Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ What I Can't Tell You ❯ What I Can't Tell You ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What I Can't Tell You
PG-15 rating for some sexual content, language, and material
Kenny/Tyson pairing

Disclaimer: All characters involved in this story belong to Takao Aoki and do not belong to me at all.Thank you.The poem that has been included, however, does belong to me.

Author's Notes: This is my happy birthday to you B.T. and once more, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get around to writing you a happy birthday email I hope this more than makes up for it.^__^Enjoy!!

Summary: Tyson is restless one night and can't get to sleep.His mind is occupied with other thoughts, mainly of his crush of nearly three years.Getting up, Tyson writes down his feelings for his crush in the form of a letter.Forgetting to put up the poem once he was finished with it, Tyson goes back to bed, only to have someone discovering the poem.

Tyson stared at his beyblade as it whirled around the dish, evading Strata Dragoon's Vast Cutter attack.Of course his mind wasn't exactly on the practice match Daichi issued to him the moment Tyson set foot in the BBA Revolution's housing complex.In fact, Tyson could barely remember accepting the mountain monkey's challenge in hopes his mind would not be imbued with other he was, still in a daze, trying to shake his thoughts free of his secret crush.
Yes, that's right, he, Tyson Kinomiya had a secret crush.Not just that, but a secret crush on one of his team mates since the first time they met and became good friends.And no, it was not Kai as so many people seemed to want to pin on him whenever he looked "love sick" as everyone often said whenever he spaced out to the point of not remembering anything because he was so deep in thought.The very thought of having feelings for Kai was...well terrifying.Mister 'ice prince' probably would stare at Tyson as if he had grown two extra heads with Boris' face on each.
If not that, then promised Tyson a quick death because and he could probably quote this straight from the devil's mouth "there would be no way in hell, he, Kai Hiwatari, would want to be with Tyson in this century or any other one for that matter no matter how desperate he got for human companionship".And besides, on top of all that, he was involved with Max.Yes, sweet, innocent Max with the bubbly smile and all around gentle nature.How did Tyson know this?Observation, of course.He wasn't that dense or a dunce as people seemed to think about him.
He saw Max's uneasy smile under the joking whenever Hilary mentioned it.Tyson also could spot the look of relief in Maxie's eyes every time Tyson gave his shriek of terror at the questioned before Max turned his eyes on Kai for reassurance.Overall, the main reason Tyson was positive about Kai and Max's relationship had to do with the many of Tyson's restless nights laying in bed staring at shadows on the ceiling.On more than four separate occasions, Tyson could hear Kai creeping into Max's room two in the morning.
The soft rhythmic creaking of bedsprings and Kai's low throaty chants of Max's name said more than enough of what went on in the blonde's room.Surprise, surprise, until that time in history, Tyson always figured Kai would be a seme type.Guess you really don't know someone that well if that little tidbit slips notice.So that automatic crosses Kai out if the terror hadn't already.And since Max was only Tyson's best friend in the entire world and was involved with Kai, that eliminated Max off the roster if Hilary ever thought to bring up that subject under those terms.
"Tyson, Dragoon," Kai spoke up from where he was leaning against a wall jolting Tyson's distant attention towards him.One eye on the match while the other was hid behind a mass of soft gray-blue hair.Looking away from Kai, withmind momentarily startled by the interruption of his intense thoughts, Tyson opened his hand in time to have Dragoon fly into his palm.Blinking, he stared down at the blade for a long minute as if having never seen the object before.
Once more, his scattered thoughts were interrupted when weight pounced on his head, a growl coming from the thing clamping to his skull."What kinda match was that?!I want to beat ya fair and square not while you're in zombie land!"
"Get off my head Daichi," Tyson shouted, trying to swat the monkey off his head.If anyone ever said he and Daichi had anything going on, he might have killed that person before the whole conversation got out their mouth.Which definitely eliminated the monkey as Tyson's secret crush either?Just an annoying little brother type he never wanted.
