Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Odalisque ❯ Chapter 31 ( Chapter 31 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any Bleach affiliates.
Chapter 31
Two weeks passed by in a blur for Rukia.
The days were filled to the brim with work, friends, and sex. It was always one to the next. Tantalizing kisses with Ichigo at work—they hadn't repeated their little desk tryst… yet—laughing with Momo at lunch, helping her to plan her wedding, and quietly signing away papers as she and Ichigo stole glances at one another.
The days just seemed to go by far too quickly. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about the past. She wanted to focus on what was going on right now.
She grinned as she looked at herself in the mirror and did a small twirl just for emphasis. Her slinky dress curled tightly around her body and she chuckled when she thought of what Ichigo's face would look like when he saw her in this.
The dress was a sizzling and shimmering black. It wrapped around her entire form as perfectly as a glove would fit a hand. The dress stopped at the bottom of her knees and gave way to delectably bare legs that ended in smart and sexy black heels. The garment was sleeveless and had a turtleneck feature that made her look elegant and refined. However, the best part of the entire dress was the back. A giant piece of fabric had been circularly sliced out of the posterior, giving a clear view of her shoulder blades and her spine. In the front there was also a small cut of fabric that had been removed. It was in the shape of a diamond and showcased just the right amount of cleavage. In it, she looked sleek, sophisticated, and downright sexy.
She just needed a whip and she'd be a dominatrix.
Sans the leather of course.
“Momo,” she called back to the woman currently lodged in her bathroom, “Are you ready yet? The party starts at eight!”
“I'm coming, I'm coming, hold your horses,” she muttered as she emerged from the bathroom and clipping sparkling rings into her ears in the process.
Rukia raised an eyebrow at her friend and nodded in approval. Momo was wearing one of her best dresses. It had been specifically chosen to match the color of her eyes. Thin, twirling straps led the eye downward to a sinfully low dip in the front. The back dipped as well but was more modest than the dress that Rukia had worn to the merger announcement. The dress had a gauzy feel to it; it fanned out around her hips and fell to just below her knees. She looked beautiful in it.
Rukia smirked, “So I see you're playing the fairy princess tonight? You know, Toshiro will be too distracted by you that he might forget to do business.”
Momo simply huffed dramatically, “Please, you're the one going as sexy-and-out-of-reach-temptress.” She raised an eyebrow and giggled, “How many guys do you think will hit on you before Ichigo starts breaking faces?”
Rukia's playful expression dropped and she shook her head. “No, we talked about it yesterday,” she leaned towards the mirror and put on her diamond choker necklace and her stud earrings. “We decided that we'd socialize with other people and rarely come into contact during the night.” She looked back at Momo while she applied her mascara, “We don't want anyone to get any ideas.”
Momo just rolled her eyes, “Sure… sure…” her gaze twinkled at Rukia as she held up her hand and extended her first three fingers. “I'm betting on three before he blows.”
“Yeah well,” Rukia muttered, putting on the last touches of her makeup. “We'll just see about that.” She turned to Momo and smiled. “Are you ready?”
Momo grinned in return and held out Rukia's coat. “Yep. Come on, I told Shiro that we'd be there by eight thirty.”
“Excellent.” Rukia slid her hands through her sleeves and checked to make sure she had all of her things in her purse. She looked up at Momo, smiled once more, and together they exited her apartment.
The ride to Suigetsu Inc. was been eventful to say the least. Rukia and Momo had received so many catcalls and gropes that after the first stop on the overly-crowded metro they exited and chose to take a taxi instead. The taxi driver hadn't been any better either; throughout the entire ride he had rattled off all of his marriageable qualities as well as those of his younger brother while Rukia and Momo sat in the back and prayed for the painfully excruciating ride to be over with quickly.
When they finally reached the building they had acquired not only their change from the driver but two cell phone numbers as well. Although Rukia did politely slam the door and hurry inside with her friend before the man in the car could say anything else.
“God,” Momo muttered as she giggled, happily and linking her arm with Rukia's, “When the hell are we ever going to stop being accosted by men?” She sighed with exasperated sarcasm and laughed.
“Well,” Rukia jostled back, “I guess when we stop being as good looking as we are.” She turned to her friend and her face broke out into a wide grin.
Momo smiled as well and squeezed her hand around Rukia's. She looked ahead as they began to walk through the revolving doors and into the lobby. “I'm happy for you, Rukia. I'm really happy.”
A light blush came onto Rukia's cheeks when she knew what she was referring to. She nodded twice before answering, “I'm… happy too, I guess.”
Momo in front of the revolving doors and waited until she was able to enter a compartment without being squished. She and Rukia stepped inside the single compartment together, giggling like two little girls as they pushed their way through. Once they were on the inside, however, Momo took a moment to frown, look over at Rukia, and raise an eyebrow. “Wait… you guess? Why do you guess?”
Rukia shrugged and brushed an invisible piece of lint off of her slinky black dress. “It's just kind of… new, I think. I haven't… well, I haven't… you know. Not since—” She broke off and stared pointedly at the ground, her cheeks minutely shading with each click of her heels.
“I know,” Momo said quietly, patting Rukia lightly on the arm. “I know sweetie.”
Rukia just smiled softly as they walked to the elevator together. Several people stared at them as they moved but the pair simply grinned to one another and ignored them. Once inside the elevator, Rukia pressed the button for the certain floor and loosened the buttons on her sleek jacket. Momo did the same and readied her hair in her slightly distorted reflection.
