
Cafe Meetings
[A] by: The Katanna Twins
: Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: April 17, 2018 21:37 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.1K | Visits: 517
Summary: It's after the war and Harry now works at a cafe while living with his room mate Jake. Jake and his boyfriend have set Harry up for a blind date. What will Harry thing when a certain blonde shows up? Co-Authored with my friend Wyvern.

Get Up
[T] by: Viridian5
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Action | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: January 12, 2016 01:54 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.7K | Visits: 381
Summary: Working for Nagi's organization presents challenges for Schuldig in his current condition.

A sequel to "House on Fire."

A Church is Burning
[T] by: Kuailong
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Romance | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: December 02, 2013 00:42 PST | Chapters: 2 | Words: 2.9K | Visits: 1.7K
Summary: Heero is quite sure there is something about Duo Maxwell. His world gets turned upside down when Duo is critically injured during a mission, and being the Perfect Soldier while dealing with new emotions is not easy. With the guiding force of the other pilo read more

All-Time Low
[T] by: Viridian5
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Comedy | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: October 24, 2013 01:02 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.5K | Visits: 995
Summary: On their next mission Aya and Yoji have to go undercover as a gay couple. They'll need to practice being boyfriends a bit first.
