Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction / Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ KNNNN: Kero's Nonstop Nonsense News Network Season 2 ❯ 4th Edition ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"We interrupt your fanfiction reading to bring you a special broadcast from the 24-hour
News channel via satellite, KNNNN."


KNNNN (Kero's Nonstop Nonsense News Network)
By PikaFlash

4th Edition (Season 2)

Disclaimers: All characters, ideas, and scenes belong to their respective owners as mention
in the credits of 8th Edition, Season 1.

Recap of Series: Kero's Nonstop Nonsense News Network is a news channel that has run for
nearly 20 years (or so they claimed). This news channel, under the Kero's Kable Network
also involves the journalistic talents of Kero, Eriol, Brock, Ash, Tai and Erika. And the
current competion on the new business of newstainment is KNNNN's Biggest rival of them all,
the BOXXXX News Network...and now on to KNNNN...

News Crew:
Kero Beros [] - (Editor and Chief Commentator) - Cardcaptor Sakura
Eriol Hiragizawa [] - (Newscaster) - Cardcaptor Sakura
Ash Ketchum [] - (Kanto Correspondent) - Pokemon
Erika Tenryou [] - (Reporter at Large) - Medabots
Tai Yagami [] - (Newsdude/Leading Investigative Journalist) - Digimon
Brock Blockhead [] - (Head Musician of the Newsband) - Pokemon

Rejected members of Matt Ishida's Band in Digimon 02.

*Channel Flip to KNNNN*

*A minute silence for Aeris Gainsborough, Died: End of FF7 Disk 1*

There was silence at the Capital of the Ancients with Cloud, Vincent and Tifa. Silence
in the Church with flowers in Midgar Sector 5 with Yuffie, Barret, Cid, Cait Sith and
Red XIII. Silence in Kanto as Ash stood still. And silence in the newscenter as Kero, Eriol,
Brock, the Newsband and the audience were remembering Aeris Gainsborough, on the annerversary
of her death. Suddenly, a mobile phone was ringing in the ring tone "Two Perfect Girls".

Brock: Sorry.

Brock picked up his phone and tries to switch it off, but the phone still kept on ringing.
Kero, Eriol and Ash (in Kanto) gave an angry stare at Brock as the phone kept on ringing
and Brock begins to get fustrated. At that moment, Brock threw the phone onto the floor and
stamps on it, in a chance that destroying the phone will bring the silence. As the phone
stops ringing, Eriol looks up to the camera.

Eriol: Emotional scenes over the world of Final Fantasy 7, as we remember Aeris

Brock's phone rings again and Brock continues to stamp on it.

Brock: Oh shut up, you piece of junk!

Eriol: We'll have more after the break.


[KNNNN: You're either with us or you're against us.]

*End Break*

[Kero Beros - Chief Newscaster (Email:]
[Eriol Hiragizawa - Newscaster (Email:]

Eriol and Kero were at the newsdesk.

Eriol: More news on the memorial of Aeris Gainsborough later on. But on to our top story,
the showdown for becoming President between Goku, the President and Hiei, an unknown who last
appeared on Yu Yu Hakusho.

*Presidential Showdown*

Kero: Its incredible really, I mean for 10 years, Hiei has never appeared in public once but
now he's appearing to challenge the President.


[Ash Ketchum - Kanto Correspondent (Email:]

Ash: Its an amazing story, he was never noticed and now he has changed the political
structure of the Anime World just with only one statement.


Eriol was with Hiei.

Eriol: Are you for or against tolerence?

Hiei: I don't know what you mean by tolerence.


*Tolerence Trashed*

Kero: He's such a political genius.

*KNNNN Sponsor: If you can read this, you need Broggs. (Buy Broggs Beer)*

Ash: Yes, and that really sets Hiei apart from Goku. I mean, look at the latest poll.

*Poll: What do you think of Tolerence?*

For - 9%

Against - 20%

Don't know what it is - 71%

*Ash: You can see how Hiei should be President.*


Music by the newsband.

Brock: "On an ignorance, tolerence blackboard!"


Eriol: Yes, and all this was doen when it was started by this story at the Anime Political
Magazine interview with Hiei, saying "What I would do if I met the President."

