Bleach Fan Fiction / Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Princes of Death ❯ Death and Tennis ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Princes of Death: A High-spirited Saga
Author: chibi-kyuubi
Genre: Action/Adventure/General
Rating: K+
Summary: Prince of Tennis and Bleach crossover. The Seigaku regulars go to Karakura Town for an exhibition match, but end up getting influenced by Ichigo's reiatsu. Will they be able to master their newfound powers before it is too late to save Tokyo City from being turned into a base of operations by Aizen's minions?
Disclaimer: I neither own Bleach nor Prince of Tennis.
Chapter 2: Death and Tennis
“Echizen, are you feeling alright?” Oishi asked. The only freshman regular of Seigaku boy's tennis club, Echizen Ryoma, has always kept his cool. But now, for some unknown reason, he couldn't keep himself still. He paced back and forth, looking around as if something was out there to get him. It has already been half an hour since they arrived at the deserted soccer field but Echizen still felt uneasy.
“Maybe he's just scared,” Momoshiro teased. “Don't worry baby, Momochan-senpai will protect you from the baddies.”
“You're in no position to say such things Momo-senpai,” Echizen said. “Your breathing hasn't even slowed down since we got here.”
“What's the matter Echizen?” Tezuka said. He also noticed that even though they appear to be safe, no one on the team could themselves to relax.
“You can feel it too, can't you?” Echizen's face looked like he's never been more serious in his life. “It's like something's telling us that we shouldn't be standing here.”
“Kon, take care of my sisters no matter what,” Ichigo said to the modified soul occupying his body. Now that he's a shinigami, the presence of the Menos Grande seems even more chilling. Hair stood at the back of his neck and his palms started to sweat just from the exposure to the hollow's vile aura.
“Sure thing,” Kon replied. Then he headed off towards the same direction Karin and Yuzu took earlier.
“Follow Ichigo's sisters and help Kon protect them if necessary,” Rukia instructed to the temporary soul in her gigai.
“Let's go Rukia,” Ichigo said. It took them only a couple of flash steps until the gigantic Menos became visible. It was as tall as a building, and its white face hovered above the nearby structures. An orb of crimson energy accumulated in front of the creature's mouth as it turned around to face its target.
“Oh my central 46, it's going to fire a cero at that group of boys over there,” Rukia said, indicating the clearing ahead. “If they get hit by that, not even an atom will be left from them.”
“Damn,” Ichigo cursed. He knew very well how damaging a cero blast could be.
“We won't make it in time,” Rukia said between flash steps.
“I know!” Ichigo shouted in frustration. Even if I use flash step I wouldn't be able to reach the Menos before it releases a cero… But I might still be able to save them! “Bankai!”
However, before Ichigo could release the final form of his sword, the Menos had already fired a cero towards the Seigaku regulars. Rukia watched in terror as the crimson beam poured forth from the giant's mouth. But before the tennis players got disintegrated by the tainted ray, Ichigo managed to reach them in time and shield them with an umbrella of his own reiatsu. Ichigo was able to deflect the cero, but by the time the residual energy around him subsided, the Menos had already escaped.
Meanwhile, Echizen had absolutely no idea on what was happening. First he heard an explosion right above them, and then every part of his body suddenly felt very heavy. It took all his energy just to keep his eyelids open as his body fell on the ground. But before everything around him turned black, he was able to discern a figure standing in front of him, an orange-haired boy wearing black clothing and carrying a sword with a black blade.
Rukia examined the Seigaku regulars that have lost consciousness in the middle of the grassy soccer field. “All of them are still alive,” She said.
Ichigo gave a sigh of relief. “That's good to hear.”
“They just passed out because of the immense spiritual pressure from you and the Menos Grande,” Rukia added. “They'll probably wake up in a couple of hours.”
“What do you mean Menos Grande?” Ichigo asked. “I thought I shielded them from the cero.”
“But not from the hollow's leftover energy,” Rukia said. “It was all over the place after the Menos escaped. Normally, Soul Society would place spatial stasis around battles like this to prevent other souls from being affected. I don't think it would have mattered in this situation though, because they were right in the middle of everything.”
“I still find it odd that the Menos decided to fire a cero at them,” Ichigo said. “What would it gain by killing them? If it just wanted to kill people, then it could have just fired a cero on the streets.”
“Menos are harder to understand than normal hollows,” Rukia explained. “They are ten times more intelligent the average hollow and fact that they are made from several entities makes them react differently in certain situations.”
“Well, I have to go check on Yuzu and Karin,” Ichigo said. “Let's go.”
“You go ahead,” Rukia said as she took out her shinigami phone. “I'll call the hospital so they can send people to take care of these guys while they're unconscious.”
“Alright, but don't take too long. That temporary soul of yours freaks me out sometimes.” Ichigo said before disappearing.
“Hello? This is Kuchiki Rukia. Ichigo has just fought a Menos Grande here at the park and used bankai without spatial stasis on the area or a soul limiter on him. I have reason to believe that their battle has caused some… repercussions; nine of them to be exact. Please come here and check on them. Oh, and call the hospital after you're done assessing the situation. I forgot their telephone number.”
Notes: I added the scene at the end with Rukia and Ichigo because the chapter seemed to be too short when I first posted it. Still not much PoT in this chapter, but the real story starts on the next one, so please continue reading. Don't forget to review, I would really appreciate it.