Rukia's heart was beating nervously inside of her chest as she waited for the elevator to deliver them to the party. She swallowed hard and pressed a soft hand to the sweet flesh exposed by the diamond cut-out on her dress. She could practically feel the thrumming organ as it became erratic.
Oh Christ, please don't let this happen all night.
She knew why it was happening though. She knew the reason very well… after all, she looked beautiful, she was full of confidence, and she knew that directly on the other side of that elevator door was Ichigo.
Hopefully in a tuxedo.
She snickered to herself and thought of what his face would look like when he saw her in her dress. If she was to be completely truthful with herself, she reasoned mentally, she would have to say that she had pulled it out of her closet just for the specific occasion of seeing his expression.
Momo looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. A smile immediately followed. “Are you sure you're ready for this?”
Rukia nodded and drew in a deep breath as the elevator finally stopped. The light blinked before her and she practically shook with the anticipation she felt.
Just to see Ichigo… all of this just to see him… damn, this is crazy. Rukia pressed a hand to her forehead and felt the heat emanating from her skin. She drew in a deep breath and told her heart to stop beating so fastidiously in her chest. After all, she had seen Ichigo in a tuxedo before, she had been seeing him all week—both in the intimate and the business sense—and she shouldn't have been this anxious to be with him tonight.
I'm at a business function, she told herself, her mind becoming stern once again, this is no time for flights and fancy. I have to socialize—with other people—I need to schmooze, I need to make contacts, and I need to stay away from Ichigo; we agreed to this. I made the rules. I'm sticking to them.
She shook her head and brushed a stray lock of loose hair behind her ear. She mussed it a bit and smirked when she saw her reflection in the glossy elevator doors. She drew in a deep breath and straightened her dress once more.
The elevator opened and as they pulled back Rukia's eyes were immediately scanning the area for an orange head of—
No! Stop thinking like that! She shouted mentally. I'm not here looking for him!
Rukia stubbornly turned her head and began scanning the room looking for other faces. She was almost sure that Mr. Ukitake was going to be in attendance, as well as Mr. Ichimaru and possibly Mr. Aizen. She smiled at the thought of all three of them together. Hell, she might be able to wheedle a small promotion out of them if she dazzled them enough with both her outfit and her eloquence.
Turning to Momo with a renewed fervor in the pit of her stomach—this one was completely business-oriented and had nothing to do with butterflies—she smirked and drew in a deep breath. “I'm going to go find people to suck up to. Are you going to go find Toshiro?”
Momo blinked twice and paused before turning out to the crowd, scanning it, and then nodding slowly. “Yes… yes, I'm going to go find Shiro.” She turned back to Rukia and offered her a sweet smile. “So, I'll probably go home with him. I'm assuming you'll go home with Ichigo?”
Rukia's head immediately darted around the room just to make sure no one heard. “Yes,” she answered in a low voice while a look of slight panic crossed over Momo's face. She clapped her hand over her mouth and murmured an apology. Rukia scanned the room again and she nodded slowly. “I think I'll go home with, um, him.”
Momo slowly peeled her fingers away from her mouth and smiled, “Good, take a mental picture of his face when he sees you.” She made an image of a camera with her hands and giggled softly.
“Will do,” Rukia said with a quick nod as she handed her coat over to the man checking them and thanked him in a quiet tone. “You have fun too.”
“Yes ma'am.” Momo did a mock salute and laughed as she floated away in her beautiful dress. Rukia's eyes followed her as she exited and smiled genuinely for her friend. She was just so happy for Momo. After all that time of heartbreak and failed searches… finally having Toshiro must be such a fantastic relief.
More than a relief, Rukia told herself as she began to weave in and out of the people at the party, occasionally greeting those who warranted ones and smiling at others, she must be so… content.
She paused for a moment to shake hands with a man she knew from some boardroom.
I want to be like that.
“Ms. Kuchiki!”
Rukia turned at the sound of her voice and a wide grin immediately came over her face. “Mr. Ukitake!” Her feet began carrying her towards her boss before she sent the signals down to her brain. He was standing near the center of the room and had a caterer waiting patiently near his side. Rukia sidled up to him and gladly accepted the proffered glass of champagne from Mr. Ukitake. She smiled again and held out her right hand. “It's good to see you again sir.”
Mr. Ukitake grinned foolishly and he squeezed her hand tightly. “It's good to see you again too, Ms. Kuchiki. I do have to say, life at the Gotei Corporation hasn't been the same since you left.”
“I haven't left,” Rukia protested jokingly, “I'm only in another building.”
Mr. Ukitake grinned sheepishly and nodded, “I know, I guess I could see you whenever I wanted… still,” he gave her a kind, sidelong glance, “I believe I just miss talking to you. You and I always had the liveliest of chats.”
“That we did.” Rukia nodded, “But life at Suigetsu has been good to me.” She tilted her head to the side and drew in a deep breath. “The work is hard but…” she paused and had to fight the small smile encroaching upon her lips, “I've been getting along better with my partner.”
Mr. Ukitake gave her a fatherly smile, “I'm glad,” his eyes wandered around the room for a moment before returning to her. “At first I just thought it was my eyes deceiving me… but no, I noticed that there was something different about you.”
Rukia's smile nearly dropped like a stone but she held it in place as panic slowly seeped through her stomach.