*The magazine article appeared*

Kero: Yes, and here's a comment by a fellow collegue.

*Last Week*

Yusuke: He's definitely plotting something...


Eriol: That's indeed a grab of the week, but I went to intervew Hiei and here's the answer.

*Eriol Hiragizawa reporting*

Eriol: When are you planning to challenge President Goku?

Hiei: I don't intend to challenge President Goku.


Eriol: Have you given assurances to the president that you are not challenging him?

Hiei: I haven't given any assurances, but I assure you that President Goku knows that I'm
not challenging him.


Eriol: But doesn't everyone say that they are behind the President before they challenge
the President for his position.

Hiei: They all do that.


Eriol: Are you challenging President Goku for being President Goku?

Hiei: No, no, no.


Hiei: I think we better conclude this interview. Its foolish for me to go on.


Kero: Oh, too late, Hiei. You've already said too much.


Ash: And quoting an Anime Character, "This reminds me of the battle between Ikki and
Space Medafighter X."


Eriol: Is there anything that doesn't remind us of Ikki and Space Medafighter X?


Ash: I haven't heard any denials ever since Goku himself.


Eriol: Who is Hiei and how long was he planning to challenge President Goku? That is the
two questions that all Animes are asking.


Brock: "Two questions without motive."


Kero: An intresting piece on the paper today, written by me.

*Kero's Kolumn: Hiei's no bad man*

Kero: And its saying that Giovanni had 5 months since he has challenged Goku for the
position of President, but Hiei had 10 years. Now that's experience.


Ash: And here's one from my column.

*Ketchum's Korner: The 10-year Coup*

Ash: I call it the "10-year Coup".


Eriol: Take a look on the week that has torn the goverment apart but now its time for...


The newsband played the jingle for the segment.

Brock: "What's this Weird Old Thing called the World?"

*What's this Weird Old Thing called the World?*

Ash: Tonight on "What's this Weird Old Thing caled the World?", I'm going to Celadon City,
Kanto, where I find out how much Pokemon Trainers know about the world they run.

*Celadon City*

Ash was with Richie.

*Ash Ketchum Reporting*

Ash: Name a Japanese Anime that begins with a P?

Richie: Errr...Powerpuff Girls?


Ash was with James.

James: Phantasy Star?


Ash was with Casey as Casey yells out to another Pokemon Trainer.

Casey: A Japanses Anime that starts with a P?!


Ash was with Richie again.

Ash: Who is part of the Alliance of Animes?

Richie: No idea.


James: Cardcaptors, Medabots...


Ash was with Casey.

Casey: Sailor Moon. Zoids. Errrr...

Ash: Digimon.

Casey: Digimon.


Ash: Which part of Japan does Digimon 03 take place?

Richie: France.


Ash was with Duplica.

Duplica: England.


James: Britain.


Casey: America, I think.


Ash was with Duplica.

Ash: Where does Love Hina take place?

Duplica: Errr...


Richie: Canada?


Ash was with Whitney.

Ash: Who won the Shinra War?

Whitney: We did...wait, were we even involved in that war? We were?


Ash was with Bugsy.

Ash: Who is Ken Ichijouji?

Bugsy: A singer.


Ash was with Richie.

Ash: How many sides does a triangle have?

Richie: Oh damn...4?


Casey: A triangle has no sides, so maybe 1?


Ash was with Whitney.

Ash: What is the currency used in America?

Whitney was speechless...


Casey was yelling out to one of her fellow Pokemon Trainers.

Casey: What is the currency used in America?!


Whitney: I think its possibly Canadian money.


Richie: President money?


Ash was with Casey.

Ash: Name a Japanese Anime that begins with a P?

Casey: Errr....

~Minutes later~

Casey: Errr...

Ash: Let me say one. Pocket Monsters.

Casey: Of course!


Eriol: And who said Pokemon Trainers aren't turned on.


Ash: I just love how much they embrace the world areound them.


Eriol: And still to come, a contraversal Historial denies that Korea got 4th in the
2002 Fifa World Cup. More up next.


"Ever wonder what its like to be a KNNNN reporter?"

King Kero was on camera.

