Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ WOW!!! ❯ DRANZER!!!!! ( Chapter 6 )

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Hi again if I am updating very small chapters so plz tell me
But for now on with the story.
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Hilary asked mischieviously when she saw Ellen holding Rei's collar.Ellen left Rei's collar when she saw Hilary standing outside the dojo
“what is that `NUT BOLT BOX' doing here”
“nut what?”
“whats going on?”
suddenly Max asked which made Rei and Hilary very surprised
“oh nothing just nothing.Are you guys done eating this much early!!!!!”
“yeah that was I saying to them why do we got up this much early I haven't finished yet”
“but Tyson we have been eating from past twenty five minutes”
Before the bed they all gathered around Zeo and talked to him about there third world chmpionship while Ellen was far away from them listening to music again and thinking
*** what if they knew why I am angry on that iron box that silly robot if they knew so I am gonna be dead and what if HE knew,HE will never talk to me again,he doesn't talk to me now also but he atleast look at me,atleast answers me. I am not gonna tell them that I am angry on that Zeo cause he took DRANZER from KAI which made Kai's eyes watery,watery you know what watery means but I can't tell this thing to them I have to make a false reason,a false reason which can fool them…..hmmmm…….GOT IT !! ***
“why don't you join us Ellen”
Hilary came to Ellen so she took off her ear phones and answered Hilary
“Hils!I don't have time to talk……”
“Max is also there”
suudenly Rei appeared and said blocking Ellen's sentence
“So what!”
“what!look at him he is enjoying his teammates' talk with Zeo”
“so what should she…OH! Now I get it that why Ellen was angry on Zeo's arrival”
Hialry suddenly said as she knew a secret
“cause Zeo took DRA……..”
they both were going to complete their sentence but Ellen covered up their mouth with her both hands and took the both outside the dojo as she saw Kai moving towards them
“now you both know this, so CAN'T YOU BE QUITE!!!!”
*** this is my great chance to fool them ***
“we can think about that”
“fine!tell all of them why I am angry on that `nut bolt box'”
Ellen shouted on them and turned around
“okhay you asked for it”
Hilary and Rei started moving towards the dojo but they were stopped by an obsticle and the obsticle was Ellen who was sitting on her knees in front of them with her hands joined together and started begging
“no please please don't do it don't tell anyone I beg you guys please”
“but what should we not tell that you are angry on Zeo because he took DRA…”
“DRACIEL from Max”
Rei blocked Hilary's sentence
they both said looking at Ellen and on their sentence Ellen brought a sweet anime sweat drop
“we will not tell him trust us!”
Ellen said smiling but suddenly she was surprised
“Max,DRACIEL,what are you guys talking about”
“we are talking about your anger on Zeo”
“I know that but whats with DRACIEL and Max?”
“you were angry on him because he took DRACIEL away from Max which made him sad and you couldn't tolerate it that someone makes Max sad!!RIGHT!!!!!”
“right from where? you are absolutely wrong I aint angry him beacause of this foolish reason.”
“so whats the reason.Why don't you tell us”
“the reason is that when he came in second world championships I kinda liked him.He seemed cute to me but on Tyson's battle when he came out to be a robot,he hurt my feelings and on his arrival when she called me SWEET!!!!!!! He just brust me out cause he was I mean is a robot.That's why I was angry on him you LAME-Os”
***I wish it works and fools them and also I am not angry on him because he made MAX sad who cares for him***
“oh!hey but you can start to like him again”
“forget it Rei who would waste his time on that `nut bolt box'”
“what is this nut blo what ever it is ?”
“I am talking about that robot,that Zeo”
“that's what I am saying he is not a robot any more Ellen”
“what?But Dr.Zagart said that he would be needing your four sacred bitbeasts to turn him into a human”
“yes you are right,but his father took some other precious bitbeasts from that stolen rock and turned him into a human”
“oh!but I don't care.You heard that `first impression is the last impression'”
“hey guys”
suddenly Max came from the dojo when he heard Ellen shouting
what are you three doing outside the dojo.Come on in guys”
Max said and the three of them followed him to inside.
---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
After every one was asleep someone got out of his bed,looked around the room to confirm if every one was sleeping and he got out of the dojo with his blade and launcher in his hand.
What was this the person was none other than Ellen but what was she doing here at this late hour.
