Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ An Arrows Wind ❯ Summer Stress ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do NOT own Bleach or the places/things/characters from it. Only the OC.

Once they arrived at to school they noticed everyone in the class chatting amongst each other. Chad stood tall beside Mizuiro who was listening to Keigo talk about the beach, girls and stuff he was planning to do during summer vacation.
Orihime noticed her best friend Tatsuki, looking rather irritated and annoyed as she was stuck listening to Chizuru chatter about women and which types of girls she found Attractive. Ryo, Michiru and Mahana also gave rather uncomfortable expressions towards Chizuru. And Uryu quietly sat at his desk reading a book.
Tatsuki then glanced back and noticed Orihime and Ichigo. She smiled brightly at her and waved her hand in the air, “Orihime…over here!”
Orihime smiled back, “Tatsuki, good morning!” She then walked up to the group of girls and greeted them as Ichigo walked towards his friends.
“Ichigo, how's it going!?” Keigo then asked in his usual excited and loud voice, though he never realizes he tends to over do it.
“Hey…” Ichigo sat in his desk and looked back up at Keigo, letting him continue his usual stupid and meaningless stories.
“Right, so…I was just telling the guys how we should hang out this summer and go to the beach…you know, since you all pretty much ditched me last vacation!” He then added giving them glares, hoping it would lead to guilt.
“Well…” Mizuiro then spoke thinking about it. “Yes…?” Keigo then sang, now on his tippy-toes.
“…My girlfriend is out of town…I guess I can go…” He then replied.
“YES! WOO-HOO!” Keigo was so happy his loud and energetic voice was heard throughout the school. Everyone stopped chattering and glanced at him; Uryu even took his eyes off his book and gave him a rather irritated glare.
“What are you so excited about?” Orihime then asked as she walked up to the boys. Tatsuki, Chizuru and the rest of the girls followed, also wanting in on the scoop.
Keigo had joy in his eyes, almost tears of joy. 'Orihime?! If she comes...and the rest of the girls…!' His mind then went to dirty thoughts.
“Uh…Keigo?” She looked at him worried. “Oh! Oh! Uhh…how would you lovely ladies like to come to the beach this summer with me and the guys?”
“The beach…?” Mahana then questioned curiously.
“Yep! Where the sun shines and all your troubles disappear!” He then shouted like some sort of walking advertisement.
“Well…I guess I'm in,” Mahana the replied.
“Me too!” Michiru then joined.
“Alright! How about you other girls?” He then asked looking at Ryo, Tatsuki, Chizuru and Orihime.
“Well…I'll only go if Hime goes!” Chizuru then stated looking at Orihime dreamingly. All eyes then shifted on Orihime.
She glanced at everyone as their eyes continued to watch her, waiting for her move. “Uh…W-well…is…Ichigo going?” She then asked. All eyes shifted to Ichigo.
“Meh…I don't think so,” He then reclined glancing away.
“Aww…! ICHIGO!” Keigo then whined, “Com'on! You owe me!”
Ichigo glared at his annoying friend, “Says who…?! He then snapped.
“Says me! And it's only fair!” He then stated.
“Alright, alright already!” Ichigo yelled, giving into Keigo's whining.
“Yes!!! You da' man!
Orihime then smiled, “Alright…I guess I'm in then too!” Tatsuki sighed and shook her head, “I know I'm gonna regret this but…” She then raised her hand up, “count me in to.”
Chizuru then raised her hand up as well. “Same here!” Ryo sighed and stuck her hand up making it official. Keigo then jumped in the air in excitement. “Alrighty then it's settled! We're going to the beach this summer to have fun and party!”
Ichigo rolled his eyes and glanced at Chad, “Are you coming?” Chad glanced back at him and nodded. Suddenly the door opened and Aneko came in the class, this time only with her school bag.
She paused and looked at the direction of which her name was being called from and noticed Keigo, who she thought of as Ichigo's annoying friend, running up to her. “You wanna come to the beach with us?!” She blinked a couple of times and looked at everyone behind Keigo.
“They're all going…?” She then asked pointing to them. Keigo nodded, Sooooo…what do you say?” Aneko walked past him and sat down at her desk, placing her chin on her hands.
Uh…I don't see the harm in going…I guess...”
Keigo then got up on a desk, looking down on his fellow classmates, “Well then...everyone it's settled, we are going to the beach after the exams to have fun and-”
“-WE KNOW!!!” Everyone then shouted towards Keigo annoyed with his slogan, making him lose balance and almost fall off the desk. “Gezz…no need to be so mean!” He then shouted as he got off the desk slowly.
It didn't occur to anyone that the only person who wasn't invited was Uryu Ishida. Ichigo then spotted him just sitting in his desk still reading and walked up to him, “Hey…Uryu…are you going to come to the beach with us?”
Uryu then took his eyes off his book and glanced at Ichigo. “You'd have to force me to go to something so stupid and pointless…especially with him…” He then pointed at Keigo, who was trying to flirt with a girl but failed miserably as he was slapped across the face.
“Good point…” Ichigo then replied.
Aneko's seat was next to Uryu and she over heard them. “What…? You're not going?”
Uryu and Ichigo then looked at her. “No…besides…I'm busy.” Uryu then replied as he adjusted his glasses.
“Doing what?” She then asked sitting more towards them.
“Things…” He then replied now looking back at his book. “I see…well…that's too bad.” She then replied. She then shifted her body, sitting normally so she was facing the front and looked towards the window, closing the conversation.
Ichigo looked at her confused. He wondered what she meant by that but shrugged it away and walked back towards his seat. Uryu was a bit surprised as well but ignored it as well, continuing to read his book.