"Not until ya give me a rematch!" Daichi shouted, continuing to cling to Tyson's head no matter how much Tyson pulled at the boy."Give me a rematch now!"
"Let go!" Tyson growled."I'm not in the mood.Go leech to someone else."After struggling with the clinging boy for another few minutes while Max, Kai, and Rei watched on in amusement, Tyson successfully managed to pry Daichi off his head, holding the boy out of reach while Daichi thrashed and squirmed, continuing to shout about a rematch."I said no!Now leave me alone!"Hurling the boy clear across the room.For some reason Tyson was not surprised by it when Daichi rebounded off the wall, heading straight back at him.
"Don't think you're getting away that easily Tyson!" Daichi yelled.
"What in the world is going on in here that you guys have to make so much noise?I was trying to sleep," Hilary complained as she wandered into the room in her pajamas.
"Hil, perfect time, stand right here!" Tyson grabbed Hilary, pulling her in front of him when she wandered close enough.
"What are you--" Hilary started.
"Just need you to stay right there," Tyson grinned, catching Daichi's wide eyed stare at the target he was now heading for.Common knowledge amongst all members of the BBA Revolution, except for Hilary: Daichi had the hugest crush on her."Okay, you stay right there, I gotta go now."Jogging out the room, Tyson heard Hilary's gasp of shock before Daichi's name came shrieking from her throat.A minute later Hilary coming out the room red faced with an equally red faced Daichi trailing after her with stammered replies.
"You know, that's mean," Rei remarked, coming out the room with a huge grin on his face, a fang poking out the corner of his mouth.
"So, where did the midget monkey land?" Tyson questioned.
"Breasts," Rei replied."Poor kid broke out in red so quickly Max worried he had burst every blood vessel in his face.”
"That is classic," Tyson laughed."I wish I had a camera, I would have stayed and snapped a picture as blackmail material every time he thought about harassing me with another stupid challenge."The remark earned Tyson a reprimanding stare from Rei."What?He deserves to be tormented as much as he torments me."
"You shouldn't be mean to him," Rei shook his head.Tyson shrugged, Rei laughing as the neko-jin left for the rest of the morning to visit his old White Tiger X buddies.Or rather a certain White Tiger X's leader whom Rei was currently involved with.How did Tyson know this?Well...let's just say that he had the displeasure of startling the two in Rei's room while they were doing a beyblading match of a whole another meaning.Tyson promised to keep his mouth shut and let it remain shut if Rei would bother to lock his door, even if the complex was supposed to be empty for the day.
"Tyson, is Rei gone?" Max walked out the training room followed by Kai.Tilting his head to the side, Tyson nodded slightly.
"He'll probably be back for dinner," Tyson commented.
"Oh well, we're heading into town to check out some amateur beyblading," Max indicated to the "we" while pointing to Kai."Do you want to come along too Tyson?”
"Nah, I think I'm going for a walk," Tyson shook his head with a short smile.He watched worry enter his best friend's eyes.
"You okay Tyson?" Max asked."You've been acting real funny lately.Funnier than usual I mean.And I'm sort of agreeing with Daichi that you've been off in zombie land way too much lately.Is there something you want to talk about?"
"I'm fine," Tyson forced a grin to his lips."Guess I've been sleeping too little, you know.Must be restless or something."As if to shrug it off with indifference, Tyson began laughing."Guess I haven't eaten enough to get my usual beauty sleep at night.Then again, who can when monkey boy gobbles up all the food and doesn't save anything for anyone else?"
"You sure," Max persisted, the worry still lingering in his eyes."Positive nothing's on your mind that you want to talk about?"
'There's something on my mind Maxie, but you're the wrong person I need to speak to about it.Hell...I don't think I would be able to say it even if he was standing right here in front of me,' Tyson thought while nodding to Max's question.
"The dolt's fine, Max," Kai finally spoke up."He's no more out of it than usual."
"Oh thanks a lot," Tyson said with a glare to his other friend and former beyblading partner."That just makes me feel so much better if I wasn't fine already."
"You're welcome," Kai smirked.
"That wasn't a compliment," Tyson started.
"I know," Kai countered, smirk still intact.
