Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Why did I choose this life ❯ the letter ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Why did I choose this life?

Dear White Tigers July 3, 2004

Why did I choose this life? That's the question I keep asking myself. It's been two years since the Blade Breakers took out BIOVOLT and two years since the team separated. Even though they stay in touch I always worry about them. But especially Rei, even though we're room mates, I worry every time he leaves the apartment. In the apartment lives myself, Rei, Kai and Emily.

Even though you wouldn't guess it, Emily and I have become inseparable friends. The only time we're apart is when we're out with our boyfriends. We started to get really close after we lost our bit beasts, and even though we got them back, we're still the best of friends.

Now for our apartment, between Kai and Rei's jobs as run way models we managed to get a two bedroom apartment, it's pretty big though. We paid for our home with the money that our models made doing fashion shoots, both Kai and Rei make about $900 per shoot and they do approximately four shoots a month. Emily and I share a room and the guys share the other room. And by now you probably have guessed that Rei is my boyfriend. That and Kai and Emily are a couple.

Since the last time I saw you a lot has happened. Rei and Kai(with a lot of convincing from Emily) are both models. As for Emily and I, we work at the New York academy of Beyblading. In other words we are teaching the students how to master Beyblading. We also volunteer at the orphanage. We make about $486 a week(separate), so we have a pretty high income.

Hope to see you soon

Your friend Maraih