into the empty chariot with Salama at the helm. The woman handed the control over towards her daughter, and Abassi trotted over towards them on his chestnut Arabian.

"Lets go. As you guys say it, Early blader gets the Ancient One!" he joked. "Three of you go with Donkor, and the others go with Myrrh." Malik came over.

"And lets not take all day," he sighed. The Blade Breakers glared at him. Tyson, Kenny, and Hilary joined Donkor in his chariot and Max, Ray, and Kai went into Myrrh's.

"Ready?" asked Abassi.

"And off we go!" stated Myrrh. Abassi and Malik spun their horses around and led the way. Myrrh and Donkor slapped the reins lightly over their horses' butts and the chariots were off. The haul was long, and the hours were dragging on.

"How much longer!" cried Tyson, dying for that cold water. Malik rolled his eyes and never spoke. "I'm so hot!" Hilary sighed. "I need some water!" They all kept trucking in silence, except for the snorting of the Arabians, and the squeaky wheel on the Chariots. Oh and who could for Tyson's complaining. "I need some air conditioning!"

"SHUT UP TYSON!" screamed Kenny. "I can't take it anymore!"

"I have a scarf to make a gag out of," offered Malik. Hilary laughed, and Tyson just frowned. Hilary pinched his cheeks, but Tyson slapped at her. But as his fist went, Donkor's empty hand grasped Tyson and held him tightly. He squeezed lightly.

"We don't hit the ladies here," he stated. Hilary kind of hid behind Donkor and stuck her tongue out. Donkor threw Tyson's hand away, and turned to Hilary. "And we don't treat others like shit... most of the time." Hilary blushed. "Plus the horses are doing harder work, they should be the first ones to complain. Not a by-stander..." Abassi, who was next to Malik leaned over and whispered to him.

"Can't they make it anymore obvious?" asked Abassi. Malik snorted, and pressed his Arabian on a bit. He wasn't fond of the Blade Breakers, obviously, and he wasn't about to start a conversation with their loves in life. Kenny sighed and opened up his laptop.

"Dizz, do you detect anything with the satellite?" asked Kenny.

"Satellite?" asked Max.

"Yea, Mr. Dickenson is letting us borrow one of his satellite to keep tract of what is around us," replied Kenny. Malik grumbled something.

"What was that Malik?" asked Myrrh. Malik just kept looking forward and never replied, ignoring the question to its full extent.

"Well, besides detecting a Mr. Grumpy Pants, nothing unusual right now, but who knows what those Scientists are doing to get Alem," reminded Dizzi. Kenny closed the laptop, and they kept marching on. And Tyson started again with his complaining. Abassi spun his Arabian around and waited for Donkor's Chariot to catch up.

"There is an oasis just a ten minutes a head of us. Can you last?" he asked. Tyson rose his hand to speak, but Abassi was gone and Hilary and Kenny were laughing at his pathetic face. Ray and Max shook their heads. Kai made no gesture towards Tyson's actions. He was too busy trying to keep himself cool. The facts about Iz were helping, he feeling bad and cold at what they had done... leaving her.

As they made it over to the Oasis, the Arabian's pace picked up slightly on their own, they longed to be out of the blistering sun. There was a row full of trees and in the center of them, but still in the nice shade, was a pool of water. There was soft grass growing in the sand, and the temperature seemed to drop 10 degrees. It was a heaven hidden deeply in the hell of the desert. They all jumped out of the chariot as the shade hit their sweltering bodies, and they fell to the grass, on their backs. It was so perfect. Malik and Abassi jumped off their horses, and led them over towards the water source to fill their bellies and quench their thirst. Myrrh and Donkor detached each Arabian from the chariots and led them over as well. Finally they tied up the horses to the lowest branches of the trees. Each sat down, and Myrrh passed out a few sandwiches and bottles of water that Salama had packed.

"If you run out of water, before you leave, you could fill up with that water. It is fresh," she stated. The Blade Breakers nodded. Kai watched as Malik walked deeper into the woods to eat his food. Ray noticed it as well.

"Hey Abassi, what's Malik's problem?" asked Ray. Abassi, grabbing the rest of his lunch, got up and moved over next to the Blade Breakers. Donkor and Myrrh joined them.

"Don't mind Malik," laughed Abassi. "He's a thick head!" Myrrh punched Abassi in the arm.

"Shut up Abassi," she stated, and turned to look at the others. "Malik... well, you have to put yourself in his shoes. Since the imprisonment of Alem, Malik's family has been the head of the protectors. His family has guarded over the Temple and they have all been gifted with the Spirit of Sibuna the jackal. Sibuna was one of the original Spirits to capture Alem in the beginning. I have Seiprah the harpy, Donkor has Sipa the black bull, and Abassi has Suroh the hawk. Well we have been protecting Alem, our families have, forever. End I guess you have to know Malik's father. He's strict and all about how this is Malik's life's destiny. How he was born for this job. That's his reason of existence, to take the reins and protect this spirit. Well, here you guys come over to protect Alem-"

"With the true ones who captured Alem," interrupted Donkor. Myrrh nodded, and said no more. The Blade Breakers looked down to the ground.