King Kero: Gameshows like Wheel of Fortune takes a lot of time to make, but I do not have
that luxury. In the Digi-World, there was an Earthquake and at the same time, I wrote draft
for the gameshow called Oopa Whoopas. People say that Comedy = Tragedy + Time. But I say
that Gameshow = Tragedy + Now. That's why I'm with KNNNN.

[KNNNN: King Kero - Director of Newstainment]


Misty was staring into the mirror with fair skin.

"Is your skin dull, normal and ugly?"


Esteam Tanner: 21% more European than other solutions...

"Then get new Esteam 'Tanner', where your skin will tan much faster..."

Misty appeared with a tan all over her body.

"Its 85% proven, simmering your skin thrice as much with built-in UV rays..."

The cream emits UV-rays

"...increasing the skin's healty rate."


"With 360% recommended annual intake of Naturalanine-9, you'll get 3rd Degree tans in no time
at all..."

Misty was looking at a Mirror when Sora and Sakura appeared.

Sora: Fiji?

Sakura: Vanuatu?

Misty: Esteam.


"Esteam: Because you need it for confidence..."


"Tonight on Kero and Friends, Kero interviews Senator Mimi Tachikawa..."

Kero: So, you're wanting to marry President Goku, is that it?!

Mimi: No!


Kero: You're flirting with me, aren't you?

Mimi: I am not.

"Will Mimi withstand Kero's white hot scrutiny? Find out more on Kero and Friends,
tonight on KNNNN."


[Kero Beros - Chief Newscaster (Email:]
[Eriol Hiragizawa - Newscaster (Email:]

Eriol and Kero were at the newsdesk.

Eriol: Welcome back, you're with KNNNN: The Home of Newstainment.

*The Hiei Coup*

Kero: The question is, "Can Hiei Do it?"


The newband began to play the "Can Can" with Can Can girls dancing.

Brock: "Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei,
Hiei Hiei Hiei Hiei, Hiei, Hiei Hiei Hiei Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei Hiei Hiei,
Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei, Hiei Hiei Hiei Hiei, Hiei!"

*Sponsor: Mad Digimon caught in McAnimes Store...ordering from the new McAnimes' Health Menu*

Kero: And did you look at the media headlines on their coverage over Hiei's challenge to be
President against President Goku?

*Headline: Hiei - What's tolerence?*

*Headline: Heavy Hiei*

*Headline: Key Anime Characters throw support behind Hiei*

*Headline: Wordly overlong Headline couldn't think of clever Hiei Pun.*

[Ash Ketchum - Kanto Correspondent (Email:]

Ash: It wouldn't be an easy choice, I mean, look at their credibility chart.


Misled public on Anime Distributors

Misled public on Myotismon

Misled public on Japanese

*Ash: He's misled the public on Anime Distributors, misled the public on Myotismon and
he misled everyone on the Japanese and yet his credibility his high.*

*Credibility: High.*


Clean sheet.

*Ash: But look at Hiei. Nothing that can soil his role and his credibility is even higher.*

*Credibility: Higher*

Kero: He's a perfect candidate for being President.

Eriol: But let us look at the plotters by unmasking the traitors.

*Eriol Hiragizawa reporting*

Senator Jun was walking to the Senate.

Eriol: Senator Jun, what do you think of Hiei being President?

Jun: Indeed he is a good friend and a very good politician.

[Traitor #1]


Senator Junpei was walking out of the senate.

Eriol: What do you think of Hiei?

JP: He's a very very good man. A great man.

[Traitor #2]


Senator Jyou was walking to the senate.

Eriol: Would Hiei have a chance to take up the position of President.

Joe: He's a great man.

[Traitor #3]


Jeri was walking into the senate building.

Eriol: Do you think Hiei has a chance to be President?

Jeri: He's doing a great job.

[Traitor #4]


Ash: Jun, JP, Joe and Jeri. How do you like to have blood on your hair, Jun?


Kero: And the PokeTimes news have listed the traitiors as the "Senate Plotter Gang of 4".

*PokeTimes Headlines: Senate Plotter Gang of 4: Jun, Junpei, Jyou and Jeri.*

Ash: While has a report on how they got it right again on the Hiei Issue.

* News Headline: How we got it right again.*

Kero: And the Anime News have put that on Front page Headlines.

