Blood+ Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Female Chevalier ❯ chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter four

Mao walked up the cement stairs back to the apartment, carrying a few grocery bags. She was humming to a beat unknown to anyone but her. She put the grocery bags on the counter and she saw Saya lying down on the couch in a fetal position looking very depressed. She spotted Shippo doing the same thing in a corner except he was sitting up. Even Haji looked sort of depressed, as he leaned against a wall adjacent to Saya. Mao sighed sadly remembering when Lewis had retold the time him and David spent with the mysterious man named Shippo.

xxxxxFLASHBACK: One week ago!!!xxxxx
“Mama!” Shippo shouted, but the only ones who heard it were David and Lewis. Haji and Saya were still knocked out.
“Who are you?” David asked finally.
“I am Shippo Higurashi.”Shippo responded. “I thought you were Kagome’s son.” David said confusedly
‘They should have the same last name.’ David thought to himself. Shippo shook his head, a small sad smile on his handsome face.
“I am Kagome’s adopted son. Her real name is Kagome Higurashi. She changed her name to Tenudan because that was the name of the person who raped her 14 years ago. The next week she was found by Diva and turned into a monster. She tracked down the Tenudan guy a month later and raped him before torturing him to death. She gave me the story, full details included. She ended up pregnant. “Shippo told them. David and Lewis’ eyes widened.
“I thought that only the queens could reproduce.” Lewis said amazed. They had moved Haji and Saya to the car and were now driving to the apartment.
“Kagome is a very special person. Well anyway, when Kagome had the baby, I was the proudest a big brother could be. It was a baby girl and she named her Ai. She looked just like Kagome, blue eyes and black hair. One day I went visit them, I had just finished work. All I saw was Ai’s head severed and her body being held by Kagome, whom was smiling.”Shippo said, choking back a sob and his voice cracking.
“I asked her what happened all she said was that she was bored. She killed her own daughter because she was bored!!” Shippo choked out tears flowing angrily down his face. David and Lewis said nothing as they let the red haired man cry. They had thought Shippo was done with his story, or just unable to continue due to his pain.
Shippo spoke again, “At that point I realized that woman, my mother, the one who raised me with unconditional love and care and kindness…. was gone. All that was left was this thing that murdered my baby sister, her own daughter. And changed her name because she thought it was funny. But I know now that my mother is still in there because the three months she had with Ai, she was the kind loving woman she really is, even though that was back when she was mortal, Maybe that mortal Kagome died and the new one took over, I dunno. But she’s in there, the world depends on it.” Shippo said the last part to himself, and no one heard it either.
xxxxxEnd Flashbackxxxxx
“Hey you guys, stop moping around!” Mao said in an impatient tone. “I know you miss Kai, we all do. You guys tried your best, but we’ll find him no worries.” Mao said plastering a huge fake looking smile onto her face, small tears hung on her eye lashes, threatening to fall. No one noticed them.
“Mao, we won’t find Kai unless Kagome lets him out of where ever they’re hiding. David said Kai was willing to become her chevalier for me. I didn’t even know it was possible for a chevalier to have a chevalier of their own. But the problem I am faced with is if I have to fight Kai, I don’t know if I could do it.” Saya said sadly, bringing her knees tighter to herself.
“Miss Saya, you must consider the fact that Kai may already be dead. You never know with Kagome, so don’t get your hopes up.” Shippo said in a depressed manner. Mao quickly smacked him hard, making his head snap quickly to the side.
“Kai’s not dead!” Mao shouted at him angrily her body shaking with sadness, tears rolling down her cheeks. She collapsed to the ground in a heap sobbing.
“Mao, get up.” Lewis said. He was only responded with loud sobs. He bent down and gently grabbed Mao’s arms and lifted her up to look at him. Her face looked pained and her tears flowed freely, she continued to release sobs of sorrow.
“Mao, Kai is a tough guy; he wouldn’t let anyone kill him without leaving them with a few wounds plus he’s too stubborn to die. And Saya, I doubt you’ll have to fight Kai, he wouldn’t attack he loves you too much, so don’t worry.” Lewis said with a smile. Saya nodded, smiling slightly.
“I know, so you know what? I’m going shopping to take my mind off of things. C’mon Saya-chan, Mr.Higurashi, we’re going shopping.” Mao said brightly, and glowing with hope because of Lewis’ inspiring words.
“Alright.” Saya said with a smile.
“I’ll come too, I need to get out.” Shippo said.
