Bondage Fairies Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Uzumaki Naruto Ninja Chronciles: Fairy Odd Adventure ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Maybe it was something that Naruto ate this morning… or maybe he wasn't serious enough when he asked for luck from the gods in the temple where Ero-sennin stopped for a while to peek at the shrine girls… or maybe it's another screwed up curse that Laharl failed to mention… whatever it was, he didn't like it.
What had he done to deserve this? He was no pervert like Laharl, or Ero-sennin… hell, even the sand girl had admitted rather painfully that Naruto had a somewhat mature mentality, when he admitted to her that she was indeed attractive, but didn't have that “funny feeling” she was sure he had cause every male around her had those “funny feelings”. And she was one of the sand females who, whether she would admit to or not, would win Miss Hidden Sand hands down.
But if only Temari knew that Naruto had a “sister” who would most likely be the sexiest woman alive… of course, she wasn't really human… but a fox spirit. Fox spirit or not, whether Naruto would admit to or not, he's a bit cautious around Kyubi. Gives him that funny feeling. Like something bad is going to happen.
Alright, Naruto would admit he was a brat when he was young… but he outgrew that when he realized the importance of himself… In his blood carries his brother, Laharl's. In his point of view… he holds the lives of not only himself, but also Laharl's… He could afford no “fuck-ups” as his sister would say. So far, he's been trying hard, putting up with Ero-sennins abusive training, whilst hiding his other fighting styles, Arnis and Hiten Mitsurugi, under his teacher's very nose. Though Naruto suspected that the old hermit probably has a rough idea what Naruto was doing, and to his credit, gave Naruto enough space and time to practice them.
That, or Ero-sennin didn't know, and just needed time himself to get a good drink and a good peep… Naruto went for the latter.
So basically, Naruto was a good lad… not perfect, but good nonetheless. So why is this happening to him?
He remembered Kyubi's whisper.
Wow, Naruto… you're fucking screwed.
“That… I probably am…”
Later on… Naruto would find out of screwed he really is.
UNNC Side Story: Fairy Odd Adventure
The Awakening of Lust
“DIE!” Pam shouted as her whip danced around the wind. Naruto was forced back when the two enraged Hunter Fairies just suddenly jumped towards him their killing intent very strong.
“You will PAY!!” Pfil shouted as her own whip danced around Pam's. The man who Naruto first fought with the whip couldn't compare to these two's skills as Naruto recognized instantly the common ground between the two attacks like he recognized the attack sequence of the first males that attacked him: Teamwork.
Pam's whip is a striking whip, doing most of the attacks, and Pfil's whip was a support, covering the holes Pam's whip was leaving. Naruto formulated at once a plan to defeat this two angered women before he'd become shishkabobs. But first things first.
Jumping in the air, and rolling towards the right, he barely avoided Pam's direct strike which hit the branch Naruto was standing in and put a big dent in it. But Pfil's whip, he decided to use as a support as it suddenly spiraled towards him. With quick swipe, he grabbed Pfil's whip and pulled hard.
As expected, Pfil pulled back on her whip as well. Taking that to his advantage, he let her pull him towards the side of the branch he stood in earlier, and without a seal, placed charka on his feet soles, and began to run across, then jumped towards the next branch, and then towards the next.
Naruto didn't plan on running… no, if the fairies got this far, that means he'd be followed until he'd lose strength to run. And with hose females having wings, he wouldn't outrun them. So, first things first. As he landed on the new branch, he threw the princess up in the air, and made a quick seal, which made the charka coat create one clone above him, catching the princess.
Naruto looked at the clone. “Get her out of here. I'll battle the two, and I'll catch up with you.”
The clone winked back. “Remember my time limit.”
“Yeah, I'll be done before that,” Naruto gave his clone a thumbs up as it jumped away, branch after branch.
A second later, Pam and Pfil caught up, their anger somewhat subsided, but then replaced with a serious face that could match Gaara's. They noticed the Princess was no longer with the male, and another clone… or whatever it was of the male was running away, carrying the princess. They were about to give chase when four scalpels came flying to them.
Easily dodging them, they took their whips out and glared at the male who threw the scalpels. He had that lopsided fox grin as he was looking at them. “Where are ya going?” he asked them. “I didn't tell you could leave.”