*Anime News: The Hiei Challenge, Reports on pg 14*

Eriol: Despite support for Hiei, Goku still has some supporters, but some of them are starting
to show the strain.

*Eriol Hiragizawa Reporting*

Eriol walks to Senator Mimi.

Eriol: Senator Mimi Tachikawa, what do you think of Hiei becoming President of the Anime

Mimi walks off in another direction.


Senator Krillin was walking away from Eriol.

Eriol: Do you think Hiei will become the next President?

Krillin: Please, give us a break.


Ambassador Yamcha was with Eriol

Yamcha: I'm not sure what you are talking about.


Senator Seaslug was walking to his car when Eriol walks to him.

Eriol: What do you think of Hiei being President of the Anime World?

Seaslug begins to laugh.


Eriol: He tries to laugh it off, but clearly he's worried.

*Goku Cowering*

Kero: Yeah, and with silence fuelling the feud, its causing a large frenzy, according to the


Matt and Sora at the end of Digimon 02 - 39%

Touya and Yukito as lovers - 8%

Hiei's challenge - 37%

*Kero: And Hiei's challenge frenzy getting closer to the frenzy that was caused by Matt and
Sora at the end of Season 2 of Digimon.


Eriol: But lets look on a more professional point of view as we have...


The newsband played the music.

Brock: "Its the world's favorite analyst, Kenny from Beyblade"


Eriol and Kero were with Kenny.

Eriol: Kenny, any idea on this?

[Kenny - Election Analyst]

Kenny: Well, as we can see, the Press is split between Goku and Hiei.
In Goku's camp, there's...

*Goku's Camp*
Todd Snap
Kari Yagami

*Hiei's Camp*
Takuya Kanbara
Seamus MacRaker
Tracey Sketchit


Kenny: But the only one who is undecided and still in the middle is Malcolm. And its too
close to call.

*Too Close To Call!


Brock: "Its the world's favorite analyst, Kenny from Beyblade"


Eriol: Thank you Kenny. In other news, Team Rocket Member Jessie is in London, doing a

Kero: And we ask the viewers to predict what outrageous statement that Jessie is going to
make. Which means its time for...


The newsband does its tune.

Brock: "What will that Crazy Old Germ Say Next?"

*What will that Crazy Old Germ Say Next?*

Kero: Yes, and this is where viewers get predict what is Jessie's next outrageous speech.


Ash: And I got two here. This one is from Zoe Orimoto in the Digi-World.

*She was a Gundam Pilot.*

Ash: And this one from Sara Macdougal in Tokyo, Japan.

*Beybladers aren't quite as hot as before.*

Ash: So keep sending them in and we may get a winner.


Eriol: But now, onto the Digi-World, where people are complaining that we are running dry
on that news.

Kero: So we at KNNNN, we bring you newstainment, as we give you the news on the Digi-World,
through our KNNNN Performance Poets!


[KNNNN Performance Poets: Agunimon and Kazemon]

Agunimon: War growing...

Kazemon: Digimons blowing...

Agunimon/Kazemon: Up!

Suspenseful music was being played by the newsband.


[KNNNN: The New Home of Vincent Valentine]


"Coming soon, a speical KNNNN Event from the makers of "What Animes think of Pokemon" comes,
"What Pokemon think of Animes."

Kero was with a Pokemon Trainer on a TV screen.

Kero: DragonBall Z?

Trainer: Stupid.

Kero: Sailor Moon?

Trainer: Stupid.

~With non-biased views.~

Kero: Tenchi Muyo?

Trainer: Stupid.

Kero: Digimon.

Trainer: What's that?

"What Pokemon Thinks of Animes, tomorrow Night, 9:30 pm on KNNNN."

Kero: And what about Medabots?

Trainer: Oh, this is stupid, I had enough of this.

The trainer walks off screen.

*End Break*

Eriol and Kero were at the newsdesk.

Eriol: Welcome back to KNNNN, with 24 Hour News with a 24 Hour studio audience.

*KNNNN Sponsor: A Mad Digimon massacre blamed on power-hungry Digimon...*

The audience cheered.

