Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A New Breeze Breaks ❯ A Kept Promise and a Hidden Spring ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I don't own Card Captor Sakura, because if I did, I would have ended up torturing the poor characters and everyone would have hated me.

Author's Notes:

I am not a horrible person. Everything will turn out fine, I promise! Oh, and in case you failed to notice, I am a beast! A fanfic writing beast! Dude, this is like a chapter a day and then some. Six chapters since Sunday and it's only Thursday! Who rocks? Me! Now start reviewing or I'll break my contact and cut you. Yeah, I'll stab you to death with it. *brandishes broken contact menacingly; everyone laughs*


A New Breeze Breaks

By: carpetfibers

Chapter Six: A Kept Promise and a Hidden Spring

"Ohayo!" Tomoyo cried cheerfully, tugging on her sweater.

Sakura dug through her bag, trying to find something that wouldn't be so form fitting. It had never occurred to her to think about what she wore, but that man...she shuddered. The best she could find was a sweatshirt her brother had given her a year ago from his university.

"Tomoyo-chan, do you have a pair of pants I could borrow?" she asked hesitantly.

"Pants? Ah! Sakura-chan, how could you!" Tomoyo stared at her friend reproachfully.


"I would have brought one of my costumes for you! Sakura-chan..." Tomoyo shook her head, the lost opportunity! But she handed over a pair of khakis to her friend. "Here you go. Are you cold?"

"Not really...I just don't want to wear my shorts."

"Why not?" she asked, curious.

Sakura bit her lip. An excuse...any excuse. "Uh, well, yesterday I scrapped my legs on a lot of the branches, so..."

"Me too!" Chiharu held up her knee as evidence of the trees' abusive treatment. "And my arms!" she complained.

Sakura smiled weakly. She wanted to talk easily with her friends but the fear was too great. Any second he could come in or-

"Sakura-chan, are you sure you're alright?" Tomoyo looked into her friend's clouded eyes with concern. Summoning up her strength, Sakura shook her head, pasting on a wide smile.

"Thank you Tomoyo-chan, but I'm fine! Really, I'm fine." Tomoyo smiled back and Sakura let out a mental breath of relief. She just had to keep her friend unsuspicious.

"Breakfast is ready!" Takashi's cheerful voice called out from the fire outside.

"Coming!" Chiharu replied, tugging on the last of her two shoes. "Hurry up, Sakura-chan! You're like a turtle in the morning."

"True, she is always late to school," Tomoyo added teasingly.

Sakura forced a laugh. She felt a bit better in the sweatshirt and Tomoyo's pants. Nothing too revealing... She lifted a hand to her hair and then left it. What did she care how she looked? The worse she appeared, the less appealing she'd be- it made sense in some degree. At least that's what her mind argued, but her heart was shouting something far different. It was screaming for her to run to her friends and tell them. Her heart said one thing and her mind another... she felt a chill go down her back. This thought felt so familiar...

'Trust only your heart, for it is there that your power is sealed...'

These words! Where did they come from?

"Sakura-chan, come on! It's getting cold." Chiharu called again.

She shook her head and steadied her eyes. She couldn't let anyone know. The fear rose in her stomach and bile filled her mouth. She could do this...all she had to do was step out from the tent and smile. Eat some food, answer when spoken to, and at all costs avoid that man. Sucking in her breath, Sakura stepped out from the tent and into the sunlight. The light blinded her for a moment and when she blinked out of it, her eyes met two very concerned amber ones.

Syaoran opened his mouth, not entirely sure what he wanted to say, but Sakura turned away, ignoring him completely. Instead, she sat down next to Tomoyo, shoving her hands between her knees. He studied her from across the fire, not really caring if she caught him staring or not. She looked different... her hair hadn't been brushed and stuck out in matted clumps from a loose bun. And instead of her normally bright colors, she was wearing some old sweatshirt and a pair of loose khakis. It was like she was trying to make herself purposely unattractive.

A wave of guilt washed over him. Had he done something? Had she caught onto his physical reactions to her? Maybe that was why she was avoiding him...although- He thought back to the day before. No, she had been fine until after she got lost looking for wood, after he found her with that guy. His eyes fell on his seated teacher. The normally frowning man looked particularly pleased with himself this morning. He stared at the man, watching him closely. Had that man done something to her? Had he done something to Sakura to make her act like this?

Abruptly, Kaikato stood up, stretching lazily. He paused on the edge of the camp and then turned around.