“If you want to face your death, then we'll stay until your last breath,” Pam's voice was soft and cold. Pfil looked at her lover, and gave a short nod. It has been a while since Pam wore that face… there was no way this male would survive them now.
“You'll be staying for a long time then,” Naruto's grin was replaced with a cold neutral expression. Slowly unbuttoning his coat, he removed it. Throwing it on his left, the two fairies noted the sudden straining sound made by the branch.
Is his coat that heavy…? They both thought instantly.
With that done, Naruto instantly called crimson katana and sheathe in his right arm. He then moved his sheathed sword towards his left hip, which instantly attached itself to his belt. Slowly unsheathing his sword with his right hand, he slowly pointed the sword to them. “Don't go easy on me… cause I won't do the same!”
The last statement came as a somewhat soft shout as Naruto suddenly vanished from his position. The fairy's could somewhat follow his movements, but all they could see was a yellow blur from his hair as Naruto dashed up towards the bark of the tree, and launched himself towards the two fairies, a bit surprised at the sudden speed, and barely avoided the crimson blade which almost hit them.
Naruto missed his first attack, but that was nothing. Sheathing his sword in mid air, he formed the seals towards his favorite technique, and called a clone which suddenly appeared behind him, and gave him a mid-air boost. More Naruto clones were formed where Naruto would veer off, and boost him towards the direction of the fairies.
All this happened in mere seconds, but this time, the fairies were ready, as they called out their whip attacks again. This time, Naruto unsheathed his sword, and had to parry Pam's strike, and once again avoided Pfil's follow-up by veering off course, which was once again corrected with a well placed clone, who boosted Naruto towards the open fairies.
With their whip now extended, they were now open for counterattack. His blade was ready… his flight was going towards them… Naruto was in a very favorable position… so he timed himself correctly, waiting for the last few second before h made his strike.
The crimson blade once again shone as it made a slashing arc towards the two fairies, but to Naruto's surprise, the two fairies once again avoided his attack. Rolling once again in mid-air, he landed on a branch and looked at his two enemies, flying close, but not that close to his position.
A small curse escaped his lips. It seems the mobility of the fairies is quite good. The wings give them quite good reaction speeds, and enough distance to make their whips effective, and Naruto's attack quite ineffective. He looked around, then above him, and smiled. Sheathing his sword, he called his clones again, who boosted him up once again, higher and higher towards the trees.
“He's running!” Pfil shouted.
“No… he's up to something…” Pam replied, her eye still on the boy jumping towards higher ground. “Lets follow him. We'll show his caracass to the queen. He won't get away murdering the Princess.”
“Gotcha!” Pfil followed Pam as they flew higher to catch up with the boy.
After passing a few leaves, they found out at once what the boy had planned when they barely dodged a crimson slash. It had come so suddenly that Pam and Pfil separated and for a few moments, their teamwork formation broke.
“PFIL!” Pam shouted as she watched her lover go towards the other direction. “What the… oh shit!” she declared as she saw a yellow blur coming towards her, and around that yellow blur, a crimson line. It seems the male was after her first. She didn't know whether to be flattered or insulted; did he attack her first because he thought she was weakest or the strongest of the two fairies?
Now was not the time to think that as the crimson line just went fast towards her. Raising the long handle of her whip, she blocked the initial strike, and when she did, the yellow blur came to the air and landed behind her. She knew an attack was coming, but she didn't know where, so she relied on her luck as she raised the handle to block on what she hoped would be a downward strike.
The clang sound was heard, to Pam's relief, as she shifted her body weight, turning around, her fist ready to strike the male behind her. She hit nothing but air as Naruto jumped back, and did a one-hand backflip, his sword in one hand.
“Heh… you're good,” Naruto gave a slight smile to Pam. “Blocking that strike…”
The female hunter gave a slight nod. “Lucky… actually. Make no mistake… I won't rely on luck to defeat you.”
“Eh, eh, its good to have luck at times,” Naruto gave that closed eye fox grin. “Luck wins battles that even skill cannot overcome.”
“You are an odd one,” Pam said, raising her whip arm. “Chatting with your enemies during a battle?”
“I am odd, yes,” Naruto replied. “But its better than being the loser.”
“LOSE THIS!” Pam unleashed her attack.