*...Latest Digimon Mascara blamed on Esteam for Digimons.*

Eriol: And you can be in the auidience to watch the news live at any time of the day.

Kero: And we've asked our audience to dress up as a person in the news. And lets see if
anyone is in the auidience could be dressed like Goku or Lucemon.

Most of the auidience was in plain clothes, except for a person in a black wizard outfit
complete with cloak and wand.

Kero: Hey, I see there's someone in the front.

Eriol: Hello, is that a Wizard Look you got there?

"Wizard": Yeah, I'm Sirius Black, before he got killed.

Kero: So, were you making some kind of political statement against JK Rowling?

"Sirius": No, I just wanted the prize.

Eriol: Well, and its what you're going to get. Brock?

*Prize: Tumor 280 Phone, courtesy of KeroTel*

A phone was on display.

*Brock: Congragulations, you win the Tumor 280 Phone. This special phone comes with an
optional Tabacco antenna that makes it easier for a tumor. Brought to you by KeroTel and


The auidience applauded, then an alarm bell suddenly rang.

Kero: Oh look at this, you what its time for...


Brock: "All is not well with the Animes."

*Anime Decline*

Eriol: The Anime world's popularity is declining as people would prefer to watch sports than
watch Animes.


[Ash Ketchum - Kanto Correspondent (Email:]

Ash: Yes, and I head off to America to ask how to bring back the viewers to watching Anime.

*United States Of America*

[Ash Ketchum Reporting]

Ash was with two video Game characters from Final Fantasy at a cafe.

Ash: I am proposing a special Anime Marathon, known as the Toss The Ross Tuesday, where
you'll get a 30 minute free preview of the next episode on KidsWB.

Tifa: That's good.

Rinoa: I agree.


Ash was with an American Cartoon Character, Dexter (Dexter's Lab).

Ash: What do you suppose?

Dexter: I dunno. I think that this would get my attention, but I doubt people would want to
watch two episodes on one day and miss the same on the next, just to see the preview.

Ash: I see.


Ash was with the Final Fantasy Characters again.

Ash: As you know, Sports have special Pay-Per-View, but we decided to bring in Pay-Per-Season,
like Digi-Mania, where you'll get to pay for the season of Anime you want to watch.

Rinoa: That's a nice idea.

Tifa: But people might miss some episodes if they fall asleep.


Ash was with Dexter.

Dexter: It is not going to get my attention.

Ash: Ok.


Ash was showing the latest idea to another American Cartoon character.

Ash: I would say that we could have a Trivia episode for you to answer questions about

Velma (Scooby Do): They already have that on Free-To-Air TV for American cartoons.

Ash: Oh, really?


Ash was with Dexter again.

Ash: How about a happy hour? Its all episodes with no breaks and ads. Would that get your

Dexter: Sorry, that can't get my attention because I'm an American Cartoon Character.

Ash: Now that is a problem.


Kero: Some tremendous iniatives there, but here's something else. The latest All Anime DVD,
with all Animes cramped into a set of DVVs in both English and Japanese with English
Subtitles. You can only buy it on

Eriol: You're watching KNNNN, live right across the globe as we head onto Hiei.


The Newsband started to play a song.

Brock: "It is the Political Story of the Decade!"


Ash: Yes, and Goku isn't the only une under the pressure as Hiei is beginning to push nerves
onto Giovanni's side and the real question, How will it affect the Pokemon side?

*Poke Pains*

[Eriol Hiragizawa reporting]

Eriol: What do you think of Hiei.


Butch: I think he's popular. He's the talk of the country, bigger than Matt Ishida.



Cassidy: He's a character that may be an obstacle.


Eriol: Is it worst for Giovanni?


James: No, it isn't.

Eriol: What about if its Hiei.

James: Hiei makes it tough.


Eriol was with Butch again.

Eriol: What do you suppose of Hiei becoming President?

Butch: I'm absolutely terrified. He's a heavy hitter, and a worry for all of us.


Kero: You can see the sweat and smell the fear.

*KNNNN Sponsor: Your Anime Militia needs you. Because Freedom is Worth Fighting For.*

Ash: Of course, everyone is worried, its obvious with the writings on the wall. Except for one


Kero/Eriol/*Ash*: Giovanni.