She was not so far from the dojo she stood still and looked at her blade and said
“what are these lines on my bit chip it doesn't seem to be cracked so what are these li…..”
she stopped when she saw some movement in the bushes near by her,she went there and said
“who is there?Hello!anybody there hel….wohhh”
she asked searching in the bushes but she was suddenly thrown back from the flash coming from the back of the bushes and that flash went straight towards the sky and higher it goes but bend and started to came towards her blade which was present at a little distance from Ellen and that flash entered the blade which made it spin fast,very fast.
Ellen got up and moved towards her blade and started to stare it very surprisingly.
When it stopped spinningshe took it up but what she saw was unbeleiveable no not unbelieveable it was impossible and it was that she was looking at a new very new never seen BITBEAST on her bitchip a BITBEAST but who was he???
Taking this question in her mind she moved towards the dojo but what she saw there made her forget everything,everything she saw
“what are you doing outside at this late hour?”
yes this was KAI who was standing at the door and asked her by raising his one eyebrow
“I was j-j-just thi-thinking umm to aaa to take a walk outside th---the dojo.I needed some fresh air.DUH!!!!”
Ellen answered Kai hasitantly and thinking at the spot which didn't make Kai satisfied but he let her go inside the dojo and didn't ask anything else.
***what is this?,how it got inside my blade?,who is he?,may be a bitbeast ofcourse it's a bitbeast that's why its present on my bitchip but what is his name?,how did he get inside?,who made it do so???***
while laying on her bed she asked so many questions to her self in her mind and in this confusion she went to sleep.
“LET IT RIP!!!!!”
“GO!!come on show me your best shot FROSTIC”
Ellen shouted which made Kai awaken.
He got up and came outside leaning against the wall as usual but didn't interrupted Ellen.
she yelled when she saw her blade spinning slowly and then stop.
“what is going on!!!”
she ran to her blade,picked it up and as she turned
“not again!”
she said rolling her eyes round as she saw Kai standing and smiling at her as he wanted to make a fun of her.
“what are you smilimg at??
“I am not smiling at you Iam just trying not to laugh
it stopped so whats my fault in it?you just see Kai one day! I will be able to battle you hard and win,you just see!!”
“I will love to seeKai said slowly so Ellen couldn'tlisten
Ellencontinued with her training which made Kai go inside again
“show me your self come out from there show me who you are go FROSTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
as Ellen said this,a bright dark blue flash came out of her blade and moved towards the sky Ellen was trying her best to see what it was but before she could see anything she was thrown away by the force of that flash which made that light again go inside the blade.
Ellen got up,picked her blade,looked around the dojo if no one was there and then she moved outside the dojo and ran to the beach
“LET IT RIP!!!!”
the same bright flash appeared again which made the wind blow harder and harder Ellen was sticked there suddenly she heard a sound a sound like a bird like a dragon bird,a fimiliar sound which she has heard before she tried to see that falsh but when she moved her head to see what it was she was thrown away again but this time it was very hard,she hit the ground VERY hard which made her faint.
“Ellen!Ellen can you hear me”
“wake up Ellen”
“come on open your eyes,I know you cant be dead this much early”
Tyson said which made every one glare at him but then they continued with Ellen
“aahhhh my head!! It hurts,HUN?????”
Ellen woke up rubbing her head which was still paining.
“where am I?”
she asked looking around the dojo
“where is FROSTIC”
she got up at once and asked looking at Kenny
“here you go Ellen I think its yours”
Zeo said passing the blade toEllen
“thanks but how did I got here if I remember right I was at the beach”
“yes!you were at the beach,when you were training at the dojo and shouting Kai was awakened”
“yeah I saw him sorry I disturbed your sleep Kai”
Ellen answered Hilary and than apolojized from Kai
“when you were going out of the dojo Kai saw you going,he thought to follow you because you never go out at early hours.He saw you moving towards the beach he told us when you called out your `bit beast' you could not stand the energy and was thrown away hard that made you faint when he saw you not waking up atleast after twenty minutes so he broght you here.We all were worried for you but Kai calmed us down by telling us what happened”
***did he bring me here `BRIDAL STYLE' oh why was Ifainted***she thought dreemly
oh thanks umm thanks Kai thank you very much”
“you have a bit beast???”
Daichiasked curiously
“you didn't have any bitbeast”
“you never told us about that”
“aaaaa!!!! I umm you know!!”