Naruto dashed again, weaving through the straight strike that Pam gave, and to his vision, she was open to his strike. “Gotcha!”
“No… I gotcha,” Pam smirked as she made a slight movement of her wrist, and the whip that was going away from Naruto curved and came back and fast to strike towards Naruto's backside. The move was one of the hardest moves that Pam eve came up with… attacking the enemy from behind, using the blindside as an advantage. The whip would wrap around the enemies neck, and she would pull hard, causing the enemy to fall back as he would be drawn back through his neck… there and then, she'd take out her dagger hidden on the whip handle to stab her prey.
Imagine her surprise when Naruto suddenly spun from mid-air, his crimson katana stabbing the whip which was supposed to wrap around his neck, and then at the next moment, stabbed the whip which was right above the handle, pinning both the tip and bottom of the whip at the branch that Pam and Naruto were standing in.
“Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, Sou Ryu Sen: Kai!” Naruto declared as he landed on his left foot, and took one step forward with his right foot, and using his sheathe instead of his sword, did a battou-jutsu.
Pam went down hard the sheathe hit and took away her breathe. Naruto slowly moved and retract his extended hand, and had that slight small smile. Well, that was rather a rush… a short frame of time, yet his heart was beating quite fast. It really was the first time Naruto had ever used Hiten Mitsurugi on anyone… and to top it off, he had to quickly revise the move cause the sword was rather pre-occupied at that moment.
Well… he stabbed the branch rather hard, so he can now discount one female fairy to attack, now that her weapon was now momentarily uselessly pinned. The blonde one was having a hard time reaching them cause of the dense branches on the tree… a reason why Naruto went up, so that he would have more advantage since flying around the network of branches would be very difficult.
Without wasting any more time, Naruto dashed towards the blonde who was about to land on the branch. Pfil panicked, seeing the yellow blur coming towards her, and attacked quite clumsily with her whip towards Naruto who easily dodged it, and gave a very strong punch towards her gut, and connected it with an axe kick on her exposed back, driving her to the ground.
Pam wasn't fully unconscious when the sheathe hit her… and she was about to black out until she heard Pfil scream in pain. Her eyes traveled towards the place where Pfil was driven to the branch from the axe kick she was given. “… no…!!” Pam moaned weakly as she unsheathed her own hidden dagger from the whip base, and with adrenaline pumping through her, she ran towards the male who hurt her lover, and attacked.
Naruto felt the wind shift behind him, and saw the other fairy attacking with a dagger… somehow, they had hidden a dagger from him and everything came clear to Naruto on how they were able to escape the net trap he had sprung on them earlier. With this unexpected turn of events, Naruto couldn't react as fast as he could to evade the incoming downward stab… instead, he raised his hand.
It was stupid actually… but Naruto had stabbed himself once with a kunai, therefore the pain of being stabbed at the hand wouldn't be painful as before… of course, Naruto had forgotten something important that his brother told him two years ago, so it came to a surprise when the knife had penetrated his skin, his nervous system almost shut down with the pain that suddenly crept up and washed over him like a tidal wave.
“AGH!!” Naruto screamed loudly surprising Pam who's dagger went through and through his hand. The male began to make up garble mixed with loud words so loudly that she thought she was going to get deaf.
Naruto's train of thoughts derailed for the longest periods of time… even Kyuubi's words didn't seem to penetrate him. All he could feel was the pain on his hand… it was like the knife was on fire, and on ice… and then felt like his hand was dipped in 100% proof alcohol… or vinegar. And then slowly eaten by acid… again, and again, and again.
Pam has no idea what the hell is going on… but it seems the pain threshold of the male wasn't so strong. It was time for her to strike while the enemy has been weakened! “Pfil! NOW!”
The blonde didn't need to look up, and just nodded. Taking out her own knife out of her own whip handle, she grunted as she forced to stand up from the pain to deliver one fatal strike towards the male… only to be blocked by the male's free hand grabbing her wrist.
Pam and Pfil's eyes widened. Naruto's breathing turned really shallow, and as he looked at them, his eyes which were once bright blue were now bright red, with a small black dot in the middle for his pupil.
“If you think that its over, you're mistaken!” Naruto's voice was very low, barely audible, but the tone that was said was hard and cold. With a swift kick, he blew away Pfil with one strike.