“Do you want to come too Haji?” Mao asked. Haji shook his head ‘no’.
“Suit yourself.” Mao said as she grabbed her purse. Saya, Shippo and Mao walked the streets of New York City, occasionally going into stores jut browsing.
“Oh, let’s go into that one!” Mao said pointing to a store called Rue 21.
AN :( I do not own Rue 21, so nobody can say that I tried to)
They walked into the store, and it wasn’t a surprise it was empty seeing as it was still early. It was empty except for a man with brick red hair and a little girl with purple hair done into two pigtails. They were standing next a rack for men’s clothes looking through the items.
“Kai.” Saya said softly, smiling.
“Kai, Kai!” Mao said with happiness as she rushed over to hug him tightly. He felt warm liquid soak through his white wife beater.
“Hey Mao.” Kai said quietly, a small smile appeared on his face as looked down at her.
“Hey Saya!” Lulu called out waving. Kai’s head snapped up, and he saw Saya standing next to that man from the theater last week.
“Saya.” Kai said happily as Mao released him to look at clothes. Kai walked over to Saya and hugged her for all her worth. When Kai released her, Saya finally realized that Lulu was in a store with windows, in the daytime and the sun was shining brightly.
“Lulu, what are you doing in the sun, you could be killed.”Saya said worriedly, pushing the little girl behind a clothes rack. Lulu only giggled.
“There’s no need to worry Saya. I wanted to go shopping so Mama put a spell on me so I wouldn’t die. I even got some new clothes, see.” Lulu said happily, twirling in a circle. Lulu was wearing a pink T-shirt with a red rose on it and a jean skirt that went down to her lower thigh.
“Mama?” Saya questioned, but Kai only looked away.
Changing the subject a little, Saya asked, “How did you escape Kagome Kai? Did you kill her, did she let you go?”
“Neither.” Kai answered curtly.
“Hey you guys, where is the cashier guy? I wanna buy these.” Mao asked holding up a few T-shirts.
Kai looked ashamed as they heard a loud thump.
Kai,” A voice whined from behind the counter. “I’m still hungry.” Shippo and Saya stiffened.
“Miss Mao, you better get back to the apartment.” Shippo whispered to Mao. She nodded and dropped the shirts and ran out of the store to the apartment.
“Wait till we get home.” Kai said coldly.
“No, I want blood now.” The voice said. Kagome stood up from her crouched position behind the counter, blood smeared all over her mouth. She wiped off the blood with the back of her hand as she stepped from behind the counter.
“Oh, hello Auntie Saya, hello Shippo.” Kagome said.
“You know Saya, that’s great Mama, ‘cause Saya’s really cool.” Lulu said happily. Kagome kissed Lulu’s forehead then looked up to Kai
“You know ‘m not tall enough to reach.” Kagome said as she pouted. Kai kneeled down and avoided Saya’s eyes out of shame. Kagome quickly bit into his neck and moaned in content at his blood’s sweet taste.
“Stop that.” Saya bit put coldly, feeling helpless without her sword.
“But I’m hungry.” Kagome whined. “And he tastes sooo good.” Kagome licked Kai’s neck lapping up the rest of the blood smeared on his neck. She was suddenly ripped from Kai’s body and thrown away but she flipped in the air and landed on her feet.
“That was mean Shippo-kun.” Kagome pouted.
“Hey, why’d you do that!?!”Lulu shouted angrily.
“Lulu.” Saya said surprised at Lulu’s behavior.
“Leave my mama alone.” Lulu said.
“Come Lulu, let’s continue shopping and after I’ll get you some blood from the hospital. I don’t know why you didn’t get some this time, blood is so much better fresh. Kai, you can hang out with Auntie Saya while Lulu and I are shopping. Bye Shippo, Love you.” Kagome said. Shippo’s eyes widened ‘Mama.’ His mind echoed in his head.
As she walked past Saya she whispered,” Try and take him from me and everyone you love will die.” Shippo watched longingly as Kagome and Lulu walked out the door. Saya finally unfroze and cursed herself for not being able to do anything.
“I need to go somewhere.” Shippo said as he left the store in the direction Kagome and Lulu went. Saya and Kai watched him leave.
“Well, I guess we have till night fall.” Kai said smiling, but it soon left his face when Saya crushed herself fiercely to his person. His face turned to one of surprise then calm as Saya cried and sobbed into his chest as he hugged her.
End Chapter four