Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A crazy thing called love ❯ More emails and the Humiliation ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Crazy Thing Called Love

Disclaimer: I do not own the wonderful Japanese Anime Cardcaptor Sakura, but I do own my own characters.

A/N: Konnichiwa minna-san!! I’m back! ^^ Okie, I am trying my best to finish up this story, but I also have to have time to study. ><;;;; Anyway, since school has started, and remembered everything the teacher asked me to, I will be able to have more time for updating my crappy stories! ^_____^;;;; Thank you all who reviewed this story, THANKS FOR THE GREAT SUPPORT YOU ARE GIVING ME! ^________^ *Hugs His reviewers* By the way, please pay close attentions to the e-mails in this chapter, because they are some really important clues. ^_________^THIS ISH MY PRESENT FOR YOU!! I HOPE YOU'LL LIKE IT!!! ^________^
And for the last review I received…well I don’t really know but let’s try mizuki ‘kay?

Chapter 4

The afternoon’s sun was still shinning bright in the clear blue sky. The clouds were dancing in circles as the wind blew gently at them. Sighed Sakura dreamily as she looked up at the clear sky and felt her heart filled with happiness. This was how her new life should’ve been, filled with joy.

Everything looked wonderful and fantastic to Sakura. The flowers smelled lovely. The trees waved their branches as if they were welcoming Sakura’s presence. The grasses beside the sidewalk were lash and green. Even the fresh air tasted a little sweet. Sakura was in such good mood and she didn’t even care if the people were staring at her oddly. Her heart danced in joy as she continued to walk. She never actually noticed the beauty of Tokyo until now.

Smiled brightly, Sakura decided to hum one of her favorite tunes. Walked passed by some old houses and the cherry blossom street. She finally arrived at her apartment. All right! I get to chat with Little Wolf again! Thought Sakura in joy as a big grin formed on her soft cherry red lips and revealed her beautiful white teeth.

As she opened the door to her apartment. She kicked off her shoes and ran into her bedroom where her laptop was placed in. Logged into her account and thrown her bag off her shoulders then dropped it on the ground. " Hey Sakura-Chan! What are you so excited about?" Asked Kero curiously as he flew towards Sakura.

" Sorry Kero-Chan! I totally forgot that you were here too! Gomen ne! I’m just excited because I had such a wonderful day! And I have so much to tell my online friend!" Sakura exclaimed and turned her attentions back to her laptop. Her heart sang happily as she saw that there were two new e-mails in her mailbox.

She clicked on the one, which was labeled the name, Little Wolf on it. And it reads.

Hey Cherry-Chan! How are you doing? I’m doing great. And I have so much things to tell you, I hope you won’t mind listening to them! Anyway, today, the most unexpected thing happened in my school. My worst enemy was cheering on me! I mean, we always hated each other! We argue like 24 hours a day, seven days a week! LOL!

My day was full of surprises, how about yours? Write back as soon as possible! I got to go now, because right now I’m using my schools’ computer to send you this e-mail. I better get a going, before the teacher kicks my butt! LOL! Bye!

Little Wolf

A wide smile formed on Sakura’s lips as she finished reading his e-mail. He’s so kawaii! Thought Sakura and chuckled to herself as she read the last part of his e-mail one last time. Then decided to reply it first then check out her other e-mail. She pressed ‘Reply’ and typed.

Hey Little Wolf! I had a pretty fantastic day too and it was also full of surprises! I made a new friend today, and she’s really nice! Before, I thought that this school year would turn out so bad but I guess I was wrong. ^_^

By the way, I’m very happy that you got along with your worst enemy. I guess we should always expect the unexpected! My good friend used to tell me that everyday! LOL! Sometimes fate is a funny thing, just when you thought you world was turning upside down. Fate will put a special someone into your life. Who can comfort you when you are lonely; who can guide you through the darkness when you are lost.

Anyway, my best wishes to you.

Cherry Blossom

Sakura finished typing out her e-mail and pressed send. Then she stretched her arms and yawned. She closed her emerald green eyes and started to daydream about the online boy, who is a friend of hers. Little Wolf sounds so dreamy… She thought and smiled lightly. Just then, her empty stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten anything yet.

Chuckled to herself, Sakura got up and headed towards the kitchen to get something to eat. As she walked pass by the living room. She saw her worst enemy lying on the couch, toying around with the remote control as he watched a movie. Hey! Since when did he came back? She wondered. Oh well, its so not fair, that guy always gets the T.V, Complained Sakura in her mind and took her glare off Syaoran.

