Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Vanilla Girl's Story of a Nobody ❯ I'm ROLF for LOL! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Vanilla Girl's Story of a Nobody
Chapter 9: I'm ROFL for LOL!
By: VenusIsKnownForFlyTraps
OK, you want to know something really, really cool? It's called peripheral vision. You want to know something else that's really, really cool? They're called lines.
Now, peripheral vision is basically the thing that states even though I'm sitting here, staring right at you, I can see the window to my right without turning my head or eyes to look at it.
Lines, on the other hand, never stray from their path. They're always facing the same way, never twisting and bending and if your eyes were lines, you and I probably wouldn't even be able to see the window three feet away from us.
“Yo, Vanilla-Girlie!”
I turned to see Mr. L, oh joy.
I stopped searching threw my locker for my sweatshirt (because it's so freakin' cold in this school during winter), and turned around completely to face him. Is it just me or is he getting bags under his eyes? He needs to sleep less—then we'll be able to skip class.
“Have you seen that beauty of a girl Tiffany?” he asked.
Of course he asks me where his fiancé is. I mean really, why would I know where the Fat Lard Lady is?
“No. I'm going to be late for class,” I said, grabbed my sweatshirt, and headed off to the greatest class in the world: math.
Now, a lot of people—and I mean a lot of people—don't like math. Well, I don't either, but the teacher is really cool, and he sometimes gets off subject. One time we spent the whole class talking about samurais, and another time we watched a cheerleading movie because there are three cheerleaders in the class. Mr. Ghan rocks our socks.
Oh, and before I forget, if you wanted to know more about the shelter, it's closing tomorrow. Yes, behold this calendar and you will indeed see that it is Thursday, and Tammy's Animals closes on, yes, you guessed it, Friday. I know there had to be a way to save it; I just don't know how I'm going to do with the little cash in my pocket and the rest of the day booked (Later I have Business Class and then I have to teach Tala about peripheral vision; apparently he didn't know that Mr. Ghan could look at one end of the room and know who has their hands up on the other side of the classroom. Poor hot kid got scared out of his mind when he was unexpectedly called on for the toughest problem of the day It was 89(6+4)-x -2 or (7+9)3+4-95/x -936'.).
Mr. Ghan's room smells kind of bad after lunch because of the kids that had lunch detention's lunches. It's kind of OK though, because he opens the windows and the door. His room is usually cold, and its walls are bare. The only things on of them are large boards with typed papers on them with wise word on them, such as “Worry is like a merry-go-round only it rides you” and “Swallow your pride occasionally—it's nonfattening!” It sounds gy, I know, but its actually pretty cool. He also had these white boards that he uses instead of chalkboards, and he has every marker color known to man—blue, red, yellow (though it's hard to see), black, purple, etc. On two of the smaller boards are thought's of the day and random current facts. So far nine-thirtieths of the school year is completed—I read it on the Random Current Facts Board.
Walking into the bare room I saw that on the back board we had homework; I quickly jotted it down, and then copied the Day's Thought down into my little black notebook (Today the thought happened to be “Anger is one letter removed from danger”.). On the moveable whiteboard was the warm-up problem. It was called “Unique”. This is how it went:
Write what makes these words unique—different from any other words in the English language—and then work on the problem on the front board.
1. 'Facetious'
2. 'Bookkeeper'
3. 'Strengths'
The problem on the front board was this:
“What is the maximum number of sections a circle can be divided into using only four straight lines?”
The Unique problem was easy. Number one is all the vowels are in order (a, e, i, o, u), number two is there are three pairs in succession (ookkee'), and number three is there is only one vowel in a nine letter word (e). As for the circle problem, I got eleven. You draw a line where ever, a line going threw the first line at an angle different than ninety degrees, another line going threw both of those lines, and a fourth line going threw all three of those lines. Mr. Ghan went over them quickly after checking homework, then started the lesson.
Now, I know people don't like math, so I won't go into this class any further.
--T-Dog's POV--
Next class: Daredevils for Dummies with Mrs. Whatserface. Oh joy. Can't you just feel the waves of excitement pouring out of every pore on my body? I know you can, thanks for living.
OK, so it all comes down to this: Mrs. Whatserface is a barbaric baboon who likes chocolate pudding, is pregnant, and enjoys crashing motorcycles into brick walls and then bouncing back with her huge stomach. Fun, right?
Where's Vanilla when you need her?
Mrs. Whatserface's room is purple with blue carpeting, and she has three large green chalkboards that are never clean. She's got two jumbo sized pieces of chalk that she sticks in her loose bun of amber hair, giving her yellow streaks when she takes it out to write on the dirty boards. She seems to do the same lesson everyday. It's always about timing. Or chocolate pudding. One day she had us all go out and get her different kinds of chocolate pudding for homework.
Mrs. Whatserface doesn't have “peripheral vision”, whatever that is. Vanilla told me she only sees in lines; what she's focusing on is all she can see. But, of course, Vanilla did forget to mention she has eyes like a lizard that can move in different directions at the same time. It's really freaky. Oh, and one is purple and the other is green. I think that's how she got the colors for the room. Either that or she's also color-blind.
Today's lesson was (major gasp) about timing, although the class was in the computer lab, for a change. On the computer we were supposed to be looking up different daredevil jobs on the websites she had given us while we listened to her talk. Some of the sites included, and Instead, I got into AIM. Yay!
This school allows AIM because if you're in the computer lab and finish whatever you're doing, the district wants us to be social. They auto program the AIM system so you already have everyone else's e-mail and screen name. Mine are and tvalcov95. The 95 is at the end because that's the year I graduate high school. How original.
Can you believe there was only one other person in the whole district on? It was rharada95. At least this person was in my grade.
tvalcov95: yo
rharada95: heyy
tvalcov95: so wut class r u in?
rharada95: business. were in the lab to work on publisher for l/a projects
tvalcov95: l/a?
rharada95: language arts
tvalcov95: o
tvalcov95: y didnt u just say that?
rharada95: too long to type
tvalcov95: so wuts ur 1st name?
rharada95: riku
tvalcov95: cool. do i kno u?
rharada95: i dunno. wuts ur 1st name?
tvalcov95: tala
rharada95: o
rharada95: well, I gtg. might talk to ya later t-dog. xxoo
rharada95 has signed off
tvalcov95: wait! i don't kno if i kno u or not!
I knew Riku wasn't going to come back and talk to me, but I had to at least try and figure out who this guy (or girl) is, right?