Oh… shit…
“You and Mr. Kurosaki seem to have truly hit it off.” He continued coolly while Rukia's eyes widened in horror, “I mean, after all, great minds think alike and all that. You and he are perfectly suited for each other. You're dedicated to your work and so is he, he is highly intelligent and you are even more so, he is passionate about his work and I've never seen a single day where you didn't put one hundred and ten percent into yours.”
Rukia's stomach—which had been about to implode—calmed somewhat. He's just talking about the business aspect of everything, he doesn't know about our… uh, extracurricular activities. She thought, allowing a small gasp of air to escape her lungs.
“Yes,” Rukia exhaled softly, “We had a rocky start but I've grown to respect him as a business partner. I believe that once this merger is over I would like to work with him again.”
And again and again and again…
Mr. Ukitake's grin stretched from ear to ear. “That's fantastic Rukia… truly, truly, fantastic….”
Rukia could have been mistaken but she could have sworn there was some kind of ethereal twinkle in her boss's eye. It was as if… as if he… knew.
He can't know, Rukia contradicted immediately, pushing the thought away as quickly as possible, Ichigo and I have kept it very secret. He couldn't know… could he?
Rukia bit her bottom lip and sipped her glass of champagne. Oh well, she hoped he didn't know.
Mr. Ukitake grabbed a crab-cake as it floated by on a catering tray. “Oh, by the way, I've been meaning to ask you about your brother. How is the old boy doing? I heard he was getting better.”
Rukia turned her attention back to her boss and smiled, “Yes, Byakuya's tenacity is amazing. He's recovering quite quickly. The doctor's say with about a month more of physical therapy he should be able to walk again.”
“Without a cane?”
“Like my brother would ever use a cane, sir?”
“Ah, I see your point.”
Rukia nodded and smiled as she sipped her champagne. For the next fifteen minutes she continued conversing with her boss, even though she was speaking to him more as an acquaintance than anything else, and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. They laughed like old friends, he jostled her like a father would a daughter, and she made small digs as though she wasn't below him in the business hierarchy. It truly was wonderful to talk to him again. She hadn't even realized how much she had missed his company until it had been taken away from her.
Or I had neglected it. She thought, a small bit of guilt entering her conscience.
When the large clock had nearly hit the nine mark Rukia grinned and asked her boss if he'd like another glass of champagne. He had eagerly accepted and Rukia went off to find one of the floating caterers. She hummed softly in her throat as she did so and weaved gently around the room.
It was only when she came to the very edge of the room did she find what she was looking for…
And more.
The moment Rukia's fingers wrapped around two champagne glass stems her eye caught sight of something shining. No, not shining… more like flaming. She frowned and turned her head to see what that shining and flaming thing was.
Rukia nearly dropped the glasses.
A small smile graced Momo Hinamori's face as she trailed aimlessly in between the crowds of people. Many men turned to look at her as she passed and she turned to them with a happy smile plastered across her features. She giggled when a very cute—but very under-aged—boy in a catering outfit presented her with a sparkling glass of champagne.
“Miss.” He said, his eyes bugging out of his head as he handed her the proffered beverage.
“Why thank you sir,” Momo said kindly. She fought off a giggle at the way his face blushed beet red.
Deciding that she wasn't completely finished with the boy, Momo lifted her hand and brushed a stray piece of hair behind his ear. The young man nearly had a heart attack when her soft fingers passed near his face. Momo, herself, could feel her sides splitting with unshed laughter as she slowly watched him turn seven shades of red.
She bent down a bit and raised one eyebrow towards him. “I'll come and get you if I need anything else, kay?” She murmured in a low and husky voice.
He didn't speak; he simply grabbed his chest, nodded his scraggly head of hair, and began to choke a bit.
She walked away while the young man had a heart attack on the carpet. She glanced back and frowned… at least… it looked like he was having a heart attack. Either that or an orgasm.
Momo turned away and flipped a piece of hair away from her face.
Damn she was good.
She continued flitting through the crowd. Her heels clicked lightly on the wooden floor and she hummed a small tune as she went. Not long into her wanderings, she saw a distinctly white puff of hair in the crowd.
Her smile widened to twice its size and she increased her speed.
“Toshiro,” she said, happiness infecting her voice as she came up behind her fiancé and placed a hand on his shoulder. She sighed dreamily when he turned to smile at her. I'm so lucky that I've found a man who is the same height as me.
“Momo,” Toshiro said, leaning his head towards hers and pressing a small kiss to her cheek. Momo blushed and giggled softly as he did so. Shiro wasn't one of the most openly affectionate people in the world. When it came to him, kisses and caresses seemed to always be reserved for the home. Only when he was in a really good mood did he ever show outward signs of affection.
She reciprocated the gesture and added in a little nuzzle of her nose. She felt the skin under her lips heat and she laughed inwardly. Toshiro was always so cute when he blushed.
“Enjoying the party?” He asked as she swung around to stand in front of him, her dress swirling around his and her legs.
“I am now,” Momo replied earnestly. She reached out one of her hands and coupled it with Toshiro's. He smiled at her and she felt herself become slightly breathless just at the sight of him.
Her fiancé looked dashing in a simple—yet elegant—black suit. It was paired with a silver tie that matched his striking hair perfectly. His eyes were a shining shade of blue and a light smile rested upon his face, making his countenance seem even more handsome.