"Yet you..." Tyson closed his eyes, counting backwards from twenty to one.A habit he began doing to deal with Kai's smart aleck remarks.When he opened his eyes, the smirk was still attached to Kai's lips; in fact it seemed as if it had stretched wider than before.Oh, he could embarrass Kai right now with what he knew...if he felt like dying a virgin that is."Out..."Tyson pointed to the door leading to the outside.
"Come on ko--Kai," Max corrected himself, a strawberry blush staining his cheeks as eh began pushing Kai towards the door.Tyson overlooked the little slip up, still glaring at Kai with a trite testing of irritation.
"Thank you for taking that demon away," Tyson rejoiced as Kai was going to say something more before Max pushed him all the way out the door.Now...Tyson would have some room for his thoughts if Daichi and Hilary didn't hound him down for whatever reasons.Letting out a sigh, Tyson reentered the training room, pulling out his launcher and setting up Dragoon.
He needed to have a long minute or maybe even an hour to shift through his thoughts to clear his head.Staring at the beyblade dish, Tyson shot Dragoon in the dish, but the beyblade ricocheted off the edge, tumbling to the other side of the dish.With a frown, Tyson walked over to his blade and picked it up.Shaking his head at his error, Tyson reset his Dragoon on the launcher; steadying his hand Tyson launched again his blade again.
This time Dragoon landed into the dish but Tyson found the blade wobbled before stopping all together.Tyson walked to the dish, picking up the blade, and examined it with his eyes to make sure that Daichi hadn't damaged the attack ring, weight disk, or base while practicing earlier.When he couldn't find anything wrong with Dragoon, Tyson held down his irritation, resetting Dragoon once more and retried his launch.
Like before, the beyblade landed in the dish, spinning for a few seconds before wobbling, then stopped spinning all together.Sucking in air, he settled his rising frustration as he tried it one more time.The results came out exactly the same as the previous two attempts.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" Tyson growled, resetting and launching again Dragoon over and over again until finally he tossed Dragoon to the other side of the room and slumping down to the ground in anger and frustration.He never had any trouble whatsoever launching anything but perfect.Now it was as if he was first learning the game.
"Tyson," the light voice which caused butterflies to swirl in frantic circles within his stomach called out to him from the doorway.Not wanting to turn his head in that direction, Tyson couldn't help but fall under that voice's sweet call.Shifting his glance to the lithe brunette peering into the doorway, Tyson was reminded of his predicament.
Yes, he had a crush on the angel faced computer whiz which has been by his side since Tyson's adventures began two years ago.Everything about the brunette tugged Tyson's emotions into longing whenever he found himself alone with Kenny, or just when moments seemed perfect enough to tell his crush all about his adoration.But Tyson stopped himself from uttering one word.Why?The answer was simple.He, Tyson Kinomiya, was scared witless that Kenny would turn him down without hesitation or claim he could only be friends with Tyson and nothing else.
"Tyson," Kenny repeated, drawing the bluenette's attention back to that heart shaped face.From beneath the silky mass, Tyson could just make out the frown of concern set on Kenny's face.The brunette's head turned towards the area which Dragoon laid."Are you okay in here?"
"No...yeah...I'm peachy," Tyson grumbled."Just suck at beyblading now."
"You suck at beyblading?" Kenny blinked, stepping into the room fully."I suppose that's the reason Dragoon is laying over there then?"
"Yep, because I suck," Tyson nodded, falling back on the floor, his hands tucked under his head as he glared at the ceiling.Hearing Kenny walk over to where Dragoon laid, Tyson shifted his eyes to the brunette's backside as he bent over to pick up Dragoon.Tyson tore his eyes away when they wandered lower to the round swell, which made up Kenny's butt.Closing his eyes to calm those particularly erotic images straying through his head, Tyson grew unaware that Kenny had turned around and was now watching him.
Kenny had for a second felt Tyson’s eyes watching him when he was bending over to retrieve Dragoon from where the blade laid. Turning around he found Tyson’s eyes closed, a frown between his brows, and a dark red blush coloring his cheeks. Kenny had no idea if Tyson was aware of the blush or not, but Kenny was curious as to what his friend was thinking about so intently.