"We didn't-" started Max.

"Know?" Abassi finished for him, he sat back. "We figured you didn't. And Malik isn't going to change his outlook on this. Not until this is all over."

"He shouldn't dwell on what his father told him," declared Tyson. "Not like I listen to my grandpa."

"Well, you would if you lived with the Naeems..." went Donkor.

"Well well, what do we have here?" asked a voice in the background. The Blade Breakers and the Keepers looked over towards the entrance to the little cove of shade that they had. They couldn't get a really good look at who they were observing, he was too far away, but all that they could make out was that there were two of them. They all stood up and ran out.

"MALIK!" shouted Myrrh as she got up to run. The boy turned his attention away from his meal, and jumped into a sprint after them. They went out to the hot desert sun once again. The one who had spoke was standing tall. He had short and spikey purple hair, and was wearing the same thing that the Blade Wraiths had on the island. He wore the pinkish eye piece over his left eye. Standing next to him was a girl with long white hair, in a black tang top and tanish cargo pants. One of the legs of the pants were rolled up, as an air cast was tightly placed over it. A shadow covered her eyes. They all stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the girl he was standing with. Their eyes popped out of their heads.

"ISHIZU!" they all cried. The Keepers looked at the girl.

"That's Ishizu?" asked Abassi in disbelief. The boy, Gary, next to Ishizu grinned, and held onto her shoulders tightly, as her head proceeded to glance down at the sand. They couldn't see much of her face as her long bangs covered and she was masked from them. In her hand was her beyblade and a new launcher.

"Iz?" whispered Kai. A smile peeled over Gary's face, as he squeezed the girl's shoulders a bit more. Only to make Kai growl a bit more than usual, tense up and held himself back.

"I'm so glad you all remember your old friend," he stated. "Isn't that nice Ishizu? The Blade Breakers remember who you are." He glanced down towards Ishizu, almost like she was incompetent. She didn't move an inch. She seemed almost like the living dead and Gary was her voice, her spirit to move her around.

"Why should I care?" she questioned, monotone. The others looked at her like she was crazy. Gary could only looked joyful at his toy.

"What's gotten into Iz?" cried Hilary.

"Yea!" stated Tyson. "You're our friend, get away from that piece of shit!" Gary wanted to laugh at Tyson.

"Now Tyson, that wasn't a very nice thing to say to me," he stated. "It's not like I have ever abandoned any of my friends. Especially my friend Ishizu. I didn't leave her at some hospital and went traveling around the world to find something that doesn't even belong to you." They all growled, Kai's hands were clenching. Malik stepped forward.

"You are not going to get the Sky Dragon," he firmly stated. Gary laughed.

"I'm not going to get Alem," he informed them. "Ishizu has volunteered to get him. She does have the most powerful of all those bit beasts who imprisoned him."

"Yes, I have to mend my wrong," Iz stated again in monotone, not looking up at them or revealing her eyes. "I must set Alem free."

"That Blade Wraith is lying through his ass, Iz!" stated Max. "He's going to steal Alem from you when you set him free."

"He's probably going to take Ra as well," exclaimed Tyson. "And then come after our bit beasts."

"You have to fight him off," stated Kai. "I don't know what spell you are under, but you aren't yourself."

"On the contrary, Kai. I am just fine. I am thinking for myself, and I know I must set Alem free," she repeated. Gary grinned, pressing himself closer to Iz, noting how Kai was shaking trying to jump him. He only continued to rest his chin on her shoulder and squeeze her shoulders again.

"And so we'll be on our way," stated Gary, standing up straight. "Come Ishizu. First Alem, and then Junior Prom." Kai growled. Malik shot his beyblade in front of them, as they went to walk off.

"I don't think you're going anywhere," informed Malik. Gary and Ishizu stopped as the blade was blocking them. "You have to get through me first to get to Alem!"

"And me!" chimed in the rest of the Keepers.

"Don't let us out of this!" shouted Tyson.

"We need to knock some sense back into Iz," declared Ray. "Whatever they took out of her." Gary smirked.

"You guys are so boring. Iz you want to take control of this?" he asked. Iz nodded and set up her blade and launched Ra into the sand.

"Get him right now Sibuna!" shouted Malik. The black beyblade went on the attack and rammed at full force at Ra.

"Malik, you don't know-" started Tyson.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, TYSON!" he shouted. "This is my battle. I haven't been defeated, and I don't plan on it!"