After a long day of exams, the bell finally rang, thus meaning it was the end of school and summer vacation was officially starting. Some students headed home with friends or alone, either way they were all excited and quite thrilled.
“Yeah…I'm going to my cottage!”
“I'm going to America!”
Ichigo headed home, passing by students as they chatted and some even dancing. He was a bit relieved that school was done with for the summer. Now he didn't have to worry about getting work done and having to fight Hollows at the same time.
He then stopped walking, expecting Orihime to appear any second to walk with him, but she never appeared. He was a bit disappointed but headed home anyways.

Orihime caught up with Aneko who wasn't far from home, “Hey, Aneko!”
Aneko stopped walking and glanced to the side, “Huh…? Oh, hey Orihime…how are you?”
“I'm fine,” She then replied as she finally caught up, I'm so happy school is finally done! I can't wait to go to the beach!” She then smiled as she stuck her hands in the air.
“Yeah considering my brothers going, huh?” Aneko then teased. She knew of Orihime's high school crush for while now. Though she could never remember how it got out…
“U-uh…well it'd just be fun and all…!” Orihime defended as her face turned red. “…For him!”
Aneko laughed at Orihime's reaction. “I get it…! But…I don't think I'm going to go actually…”
“Huh…? W-why…I thought you told Keigo that you would?” Aneko looked down as they walked, “Well…I just wouldn't feel up to it…I guess I only said it so he would stop bugging me…sorry,”
Orihime was a bit upset but smiled. “It's ok! If you're not up to it then you shouldn't have to go!”
They then stopped walking, “I guess I'll see you later…” Aneko then said as she took the path towards her house.
“Ok, see you Aneko!” Orihime waved and walked off, placing her hand on her chin, 'I wonder if Aneko really did change her mind…or if something else is stopping her from going…'

As Aneko headed home she thought about what Ichigo had said the previous night. The words kept ringing in her head nonstop. It was distracting her all day.
“Do you enjoy fighting?”
“Why do you fight…?”
She shook her head from the thoughts, “Stupid Ichigo!” She then noticed a small hill that looked over the water. It was just by the road.
She decided to head towards it. 'I should just get these thoughts out of my head. Besides…what does he know!? He never did understand me…no onereallydid…' She then sat herself on the grassy green hill. The sunset was so beautiful and orange it would make the maddest person feel peace, at least while it lasted.
“To think…after all that's happened…there could still be so much peace around…” She placed her stuff on the grass beside her and laid herself on the hill relaxing. “Ahh…this is: The life...” just as her body began giving out on the cool, refreshing breeze, letting herself be swayed into a simple nap, she heard the sound of grass crunching. Someone was approaching her.
Her eyes shot open and she got up. She then glanced back and noticed Uryu, with a confused expression standing behind her, gazing at her. His glasses reflected the light from the sunset, as his school bag was strapped over his shoulder. His black, raven hair danced to the light breeze that blew. It was as if looking towards a beautiful portrait.
She shook her head and returned back to earth. "U-uh...Uryu…?” She grabbed her stuff and glanced back at him, “What are you doing here…?” She then managed to ask as she continued to look towards his perfect position.
He pushed his glasses up, “I could ask you the same question…”
"O-oh...well..." She glanced back at the orange sunset. “I was looking at the sunset…” He was a bit shocked by her reply.
“The sunset…?” He then questioned raising an eyebrow.
She nodded, “Yes…I never got a chance to see it before…at least not like this…”
He then walked up, next to her, “What's been stopping you…?” He then asked with interest.
She looked at him and then back at the scenery. “School…and after school activities…all that stuff, really...”
“I see…”
“So…since I've answered all your questions…how about filling me in?” She stared at him ready to hear his story. He glanced at her and then back at the sunset. “Well…I came here because it's the path to my house…” He then replied simple.
She continued to glance at him. His perfect pose changed into another pose, more beautiful then the last, as he stared off towards the sunset. It was strange to her that she didn't notice how handsome he really was. Her thoughts then broke when she heard a beep from her watch. “Hum…?” She glanced at it and noticed it was getting late.
“Oh…well it's getting late…I'm heading off home…” She ran off the hill and on the empty road. She then glanced back at Uryu. She took one last look at the sunset and the perfection it gave off with him.
“See you later!” She then breathed, running off.
As he watched her run home he felt a smirk come across his face.