While Tyson seemed preoccupied, Kenny’s eyes wandered over Tyson’s form. Longing that he would dare to approach and carry out one of his many fantasies of making out with the stormy eyed bluenette. Since Kenny could remember, he always had a thing for Tyson and over time that developed into something closely linked to love rather than lust. Don’t get him wrong, he would still want to have Tyson screw the motor skills out of him, but snuggling up together on a cold day was satisfying too. Opposite to what many thought, Kenny was anything but timid when it came to things he wanted.

The only thing that stopped him now was knowledge of Tyson’s preferences. Kenny knew from the moment his first crush in kindergarten had been a little boy who sat beside him in class that he wasn’t like the average boy. Nor would he ever be “average” as he got older. His parents sensed the same thing too, keeping worried eyes on him.

His parents were always getting on his case growing up about how wrong sodomy and homosexuality were. So what did he do about the nagging? Well…kissing a friend which was a boy when he was seven, holding hands with another one of his friends at nine, telling his mother he wanted to marry another boy at ten, being caught reading gay porn magazines at twelve, and being caught at fourteen not only watching gay porn, but masturbating to it…yeah, he was shocked they had only sent him to see a therapist five times and a preacher seven times to be baptized of his “immoral” and quite sinful deeds. Had it straightened him out for the better yet? Stupid question right? He was after all staring at his friend with thoughts to ignore if Tyson was gay or not and…well those thoughts were better left for another time.

“Hey Kenny, you aren’t getting my disease are you?” Tyson’s joking voice interrupted everything going on with Kenny’s mind. Glancing up, he met stormy blue eyes like the bottom of the sea, pulling him in.

“I’m fine, just thinking about whether or not you might have damaged Dragoon considering you’re saying that you can’t launch right,” Kenny covered his ass by saying. He watched the bluenette make an “O” with that luscious mouth of his.

“Probably damaged him when I got frustrated and threw him clear across the room,” Tyson admitted, warmth of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. “Will you…will you check out my blade for me, Chief?”

“You toss it after I give it back then not again,” Kenny scolded lightly, watching Tyson sit up and clasp his hands together, bowing his head.

“You know I won’t again. You can take it out of my hind next time,” Tyson remarked.

Oh, don’t tempt me like that Tyson. I would literally do just that.’ Instead of saying that, Kenny pocketed Dragoon with a shake of his head. “Or I might just tell Kai you need extra training.”

“You wouldn’t,” Tyson blanched slightly, thinking about what extra training meant to the oldest member on the BBA Revolutions’ squad.

“I might,” Kenny smiled, before walking towards the door. “Just consider that warning.” Tyson shuddered both at the warning and the twitch of Kenny’s butt was he left the room. Someone must really get a kick out of his torture to add in that little twist of a knife in Tyson’s already extensive longing. Falling back once again, a groan escaped his lips. Just how much longer could his sanity afford to take this?

~~ * ~~ * ~~ * ~~

Tyson tossed and turned in his bed, staring up at the ceiling for ten minutes, then went back to tossing and turning. Eventually he gave up, resigning to pull himself out of bed. Slipping into his slippers, Tyson then shuffled over to where his robe laid draped across the back of his desk. Tossing it on, Tyson shuffled towards the door, his mind set on getting a cup of warm night time tea. Opening his door, the blue haired storm dragon wielder headed down the hall, then the stairs, and finally into the kitchen.