"Kinomoto-san?" he called out, a grin tugging at his lips. Sakura visibly jumped and then bit her lip.

"Hai, sensei?" she whispered. Syaoran narrowed his eyes, watching the exchange carefully.

"I'm going to try to find the trail. Can you come help me read the map?" Saito was careful to keep his voice casual. He was doing something potentially very foolish. He might very well ruin a good thing in the making, but then again, the temptation to pull off such a feat in front of everyone was simply too great. He was enjoying watching this little innocent thing shake at his every word. How was it that the gods thought to give such a childish creature such a beautiful body? Obviously, they had been thinking of him kindly.

"I'm really not that good with maps, sensei," Sakura racked her brain, trying to think of some way to get out of this. If she went with the man, if she went with him then he would touch her again. He'd touch her with those dirty hands of his...

"Then this will be good practice. Don't be lazy, Kinomoto-san, come along." Saito held back his grin as the girl rose slowly and her friends called out their good byes. How could they miss that lovely fear in her eyes? He glanced at the other side of the fire. A pair of silver eyes glared at him from across the flames. So that Keiji knew did he? As long as he didn't make any problems, then all was fine. After all, the kid was like a miniature him. Saito winked very carefully, hiding a discreet thumb's up from behind his back. Keiji looked away, ashamed of himself. That bastard...

He waited until Sakura and his teacher had completely disappeared from view before turning to Syaoran who sat staring into the fire, his fist clenched tightly at his sides.

"Li, I suggest you follow them," he said quietly.

Syaoran looked up sharply, his eyes narrowed. "What do you know?"

"Enough to know that Sakura's in danger every second alone with that man. He-"

But Syaoran was already gone. Keiji allowed himself a little respite. He had done something at least.

* * * *

Sakura knew she was doomed the second the camp pulled out from view. Saito turned to her and grinned, his thin lips curving upwards and filling his handsome face.

"Alone at last, little Sakura! Aren't you happy?" he cried, tugging on her sweatshirt. "Now why did you wear something like this? It wasn't very thoughtful of you."

"Why are you doing this to me?" She stopped walking and fixed her eyes on him, some anger finally surfacing. "Why? What did I ever do to you?"

Saito only smiled and stepped closer, lifting one hand to her cheek. "It's not anything you've done, it's more a question of what you'll do in the future. I've watched you day in and day out, always smiling, always laughing. You don't have a worry in the world, do you little Sakura? Such a child, but such a woman...surely you noticed how beautiful you are."

"Beautiful?" the word and idea that gave her so much joy suddenly became distasteful by his one utterance.

He pressed her against one of the pine's wide trunks, kissing her throat as she stood lifelessly, her eyes focused on a point far in the horizon. She could feel his mouth on her throat, her shoulder, her face- his hands were touching her everywhere, defiling her. Nausea rocked her and her empty stomach contracted. Shuddering, she finally woke and started to struggle. She wouldn't let him do this to her.

She struck out with her fist blindly, praying that it would hit. She swung out with her other arm, only to have it twisted behind her back painfully. She cried out and he twisted a little more. She opened her eyes and smiled grimly. Her first punch had made contact.

"That was not smart, Sakura," Saito bit out. The little brat had actually hit him. And hard. Damn it. It was better when she just cried.

"Just leave me alone!" she screamed, her helplessness overwhelming her. "Leave me alone!"

"No smiles? Not even for me, Sakura? I'm hurt." He tried to smile, but his jaw was too sore. He couldn't believe that she actually hit him. It made him angry. Releasing her arm entirely, he knocked her feet from under her. She fell to the ground, knocking her head heavily against the ground. The world spun for a second but then he was on her, his breath filling her ears. He held her hands above her head in a tight grip in one hand and the other followed his mouth. She struggled against him, using her feet this time as weapons.

"If you fight me, you'll only end up worse off. I'm told that the first time is the worst for virgins." She froze and he smiled. Gotcha!

The fear took full control, paralyzing her. Her mind drew blank as one inane thought flashed. Tomoyo would want to film this! The urge to burst out laughing rose and she started to choke, sobs coming out instead. Saito pulled himself up to look at her better. There was that perfect look- revulsion and fear, beautiful, pure fear. He could really get hooked on this. He reached down for his pant buckle when a low voice stopped him.

"Get the fuck off of her."

He froze entirely, the hand holding Sakura's wrists loosening enough that she pulled free. She kicked him off and ran to her savior, throwing herself into his arms. He had come, he had come! Her dream had been right...he'd protect her. Her Syaoran...he had come!