Pam was about to shout a complaint when she noticed that the eye of the male shifted towards her inhumanely fast that she went quiet on shock. Naruto kicked her in the gut so hard that she flew backwards, taking out the blade from his hand, causing another tidal wave of pain in Naruto's psyche.
“AGH!!!” Naruto went to a knee, grabbing his wounded hand. His eyes moistened as the pain washed over him, and never seemed to go away even when he was forcing the pain out his mind.
Whilst this was going on, Pam slowly went towards Pfil. “Pfil… you okay…?”
Pfil coughed really loud, as she clutched her stomach. “No…”
“Let's retreat… we underestimated him…” Pam muttered.
Pfil just shook her head. “No… he's at the same boat… look at him…”
The two fairies looked at the male as he tried to stand up, and failing miserably, clutching his hand. He screamed again, except instead of pure pain, now mixed with a very irritated shout of expletives.
“We can finish this…” Pfil whispered. “Let's finish this… for the Princess.”
The name of the Princess seemed to awaken Pam, as she nodded, and helped her lover up. They readied their knives. “For Princess Ara,” Pam muttered.
The two fairies charged with a shout towards the downed male, now aiming to finish this… Kill or be killed, as it states in the law of the forest…
“DIE!” Pam shouted as she charged.
“TAKE THIS!” Pfil shouted as well.
Naruto's red eyes and narrowed pupil looked at the two charging fairies, and gritted his teeth. Taking out the remaining scalpels on his hands, injured and not, and threw a collection of his basic weapons in the air, and then, taking out another few scalpels from his uninjured arm, he threw it towards the charging female fairies.
Pam and Pfil were slowed down momentarily when they had to dive towards their sides to dodge the scalpels going to them. Pam smirked. “THAT ISN'T GOING TO WORK ANYMORE!”
“Above…” Naruto muttered.
Pam's eyes widened as she looked up and to her disbelief as the scalpels which the male had thrown earlier were now coming down like a crimson rain right above her. It was too late to dodge the attack, and just covered herself as the mass of scalpels hit her like a blizzard of icicles. “AAGGGHHH!!!”
Pfil's eyes widened as she watched her lover struck multiple times. “PAM!”
The blonde fairy didn't notice Naruto throwing his crimson sheathe in the air that broke into numbers of scalpels and orbited around Naruto, nor did she notice the sword that pinned Pam's whip broke suddenly again to multiple pieces of scalpel and flying towards Naruto… nor did she notice the few scalpels that Naruto had thrown at them two times earlier were now grouping around Naruto.
When she looked back at the male, though, it was too late. Her eyes widened already with the swarm of scalpels revolving around Naruto's form. His red eyes stared at her, and with his uninjured hand, pointed at her. The swarm of crimson scalpels suddenly dashed towards Pfil, and began to revolve around her.
The female fairy couldn't move as she felt the win moving in between the scalpels. It was like she was standing in the eye of a tornado, and if she took a step forward, the swarm would rip her to shreds…
“It's over,” Naruto muttered as he snapped his fingers. The swarm just stopped spinning… and immediately enclosed around Pfil… the scalpels hitting her on every side. The force was strong enough to cause a small explosion, blowing Pfil away from the place where she once stood, unconscious.
Naruto took a deep breathe, and slowly recalled all the scalpels he used during the attack. They once again flocked towards his uninjured hand, and entered his skin. Again, Naruto felt the slight tinge of discomfort as the scalpels began to hide inside his body once more. Now, standing up, the pain on his injured hand was still there… slowly, gently taking it, he held it with his other hand and began to walk away.
A snap of a twig made Naruto turn around, and automatically, drawing a few scalpels from his uninjured hand, blocked the incoming stab of Pam, and countered it with a quick swipe directly towards her throat.
Pam's eyes closed when she saw his hands aiming to her throat… and waited for the end that was supposed to come. Only it didn't. She felt the scalpels point on her neck, and slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at the male who had her in his clutches.
Naruto looked back, not knowing his eyes reverted back to their normal color. After a moment of silence, he just lowered his hand, and spoke, “Take care of your partner… we're finished here. Right?”