Having his eyes adjust to the darkness, Tyson was nearly blinded walking into the kitchen, the bright ceiling lights stinging his eyes. When his eyes cleared, Tyson was about to ask himself whether or not one of the others left the light on by accident when he distinctly heard panting and moaning. Looking around, Tyson’s eyes soon fell on Max and Kai. The older laying on the kitchen table, one hand clenching the edge of the table, the other hand clasped in Max’s who had one of Kai’s legs over his shoulder, while the blonde rammed into him.

With a sigh and shake of his head, Tyson walked over to the cabinet, pulling it open quietly then closed it just as quietly before he went over to the sink, ignoring Max’s name slipping from Kai’s lips. Setting the kettle by the sink, Tyson backtracked to another cabinet by the stove, opening and closing this one just as softly as the other to get the tea from inside that cabinet. Going back to the sink, Tyson set down the box, cutting on the tap to run water. Opening the kettle, Tyson ignored the squeaks and eyes on his back. Continuing with what he was doing, Tyson tilted his head to the side a minute looking at two red faced teens.

“Next time,” Tyson started. “At least take it to the living room or on the floor. I’m never going to eat on that table again knowing what you two have done on it. So, how long has this spot been one of your fucking places?”

“Tyson…this really…” Max stammered, getting from over Kai, pulling up his pajama pants which laid at his feet. Kai scooted off the table, slipping on his own boxers that Max handed to him. Both still quite red faced and staring with wide eyes at Tyson, reminding the storm dragon wielder of two kids caught with their hands stuck in the cookie jar.

“You don’t have to worry about me freaking out and running back to my room in horror. I already knew what you were doing, though every time I think about it, I’m still amazed Kai’s uke instead of seme,” Tyson said, a grin twitching in the corner of the bluenette’s mouth. “Life really is full of many surprises.”

“You aren’t going to tell anyone?” Kai inquired, finally getting his voice back, some of his embarrassment leaving him. He gave Tyson a leveled, but hesitant stare.

“I don’t have as big a mouth as you think,” Tyson told him. “I have been keeping a few many things quiet in fact. Don’t worry about it, just make sure that table is disinfected with cleanser before everyone gets up tomorrow for breakfast. I don’t think they will appreciate…well…you know.” Cutting off the tap when his kettle was full, Tyson then closed it and walked to the stove. Once he was done setting up his kettle, the young man focused back on his two friends. They were just as red with embarrassment as before. Quite amusing the whole thing was to Tyson, but he wasn’t about to tease them too much.

“Um…so…what are you doing up?” Max coughed, changing the subject. The blush causing his freckles to stand out.

“Couldn’t sleep so I decided to try a cup of night time tea,” Tyson shrugged. “I’m hoping it will help me to unwind.”

“Still have a lot on your mind?” Max questioned. “You haven’t solved the problem…that’s not like you.”

“Yeah,” Tyson agreed. “Of course…love isn’t as easy to solve as beyblade issues.”

“It’s one of those situations huh,” Max trailed off, thinking about the situation for a long minute. His eyes clouded with thought before clearing a minute later. “Have you tried like writing down your feelings on paper? Maybe if you get them out of you, you can clear your head and then you can think about how you want to go about telling that person you love about your feelings.”

“Writing…” Tyson blinked, and then blinked again before chuckling at the idea. “Sometimes Max, I think I could kiss you for ideas like that, but I think Kai may try to rip my head off and punt it clear from here to Russia. So I restrain from that action. That might just be what I need to clear my head though.”

“And you’re damn right about me ripping your head off if you even make a move to kiss Max,” Kai replied a bit gruffly, pulling Max close to him and wrapping his arms around Max possessively. The blonde flushed three degrees darker than his previous color. Tyson favored his slate dual haired friend with a look of humor, saying nothing to attend to his kettle of water. “I know you hear me Tyson.”

“Of course my captain,” Tyson chimed, his back still to Kai and Max. “You have my word to keep my lips to myself, reserving them for his crush. Does that work for you Kai? Or do I need to sign it in blood?”