Syaoran looked down at her, his eyes filled with grief. That monster had taken away her innocent mind, that bastard...a murderous rage surged forward, and gently he pulled Sakura from his arms. He'd kill him. It was very simple. He'd kill him.

Saito must have seen some of Syaoran's intent in his eyes because soon fear filled his own. He desperately tried to think of some kind of excuse, something he could say that would save him.

"Listen, Li, you're a man. You know how it is...a girl dresses like she does and acts all innocent all the time- it's like she's begging for it!"

Syaoran didn't stop his steady advance. He braced his feet, knowing that the desperate man would choose the offensive now that the defensive had failed. As predicted, Saito suddenly lunged out at the younger boy, his punches wild and uncontrolled. Syaoran dodged and waited for the perfect moment. It came when Saito pulled his arm back all the way- and then Syaoran struck. First he kicked out with his left foot, taking him out by the knees. And then with his fists, he removed the bastard's ability to punch. Finally, he moved onto the face and let the anger flow. Blood filled his eyes, and all he could see was Sakura crying as the man kissed her and pawed her. His Sakura, his innocent, beautiful Sakura defiled by this scum, this pathetic human scum! He stopped seeing his teacher's body and saw only her tears. He would kill him here and now.

But then he felt a small body press against his back, and cold tears soaked through. Slowly, her words came to his deafened ears.

"Stop...please, stop! Just more, please no more." He didn't understand. He was doing this for her, for what this bastard had done to her. Why was she stopping him?

"Please stop, Syaoran- you're not a monster like him! You're not like him!"

He dropped his fists, suddenly seeing the blood. So much blood, so very much. His eyes widened at the near horror he had committed. To kill a man- to kill a human being- was he capable of it? He looked down at the unconscious body of his teacher. He would have killed him...

Slowly, he stood up and turned around. Sakura knelt on the ground, having given up to her tears entirely. Carefully, Syaoran picked her up, taking her into his arms. She burrowed her head into his shoulders and whispered tearfully into his ear. "Please, don't take me back to the camp. Just take me away from here. Take us somewhere far away. I feel so dirty, Syaoran, so very dirty!" Her tears overwhelmed her and she cried with the loose abandon that only the truly grieved cry. Syaoran walked slowly as he steadily carried her way from the clearing and the tragedy it had wrought.

* * * *

The spring appeared as if by miracle. He had wandered around in circles for nearly an hour, listening to her tears and wishing he had the power of time in his hands. He circle the world back if it meant to have saved her this sadness. Syaoran knelt beside the spring, knowing that it's warm waters would wash away some of her hurt, some of her pain. How had he not seen it? And why hadn't he just listened to what his instinct had said? Damn it all...if he had only listened!

"Sakura, Sakura, please, open your eyes," he said softly, holding her in his lap. Hearing his voice, she slowly opened them. His heart broke at the sight of them. She looked so lost.

"It's a spring," he gently turned her body so she could see the steaming waters. Sakura nodded her head and clung to him, obviously not wanting to leave his arms. He had saved her; she was safe with him.

Understanding, he carried her into the water, carefully easing her into the hot waters. Sakura felt the warmth flow over her, soaking through her clothes and dampening her hair. Mindless of it, she tugged at her shirt, wanting the thing off her. He had touched it, touched it when touching her. Free from the vile thing, she scrubbed at her skin with her nails, scrubbing at every part of her he had touched. The tears came harder and strong but gentle hands took hold of her wrists.

"Sakura, don't do this to yourself. You did nothing wrong-"

"Yes I did! If you hadn't come, he would have- he would have- and I would have let him. I couldn't stop him! Syaoran, I couldn't stop him at all..." Syaoran wrapped his arms around her, letting her draw comfort from him. All lust was absent from thought, the only part of his body that ached was his heart. Seeing her in so much pain, so much confusion- guilt racked him completely and terribly. This was his fault.

"It's all my fault!" He froze. How could she think it was her fault? Surely, she didn't really thing that...

Gently, he pulled her away from him and forced her to meet his eyes. "Sakura, listen to me, and believe what I say. This is not your fault. Saito Kaikato is a monster, a vile, disgusting human. What he did to you- none of it was your fault. God, Sakura, you could never be the cause of such blackness! You are nothing like that man...nothing."

