Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A crazy thing called love ❯ Emails ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Crazy Thing Called Love

A/N: Konnichiwa minna-san! This is my new story ^^. Please excuse my grammar and spelling mistakes. Because I’m in a hurry. Also, I’m still trying to improve my writing skills……….so this story might be really sucks………--;;

Summary: Sakura and Syaoran met in a chat room. They have been e-mailing each other for almost 1.5 years, then fall in love. But in real life, Sakura and Syaoran are roommates that hated each other’s gut! What happens when they find out each other’s secret? S+S E+T

Chapter 1

An auburn haired girl was sitting on the soft sand, with her lap-top opening on her lap. The fresh wind blew against her silky hair gently, as she sighed dreamily. The girl yawned; her emerald green eyes were fixed on her computer screen. She read though the e-mail and smiled brightly. It was a letter from a very special friend of hers; his nickname is ‘Little Wolf’. She opened a new window to type out her reply for this e-mail.

Dear Little Wolf,

How are you? It has been a while since the last time I e-mailed you. I hope everything is going well in your school. I am a little nervous about going to my school.

Anyway, write back as soon as possible please.

Your friend, Cherry Blossom

She typed out her e-mail, and sighed again. She really enjoyed chatting with this boy. She met him in a chat room and they’ve been e-mailing each other for almost one year and a half, yet she doesn’t even know his real name and who he really is. But then again, he doesn’t know her real name neither.

She closed her lap-top, gazed at the beautiful blue ocean’s surface, lost in thoughts. Trying to imagine how does the mysterious young man she met on the Internet looked, and who might him be. She was also nervous about meeting this new roommate of hers. She sighed again. Then, she heard a noise coming from her backpack. Turned around to face her bag, just that moment, a yellow stuffed animal flew out of her pinkish bag and yelled. " Surprise! Surprise!" The girl screamed on the top of her lungs and looked horrified, she almost falls onto the sand. She was also thankful that no one was at the beach with her, because she knew that they would be scared to death as well.

" Kero-Chan! What are you doing here?! I thought you wanted to stay with Yue-San and the others!" She asked shockingly, still doesn’t know what was really happening. It took her a while to snap back to reality.

" Well, I thought you might feel lonely, so I decided to come with you and keep you company………….." He trailed off by lowering his little head, looking in shame.

The girl’s expression became soften, she stared at the little flying stuffed toy and sighed. Then, a small smile appeared across her lips. " It’s okay Kero-Chan, but you really freaked me out." She said, in a gentle tone.

" Sakura-Chan………..So you are not mad at me?" He asked, in a small voice.

Sakura shook her head and smiled. " YAY!" He exclaimed, and smiled happily. Then, something caught his eyes, a slice of strawberry cheesecake. " Umm……….Sakura-Chan………..Can I have some of your cake? Please! Please! Pretty please!" He begged, blinked cutely, and gave Sakura his famous puppy dog eyes.

A big sweat drop appeared on Sakura’s head, and nodded. " YAY! DOMO, DOMO, DOMO, DOMO ARIGATOU SAKURA-CHAN! YOU ARE THE BEST CARD MISTRESS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!" Yelled Kero, and started to attack the cake in the plant. " Tasty!" Muffled Kero as he took bits at the cake, and finished it off in no time. Again, a huge sweat drop appeared on her head as she watched him finishing off the cake that it was suppose to be her desert for lunch. She sighed heavily and shook her head. " I guess, some things will never change." Muttered Sakura, turned back her attentions back to the sapphire ocean, wondered about the ‘Little Wolf’ guy again. " Who are you?" She whispered to the wind.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the music of her pink see through cell phone. " Moshi, moshi, Sakura speaking." She picked up her cell phone and answered.

" Sakura-Chan!" Said a cheerful and gentle voice, and Sakura recognized who the caller is instantly. " Tomoyo-Chan!" She cried in joy. Tomoyo is Sakura’s best friend and cousin, they were best friends since grade four. And even though they both have already grown up, they were still as close as ever.