Eriol was with Giovanni as Giovanni walks to his car.

Eriol: What do you think of Hiei being President.

Giovanni: There are some deadwood, but Hiei is here forever. I mean, if Hiei challenges Goku,
it shows that they are desperate.

Eriol: You're taking the offensive quite early, Giovanni.

Giovanni: I'm always on the offensive.

Eriol: So, do you have the chance to take on Hiei.

Giovanni: I can take them all on.


Kero: Indeed, he sure is laughing it off, but its obvious that this deluded character does
not have a chance at all.

*Giovanni Dreaming*

Eriol: That's right. Its a wonder on how Gio is surviving this.

*Hiei's coup*

Kero: You really got to know your issue, so one way was the latest episode of Inside Animes.

*Inside Animes*

Seamus MacRaker, Kari Yagami, Todd Snap and Tracey Sketchit were in a studio.

[Kari Yagami - Digimon Post]

Kari: Now, what I'm saying is that Hiei should be the one who has a secret intention of
challenging Goku.

[Tracey Sketchit - Poke Times]

Tracey: That's right. I mean, its a right opportunity when Giovanni is down and there's no
other form of threat at the moment.

[Seamus Macraker - The National Intruder]

Seamus: But is it possible that...

[Todd Snap - Poke Times]

Todd: Yep, as long as it goes the way of Hiei.

Kari: And it is to Hiei's advantage.

Tracey: And it is benificial for him.


Kero: And I never get sick of hearing journalists talk.

Eriol: And later on tonight, we have Inside Inside Animes, tonight at 11pm. Here's a preview.

*Inside Inside Animes - Tonight 11pm*

Erika, Kero, Eriol and Takuya Kanbara on a TV screen were in a studio.

[Erika Tenryou - Newsmaker]

Erika: Ok, don't you wonder why Kari had to start off the topic?

[Eriol Hiragizawa - Newscaster]

Eriol: Yeah, well Kari just needs to tone her hair a bit. Its not her style to be like that.

[Kero-Beros - Chief Newscaster]

Kero: And I pity poor Seamus, I mean, he was cut off by Todd, Kari and Tracey.

[Takuya Kanbara - Journalist]

*Takuya: But do you ever wonder that this should be touched on?*


Eriol: And that's coming up at 11. But up in the hour, Animes providing Online Anime
Distributing. We'll be back after this.


Kero Youth Channel: LameAss (Stunts are performed by trained Professionals and should not
be tried at home.)

Tai was on the bottom of a hill with folders on the grass.

Tai: I'm going to take the ride of my life, while getting a dustbuster hickey while being
protected in bubble wrap.


Tai was wrapped in bubblewrap, rolling downhill over the folders while using the dustbuster
on himself.

Tai: Lameass!

~Lameass: Thursday Nights, 8:30 PM, Kero Youth Channel, Kero's Kable Channel 13.

Tai: Lameass!

Tai was running on a beach in his trunks while a kid was chasing him, whipping Tai with a


[KNNNN: Vote with your Mouse]

*End Break*

Eriol: Back live with Hiei's "What is Tolerence" manifesto that tore the goverment into

Kero: But no one personifies that anguish other than Senator Mimi Tachikawa.


The band played the music.

Brock: "Poor Miss Tachikawa."

*Trembling Tachikawa*

Kero: She's a torn woman.

Eriol: So, let us see on how Mimi Tachikawa react on Hiei's challenge.


Eriol was Senator Mimi Tachikawa.

Eriol: Senator Tachikawa, may I ask you some questions about Hiei?

Mimi: Regarding about what?

Eriol: About Hiei becoming President of the Anime world by challenging Goku?

Mimi: Huh? I've never heard of such thing.

Eriol: Do you support President Goku?

Mimi: Yes, I do.

Eriol: So, you would vote for Goku?

Mimi: I've never hear of any voting for being the President.

Eriol: So, do you support Goku on regards on Hiei's challenge?

Mimi: I've didn't hear anything about Hiei challenging Goku.

Eriol: So, you support Hiei?

Mimi: No, I support Goku 100% as long as he's President.

Eriol: So, you would vote for Goku.