“It’s good enough…at least for now,” Kai remarked. “So, this crush of yours…do we know them? I’m presuming this person is the reason behind your lack of concentration lately.”

“Well…” Tyson flushed thinking about his angel with mysterious eyes. He wondered had anyone ever really seen what color they were. “Yeah…you do know them…sort of well…”

“Let me guess, it’s Kenny right?” Kai questioned, seeing the look on Tyson’s face hitting the nail on the head. “I once saw you staring at him with love sick eyes when you thought no one was looking, if you care to know how I found out.”

“I never knew you liked Kenny, Tyson! How long have you been in love with him?” Max gasped.

“Well…” Just as Tyson was opening his mouth, the kettle whistled. “Oh look, my water’s ready!” Quickly, but carefully fixing his tea, Tyson looked towards the kitchen door. “Guess I should be getting back to bed now, make sure you clean up after yourselves. Good night guys.” Cutting off the stove, Tyson hastily left the kitchen going back upstairs to his room. Locking the door, he let out a deep sigh. Sure, they were his friends, but he didn’t want them to make such a big deal out of it, especially Max who would take things out of proportion.

Walking over to his desk, Tyson set the cup down on the table and then pulled out the desk. Sitting in the chair, he pulled it up to the table and picked up his tea cup, drinking the contents. Letting the flavor rolled over his tongue, Tyson closed his eyes to think about what Max had said. Maybe he would be better off getting his feelings down on paper, at least then he could focus on how he was going to tell Kenny eventually. Placing his cup down on the table, Tyson pulled out his journal, flipping to a clean page. Getting a pen from the top left hand drawer, Tyson hunched over the paper, letting words he had no idea were there flow free onto the paper.

What I can’t tell you is how the sun graces your hair with a golden halo.
So perfect upon your angelic head.
That you don’t know.
How I’ve secretly watched your every movement from afar.
Yet could never make a stride to show myself to you.
You are perfect in every way I am not.
My eyes see only a fraction which you must scan the world around us.
The way you quietly take in and shape things.
Astounding how masterful your fingers weave perfectly,
Your mysterious eyes must catch everything.
Yet you haven’t seen my hidden longing for you.
Longing to stare into the pools that must make up your eyes,
The ones I call the most precious jewels within this world.
That smile that remains my best kept treasure.
Your voice heavenly, my angel in every way yet I still can’t say,
I can’t tell you, I love you.

Looking over the words which he wrote, Tyson wrote at the top of the paper the title to his poem: “what I can’t tell you”. Leaning back in his chair, Tyson stared at the poem, picking his cup back up to drink the tea. Rereading the words, he turned his eyes to the picture on his desk, his eyes softening as he stared at the Christmas picture he snatched from the dozens taken during the holidays in Hokkaido. It had snowed really hard, giving the group ample snowy activities. The one which Tyson kept on his desk was one of Kenny surrounded by hundreds of snow flakes standing under a light post while they all waited for a bus to go back to the hotel which Mr. Dickenson had accommodated for them.

Sure it was an ordinary picture to everyone else, but when Tyson stared it, with Kenny under the light of the light post and the snow flakes fell around him…it was like he really was an angel which came from heaven. Reaching out his hand, Tyson traced the outline of Kenny’s face, tracing an imaginary heart around the face. “Kenny…” Pulling his hand back, Tyson finished his tea then pushed himself away from the table, shrugging off his robe while heading back to bed. The bluenette climbed into bed when he reached it, pulling the covers up around his shoulders. Closing his eyes, Tyson mumbled Kenny’s name once more, drifting off to sleep as the tea went straight to work.

~~ * ~~ * ~~ * ~~

“Hey, where’s Tyson?” Rei looked around with a yawn as he entered the kitchen and looked around. Daichi was sitting at the kitchen table eating a giant bowl of cereal, Kai and Max were sitting at the kitchen bar drinking coffee silently, and Kenny was seated by the window with a cup of coffee in his hand. Strolling over to the stove, Rei pulled out a coffee mug from the cabinet and poured himself a cup of black coffee and then walked over to the table, sitting down.