Aneko made it home on time, on time for dinner that is. “I'm home!”
Yuzu greeted Aneko with a smile, “Welcome home Aneko!”
“You're late!” A voice then spoke.
Aneko shifted her eyes to the side and noticed her dad standing over her trying to look mean, though to her he was goofy. “Oh…yeah something came up,” She then replied as she threw her bag on the couch and sat at the table.
“Aww…you weren't scared?!” He then asked in a childish voice.
“Dad…you're hopeless” Karin then announce as she took a bite out of her food.
“You kids are so mean!” He walked away in shame, the walk of shame.
“Anyways…where's Ichigo?” Aneko then asked as Yuzu placed her dinner in front of her.
“He's changing…he got home a couple of minutes before you.” Yuzu then replied as she headed back towards the kitchen.
“You two have been heading home late lately…why is that?” Karin then asked looking at her suspiciously. “Heh, who says it's any of your business.” Aneko then replied irritated with Karin. “Because…I bet you were flirting with boys! You typical girly girl do that stuff,” Karin then replied disgustedly.
“What?! Yeah right, I'm to busy for stuff like that besides, even if I did, it would still be none of your business, Baka!”
Karin then got up upset, “Who you calling a Baka!” She then shouted.
“You…! Baka!”
“Alright now! You two stop fighting!” Yuzu then stepped in. Her voice was soft but it managed to stop them. Aneko and Karin both looked away from each other and sat back down.
“She started it…” Aneko then mumbled as she played with her food.
“By asking a question, a simple one if I may add.” Karin then countered, sticking her tongue out.
“I'd watch who you stick that tongue at…it could be cut off!”
“Alright! Stop it you two!” Yuzu sighed at how childish and immature they both were acting. “Stop fighting…you two should learn to get along; I can't always be mothering you,”
“Man…I'm starving…!” Ichigo then announced as he walked in the room. He then paused noticing the tense that filled the air. “Uh…” He sat down slowly and noticed Karin and Aneko glaring at each other.
Yuzu placed his dinner down in front of him. “Uh…are they at it again?” He then asked. Yuzu nodded ashamed, “They always fight…I guess it's nothing new,
He nodded in agreement, “No lie…”
Aneko then got up and placed her plate in the sink. “Thanks for the food Yuzu. I'm heading off to bed,
“O-oh…but don't you want some desert?” She then asked as she held a bowl of ice cream.
“No thanks,

Aneko changed quickly into her P-jays and crawled into bed. It wasn't like her to go to sleep so early but she was so exhausted from the all nighter studying and the stress it comes with.
“Do you like to fight?”
“Why do you fight?”
Ichigo's words then popped into her head again. 'Man…not again!' She sat up on her bed, groaning in irritation. She then gazed at the window, “Maybe I just need some air…” She got up and opened her window. A nice warm summer breeze blew towards her, just right. “There…” She then crawled back to bed. Her eyes slowly closed as she cuddled her pillow, and fell into a dream…
“Com'on run!” She noticed she was running behind someone. It was too blurry for her to see who it was. The room was dark and no light could be traced.
“Run! Run faster!”
“I'm trying to run! I can't run anymore!” Suddenly she stopped to catch her breath.
“Don't slow down! You'll be killed by it!”
She began to run as the voice and the person in front of her began to fade into darkness. “Wait! Don't leave me!”
“Don't…don't leave me…! No!”
“Wake up, you're dreaming!”
“No!” She shot up and noticed the bright sun hitting her face. “Huh…?” She looked around and noticed she was in her room. Ichigo was standing over her. His face gave her a funny expression.
“You were dreaming…” He then spoke and stood straight. “I-I…was…?” She got off her bed and looked at the mirror. She noticed her face was pail as sweat ran from her forehead to her chin.
“It…It was just a dream…?” She then breathed.
He walked up to her, “What's wrong…?” She shook her head and wiped the sweat from it. “It's nothing…it was just a bad dream…that's all,
“Anyways, I'm going to take a shower…” She then left the room. Ichigo stood there wondering what her dream was all about and why it got her so spooked.

