Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A New Breeze Breaks ❯ A Discovery and a Special Event ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I don't own CCS.

Note to readers:

Um, I kind of was in this serious mood when I wrote this chapter, so yeah, it ended up rather moodish. There's a lot of introspection here, and it's okay if Sakura's last bit seems strange. It's written that way purposely to reflect just how confused she feels. Well, anyway, enjoy!

A New Breeze Breaks


Chapter Ten: A Discovery and A Special Event

"Good morning, class!" Hitomi Matsuri said brightly and brushed back a piece of rebellious hair. Finally, she was given permission to announce the good news. And to think, her class had been chosen to fulfill such an important role!

"I have some great news for you today; some of you may have heard rumors of Seijou High School putting on a spring festival in April. Well, the rumors were true." She beamed at her class and clapped her hands, drawing their attention back to her words. "Our class has been given a very special duty: our very own Class D is to be in charge of the Spring Festival Play!"

Immediately, the class bubbled with excitement, friends turning to friends to exclaim. Matsuri only smiled more brightly, if it was possible, and clapped her hands again. All attention returned.

"Now, I'm aware that there are different ways to do this play, including just drawing names for the different parts. However, we aren't just to do a play, we're to write it as well. So what I've done is put you in your groups from your trip to the Springs, and we'll have a little competition within the class. Each group will write a play of their own, and then, as a class, we'll vote on which is the best. After that, we'll focus on the different parts and all that. How does that sound?"

The girls smiled and the boys nodded thoughtfully. Obviously, everyone had an idea in mind for this special project.

"As a treat, I'm giving you the entire morning to work in your groups. You have two weeks to finish. Ganbatte!" Matsuri sat back, a satisfied smile on her face. While her class planned away, she could finish up on grading and making up their literature tests. She really needed to stop procrastinating when it came to the school work. Or she could just give them less homework- it was an idea, after all!

Sakura took Tomoyo's hands and squealed. "This is great for you, Tomoyo-chan! You would make a wonderful director!"

Tomoyo nodded, her eyes starry with imaginary costumes running through her mind. To have the chance to make costumes for her Sakura again- it was like a dream come true! She hadn't had an excuse in easily months to dress up her favorite model.

"And you can be the leading lady, Sakura-chan! I can make all your costumes; everything will be so kawaii!" Sakura leaned back from her friend. Tomoyo looked all crazed again; maybe this play wouldn't be that great a thing after all.

"We should have lots of fight scenes," Keiji joined in the conversation, his now blue eyes gleaming. "And lots of blood. We should have a war going on in the play and a ton of people die really horribly."

"That's a bit morbid..." Sakura said warily, already imagining a stage floor covered in fake blood. She shuddered.

"A romance! It should definitely be a romance!" Chiharu clasped her hands, her brown eyes sparkling at the very thought. "There should be a hero who's madly in love with a princess, but she doesn't know. And then, she's kidnaped by an evil villain who wants her for himself. Then the hero saves her, and she realizes that she loves him to. And then, then they'll kiss!"

Takashi eyed his girlfriend and shook his head, "It should be a story about a boy's journey to find out about his past. He goes on a long journey through many countries and meets different people. Finally though, he meets a great sage who knows all. There he finds enlightenment and finally returns to his home as a man."

Sakura stared wide eyed at her friends. They all had such great imaginations! She couldn't think of anything.

Surprisingly, Syaoran decided to add in his own ideas. "I think it should be about a boy and a girl who first meet as rivals and enemies. They're both after an ancient treasure, but slowly, over time, as they are thrown together time and time again, the boy finds himself in love with the girl. But she hasn't a clue. Finally, though, after they find the treasure and the girl splits it, the boy gives her his half as a sign of his love. It's only after he leaves though, that the girl realizes that she loves him as well."

Chiharu stared with an awed expression, while Takashi and Keiji nodded slowly, rolling the idea over in their minds. Tomoyo only smiled pleasantly, inwardly thinking that Syaoran was doing much better since their little talk. Sakura felt a nagging in the back of her mind, as if the story seemed familiar, but she brushed the sensation off and returned her attention to Syaoran.

"I like it," Takashi announced and then continued, "But, we should add a wise elder to the story, maybe as the narrator."

"Oh, I know!" Sakura cried, happy to be able to add something, "The wise elder could be a story teller and the play could start out with the elder telling the story to a group of children."

"Shadow puppets!" Chiharu squealed, "He could be telling it with shadow puppets-"

"-and then, we could extend from the shadow puppets to a large screen and have the main characters' shadows be the first thing to appear," Tomoyo finished, satisfied with the idea entirely.

"Could we please have a few fight scenes? At least one?" Keiji begged. "Maybe, a raid of bandits could attack the rivals, and they have to fight them off?"

