Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Sabotage ❯ the kiss and awe ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

reviews welcome!!! flames: go ahead, but that only proves you are an idiot, for taking the time to flame something you didnt like whe you could just ignore it.

anyway i posted this twice, blame the computer, so here we go!!!:)

The day wasn't so different from any other day that passed within the Soul Society, the sky clear as the day before the first storms were created. Calm with no sudden incident to cause some kind of ruckus, no need for emergency Captain meetings or permission for the release of any Zanpaktos. For the past year Ichigo had no reason to let loose his vast power or let loose his vast spiritual energy in successful attempts at defeating a foe. Though Rukia somewhat enjoyed this, for all the energy that Ichigo held within his body he would not waist it on enemies in seemingly endless battle, but direct all his attention towards pleasuring her, putting her into pure nirvanic dimensions that shattered all her previously conceived notions of how strongly he could cause her to come, or yet even scream.

Yet, she longed for the Ichigo that so ferociously fought in battle, brows furrowed together, sweat rolling down his determined face. Oh was he the sexiest being in both worlds, the sheer resolve on his face to kill his enemies, was the source for such overwhelming sex-appeal. Standing off out of dangers way Rukia would study every blissful motion of Ichigo's will to win. Handling Zangetsu with powerful skill, swiftly bringing his arm back and thrusting forward to place a well calculated blow onto his opponent then quickly striking again to bring whoever it may be down even further. While she stood and gawked in awe of the extremity of his being, her heart would become flustered sending deep needing passion down into the center of her torso, to then be grasped by the gravity of the core of her womanhood manifesting into sweet droplets of moisture. Her juices would seep through the thin cotton fabric of panties, and beads of her want, her need would ever so slowly run down between her thighs.

Rukia mused over the memories of his battles, her eyes fixed on a single puff of cloud that she had failed to notice, she also failed to notice the tall stark naked boy stand beside her as she sat legs crossed on the carpeted floor.

“Hey, Rukia?,” a heavy boyish voice called to her, snapping her out of her lustful conscience.

“What?,” Her head turned to the side only to meet a pair of lean muscular thighs, her sight drifted its way up, pausing for a moment on his, to big for belief, penis.

“Why are you so lost in thought? You didn't even realize I was here.,” he spoke when her eyes met his, a sarcastic tone present in his voice.

“I was thinking maybe, instead swinging that thing in my face you could do some thing...,” her voice was sly and twinged with lust, “fulfilling.”

A wide grin slipped itself on his face. He looked down at his soon to be wife, and thanked the gods he hadn't masturbated in the shower. Though they had yet to loose there virginities together, no time was wasted when it came to honing their skills at foreplay. Actual sex for Rukia was not an option, since she had vowed that whosoever broke through her barrier would be the person that she was married to. So, when Ichigo had asked her to bind their souls in marriage she became ecstatic, knowing that she would one day experience what she heard others rave about. Rukia did love Ichigo very much. Much more than love itself could describe its very own existence, but she was a women she needed what she was meant for.


They had never dated like most couples. They had only remained partners and close friends, defeating what ever enemies came in there way, laughing at silly things and carrying on pointless conversations, merely enjoying each others company. But Ichigo soon noticed a singeing in his heart, and not to mention his groins, that flared into unknown, foreign emotions. He soon also realized this flare was synchronized with any thought he had of Rukia, any image of her face, the lullaby tune of her voice, the heat emanating from her body. None of this could in any way came close to the way he felt when she was actually in his presence.

No longer being able to control himself one afternoon, Ichigo pulled Rukia into a tight embrace, slinking his arms around her narrow waist, tugging her body onto his own. Her body tingled and prickled as she felt her blush rise into her cheeks, she wandered deeply into his golden brown eyes, not wanting to ever wander out. He returned her gaze with compassion, his love for this soul reaper was beyond all that could ever compete. Rukia's arms folded together against his chest, unable to release herself, not that she had thought about doing so, she succumbed to his being.

Overwhelmed by this pleasant ache in his heart, he gradually ran his hands up her back, that rewarded him with a strong shiver from Rukia, a bulge in his pants began to build. His fingers, then his palms found her neck and slung there way to her face. Each palm cupping either side of Rukia's delicate jaw. Gently he lifted her feet from the tile floor, pulling her lips closer to their ultimate destination. He bowed his head, meeting her half way, and placed his lips on her chin sliding up against her skin and parting them suddenly catching her lower lip as it slipped gracefully between his own, Ichigo suckled roughly, then opened his mouth wider forcing his tongue into the plush wetness of Rukia's mouth.

What he had wanted to say to her the most, was the only possible pry bar for the two, though he had not realized that these words needed to be spoken, until that moment when he kissed Rukia for the first time. He pulled away from the kiss, leaving his one and only in breathless awe. Rukia was absolutely amazed at what had taken place these last few moments. Her mind wavered side to side, dizzy from love, lust, passion, desire. A blend of emotions that drugged into a state of beatitude.
Her body became flimsy under the weight of Ichigo. All, every dimension of Ichigo.

“Marry me!” he exclaimed while still holding her up her by her face.