Entered the kitchen, she looked around. Everything was neatly displaced. The sink was cleaned and the dirty dishes have been washed and pilled up beside the sink, drying themselves up. " Wow, that guy is actually pretty neat." She commented. Everything in his apartment was perfectly displayed. As much as she hated to admit it, Syaoran was neater than her.

Oh well, too bad he has a big mouth and a horrible attitude. If he doesn’t have them, I’m sure he’ll get lots and lots of girlfriends. Sakura joked and laughed in her mind, as she walked towards the fridge. She opened the fridge’s door and took out an apple. Took a bite of it, and closed the fridge’s door, then exited the kitchen.

Sakura walked into the living room with her apple and sat down on the couch, the one on the farther left. She then remembered what Tomoyo said the other day about trying to get along with her roommate. Oh well, here it goes. Sakura, remember, make a friendly conversation with him, and ignore his rude comments. She told herself silently and took a deep breath, before she talks to him.

" So, what movie are you watching?" Sakura asked friendly and smiled at Syaoran warmly.

Syaoran said nothing and kept his gaze on the T.V He stopped playing with his remote control and remained silent. The living room was extremely quiet. The only voice and sound in the room were coming from the T.V Sakura did not like the way their actual conversation was going, so she decided to ask again.

" Umm, tell me something about yourself. And let’s just get along okay, because if we continued to hate each other. This year would turn out really bad, for the both of us." Sakura said truthfully. She did not want to argue with him everyday. Their arguments were draining her energy emotionally and physically.

" Whatever Kinomoto. Just tell me what do you want. If you want to watch the T.V Sure, go ahead. I’ll just been in my room for the rest of day." Syaoran said coldly and got up, then headed towards his room. And slammed the door loudly behind him.

GRH! I was trying to be nice to him for once and he’s just acting like a jerk towards me! How can I get along with a person like him?! Sakura frowned deeply and yelled in her mind. She was really tired of Syaoran’s cold and annoying attitude. It was getting on her nerves.

Stupid Syaoran Li! Screamed Sakura in her mind and turned off the T.V Then decided to head back to her own room. She thrown the remote control on the couch and left the living room. Cursed Syaoran as she made her way towards her own room.

" Sakura-Chan! I’m hungry!" Kero announced. " Please make dinner for me! Please! Onegai!" He begged cutely.

Sakura sighed and answered. " Fine, fine, just give me a minute. I want to get changed first." She walked towards her closet and picked out a blue shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans. Quickly got changed and headed towards the kitchen once again. " Arigatou Sakura-Chan!" Kero called out and continued to play his game on Sakura’s laptop.

Sakura made her way towards the kitchen and sighed heavily. Took out some fresh vegetables and rice. And started her cooking. (A/N: okie, I’m just gonna skip the cooking part. Cuz I have no idea how to cook vegetables and rice. -.-;;;; I know, I know. I’m supposed to know these stuffs. -.-;;;;; Gomen ne! ><;;;;;)

Time passed by, it was 7: 30 p.m. and Sakura finished making her dinner. She brought the food to her room and passed some to the hungry Kero. Kero started attack the food the moment Sakura brought them to him. " Tasty." Muffled the little guardian and continued to eat. Sakura watched Kero eating and started her daydream again. " Little Wolf…" She muttered to herself and then sighed dreamily.

" Sakura-Chan, aren’t you gonna eat your food? Because if you are not hungry, I can eat them for you." Kero grinned and suggested in an innocent voice.

" Oh no you don’t. Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I can finished it off myself." Sakura said and smiled.

" All right, I’ll just go to sleep now, I’m tired…" Said Kero as he rubbed his eyes, then yawned.

" Good night Kero, sweet dreams." Sakura said lovingly and smiled. I better finish eating and then I can go on the Internet…to chat with Little Wolf. She thought happily and started to eat her food.

After Sakura finished eating and washed the dirty dishes, she logged into her account and it showed that she has two new e-mails. One of them was from Tomoyo, her best friend. And the other one was from Little Wolf, her dream boy. Sakura smiled brightly and clicked Tomoyo’s e-mail first.

Hey Sakura-Chan! How come you didn’t reply my other e-mails. Did that Little Wolf guy took my place in your heart or something? LOL! Just kidding. I just want to tell you that Eriol and I are going to Paris of France for one of my fashion shows. So don’t bother calling me okay? Because I’ll be really busy. The fashion show will only last for 4 days. And after that, Eriol and I will come and visit you okay? Ja!