Sakura shook her head, pushing away at her wet hair and mixed tears. "He said it was because I laughed and smiled. Why are those bad things? I don't understand how those could be so bad to make him do such things. He said I deserved it because I acted like a child. Syaoran, I don't understand!"

He stared at her, hearing her words and not wanting to believe it. To have done what he did was horrible, but to have coupled it with this kind of damage. Kaikato took away more than Sakura's innocense of mind, he took away her innocense of heart. He should have just killed him. That kind of man, to do that kind of thing- unforgivable.

"Sakura, do you trust me?"

She nodded, still wiping away at her tears. "Completely."

"Then trust me when I say this: the person you are- the person who smiles, who laughs, who finds joy daily and wonderfully, the person who wakes late every morning and rushes to school, the person who was strong enough to capture the cards and make them her own, the person who looks at every person as someone who needs love and understanding- this is you. You are this beautiful and wonderful person who's very life has bettered every life around her, bettered my life. Sakura, don't let that man rob you of your joy, your energy, your spirit!"

It had been the most he had ever said to her, and the guilt in her fought against his words, not wanting to believe them. But her heart- her heart rejoiced. It rejoiced and she chose this happiness over the continued sorrow.

"You saved me, Syaoran, you saved me," she whispered, slipping into his arms again. Syaoran held her closed, smoothing down her hair and cradling her in his lap.

'I was almost too late. Never again. The dangers in the world of magic and the dangers of this world- I will protect her from both. With my life, I'll do this.'

* * * *

The sun had already left the sky for the remainder of the day by the time Syaoran and Sakura returned to their camp. During the walk back, she had released all the emotions and thoughts running through her and he had listened, speaking only to encourage her. With her every new insecurity and fear voiced, his heart grew heavier and his guilt more dense. Her tears had finally stopped, but she held onto his hand as if for dear life. He watched her sadly, knowing that it would be a long time before this innocent girl would feel free at heart. She grew quieter as they drew closer to camp, and he knew she was dreading facing her friends.

"Daidouji-san and Mihara-san both love you, Sakura. They'll only offer you comfort and their love."

She looked up from the ground, a smile that shown like a ghost of her past days on her lips. "How'd you know what I was thinking?"

"I always know." His kindness seemed almost too much for the poor girl, and Sakura stopped, tugging on Syaoran to do the same.

"Before we go in there, I want to say thank you. I don't know how, but somehow I'll show my thanks to you. I used to think you were so cold, Syaoran, and so far away from me. But now I see that truly, you are my friend, and not just here because I'm the Card Mistress. Arigato for being my friend."

Syaoran stared at her. Had she really thought he only cared because of her cards? He had been too selfish, thinking only of himself and not of what his constant reaction must have been doing to her. And still she showed him this much of her heart, of her love. It was him who should be thanking her.

"You've already done enough, Sakura. You made me very happy when you said my name."

"Hoe?" A light blush scattered across her cheeks.

"Are you ready?" he asked quietly after a moment.

Sakura looked up into the sky; the first of thousands of stars were making their way into heavens. She was like one of them, shining a small light among the hundreds, but it was her own light, and it was strong. She was strong. Her smile grew, a touch of its old self coming in the edges.


And he took her hand and walked the last few steps into the clearing.

Immediately, Tomoyo jumped up from her nervous perch on the ground. She was worried sick! Kaikato-sensei walked through the camp hours earlier, limping and looking like he had been run over by a semi- twice! But he left as quickly as he came, stopping only to ask if Syaoran had returned yet. He refused to talk about Sakura, refused to say what happened to her, if she was okay, if she was with Syaoran. It had taken both Takashi and Chiharu to hold her back from going off on her own to find her.

But now that was past, her Sakura was back safe and sound.

"Sakura-chan, are you alright? What happened? Have you been crying?" Sakura held up a hand, trying to fend off her friend's questions.

"One at a time, Tomoyo-chan. I'm a little tired, but before you ask anything else, there's something I have to tell you." Syaoran guided her toward the fire, and sat beside her. She still hung onto his hand, and her grip tightened as she tried to think of how to tell her friend of what happened. She looked up to the serious faced owner of the hand she held. His eyes encouraged her, and slowly she began.

"Yesterday, Kaikato-sensei attacked me." She kept her eyes on the fire, not wanting to see her friends' expressions. Hurriedly, she continued. "And then again last night while we were all sleeping. And then, today, he tried again, but Syaoran stopped him." Syaoran squeezed her hand gently and whispered under his breath, so only she could hear.