She linked her fingers with his and together they stepped closer to one another. He was holding a glass of champagne in his hand and so was she. After another moment of looking into his eyes, Momo could surmise that it was this simple glass of sparkling liquid that was keeping her from jumping her fiancé in front of all of his business partners.
“Glad I could help,” he said to her, bringing her mind back to the present. She watched as his face reddened again and he looked off to the side.
Toshiro is always so cute when he says something sentimental. Momo's mind screamed joyously.
They remained there, staring into each others' respective eyes, when—after a moment—Toshiro's body stiffened, his eyes narrowed, and his head swung around to the side. Momo frowned and followed his piercing gaze.
She gasped and almost dropped her champagne.
Sosuke Aizen was standing not three feet from her.
How did I not notice this?! Her brain shrieked as alarm bells began to sing. Her hand tightened a bit inside of Shiro's and she backed just a tiny ways away.
“Mr. Hitsugaya,” he said, his warm body coming even closer to the pair. “Hello.”
Momo looked stubbornly to the side, her eyes refusing to meet his. She knew what would happen if she looked up into his perfectly chocolate brown eyes. She knew what would happen if she allowed her hand to be swallowed by his. She knew… she knew and she didn't want it to happen.
“Hello Mr. Aizen,” Toshiro said in a chilled voice. Momo knew he wasn't being rude though. His tone was just normally like that. “How are you this evening?”
“Very well, very well… yes.” Momo tried to steel herself against the velvety onslaught of his perfect voice. She liked Toshiro's voice much better than his. Much better.
There was a slight pause between them and Toshiro's hand loosened just a bit around Momo's. She held onto it fast and pretended to be reading the occupancy notice for the room.
“I actually hadn't expected to come here tonight,” Sosuke—no, it's Mr. Aizen, Momo reminded herself—said jovially. “But I thought since everyone was here I might as well make the rounds.”
“An astute observation,” Toshiro commented, tugging Momo's hand a bit and bringing her forward a few feet.
“Yes,” Mr. Aizen chuckled and nodded to the people milling around them, “I wouldn't be a very good business head if I didn't see to my employees every now and again.”
“Of course,” Momo's fiancé added, he pulled her hand until she was even with him and extended an arm towards Mr. Aizen. “Have you met my fiancé, Mr. Aizen?”
There was a soft pause before he answered, “Once, yes… we've met once.”
That was when Momo finally looked up.
Her mind was immediately assaulted by the perfect shape of his eyes. She saw his thick boyish glasses, his lightly salted hair, his round, heart-shaped face, and that beautiful mouth that was currently curled into a smile.
She nearly swooned.
“Yes,” Momo answered, her voice slightly strangled, her eyes still glued to Sosuke's, and her palm—still wrapped around Toshiro's—beginning to sweat. “We went to lunch once to discuss selecting an assistant for Mr. Aizen once the merger is complete.”
Holy hell, did I actually get that out in a completely coherent sentence?
“Really?” There was a note of uneasiness in Toshiro's voice as he squeezed Momo's hand. “Did you mention that to me?”
Momo jerked her head away from Sosuke's direction and looked over at her fiancé. His eyes were growing harder by the second and his expression was once again slightly frozen. Shame filled the pit of Momo's stomach when she realized what she had just been thinking… what she had been imagining… what she had been contemplating….
She opened her mouth to answer him—hopefully with another completely coherent sentence, although with Sosuke standing so close she didn't know if she could do it again—but was surprised when Sosuke spoke first.
“I'm afraid the outing wasn't very eventful to be so memorable,” he cut in swiftly, “I was quite rude about the whole thing, actually. I simply stole Ms. Hinamori away from the office and pumped with questions.” He took another step forward until they were very close indeed. “I meant to apologize for my actions but I'm afraid I never got the chance.”
Momo looked from Sosuke to Toshiro and swallowed silently. She knew that Sosuke was lying; the luncheon had been memorable, he hadn't stolen her away, and he most definitely hadn't pumped her for anything… except emotions she didn't want or need right now.
“Oh,” Toshiro looked up and smiled at Momo, “Well, if it wasn't that memorable…”
Momo smiled and prayed that she would be able to make an escape before things went any further than this. Sure, Sosuke had covered for her this one time, but what if he brought up how she had looked at him that day, how her breath had caught when he spoke to her, how his hand had lightly touched hers… and how she had not pushed it away?
“I'm going to get some more ch—”
“Actually, Mr. Hitsugaya,” Sosuke interrupted, causing Momo to immediately choke on the rest of her sentence, “I proposed to Ms. Hinamori that once the merger is completed and once Rukia Kuchiki is no longer in need of her services, she should come and be my personal assistant.”
Momo's eyes widened at the exact same time as Toshiro's.
His head flipped over to hers and his mouth dropped slightly, “Now I know you didn't tell me that.
“Because I still wasn't sure about Rukia's position,” Momo hurriedly cut in, praying to God that Shiro didn't take this as some sort of plot to accidentally sabotage their relationship. “I'm actually still not really sure about it. Rukia might want to keep using me as her secretary and—”
“Momo,” Toshiro said, quickly bringing a hand up to her lips and quieting her. She silenced immediately and blinked when she saw a look of happiness crossing over his features. “I'm not mad at you.” He chuckled lightly and shook his head. “No, honey… this is a wonderful opportunity for you. To be the personal assistant to the head of Suigetsu and Gotei Incorporated? That's a huge stepping stone.”