“He hasn’t gotten up yet?” Daichi said between bites of Fruit Loops. “He is getting weird lately.”

“No weirder than usual,” Kai replied. “Why don’t someone go make sure that he’s up and tell him to get his ass down here so we can train because I doubt he’s going to want me to come upstairs and get him out of bed?”

“I’ll do it,” Daichi shouted, Fruit Loops flying out of his mouth and onto the table. “He still owes me a rematch anyway!”

“Anyone else other than Daichi volunteer to get Tyson up so we don’t have to have a morning slaughter?” Kai said, ignoring the spastic youngest member of the BBA Revolutions’ team. Kai eyed Rei who was continuing to drink his coffee and not pay Kai that much mind for the most part since he was still sleepy. Eventually, Kai’s eyes rested on Kenny who was getting up to wash out his cup. “What about you Kenny?”

“I suppose so, I have to give Tyson his blade anyway,” Kenny shrugged, placing his cup into the sink and heading in the direction of the door.

“I wanna wake him up!” Daichi said spittle of Fruit Loops flying out of Daichi’s mouth. “He still owes me a rematch! Let me go wake him up Kai so I can get my rematch!!”

“You’re spraying food on the table,” Kai countered, pointing to the soggy bits of cereal littering the table. “Clean up the mess.”

“But I wanna wake him up!” Daichi protested.

“Clean the table or you really will train your ass off when I finish my coffee,” Kai growled, getting the younger to shut up and get up from his chair to get a rag to clean up his mess. All the while muttering about Kai not being fair to him and how he wanted a rematch with Tyson. Kai then turned his eyes back to Kenny with a nod. “Go ahead and get him up.”

“I’ll be back in a few minutes then, you know how long it takes him to get up in the mornings,” Kenny said, walking out of the room. Kai didn’t say anything when the brunette left, but Max turned to stare at Kai, finding a tiny smirk into the corner of his mouth, getting what Kai was doing. Not saying a word, Max went back to his cup, a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. He hoped that Kenny and Tyson got together, they were perfect for each other considering how long they’ve known each other and he was all for his friends’ happiness.

“What are you two smiling about?” Rei inquired, noting the hidden smiles on Kai and Max’s face. “What are you two up to?”

“Nothing really,” Max smiled. “I was just thinking about something.”

“Same,” Kai remarked.

“About what?” Daichi questioned his eyes curious to what was going on. “Whatcha thinking about? I want to know? What’s going on?”

“We’ll tell you when you get older,” Kai responded, watching Daichi’s cheeks puff out with indignation. Meanwhile Kenny was walking upstairs to Tyson’s room. The thought of how easy it would be to wake Tyson up with a flurry of passionate kisses played in the back of Kenny’s mind. Of course he knew that he was thinking out the side of his head, but he could always think that Tyson wouldn’t mind and be all for it. But life wasn’t like a soap opera, things like that just didn’t happen.

“I suppose that I can always just hope or something,” Kenny remarked, reaching Tyson’s room and knocking on the door. “Tyson are you awake?”

Listening, Kenny didn’t hear anything inside, knocking once more; Kenny pushed open the door, looking side. Laying in bed, asleep was Tyson, the light from the window hitting his chest while the bluenette continued to sleep on. Walking into the room and closing the door, Kenny walked up to the bed, leaning down towards Tyson’s face. Oh how easy it would be to just…

Shaking his head clear of those thoughts, Kenny went back to what he was supposed to be doing. “Tyson, wake up, we have practice. I know you don’t want Kai to come up here and wake you up.” The bluenette mumbled something before turning over and burrowing slightly under the cover. “Tyson, you have to wake up. I know you don’t want me to go get Kai.”

“What about Kai?” Tyson lifted his head up, staring around the room with blurry, sleep filled eyes. Eventually sleepy blue eyes focused on Kenny, staring at him blankly. “Kenny?”