Pam wanted to say no… no way in hell would she allow this male to escape… of all the battles she ever fought, this was her first loss. And if you lose, you die, as it is the law of the woods. But after hearing the word partner, Pam unconsciously looked at where Pfil had landed, and to her relief, saw her lover breathing steadily.
“… yes… its over,” Pam muttered inaudibly only for her opponent to hear. He just nodded, and then walked away. “For now…” she added, as a last minute statement.
Naruto stopped on his tracks. “For now?”
“As long as the Princess' blood is in your hands… I won't stop hunting you.”
“She's alive, you know,” Naruto muttered, laughing softly. “Is it me, or do females always jump into conclusions?” He turned and looked at Pam. “Should I hand the brat over to you? Would that stop you from wasting your time in `hunting' me?”
“Heh…” Pam gave a small yet somewhat evil smile. “Even if you handed the Princess, I'd still hunt you, to avenge my loss.”
Naruto just sighed. “I hate fighting especially at a time like this…” and continued to walk away.
Pam watched the male until he was gone from her sight, and looked at the blood stained in her knife. “I, one of the Hunters, shall hunt the prey who's stained my blade, and still defeated me,” she swore solemnly, and then, as her laws state, licked the knife to taste the blood of her prey.
The blood was… sweet. Very sweet. And when it came down her throat, it inflamed her like she was on fire. Her whole body began to convulse. Her pupils began to dilate. She felt an ecstasy she recognized yet unable to comprehend why… “Oh… my…”
Her eyes locked on the unconscious Pfil. She began to salivate.
Pfil would wake up later, with Pam doing some weird stuff to her.
Unknown to any of them, one was watching the scenes, whilst another group of hunters are going towards the scene.
Aaron phases in. “Well well. It appears I have to move up the timetables and make a slight change to the scenario. A very interesting situation you have entangled yourself in, Naruto... Too bad you got no real idea what is going on around here.” He fades out.
Castle of the Fairy Queen:
A maroon haired female fairy stands before the door to the throne room. “I bring word for her majesty about the demons.”
The female guards, dressed in chainmail bikinis nod and open the door. The maroon haired fairy steps in. “Enter and make your report.”
The fairy bows and stays on one knee. “Your majesty, the second demon has captured the princess and is heading to MLA territory, his purpose is unknown.”
The Queen nods and hits the butt of a silver whip into her hand. “As was described by the first `demon' who attacked our outpost.”
The fairy stands up. "The demon who gave the information vanished and has not been seen. He did say he might pay you a visit later."
The queen snorts. "Hmph... I doubt he would. I'm ordering double guards on duty. I'm doubling the security of the castle... and even if that demon bypasses it, he still will have to deal with me."
The first fairy pauses and looks towards the queen.  "Your majesty, no disrespect intended, but are you really up to facing a demon?" she says with some fear in her voice. "They are more than we understand."
The queen smiles grimly. "I am not scared by some demon," She sniffs. "I am after all, one of the most evolved fairies... thanks due to our refinement of our honey."
The servant looks puzzled. "Really your highness? I have never heard of the honey having powers of evolution."
The queen stares at her servant. “Who are you?”
The girls looks flustered. “What do you mean?”   
"Everyone in this kingdom knows the property of our honey, and why the males are after it."
The girl smirks and puts on a pair of shades on her face and her entire demeanor changes to a more relaxed and casual one. She snaps her fingers. "That's what I get for not researching this better." She shrugs. "Oh well. I was about to blow my cover myself anyway." She shrugs her shoulders and her wings vanish. "ahhh, those itched." she spins and is now dressed in a familiar black suit with red shirt. `She' shifts to a male form. “Aaron Saotome. Do I have to spell it out, or are you ready to fight now?" He shifts back to his female form.
The queen stands up and moves off the dais. "Hmph... if that is all you demons are really about... shifting forms, and bypassing guards... then may I prove to the people that I am the most powerful entity they have ever met..." She extends her silver whip with a flick of her wrist. “... by killing the demon scaring my kingdom."
Aaron cracks her neck and rotates her shoulders, chuckling. "With your power level? please. You barely have enough ki to light candles.” A large aura rises from the girl. “And you think you can stop ME? You people need to learn one important lesson."
"And what is that, demon with a lightshow?"