Momo gulped, “It is?”
“Of course,” he quickly brought his hand to his lips and pressed a quick kiss to the tips of her fingers. “Momo, I'm so happy for you.”
Warmth spread to her cheeks and she swallowed heavily. She didn't know if it was because her fiancé was kissing her hand or if it was because Sosuke was watching. She… oh God… she didn't know what to think right now. Toshiro was so happy for her, his face was practically glowing…
How could she tell him that she didn't want to accept the position because Sosuke Aizen made her knees weak?
“Mr. Hitsugaya!”
All three heads jerked over to the sound of someone calling for Toshiro. He raised a hand and acknowledged the person, his other appendage still gripping Momo's quivering fingers.
He turned back to her and smiled, “I'm going to go do what I do best,” a hint of arrogance overrode his normally bland tone and Momo's lips quirked up slightly. “It might take a while.”
“That's okay,” Momo answered immediately. “I was going to go and find Rukia anyway.” She nudged away from the two men before her and desperately wished she could get away.
“Alright,” he bent over to her and pressed a kiss to her heated cheek. His lips were pleasantly cool and Momo smiled a bit more. “I'll see you later tonight. You're leaving with Rukia right?”
“Yes,” she answered the pit of her stomach evaporating as she did so, “We thought we'd spend some girl time together.”
“Okay,” he said, brushing kisses against her knuckles, “Call me when you two are safe at her place.”
“Alright,” she murmured. He turned away and as immediately swallowed by the much larger crowd. Momo's heart was hammering inside of her chest as she watched him leave.
She hadn't planned on staying at Rukia's tonight. Her throat closed slightly when she realized that this was the first time she had ever lied outright to her fiancé.
Sosuke moved behind her until her exposed back was brushing against the fabric of his coat. She stood stock still and waited until she felt his breath puffing on the back of her neck.
“I'd like to take you to see your new office.”
His voice was low and even. Momo shuddered against him and felt two strong hands come onto her shoulders. He held her gently and they turned as one. “Come on,” he said, his tone becoming husky.
Momo only nodded and—as if she was in a trance—followed him step for step.
On the way out, Sosuke grabbed two glasses of champagne from a silent caterer and held them as they walked. He handed one to her and she drank it willingly. The cool liquid flowed down her throat and warmed both her esophagus and her stomach. They continued walking and after a few moments she felt a large, warm, hand on her back. They walked and walked and walked for what seemed like hours but was really only a few moments.
Momo's mind clouded. For some reason, she felt… slow and tingly. She felt like she was trudging through molasses yet lit on fire at the same time. Her body began to simmer and her brain began to fuzz. Her last thought was wondering if this was the effect that Sosuke Aizen had on her—or on all women—before he gently eased both of them into an elevator.
Rukia's dress slid against her body as she hurriedly walked down the empty hallway, her arms swinging by her sides as she pumped her legs at a furious pace. The sound made by her heels was muffled by the soft carpeting and she swallowed hard at the pounding inside of her head. Quickly, she placed a hand against her forehead and tried to calm down.
The door came into her vision only a moment later. Coat in one hand and purse in the other, Rukia tightly gripped the knob with her free fingers and twisted as hard as she could. The metallic object nearly broke off in her hand as she thrust the door open and went inside. With as much force as she possibly could muster, Rukia turned and slammed the door shut.
The resounding bang would have disturbed an entire neighborhood if the walls had been thin enough. Rukia, however, knew that no one at Suigetsu was listening.
No one would care.
She swiftly walked inside and threw her purse and coat vehemently down into her office chair. She felt little streaks of heat slide down her face as a thump echoed from her padded leather seat.
Glaring at nothing in particular she viciously shoved a hand through her hair and pulled it away from her face. Her breathing was shallow and uneven as she tried to steady it. More hot stripes colored her burning cheeks and she hastily wiped them away. Her fingers came back wet. She glowered angrily at the tips and shoved them furiously against her dress.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She hissed. She drew in a deep and angry breath and strode forward until her entire body was in front of the glass window of her office.
Not just my office, she told herself quietly, his too.
Rukia swallowed and as another breath escaped her it became choppy and stuttered.
She balled her hands into fists and raised them until they were pressed against the cool glass. She shivered as she leaned forward and pressed her heated forehead against it as well. Steam pooled around the areas connected but she stayed there, desperately trying to control the flood of emotions that was currently plaguing her stomach and her chest.
More importantly her chest.
The moment Rukia's fingers wrapped around two champagne glass stems her eye caught sight of something shining. No, not shining… more like flaming. She frowned and turned her head to see what that shining and flaming thing was.
Rukia nearly dropped the glasses.
“Ichigo…” she breathed, her heart sped up slightly at the sight of him. His fantastically orange hair was as unruly as ever—it looked as if he hadn't even brushed it before coming here—and his tight body looked downright delicious in the casual tuxedo he was wearing. Rukia felt an involuntary shudder run through her as she stood, slightly bent, simply staring at him.
But that was not the reason she nearly dropped the glasses. No, she hadn't just been stunned by him—although that probably would have sufficed for a few broken glasses—it was more than that.
It was who he was talking to.
Rukia did not know who the woman was. As she studied her perfect face no recollection came to mind, no glimpse in the hallway, no greeting on an elevator, no accidental bump at a luncheon. She did not know the woman.