All that Rukia could do in this position, was stare into his face, a scowl of love and devotion and sex was blanketed over his usual everyday scowl. His eyebrows were knit together in anticipation of her answer. Then he slowly remembered the way he was holding her up in his hands and carefully stood her up back on the floor. He waited.

“Ichigo, I...I would want nothing more,nothing else.,”

Applause broke through the silence that had swept the room after Rukia gave her answer. They had both gone through this moment thoroughly forgetting that it was school time and that they stood in the center of their crowded group of friends in the middle of their class room. Everybody stood motionless and silent when the scene had taken place, but know they were cheering, laughing in an impromptu celebration. Almost everyone wore a genuine smile of approval and happiness to the now engaged couple.

Almost everyone.

Orihime's smile was as wide and shining as it ever was to all those around her, though her head was spinning with a new found hatred for her once close friend...Rukia.

Congratulations and best wishes were offered to the soon to be newly weds. Ichigo and Rukia blushed and glanced to each other and quickly looked away being embarrassed by all the attention they were gathering and also more so because of the first kiss they shared, in the staring eyes of their classmates.


Rukia buried her nose into the soft tuft of her orange that stood at the base of Ichigo's erect dick. Her tongue glided up his shaft leaving as she began to free Ichigo from her throat. His hips bucked gently when Rukia swirled her tongue around his head and teased at the small opening of his dick, her lips wet with precum encircled his dick and she rolled her tongue against him, grazing the hardness of his cock with her teeth. Ichigo's muscles tensed, his cum gushed into Rukia's mouth while her mouth was still sheathing him, his cum filled her mouth, dripping out through the corners of her smile. Rukia savored the sweet salty taste of Ichigo's manhood, swallowing it in satisfaction.

Panting, Rukia stood up in front of Ichigo a shy smile on her beautiful face. Though the mood was quickly destroyed.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and get dressed, were leaving in an hour!,” Ichigo barley shouted.

“ Well you're the one thats naked, moron.,” Rukia retorted.

“Huh? Oh, right. Well hurry up. I bet Ill be dressed before you are.,” Ichigo argued back.

“Hey, this is what I'm wearing, I'm already dressed.,” she spoke back to him mulling over his lack of common sense at some moments. “Now hurry up and get ready like I told you for the fourth time.”

“I..I..Hey, I was the one t....” Rukia was on her way out the door ignoring Ichigo as he spoke. She knew that this annoyed the hell out of him and would frustrate him him to no end.

A blue lace embroidered to the hem of her babydoll white dress, hung down and swayed with each movement of her round hips. Ichigo savored the last fraction of a second view he could get of her perfect little round ass. Oh he loved her body so smooth and delicate. She was perky, curvy, skinny, thick, juicy in all the places that wouldn't otherwise look ugly or unattractive.

Rukia and her companions were waiting and ready to go when Ichigo finally arrived at the entrance to his world.

“what took you so long, Kurosaki?,” Renji asked irritated .

“Thats none of your business, Renji!,” Ichigo said through gritted teeth.

“ you two stop it and lets go, alright.,” Rukia ordered in an exasperated tone.

Ichigo, Rukia, Renji, and Hinamori stepped through the large passageway, that abruptly took them to the other side. Renji held Hinamori closely to his side, with an arm wrapped around her shoulders. She had been nervous about coming to this side, she had never been to Ichigo's world. Hinamori expected to the strange sights that Renji had told her of and she failed to be unscathed by the fear of going there. Descriptions just weren't enough. However Renji had stated to her that he would be by her side throughout their stay and that she could even lay naked with him if that would help her feel more safe. Of course, though, she declined his offer sleeping naked with her.

Explaining to Hinamori all the strange and scary sights that were presented to her, Renji and the others made their way to Kurosaki clinic. Ichigo's family stood outside waving and shouting with giddiness at the the betrothed couples.

“Ichigo, think fast!!” Ishinn threw a fist out at Ichigo's face, Ichigo quickly blocked the assault and forced his knee into his father's chest. All the air in his fathers lungs evaporated, grabbing his chest, he writhed on the pavement. “Great shot, my son, I taught you well.,” Ishinn wheezed, struggling to stand and keep his balance.

“You only taught us how not to raise children, Beardo.” Karin spoke calmly and smooth.

“My own children treat me like not important,” Ishinn sobbed to the sky raising and shaking his fists. “Come on lets leave him to his own antics.” Ichigo said as they walked into the house.


“I hate Rukia, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!!!,” Orihime cried, her hands were balled into fists, her arms lay stiff at her side, she stomped her left her foot with each phrase. Orihime really did hate Rukia. She hated her with all the energy it took to be her happy bubbly self. The hate that Orihime held for this girl was making her sick. Orihime had become depressed after that day at school and lost her appetite along with the will to shower or get up in the mornings. It was summer already, she needn't worry herself with school only with the wedding that she was to stand up in.

A thought suddenly occurred to her. She was going to be a brides maid, why not ruin this thing from the inside. Yes, she could. She sabotage the whole thing, breakup the happy couple, destroy Rukia's life. She planned tediously, that night, plotted every detail, came up with plans for every letter of the alphabet. Not one one thing would ruin her plans to ruin this wedding.