"That legends and myths are often history," Her aura pulses and a wind bursts outward. The queen braces against it. "And that you are stupid for seeing when you are outmatched. Can you morons even feel energy?"
The queen shivers and then steels herself. “I won't fall for your trickery!”
Aaron sits back and in a bored tone says "free shot. Show me what you got." (idiots never listen)
The queen snickers and goes to full blown laughter. “Ahahahahahahahahaha! Haha ha ha, ... is that how demons give up?! I thought you creatures could do better!" She snarls.
Aaron stares blankly back at her.  "Lady, I'm giving you a free shot. Be grateful. Most people would just beat your ass. Whatever happened to common courtesy, sheesh.” She turns her back to the queen.
The queen poses, whip at the ready. "You'll regret this... Final Art of the most Holy Whip!"
Aaron yawns. “Come on, come on.”
Her whip extends, a glow emanating from the light reflecting off the metal. She smirks, and begins spinning her hands quickly. The whip encircles Aaron and pulls her towards the queen, who then spins her like a top and slams her into the wall. The queen goes to one knee panting from the exertion.
“That's it?”
The queen stands up shocked, her eyes wide. Aaron stands up and shakes the dust out of her hair. “That's your attack?”
“Impossible!” The queen shrieks.
“God damn you suck. I was hoping for much better.” Aaron looks down and sighs. “Naruto is going to beat you too easily.”
The queen blinks. “Naruto?” She tilts her head quizzically.    ”...a fishcake?”  
”Oh, my partner. The one with the princess.” Aaron replies. “He's with the MLA right now.”
The queen stiffens and glares at her. “ daughter...?”
“Your kid is kind of nice. You however, are a serious bitch.”
The queen readies her whip, tightening her grip on the pommel. “I dont know how you survived... but you won't get...” She swings the whip in a wide circle. “Past this next attack!!”
“Oh well. time to prove WHY you are outclassed.”
At a flick of her wrist, the whip streaks towards Aaron. “TAKE THIS!”
Aaron whistles and grabs the spiked head, spinning as she holds it. “Thanks. Don't mind if I do.” The queen looks in shock at seeing the shorter girl hold onto the spiked head, and is suddenly jerked along with the whip into the spinning devil.   
 ”... im...po...ssi...ble...!!!”
“Ah centrifuge. one of my favorite parts of physics.” A full smile appears in the vortex. “And here is velocity, have fun!” The whip is released and the queen goes screaming into the wall. The queen gets to her knees and coughs up some blood. Aaron stops spinning and looks at the condition of her coat.
“Hey! this was one of my better jackets! You better know a good cleaning service!” She takes the jacket off, showing her tightly restrained chest. Large rips, holes are visible. She vanishes and reappears behind the queen, and slaps her ass hard. “I'm talking to you, queenie.”
The queen gasps. “You... bastard...!!!”
Aaron give another, softer slap. “nice ass by the way.”
The queen throws a roundhouse in retaliation. Aaron ducks. “Oops, close, but no cigar.” The queen smiles and attempts to knee aaron's head. Aaron stops the knee and uses it to flip over the queen. “We should stop meeting like this.” She kisses the queen and slides to the side. “Oh, and use mouthwash next time, babe.”
The queen sputters in fury and spits vehemently at the devil, who is checking her nails. “You dare touch me?! NO MAN TOUCHES ME!!! Ahhhh!!” She charges like a blood crazed bull. Aaron raises an eyebrow and holds her head while she blindly charges, her arms flailing impotently.
“Excuse me? We're both girls right now. The change is complete you know. Besides, I thought you were a dyke.” She blows air out her lip. “And unfortunately, you're a lousy kisser to boot.”
“You don't fool me... you arrogant male demon!” She screams, lashing out with a wild kick. “No woman would be as vile as you are!”
Aaron grabs her leg and stops the kick in mid-strike. “I'm both genders,” She chuckles. “And you never met some of my ex-girlfriends or my ex-boss. Usually evil, and with a penchant for tormenting and annoying me.” She takes off her shades and smiles revealing a fang. “Now, I'm getting bored. so, I might decide to have a snack on you if you don't show me something more.”
The queen's face goes red with feminine rage. “FUCK YOU!” She screams, slamming a fist into the arm holding her leg. Aaron flexes her arm, rolling with the punch and then grabs the queen by the face, lifting her up.