“no we don't”
“where do you get this bit beast”
“aaa remember my birthday I was gifted by this blade on my birthday-aaaaaa-I thought it didn't have any bit chip so I decided to put a bit chip in it from my other blade-aaa-but yesterday when I got struck off from that box once again so this bit chip suddenly fell out of there -annndddd-I saw a bitbeast in it so I decided to put it in my blade”
Ellen made a funny and false story about the bitbeast which satisfied everyone atleast
*** How many lies would I have to tell them *** she thought very sadly
“so here is how I got the bitbeast!!!!!”
“so you were not attacked by any blader Right!”
“WHO wasn't WHAT??”
Ellen asked to Reionly to change their mood
“who is your bitbeast anyway?”
“I think it's a bird,an ice bird”
“so it means you can be a very good match for Kai”
“now you got it!!that's why I only wanted to battle Kai”
“fire and ice;a great match you two can have a great battle”
“why don't you just battle Kai”
“what say Kai would you battle me now?”
Ellen ask energetically but instead of answereing her Kai just moved out of the dojo
“now what?”
he means yes,by showing you this move of him.Go Ellen its your great chance!!!!”
Ellen ran and started to follow Kai but it seemed he didn't wanted to battle her near the dojo because he was going away from the dojo
“hun Kai where you goin?WAIT for me!!”
Ellen started running to make it to Kai but he didn't stop and the two made it to the beach while the whole team including Zeo started to follow them and they all were also now with them
“seems you like this place a lot”
“comeon just battle you two!!”
everyone shouted
“ready Kai??!!”
Everyone shouted together at RIP the two launched their blade and Ellen's blade started to attack DRANZER hard but it didn't even move
Ellen shouted and a dark blue flash came out of her blade Ellen was trying her best to handle the power and shouted with all her worth cause she knew its her best chance to show Kai that she is a pretty good blader.
Ellen's blade started to attack Kai hard this time which made DRANZER made some moves
“ahhh show him whose boss around here!!!”
when she saw DRANZER coming out of Kai's blade what she saw in the sky standing beside DRANZER was just impossible now she was looking at HER bit beast
“can anybody tell me if I am dreaming?!”
“yeah me too”
“it is a dream isnt it”
“can it be possible?”
“what happened to its colour?”
“cool!two of them,WOW! What is its name?”
every one asked to thereselves gazing towards the sky
“what is that???”
Ellen asked to herslf being horrified when she saw herbitbeast
Kai said questiongly looking to Allen's bitbeast
“what?? DRANZER!!!!!!!”
every one said and continued gazing while Kai got the best chance to attack Ellen
“go DRANZER attack”
as DRANZER hit Ellen's silver blade it went out of the dish
Ellen shouted at Kai who called his blade out of the dish and caught it
“that's not fair,I wasn't ready you knew it so why did you attack?”
Ellen shouted on Kai angrily
“we were battling,remember!”
“yeah!ofcourse but you saw I was a little busy in recognizing my bitbeast”
“its not my fault!!you should be alert during the battle!”
Kai yelled at Ellen instead of answering and moved along inside the dojo
And Ellen just stick her tongue out on him
“wow Allen!!!!”
“yes Tyson”
“did you see your bitbeast?”
“yeah did you haan”
“its really hard to believe”
“so it means you all saw what I saw”
“ofcourse what do you think we must be seeing something else??”
“I thought I started day dreaming,I didn't know it was real”
“well now you know it was really,real”
“you got a bit beast same as Kai's
“no Max its colour was different”
“it's the samething”
“where do you get it Ellen?”
“told you on my birthday”
Ellen again lied
“I don't believe it,that was really DRANZER”
“If I am correct DRANZER was of redcolour but you have a…”
“BLUE coloured DRANZER”
“let me see hmm yeah it seems of blue colour from the chip”
“not seems,it is of blue colour”
“Ellen give me your blade”
Kenny asked Ellen which she approved and gave him her blade
“you all are coming at my house in an hour ok!”
Kenny said to the whole group which they have to approve
Ellen I am taking your blade with me for better analysis from my super computer”
“okhay with me”
“I am coming with you Kenny”
“yeah me too”
Zeo and Hilary said following Kenny and left the dojo.
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this was a pretty weird one but go on with it hope you enjoyed and didn't get bored I'll update the rest later….. ^.*
Plz review!