" I miss you so much, Tomoyo-Chan!" Sakura said happily. Tomoyo has moved to England last summer for her University studying and for her future career development. She has always been busy with school works, so they don’t get the talk to each other on the phone very often. And of course, also because Tomoyo lives on the other side of the world.

" Me too Sakura-Chan, me too." Tomoyo responded, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

" So, how’s the going with your life in England?" Sakura asked cheerfully, changing the subject. She didn’t want them to start their mush, mush talk, because she knew that she would be the first to cry.

" Umm, the same I guess, fashion designing, writing out reports, having a lot of work to do, and that’s about it." Tomoyo replied, and yawned. In England, it was still early in the morning. (A/N: you know, they live in the different time zone.……….err…………sorry, I talk too much for my own good………….—;;)

Sakura could hear the tiredness in Tomoyo’s voice. ‘ She’s still exhausted from her school work…………’ She thought, frowned a little. " Tomoyo-Chan, you should get some sleep, you still have a lot of things to do today, remember?" Sakura said concernedly, reminding her friend.

" Arigatou Sakura-Chan, you are the best! E-mail you later!" Tomoyo thanked her, then yawned again.

" Okay! Take care! Bye!" Sakura said cheerfully, hung up, and sighed. She really didn’t like been alone; not that she’s scared. It’s just that she missed her family and friends. Even though Kero is here to accompany her, she still could feel that something was missing in her heart. Knowing fully what she has to do, she sighed. University days are not easy with out her friends. She liked her old university better, but no, she has to move to Tokyo and live all by herself because she got an invitation from Tokyo University, offering her excellent education. Before, she was a little excited about moving into a new environment and start out things on her own. However, she began to regret it when she just arrived at Tokyo.

Today is the day that she will move out from her hotel and moving in to a two bedrooms apartment, and live with an guy that she barely know, his name was Syaoran Li. ‘ What if he’s mean to me? What if he’s an annoying jerk?’ She questioned silently to herself.

" Sakura-Chan……….." Kero called, snapped Sakura out of her thoughts and back to reality. " Yes?" She asked, turned her head around, to face the little yellow stuffed animal, to show him that she was listening.

" I’m gonna go back to your bag now…………." He mumbled sleepily, wiped his mouth with his little paw and yawned.

" Okay," Answered Sakura shortly, couldn’t help but to smile at the little guardian. Kero flew into Sakura’s pinkish backpack, and closed his eyes, muffled to himself, then fell asleep. Sakura grinned, showed her perfect white teeth. " He’ll never change, I wonder if he’ll ever get fat by eating so much sweets." She wondered, but dismissed that question. It was simple, he’s the magical guardian of the clow cards, and he’ll get sick or gain weight. " Lucky him…………" She muttered, and opened her lap-top, hoping Little Wolf or Tomoyo will e-mail her back.

She sighed into her account, it showed that she has three new e-mails, her face suddenly lightened up a bit. A bright smile formed on her lips as she clicked ‘Inbox’. ‘ YAY! Two e-mails from little wolf and one e-mail from Tomoyo-Chan!’ She exclaimed in her head. (A/N: lol, that’s what happens to me when saw the review alerts from ^^;;) She clicked the from e-mail from little wolf, and it read:

Dear Cherry Blossom,

I’m sorry about not e-mailing you any sooner. I was really busy with my schoolwork and cleaning my apartment, because a new guest would be arriving soon. Anyway, I am doing fine, how about you? Anything new? Write back as soon as possible!

Little Wolf

Sakura smiled as she clicked the other mail. It read.

Hi again, I forgot to tell you that I missed chatting you a lot, I never had so much in common with a girl before. Write back as soon as possible please!

Little Wolf

A few shades of blushes appeared on Sakura’s cheeks as she read his e-mail. ‘ He’s such a sweet guy! I wonder if I’ll ever get to meet him!’ She thought, then felt a little stupid for acting so love sick. But then again, who wouldn’t love such an adorable and sweet guy?

Sakura decided to write back to Little Wolf first, then go back to her mailbox and check the other e-mail from Tomoyo. She clicked the light blue button on the top of the text area that says ‘Reply’ on it, and typed.