Mimi: But I've haven't heard of anything about voting. I have no idea what you are talking


Kero: Her mouth says President Goku, but the eyes show Hiei.

Eriol: Of course, very indecisive and totally torn into two.


Ash: And you'll see more of that interview tomorrow night on "Senator Interviews". But now,
I have another crazy prediction for...


The newsband does its jingle.

Brock: "What will that Crazy Old Germ Say Next?"

*What will that Crazy Old Germ Say Next?*

Ash: And here's one from Crystal in Toronto, Canada. Crystal predicts that Jessie's
outragerous statement will say...

*The attack on Myotismon was just a hit on the head with a hard soccerball.*

*The newsband does the tonight show punchline drumroll.*

Ash: I think we may have our winner. Thank you, Crystal.


Eriol: And now its time for a Newsic treat, by the Newsband who are promoting their new CD.


Brock was at the keyboard.

Brock: That's right. Its a compliation of songs and stings on the news of last year,
including "Will you love me even if you're my wizard?" and the one about the problems
in the telecommunications industry, which we are going to play tonight.


Eriol: Of couse, so now, we present to you Brock and the KNNNN Newsband, with thier single,
"Will this Song ever become a ring tone?"

*Will this Song ever become a ring tone?*

Brock starts the song at the keyboard.

Brock: "Will this Song become a mobile ring tone?"
"Will this song become a mobile hit?!"
"Will you download it into your cell phone?"
"Will this ringtone give everyone the shits?!"

Brock presses the key for a short while, then...

Brock: "Will we hear its little thingy chorus,"
"Interrupting every film and play?"
"Will this ongoing ringtone bore us,"
"Ringing 700 times a day?"

Brock picks up his mobile phone plays the first four lines of the song.

Brock: "Ring Ring!"

*Eriol/Kero: "Ring Ring!"*

Brock: "That's the sound of suffering."
"Ring Ring!"

*Eriol/Kero: "Ring Ring!"*

Brock: That's what I call annoying!

*Song Ends*

The audience did a round of applause as Eriol and Kero joined in.

Eriol: And that's Brock and the newsband. Its newsic to your ears. We'll be back with more
after this...


[KNNNN: We Report, You Believe]

*End Break*

Eriol and Kero were at the newsdesk.

Eriol: Back live, whereever you may be watching.

Kero: And we're waiting for Hiei to make his announcement.

*Showdown Countdown*

Ash: And it could be the last days, or even the last hours of Goku's reign.


Eriol: Yes, Hiei has called an official press conference and here is his announcement, live
at Tokyo.

*Live - Tokyo, Japan*

Hiei walks to the press.

Hiei: Thank you for coming and I have called you all to announce that I have not and will
not be challenging Goku for becoming President of the Anime World. He has and will have my
full support. Thank you.

Hiei walks off.


Kero: Its on, no doubt about it at all. Hiei has confessed to challenging President Goku.

*Hiei Confesses*

The Newsband played some suspenseful music.

Brock: "The Challenge is finally...on!"


Eriol: And to analyse the issue, we are joined by Todd Snap, Squidguts, Kari Yagami, Takuya
Kanbara, Seamus MacRaker, Tracey Sketchit, Malcolm and just to make up the numbers, our very
own Erika Tenryou.

Eriol faces a TV screen with Takuya on it.

Eriol: And Takuya, if I may start with you first.

*Takuya: I think you should.*

Eriol: What a day to think that Hiei would challenge Goku?

*Takuya: Well, if you look at it on days and weeks...*

*And that concludes our live satellite feed of the cable news channel KNNNN. We will
restore you back to your normal Fanfiction reading. Thank you for reading KNNNN.*


"If you enjoyed Anime characters in your fanfics, well, look out for 'Anime Exodus', where
Anime leave their well paid jobs to go for even better paid jobs, like Sailor Moon, Pokemon,
Digimon and coming soon, Yu-Gi-Oh."

Toei to DIC to FOX: Sailor Moon
GameFreaks to 4Kids to Cartoon Network to KidsWB: Pokemon
Konami to 4Kids to Nicklodean to KidsWB: Yu-Gi-Oh
Toei to FOX to : Digimon

"But hurry, they don't last long! Catch them before its too late..."