But Ichigo seemed to know her.
He actually seemed to know her very well, if the way he was trapping her against a wall with one casually held up arm was any indication. She was leaning happily against the bland paint, with a sultry smile curving on her face, as she stared directly into Ichigo's eyes.
Rukia took a moment to evaluate the woman; she was dressed in a peach-colored garment that was nearly translucent. Had the woman been wearing underwear—and she wasn't—everyone in attendance would have been able to see it. Her body was curved perfectly: her breasts were easily five times the size of Rukia's and currently popping out of her dress, her waist was as tiny as a coin, her hips were flared seductively, and the lining of her legs would cause any man to fall directly at her feet. To add injury to insult, her face was just as perfect as her body. Long, gleaming, blonde hair fell in waves nearly to her waist, her lips were a delectable looking shade of pink and curled in just the right way, and her cheeks were curved in a gentle heart-shape that could have melted the coldest of souls.
The woman was Aphrodite herself.
Rukia watched for a moment as Ichigo spoke to her and grinned while his arm remained in its same place. The woman laughed a merry, tinkling, joyous, and seductive, laugh and brought out one hand to lightly nudge it against his chest. Rukia swallowed hard when she watched her hand linger on the soft cloth of Ichigo's shirt. She looked up into his eyes, grinned provocatively, and began to swirl her pointer finger in circles against him.
Oddly enough, it wasn't that particular act that killed Rukia. It was the fact that he made no move to stop her and even leaned in a bit closer that really stole away her breath.
Rukia stood stock still, the power of what was happening pinning her to her spot. She was trembling softly as she watched the woman lean forward and whisper something into Ichigo's ear. He grinned and just laughed. Rukia could only imagine that right now he was smelling her fragrance. No doubt she had chosen to wear a fantastic perfume that turned men into amorous fools.
Ichigo included.
Rukia held her eyes on the woman for at least two full minutes. She didn't know why she couldn't break away… she just… couldn't.
It was only at the end of those two minutes that Rukia found a pair of coy blue eyes shining into her own. That alone was enough to break Rukia out of the trance she had placed herself in. She jerked upwards, shook her head, and tried desperately to clear it. Champagne splashed against the edges of the glass and even spilled over a bit as she jerked backwards and tried to disappear into the crowd once more.
The last glimpse she had of the sensuous woman was her lightly tapping Ichigo on the shoulder and indicating in her direction.
She only prayed that he hadn't seen her.
She quickly walked through the mass of people and hastily met up with Mr. Ukitake. She swiftly handed him his glass of champagne and left immediately, muttering something about bad crab-cakes and an upset stomach.
She wasn't necessarily lying though; she did have an upset stomach. Seeing that… it had made her sick.
Rukia exhaled and watched as her breath puffed against the glass. The moisture disappeared slowly and she closed her eyes before it could be completely gone.
She hadn't wanted this to happen. None of it, she hadn't wanted any… anything…
“Christ,” she whispered, pressing two fingers on the bridge of her nose. She had a horrible headache throbbing in her temples and she desperately wished that she had thought to bring some aspirin with her.
She just needed to calm down. Once she calmed down she could go home. She could go home and sleep and not think about this. Once she was calm she would think about this rationally and she would… she would... she would do something. She wasn't entirely sure what, but she'd do something.
Something that didn't involve tears and copious amounts of alcohol or ice cream.
She swallowed and snorted; okay, maybe she'd add in the alcohol.
Slowly, ever so slowly, her breathing came under control. Her limbs stopped shaking. Her mind stopped racing. The streaks of hot liquid stopped falling from her eyes.
Rukia stepped away from the window and drew in breath after deep breath. She closed her eyes for a moment and counted to ten—as a precaution—and turned to go to her chair and get her things.
She hadn't made a single move when the door burst open.
Rukia's heart froze inside of her chest as Ichigo Kurosaki came through the door, coat in tow, and hurriedly shut it behind him.
He looked to be out of breath and once he turned around she saw that it was true. He was panting slightly and the tightness of his tie had been compromised as a result. Rukia stood stock still as he tossed his coat onto her desk and began to pull at the cloth around his neck.
“Hey,” he muttered, his breathing slightly heavier than normal, “I called after you, didn't you hear me?”
Rukia blinked at him. Ichigo looked up and raised one sharp, orange, eyebrow. He slid the tie away from him and tossed it on her desk as well. Rukia still did not move.
He smirked as he straightened up and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “What, have you suddenly gone deaf?”
Rukia blessed the darkness of the room. Blessed it and cursed it, in fact. She was truly glad that Ichigo could not see her red face, indicating the possibility of tears. However, she was not as enthusiastic about the fact that he could not see how truly, frighteningly, angry she was with him right now.
Initiating several brisk movements, Rukia moved to her desk and dug out her coat and her purse, she hefted them into her arms and quickly moved to pass her lover.
Ichigo's hand reached out and grabbed her arm.
“Rukia,” he grunted, swinging her in front of him, “I wasn't kidding about that deaf comment.”
“Get out of my way Ichigo,” she said, her voice was low, angry, and deadly.
Anyone with a self-preservation gene would have immediately released her. Ichigo, however, did not possess such a trait—his lack of inheritance probably stemmed from his crazy father—and only gripped her arm tighter.
“What the fuck is wrong with your voice?” He peered at her closer and lifted his other hand to brush a stray lock of hair away from her eyes. “Are you okay?”