Oh my god! They are going to visit me next week! YAY! Sakura cried happily in her mind. Then decided to read Little Wolf’s e-mail. It read.

Hey Cherry! Thanks for the little lesson about life. You are totally right about fate and destiny. You know, you are even better than my teacher is! LOL! I’m glad that youR days are going great as well! Well, got to go now! Thanks for replying back.

Little Wolf

Sakura smiled and pressed reply. Every time she chats with this boy, her heart always filled with joy. In a better way of saying this is, she was falling in love with him, with this unknown boy.

Hi Little Wolf! LOL! I always knew that I would make a great teacher if I try hard. LOL! Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I made to my school’s cheerleading team! I’m so happy! ^_^ Write back A.S.A.P!

Cherry Blossom

She typed out her e-mail, read through it one last time before she pressed send. Then she stretched her arms and yawned. She had a busy and wonderful day. Glanced at her watch, it was 9:00 p.m. Hmm…’m gonna take a shower first than I’m going straight to bed. Its good that we didn’t have any homework. Thought Sakura gladly and grabbed her towel, then headed towards the bathroom.

After the warm bath, Sakura got dressed into her pajama and dried up her auburn hair. Yawned and turned off the light. " Good night Kero…and Little Wolf…" She whispered and closed her eyes, with a cheerful smile on her lips. I’m sure tomorrow would turn out to be a great day too… She thought one last time and fell asleep.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~

The next morning, Sakura got up very early. First she took a warm shower and brushed her teeth, then ate her breakfast. She left some in the kitchen for Kero to eat later on when he wakes up. She was so glad that she didn’t have to argue with Syaoran.

On her way to school, she met her new friend Hikari Chang. They chatted and laughed as they made their way towards the school. Unfortunately, they walked passed by the cold and rude popular group, leaded by Mizuki. Who seems to be a nice girl but actually not one. Her so called boyfriend Yamaki had his arms wrapped around Mizuki’s waist protectively. " Oh look, it’s that Sakura Kinomoto and her pathetic little friend." Sneered Mizuki, and her friends laughed with her.

Sakura shot them a death glare. Her mouth opened a little, wanted to yell back at Mizuki, but did not, because of the goodness in her. So she decided to ignore the rude comments. " Come on Hikari-Chan, let’s go." Sakura muttered and grabbed Hikari’s hand. Hikari nodded and walked away with Sakura.

" Oh look! They are scared of us and running away like two crybabies!" Mizuki sneered again and smirked as the popular gang laughed with her.

Sakura shut her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth. She wanted to slap Mizuki across the face right now. But again, the goodness in her stopped her from doing so. So instead, she took a deep breath and tried hard to ignore Mizuki’s and her friends’ rude comments. Stupid Mizuki. Sakura cursed in her mind.

" Sakura-San…" Hikari said softly. " Are you okay?" She asked concernedly. Then looked into Sakura’s emerald green eyes.

" Hai, I’m fine. Don’t worry, Mizuki’s comments will not ruin my day." Sakura replied confidently and smiled.

" Great! I have to go to my first class now! See you at lunchtime!" Exclaimed Hikari and ran towards the science lab. " Bye! See ya!" Sakura called out and waved her hand. Hmm…I better get to my English class now. She reminded herself and headed towards the English classroom.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~

" Yamaki, remember, I’m going to distract Sakura Kinomoto and you can put the worms we found yesterday into her sandwich okay?" Mizuki ordered and smirked evilly. Surely this plan will ruin the rest of her school year and her new reputation. She thought smugly and snickered.

" No problem Mizuki-Chan, you are a genius!" Yamaki commented and smirked.

" Thanks Yamaki-kun, make sure no ones sees you okay?" Informed Mizuki and kissed Yamaki lightly on the cheek. " See ya!" She said and winked.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~

At lunchtime, Sakura and Hikari entered the cafeteria as they chatted. Unaware of what was waiting for them. " Hey, let’s sit there." Sakura spotted an empty tale and pointed out, so Hikari could see it.

"Okay Sakura." Hikari responded cheerfully and the two girls walked towards it.

"Hey Kinomoto!" Mizuki called out and ran toward Sakura. " I’m really sorry about what happened this morning. I was just jealous at your talent. Can you ever forgive me about how I acted towards you and your friend there?" Ask Mizuki in an innocent voice, as if she was really sorry and begging for forgiveness.