“It’s time to get up for practice,” Kenny smiled, staring at the tousled haired storm dragon wielder. No matter what, Tyson seemed to get just as beautiful as when Kenny first met him and Kenny had to restrain himself from wanting to kiss the other now more than ever. “I know you don’t want Kai coming up here and doing it.”

Tyson groaned, flopping back down in the comfort of the bed. “It’s morning already…it feels like I just got to sleep too…just tell Kai I’ll be down in five minutes and you can put my blade on the desk. I’ll get it when I get up.”

“You are going to get up aren’t you?” Kenny said, walking over to the desk.

“Yeah…sure…” Tyson mumbled into his pillow.

Kenny shook his head, pulling Dragoon from his pocket and was about to put the blade down when he noticed the open journal that he knew Tyson kept. He wasn’t by nature a nosy person, but for some reason he was compelled to read the words on the paper, noticing that Tyson had wrote down a poem on the lines. Reading each line, Kenny realized that Tyson was writing it for someone. At first he thought it was for Hilary, but when he finished it and happened to look up, he noticed the picture of him on Tyson’s desk. Staring at the picture for a long minute, Kenny had an epiphany.

“Kenny?” Tyson lifted his head to find his friend standing at his desk unmoving. Blinking away sleep, Tyson sat up just as Kenny turned back around, the journal in his hand. Blanching a little, he realized that after creating the poem, he never put his work up. That and the picture of Kenny which he treasured more than life itself (next to his beyblading skills, but that picture probably could outweigh things if it came down to what Tyson wanted more).

“Tyson…” Kenny walked up to the bed, journal in his hand. The brunette watched Tyson look away, staring at the cover on the bed.

“Yeah…” He could always lie and tell Kenny it’s about Hilary. Maybe the brunette would believe it.

“It’s really a beautiful poem,” Kenny responded, seeing how nervous Tyson looked about Kenny’s discovery of the poem.

“Um…thanks….” He hadn’t expected that as the first question, more so who it was for and then Tyson would have to stammer his way through an answer, hoping that Kenny would believe it. “I wrote it last night…”

“For me, am I right?” Kenny asked, not afraid anymore about whether or not Tyson was gay or not because this gave him all the answers he needed to finally move in on what he wanted without stepping on toes. Kenny tilted his head to the side, giving Tyson his first glimpse of bright hazel eyes. “You don’t have to hide it, because, well…you’re caught.”

“I…” Tyson flushed crimson, looking at the wall, then back down to his cover. Silence settled between them, Tyson fidgeting every now and then from embarrassment, while Kenny studied the storm dragon wielder, Eventually, Tyson heard a chuckle before the brunette tucked his hand under Tyson’s chin, lifting up Tyson’s face. Tyson blinked, surprised when soft cherry blossom pink lips were pressed against his, the tongue seeking entrance. Closing his eyes, Tyson yielded to the request.

When Kenny pulled back, he stared into Tyson’s eyes a smile curling up on his lips. “I love you just as much too, and probably have loved you for more time than I can count. I accept your love with my heart and soul, Tyson Kinomiya.”


“HmR 30;” Kenny grinned, watching Tyson blink, wonder flickering within his eyes.

“I didn’t think you…” Tyson started while a grin came to Kenny’s face.

“Seme?” Kenny stated, leaning again to kiss Tyson.


“You have a lot more to learn about me Tyson. I’m not exactly how you believe me to be,” Kenny said.

“I see that now,” Tyson chuckled. “It’s like some other people that I know. So…do you think that Kai will excuse us from training today?”

“I’m pretty sure I can get us out of it,” Kenny thought.

“Good,” Tyson said, allowing Kenny to push him back on the bed. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Tyson thought to thank Max for the idea which led to this. Of course, Kai would still punt his head to Russia…so he guessed something else was in order. Max did deserve it for the brilliant idea after all.