Later, everyone sat at the table to eat breakfast. “Yummy, this looks good Yuzu!” Her father then complemented as he licked his lips ready to dig in.
Aneko then walked in, her hair was down, she wore and green t-shirt that said “I WANT, I CRY, I GET” And wore black sporty shorts.
“Good morning Aneko…how'd you sleep?” Yuzu then asked as Aneko sat down at the breakfast table.
“Good morning…I slept fine...”
“So…what are you kids up to for the summer?” Their father then asked as he finished swallowing his food.
“Well were supposed to go to the beach with a couple of friends…later.” Ichigo then replied as he shoved a piece of toast in his mouth. “Oh…well remember we still have our annual family barbeque today!” He then shouted as he announced it. Aneko sighed, 'He's just as loud as Ichigo's annoying friend!'
“Sorry dad…I'm gonna have to pass on that” Karin then said as she got up and placed her plate in the sink. “What?! B-but why…?!” Her father then cried. “Because…some of my friends and I are gonna play soccer…and we have a tournament to do, Bye!” She then got up and grabbed a soccer ball that lay on the floor, running out the door.
“Well at least I have you three!” He then said eyeing Ichigo, Aneko and Yuzu.
“Actually…” Aneko then spoke, as she got up.
“What? Not you to!”
She nodded, “I need to get some shopping done…since I pretty much couldn't all month.” She was a bit relieved that she was able to say it out and in the open since Karin would have been bugging her about it. She could just picture it. “How pathetic! Why not use your other clothing! Gezz you girly girls are so picky!” She then shook those thoughts out of her head and put her plates in the sink.
“Thanks Yuzu!”
“Ah, no problem!”
She then walked out the door leaving Ichigo and Yuzu behind. “Well…we don't need them! We can have just as much fun in the annual Kurosaki Barbeque without them!”
Ichigo got up and headed towards the door. “Sorry dad…”
“Oh No! Don't tell me you're busy to Ichigo!”
He looked back at his father and nodded, “…Sorry,” He then left the house. Only Yuzu and their father were left.
“Well…you still have me dad…” Yuzu then said, trying to cheer her father up.
“Yeah…you were the only one who ever liked spending time with me...” He then replied shamefully. “…Oh well! More ice cream for us!” He then shouted as if his mood changed in 0.01 seconds.
“Yeah!” Yuzu then joined along yelling excitedly.

Aneko walked in the city and looked at possible stores she could check out. “Lets see…I need good summer clothes…” She noticed a store across the street that displayed a rather cute summer dress. It was light purple with straps. The length was skirt length and had double layers so it wasn't see through.
“It's so cute…I have to check it out,” She then walked to the store and looked at the dress from the display window. It was definitely her dream dress.
“I wonder…” She looked closely and noticed the price tag. She saw the price, her eye twitched at the sight. “1,000 dollars?! Just for a little freakin' dress!” She fell on her knees as the thought came in...No freakin' way.
She got up and sighed, “Guess we weren't meant to be…”
“What's wrong with you?”
She looked behind her and saw Ichigo staring at her with his usual glare and hands in pocket.
“Just a shopping disaster…” She then stated as sadness filled her tone. Suddenly she thought of an idea, “Say…Ichigo…can you lend me some money…?” She then asked sweetly.
“For what…?”
She pointed at the dress as happiness filled her eyes.
“Oh you've got to be kidding me!” He then yelled looking at her like she was hopeless, which in this case she was. “Aww…! Com'on! I lend you money all the time!” She then argued.
“Oh really…? Since when?"
Aneko stopped and thought about it. “Well…I…When…? Umm…Oh, how about when you lost your lunch and you needed money to buy something to eat?”
Ichigo sighed, “Wow…first of all…that was years ago…childhood-ago! And second…that was you!”
“Eh…?! M-me…?!”
He nodded, “Man…you really are hopeless…”
Aneko glanced at the dress once more and sighed upsettingly, “Fine…I'll just go find another dress…a plainer…uglier…stupid…less colorful…dress…” She then walked away, lowering her head.
“What the hell is the big deal? It's just a stupid dress!” Ichigo glanced at the dress. He just didn't get what was so special about the thing.

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