Rukia raised her arm and slapped away his hand in one motion. In her second she twisted out of his tight grip and jerked away from him.
No longer able to hold it in any longer she opened her mouth and allowed her frustration to flow into furious, condescending, boiling, words.
“Why don't you go ask that slut?” She spat venomously, “I'm sure she'll be able to tell you what is wrong with me.”
Ichigo's voice became flat and increasingly angry. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Oh please,” Rukia hissed, “Like you don't know!” She walked around him and headed for the door again. “Just go back to the party Ichigo. Who knows, maybe you'll get so fucking plastered that you'll start making out with Inoue again.” Not that she had seen her anywhere in the vicinity. But hell, as mad as she was right now she was glad for it. She didn't think she could take it if that psychopath was here trying to seduce Ichigo.
Because someone had already beaten her to it.
Her hand was on the doorknob and she had just jerked it slightly away from the frame when a strong hand shot out from above her head and slammed it shut. The sound resonated just like it had when she had slammed it the first time.
Rukia stayed still for a moment as her fist tightened around the knob, nearly denting it. Her eyes were bleeding red and her breathing was becoming hard. A low, feral, snarl came from her lips and she viciously yanked on the door once again.
Ichigo did not so much as budge. His hand was solid on the door as he leaned his head down. Rukia stiffened her neck as she felt his hot breath come puffing down on her ear and neck.
“When I asked you what the hell you were talking about,” he said in a voice that was low and deadly, “It wasn't an invitation to evade the question.” One of his hands snapped out and grappled hard on her shoulder. She hissed as he spun her around and slammed her back against the door.
She lurched against him but both of his hands came to her shoulders and pushed her back against the door. She strained and even went as far as to viciously kick him in the shin. Ichigo grunted and expelled a hot breath before he pushed her even further into the wall and glared at her hard.
“Get off of me Ichigo,” she snarled, bringing her hands and shoving them hard against his chest.
“No,” he shot back. His hot, honeyed-amber eyes were burning into hers even in the darkness of the room. Rukia stared up at him. Her breathing was hard and heavy as she stared him down.
“I said,” she growled, “Get. Off. Of. Me. Now, Kurosaki.”
She felt Ichigo stiffen under her pushing hands. She knew what he was thinking. She only used his last name when she was terribly pissed off at him. She saw his eyes narrow and at that very moment her heart started beating faster.
One of his hands moved from her shoulder and found its way to her face. Rukia jerked immediately away from him but he followed her. His palm pressed determinedly to her cheek and gripped tightly. She grunted and tried to get away but he held fast.
His breath was insistent on her face as his fingers roved the skin around her eyes. She held deathly still as his pointed finger tested the puffiness under her eye. His movements were insistent but still gentle. He roved around her face and then moved to the other side, the back of his hand doing the work this time. Rukia stood as still as a statue until all of the wetness was gone from her cheeks. She furiously raged at herself as her body began to react to his presence. She could feel her nipples tightening inside of her dress. She could feel her sex beginning to slicken at his touches. Her skin tingled as he continued to caress her face.
But she was angry. Oh she was so angry. How could she so easily forget the woman he had been speaking to? The blonde bombshell with the perfect body and the perfect breasts and the perfect beauty; how could she forget how he leaned towards her and smiled the same arrogant, smirking, smile that he used on her all the time? How could she just forget?
“Get off of me,” she said, her voice holding much less venom now than it had a few moments ago. She just wanted him to go away. She wanted to be left alone.
Ichigo did not move. “You've been crying.” He said. Rukia turned at the sound of his voice and fought back a snicker. His tone held such wonderment and awe… it seemed like this was the first time he had ever seen a woman cry and now he was looking at her like some sort of freak scientist would—half bewildered and amazed yet still half afraid.
“I stubbed my toe,” Rukia hissed angrily, her own tone bolstering its hatred once again. “It really hurt. Now let me the fuck go.”
“No,” he answered immediately, pressing even more-so into her, Rukia could feel the push of his body against hers and could smell the heat in the air. His head bent down towards hers but she clenched her jaw shut and turned away from him. She started angrily at the wall as Ichigo placed his head on the crook of her neck and shoulder and drew in a deep breath.
“What was it you were saying about a slut?”
Rukia's temper flared instantly and before she knew what she was doing, she had pushed Ichigo away from her in one, heavy, shove. He stumbled backwards and grunted but she didn't care. Hell, she didn't know how she had been able to do that after she had spent so long trapped against the door.
“Rukia,” he growled, advancing on her once again, more than likely ready to pin her to the door, “I'm tired of doing this. You're going to answer me right now. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Instead of answering she advanced on him. Her hands met his chest and she shoved him as hard as she possibly could. His body went sailing through the air and he cursed again and again. Rukia couldn't hear anything. Her ears were throbbing with rushing blood and her heart was suffering from the same affliction. She gritted her teeth together and came towards him once again. Before he could catch any of her offending appendages she had shoved him again. This time, his body hit the large glass wall with an angry thud. He grunted and made to get up from it—hell, she wouldn't have been surprised if he had decided to tackle her right then and there—but he didn't. He stopped the moment he saw her come before him and fall to her knees.