"Look at your friends, Sakura."

She brought her eyes up slowly, positive she'd see shame and judgement glaring back at her. Instead, she met her best friend's very wet violet eyes. Tomoyo was rubbing furiously at her falling tears. Her poor Sakura! That something like that happened to her Sakura, Sakura who would never hurt anyone. She hoped Syaoran had permanently injured something, because if not, she was going to finish the job. That bastard!

"Sakura-chan, please forgive me!" Tomoyo dashed from her seat and rushed into her friend's arms. "Forgive me for not protecting you; I promised your brother I would look out for you and I failed. I'm so sorry!"

Sakura shook her head adamantly, tears of her own starting to fall. Would they never end? "No, Tomoyo-chan, that's not true. This wasn't your fault; this wasn't my fault. The only person at blame here is Kaikato-sensei. So don't cry anymore, Tomoyo-chan. Seeing you cry makes me cry."

Tomoyo only shook her head as she cried into her friend's knees. Sakura bowed her head, wrapping her arms around the weeping girl. Tomoyo who was always so strong, so brave, was crying for her.

Chiharu gripped Takashi's hand tightly, Sakura's words and their subliminal meaning echoing in her mind.

"Oh Takashi, poor Sakura..." she whispered. Takashi squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Sakura-san's a strong person. She's hurt now, but she'll heal and be stronger than ever."

Chiharu leaned against his shoulder, a fond smile on her lips. This was why she loved him so much- Takashi might lie and make up stories half the time he spoke, but he was a kind heart.

Keiji was thankful that the shadows hid his face from the others' view. The last thing he would need was to have his cover blown. Still though, it had been almost as hard for him to not chase down that scumbag teacher and give him another going over as it was for Tomoyo. But it wasn't his place. The Elders sent him to Tomoeda with one specific task. He was to watch the Card Mistress and monitor any peculiarities in her life- magical peculiarities that is. And he was not to get involved in any way. Again and again, they had pressed this issue. He was to be a strict observer. Stay close to her side, but not close to her heart.

So even though his very nature had screamed to pummel the guy, Keiji was forced to stand aside, in the shadows. He wondered if the Elders realized how very difficult their strict tasking was going to be to follow. Already, the effect the Card Mistress had on everyone around was softening his heart and tearing down the cold walls. He wasn't in love with her, although a small part of him told him to just wait a little while. She was made to be loved. Since she loved so freely, the desire to return that love was almost uncontrollable. And all this he knew with a base logic.

He watched as she continued to comfort her friend, when surely she was the one needing the comforting. The way her hands gently smoothed down the weeping girl's long hair; the way her green eyes that sparkled in daylight reflected the fire like spun glass in the night air; the way her lips curved into a new type of smile- a smile that mirrored her shattered naivete but growing determination. He watched and knew with a certainty that he too would fall under her spell. He would fall as surely as the man who held her hand so tightly had as well. Keiji wondered if Syaoran was aware of his love for her, or if he was as confused as he had been three years before.

He sighed, allowing himself a moment of self pity, and ran his hand through his tangled hair. He would be the watcher for now, the observer the Elders had sent him to be. He'd watch the Card Mistress daily, watch as she grew and fought. He'd watch as she'd smile. He'd watch as even maybe one day she'd smile for him. He'd watch knowing that he would never be allowed to smile back with the same emotion. But this was all something that he knew even as a child. This was his role, the caste Fate had dealt him.

The weeping quieted down and then finally stopped. He watched as the five friends moved as one toward the tent, each surrounding Sakura as if shielding her. He sighed again and glanced into the fire. Embers beat out fiercely against each other, not realizing that their war meant the death of their heat. The flames danced as they battled, their deep crimson shading his face in red shadows. Tonight, he'd sleep outside. He wanted to watch the fire as it fought to its end. He'd watch and observe, never adding the extra log or limb that would mean life for it. Keiji Noriyori leaned heavily against the tree and smiled into the flames. He didn't mind too much. After all, that's life, isn't it? Taking in the good with the bad and all that shit. Not a bad philosophy...

* * * *

Author's notes:

See, I said all would turn out fine. And look at that lovely ending, one big Keiji inner monologue. Hell yeah, Keiji's gonna be fun to write with. That whole dual personality and now the mystery! Oh the intrigue! Oh the romance! Sigh, I still have like 50 cards to drain. This is going to be one loooooooooooooooooooooong fic.