Hi Little Wolf! Thanks for writing back! I’m doing okay, although I’m a little nervous about going to a new school. And I don’t think I’ll ever get use to living on my own. Sorry if I’m acting a little childish. I just missed my friends and family a lot………..By the way, I missed chatting with you too; I never met a boy that shares the same interests as I do! Write back as soon as possible!

Cherry Blossom

Sakura finished typing out her e-mail, pressed send, and stretched her arms. She drank some of her orange juice that she brought with her this morning, and laid back on the soft sand. Feeling relaxed. She looked up at the baby blue sky and watched the clouds danced in circles, smiled. The wave splashed against the rocks, made some lovely and peaceful sounds. Sakura then heard some snoring sounds coming from her bag, and chuckled. " Aww………..Kero-Chan is so kawaii!" She commented, and closed her beautiful emerald green eyes. Relaxed her mind.

Few minutes later, Sakura sat up, rubbed her eyes. She almost forgot that day was her moving day. She was going to move out from her hotel and into a two bedrooms apartment, well of course, with her roommate. Sakura prayed silently for a nice roommate, as she packed up her stuff and placed her lap-top into her bad without hurting her little sleeping guardian. He looked very peaceful and cute while he’s asleep. " Pancakes………….hmm…………..chocolate………….." He mumbled.

Sakura walked towards the hotel that she was staying for the past four days. Walking down the side way, hummed a tune and kicked some cans. Looked around, tried to remember the new environment. Passed by a bunch of cherry blossoms, and some houses, she exhaled. Finally she arrived at her destination, wiped some sweat off her forehead. Felt cooler as she entered the building. The air conditioner was great.

After she unlocked the door, she headed towards her bedroom. Everything was neatly displayed. A black suitcase was opened on her bed. Some of her clothes were already neatly packed, and some were lying on one side of her bed. Sakura put her bag lightly down on the floor, walked to her bed, started on her unfinished work. After when everything was packed up, she called a taxi, ready to leave off, and to her new apartment, near the Tokyo University.

One hour past, Sakura arrived at her new apartment with her suitcase and her backpack. Looked up at the tall and fancy looking modern building in front of her amusedly. It was approximately ninety meters tall and it has thirty floors. Sakura entered the building, looked around curiously. ‘ Cool, they have those see through elevators!’ She thought, looking our through the glassed made moving elevator. The view was magnificent! She could see the busy streets clearly. The elevator stopped moving, and she walked out. Reached out a hand, then took out a little piece of paper which tells her where to go. " Hmm……….1201………1201…………" She muttered as she scan through the door numbers, trying to find the number 1201. " Ah! There it is!" She said to herself, and walked towards it. She knocked gently on the door, felt her heart beating faster as she heard her new roommate’s footsteps. Suddenly, the door opened, stepped out a chestnut haired boy. He has a pair of handsome amber brown eyes.

" Umm…………Are you Syaoran Li?" Asked Sakura nervously, felt kind of uncomfortable by the boy’s gaze.

" Hai. You must be Sakura Kinomoto." The boy said, in a strong yet gentle tone. He opened the door wider, and gestured Sakura to come in.

" Err………..Arigatou………." She thanked him, and smiled friendly. But the boy just rolled his eyes. ‘ Gesh……….he sure got an attitude.’ She frowned a little, and thought.

" You room is that way, right beside the bathroom." He informed, pointed the opposite side of his room. " You have buy your own supplies, and make your own dinner." He said in an annoyed tone, left Sakura, and slammed his door behind him.

" Gesh…………What a warm welcome…………" She whispered sarcastically, rolled her eyes and headed towards her bedroom. Her new life just started, and she already knew it wouldn’t be turning out very well, especially with that stubborn and rude roommate of hers.

" Oh my god………..this is going to be a long year…………" She said, and sighed heavily. Then closed the door.

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A/N: ><;;; bad writing…………I’m not a good writer…………><;;; please review, and tell me what you thinks of this story. Because if you guys don’t like it, I won’t write more………..I always say that ^^;; Review! And no flames!