“You wrecked my jacket, and you still haven't reimbursed me for that.” Her eyes close, her brow furrowed in annoyance. “School of toho fuhai. mastery technique.” Her stance loosens. “This hand of mine is shining white.” Her hand begins pulsing with white light.
The queen pales.
“It's awesome battle-fury tells me to annihilate my foes. Here I go...” The queen is held up high. “Lightning Finger!” Lightning pulses through her body, her lungs seeminly paralyzed by the electricity. Aaron cops a feel on her breast. “You're not badly built, but I'm already taken.” Aaron bows her head briefly. “Sorry about that last one, but I wasn't sure if those were fake.” She drops the queen to the ground. “Lucky for you, I can't kill you yet.”
She turns the queen right-side up with a nudge from her shoe. “No, my partner will be your next opponent. And even if he lets you live, I may not.” Aaron breathes out slowly. “I'm a parent myself. And what you did to your son is a disgrace.”
The queen coughs. “He... is... not mine....”
Aaron hauls her to her feet. “What?”
“He's... a male... disgrace...”
Aaron tosses her in the air and kicks her into the throne. “Bitch.” Aaron pulls out her sash and writes on the wall. She finishes, nods and looks towards the unconscious queen. “I'll be back.”
She vanishes in a burst of energy.
Fairy guards burst through the door. “EEEEEEKKKKK!!! THE QUEEN! SOMEONE HELP!”
A fairy dressed as a nurse flies into the room. She attends to the queen. “Who could have done this to the queen?”
A guard looks on the stone wall. “D....d....d.....d.....” Her companion looks at the writing carved in the wall. “The strength of the fairy queen is as nothing to those who wield the power of the will and the strength of demons.”
“Signed, Aaron Saotome, partner of Oni Me No Naruto. (Naruto Of the Demon Eyes.)”
The queen rises to her feet, barely supported by her doctor. “Get The troops, we march on the MLA compounds before the next day.”
“Your majesty, you must partake of the fairy honey, and rest your wounds.”
Tower Roof, Fairy Queen's Castle.
Aaron stands near the flag pole, listening to her ipod. “Hmm, hmmhmm.” She nods his head to the music. The ipod reads “Ganon's theme, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.” Aaron opens her eyes. “And now, the flower of carnage can blossom.” She smiles. “Even if it takes a rain of blood, I'll make you call out the power of the overlord, Naruto-kun.”
Naruto had gone towards where his clone was, still clutching his hand which was stabbed. The wound was healed seconds after he left and gotten his jacket, and Kyuubi's words finally seemed to penetrate him.
Naruto… you okay?
“No… my hand still stings,” Naruto snorted a bit. “Lust Blood, eh…?”
Would explain your sudden sensitivity… or your increase in reaction speed…
“I'm gonna go in again,” Naruto saw his clone. “I'm asking Laharl again what Lust Blood does.” He looked at the clone as he gave a somewhat worried smile. Slowly trying to put on his jacket, his stinging hand only twitched with pain if bumped into something. It took him minutes before he was able to wear his coat. “Damnit… hurts…”
Take your time, Naruto… You defeated them, and we lost them.
Naruto just snorted. “Knowing my luck in the past couple of days, I'd swear that more stuff is coming, and I have a feeling I can't do anything about it.”
Haha… good luck.
“I'll prolly need it.”
The clone puffs out of existence… and Naruto just lies down on the branch, just besides the princess. She was still unconscious.
“Yeah… I'll really need it,” Naruto mutters.
End of Chapter.
Hey Folks, this is Aaron. I'm budsy's co-author for this fic. I just came here to say thanks for reading our demented ravings and hack writing. For those of you wondering exactly who or what my `namesake' is, read my fic “Re education of the horse” for a partial history of the character. I'll say this, this shit gets crazier and crazier. Keep reading. Once again, this fight sequence was written by me, and most of the other stuff was budsy's. Read and review people. And I won't answer most of the questions on my contribution, but feel free to try your luck.
NEXT: Another Hunting Party has arrived, ready to take on Naruto… but not before Naruto pays another visit to his brother… and meeting with the leader of the MLA!
Author's Notes: ^^ Hope you like brain battles, cause that's how Naruto will fight the next batch of Hunters. xD