" Oh, it’s okay Mizuki. I’m glad that we can become friends." Said Sakura cheerfully and smiled.

" Aw, thanks Kinomoto." Mizuki said and hugged Sakura. " Come and join my friends and I, we bought a lot of sandwiches. And you can have some too!" Mizuki offered and grabbed Sakura’s hand.

" No, it’s really okay. I brought my own lunch." Sakura insisted and laughed nervously. But Mizuki ignored her protest. " Please Kinomoto! I want to make it up to you! Onegai!" Mizuki gave Sakura her famous cute puppy dog eyes.

" Umm, all right then. Thank you." Sakura smiled generously and said.

" No problem! What are friends for huh?" Said Mizuki, and then an evil smirk appeared on her lips. My, my, my. Sakura Kinomoto, you are walking right into my trap. She thought darkly. But Sakura did not notice her facial expression.

Yamaki passed Sakura her sandwich and looked at Mizuki with an evil smirk on his face. Mizuki nodded lightly and grinned. The worms were stilling curving inside Sakura’s sandwich, but she did not notice that. She opened her mouth and took a bit of it. Suddenly, her smile faded and replaced by a disgusted look.

Sakura spat out the sandwich, and thrown the rest of it on the ground. Then she saw the lively worms curving around beside the sandwich. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she heard everyone’s laughters. She ran out of the cafeteria and covered her ears with her hand as she ran. Wiped her mouth with her sleeve, then grabbed her belongings and headed home.

The rain started to fell as Sakura ran, however she did not care. Mizuki ruined her life and reputation, she doesn’t even know how to face everyone the next day. Tears and raindrops continued to steam down her smooth cheeks. Why did she do that to me? Why? Sakura questioned miserably. Her beautiful emerald green eyes were filled with sorrow.

Reached out a hand, and brushed away some of the wet hair that was covering her vision. Few minutes later, she arrived at her apartment and ran to her room, then cried miserably. Kero patted her head and comforted her. But it was no use.

The little guardian looked down at Sakura concernedly. " Sakura-Chan, don’t cry, tell me what happened. Oh and you need to get changed. Your hair and clothes are soaking wet." Kero said and flew towards the closet and got her some clean dry clothes to wear.

However Sakura just shoved him away and continued to cry out her lonely heart. She didn’t care if she was going to get sick or whatever. All she cared about right now was to have no one bothering her.

" Sakura-Chan…" Kero whispered her name softly. " Leave me alone Kero!" Sakura yelled and shoved him away. Then buried her face into her pinkish pillow. Kero tried to protest but did what his mistress asked to. He flew into the drawer of Sakura's desk, and stayed silent, not wanting to anger his mistress.

Crystal tears continued to flown down her cheeks like none stop. She wiped them away with her wet sleeves. Right now, she needed some comforts but Kero wasn’t the one can to it. She sat up and gazed at her laptop, Little Wolf.

Sakura walked towards her laptop, and logged into her account. Her eyes were red from crying. She pressed ‘Compose’, and typed.

Hi…Little Wolf, my life is ruined. A girl in my school played a prank on me today at lunchtime, and everyone in the school was laughing with her. I just don’t think I can go back to school anymore. What am I supposed to do? I feel so sad and lonely…

Cherry Blossom

Sakura finished typing and pressed send. As she turned off her laptop, she felt her forehead was burning hot, but her body was cold and trembling like crazy. The room was spinning as she walked towards her bed, and collapsed on the soft mattress. She felt weak and her heavy eyelids fell. Then everything went black.

Unknown to Sakura, someone was watching her. He has messy chestnut hair and amber brown eyes. " Sakura…" He whispered softly.

A/N: (oh man I still got my evilness I thought I got it out of my hand after the end of "Love Letter") Okie that’s all for now, need to take a break from typing out all of these stuffs. ><;;;;; My fingers are so tired, need to take a break. Anyway, please REVIEW!!!! ME LOVE REVIEWS!! ^___________^ Is School fun for You?? Ja ne! See ya! ^_~


next chapter's Preview:

Oh nooo.. sakura is sick but luckilly syaoran is there to take care of her...
WHATT!!??? did syaoran find out about who cherry blossom really is!? there's only one way to find out. Next on A Crazy Thing Called Love "The Cold and Taking Care of Her"