Rukia was so angry… she was so filled with hatred… she despised Ichigo for what he had done with that woman… for what he would have done if he hadn't seen her… for—for—everything. She hated him for it… she wanted to make him pay…
But more than anything else she wanted to show him the same craziness that he had shown her the night Momo had hurt her. She wanted to show him that he was not the only one who held the cards in this deadly game they were playing. She wanted to show him that she could be just as domineering… just as possessive… just as needing.
If not more so than him.
Rukia's fingers gripped the buckle of his pants and in less than a second it was undone. She heard an intake of breath from Ichigo as she tugged open his fly and yanked down his pants and underwear.
“Rukia!” He gasped, “W-What're you doin—”
She enveloped him completely in her mouth.
Her lips closed around him as she sucked on him as hard as she could. There was no time for teasing foreplay. She wasn't going to play around with him—blow on his cock, lick his length, or even grip him with her hands. No, she would have to save that for later. Right now she needed to show him all of the things that she could not tell him. She'd play with him later; she'd torture him just like he had tortured her so many nights ago. She'd take him into her and not let him leave until his senses were all but depleted. She'd ride him and fuck him and pleasure him until it was he that slipped into the regions of the unconscious.
Not her… him.
Her tongue swirled around the tip of his quickly-hardening cock and groaned when he expanded inside of her mouth. Her lips caressed the edges of his thick shaft and her hand rose from its place on the carpet and began to cup his balls.
Ichigo groaned above her and she relished the sounds. She knew that only she could produce them. Only she could bring that type of moan from his lips. Him… Ichigo Kurosaki, the indomitable, the insufferable, and the indescribable man that he was.
That man was currently moaning under her sinful ministrations.
She could hear him panting above her and she sucked on him even harder. Her second hand rose and began to caress the lean line of his legs. Her fingers tangled in the curly mass of hair that led to his engorged length. She teased that which was not inside of her mouth with her fingers and listened while he panted hard.
Her heart pounded inside of her chest and her sex grew slick with juice as she continued. She knew that if she continued like this he would not be able to stand it much longer.
Rukia pushed him even further into her mouth, until his head was hitting the back of her throat. She pulled him in and out of her mouth, mimicking what she knew he wanted to do with her hot center. Ichigo gasped above her and she had to fight off a smile at the sound.
She pulled him nearly completely out of her mouth as she leaned back on her aching legs and ran the entire length of her tongue over the tip of him. She tasted the salty sweetness of his precum as she moved. She swallowed diligently and shuddered when she thought of what all of him would taste like.
He's almost there, she noted with some satisfaction. Normally, Ichigo could last much, much, much, much, longer than this. But she guessed that since she was the one taking matters into her own hands things were going to be a bit different.
Rukia tasted him as he leaked from his tip and groaned, sending the vibrations from her throat all throughout his body. She could tell he was only seconds away now. Swiftly, the hand cupping his balls gently slithered behind them. Rukia tuned her ears perfectly as she moved her fingers to press on the sensitive spot directly behind his testicles.
That did it.
Ichigo lurched inside of her mouth and screamed.
Load after load of his semen shot its way into Rukia's throat and she did her best to accommodate every last drop of him. Her tongue swirled around him as he came, taking him all, drinking him, tasting him, showing him.
Then it was over. His cock was wet and spent as she pulled her mouth away. Her breathing was hard and her body was tingling. Her heart was thumping out of tune with the rest of her body and shudders kept racing down her spine.
Slowly… ever so slowly, Rukia looked up. Her eyes followed the lean trail of his body until they finally rested on his glowing, honeyed-amber, eyes. Rukia's heart clenched at the sight. His gaze was glowing and yellow on hers. He looked demonic… beautiful… and wild.
Before she knew what had happened next, Ichigo was before her. His entire body had slumped against the wall, his weak legs collapsing underneath of him. His body was as flaccid as a limp noodle from her fantastic torture. She stared at him as he tried to get his breathing under control. His glowing yellow eyes were dilated. His mouth was open in panting amazement.
Rukia grinned.
As slow as a creeping cat, she stalked over to him, raised her body over his, trapped his head between her arms, pressed her heat against his enlivening erection, and bent to press her mouth against his ear.
“Quid pro quo sweetheart.” She murmured huskily. She made sure to add a bit of danger to her tone as she spoke and delighted in hearing him groan. Gently, her tongue came out of her mouth and ran along the shell of his ear. He shuddered against her and wound his arms around her tiny waist.
She began to run her hands over his body and press quick kisses to his neck. “Now you're going to drive me home so I can knock you unconscious.”
Ichigo didn't say anything; he didn't protest or swear or even mutter. He just nodded his head and pulled her into a tight hug.
As Rukia nuzzled her face against him a strange thought ran through her head. She pushed it away, not wanting to ruin this moment of complete and utter dominance over one man, and didn't bother to think of it again.
Rukia… what are you doing?
When Momo Hinamori finally delivered herself into consciousness later that evening she awoke to find that she was naked, bruised, and had a cut on her lip.
She couldn't remember anything.
(A/N: This chapter is in honor of Rukia's awesome birthday, even though I updated a day late! Woot woot! Rukia kicks ass!—and I do mean that literally. I mean, the Arrancar arc? She's the only one actually taking people down! Woohoo! But I'll put that aside for now…
Dearest readers, I'll have you know that after I posted the last chapter I finally got my butt in gear and began to grind out more chapters. Hopefully, if I keep going at this pace (before spring term starts) I'll be able to give you chapters at a more frequent pace. :D Keep your fingers crossed!