Tomoyo nodded yet again, adding something to her growing list of ideas. On her notepad, an outline was slowly forming for what looked to be a play of epic proportions.

Syaoran smiled softly to himself, sitting back and letting the rest talk their way through. If Sakura couldn't tell with her own two eyes what he felt for her, then he'd simply have to show her. By the end of the play, she'd have to see, she'd have to understand. Not even she could be that oblivious. He had Tomoyo to thank really, because it had been she who had shed light on his emotions and confusion. He watched the two girls talking, the way Sakura would laugh and Tomoyo's eyes would light up.

He felt a pang of sympathy go out to the long haired girl. Perhaps she too, felt like he did.

"Oh, I can't wait! Can you, Syaoran?" Sakura turned her excitement to her amber eyed friend.

"No, can't say that I can." He smiled. Tomoyo would be sure to write up the story to 'T.'

* * * *

A disembodied voice called out from the darkness that surrounded her. In the back of her mind, she knew it to be a dream, but that knowledge made the illusion no less of a reality. The words filled her thoughts and heart with dread. Like a half forgotten memory, the strange voice carried forward and took control of her mind.

'Card Mistress, heed our words. Take care in your actions. While your protector is limited, stay close to his side. Magic grows strong in you both. The elements obey his command, and the Cards yours. But your power is being stripped away. The time to release that which has been sealed within you since birth is coming. Will you stand the challenge? Card Mistress, will you stand this final test?'

Final test? It was all just a test? Anger filled her and she lashed out at the voice and its words. A test was stripping her of her strength and draining away her Cards. The pain she felt in the energy less Cards struck her time and time again. It was as if some part of her heart had been stolen away. A final test- ha! Only a coward acted as such, hiding in the shadows, and using dreams to communicate. Why not show themselves? Why not just openly confront her? How could she possibly be expected to fight an enemy that hid himself?

In her sleep, Sakura struck out violently, her subdued anger and frustration rising fully. Her eyes flashed open as two strong hands grasped her wrists tightly. With a gasp she sat up, her chest heaving. Syaoran let go of her wrists and sat beside her, waiting patiently.

Finally, she turned to him, her green eyes widened in frustration. "They said that it was all just some final test- a test! They want me to release something in me, something I've had since birth, and so they're going to take away each of my Cards, one by one. I don't understand it! Why won't they just show themselves? Why do they have to make it hurt so much..."

Syaoran listened in concern. He didn't know that she was hurting- if she was in pain!- but there was nothing he could really do. He was frustrated himself; none of his training, none of his own magical ability had been able to fight off a single of these attacks. But what could he do when the enemy attacked without any sign of energy, any sign of magic? And Sakura refused to allow him to hurt her Cards.

So how the hell was he supposed to protect her? Just what the fuck was he supposed to do?

"Syaoran, this dream I had. I feel as if I've had it before, as if the words are but part of a longer strain. But the voice did say to stay close to you. Everyone seems to be saying it- Kero-chan, Eriol-kun, even Yue-san. Do they all know something that we don't? Is there some secret here that I'm supposed to figure out? Another test?" she finished bitterly.

"I don't know... I don't have enough materials on hand. All of the ancient texts that might tell of this power are in Hong Kong..." In Hong Kong- in Hong Kong! Damn it, why hadn't he thought of this earlier? He should have thought of the texts right away. Clow Reed's writings were all stored in the Li Clan archives, along with his ancestors' books.

"Sakura, would you mind skipping school for about a week?" he asked slowly, the plans working themselves in his mind.

"Why?" she asked, her voice tired.

"I think we might find something in my Clan's archives. All of the ancient texts are kept there, and if there's something there, we'll find it."

"I guess so..." Syaoran gripped her chin firmly between his hands.

"Sakura, listen to me: you mustn't give up. Your Cards are counting on you- you have to be strong and not let this drag you down," he said firmly.

Slowly she nodded, a small smile coming to her lips. "Everything will be alright, definitely?"


She quickly changed the subject, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden. "When would we leave for Hong-"

Suddenly, she felt a jolt of power course through her- a foreign power. This aura, it felt absent of any warmth, as if frozen in the deepest reaches of the earth for centuries. "Can you feel it, Syaoran?"

He shook his head; he felt nothing.

"This energy- it's the same from when Sweet was taken." Determined, Sakura seized her key from her neck and stretched it out before her. "This time, I not letting go without a fight."

"Key of the Star,

With powers burning bright,

Reveal the staff,

And shine thy light.


A glow of brilliant light surrounded both her and Syaoran, blinding them for a moment. Sakura felt the power of her Cards respond to her call, and without hesitation, she cried,



A book materialized, opened to a blank page. Not wasting a moment, Sakura lifted her wand again.



A powerful warrior appeared beside the book, waiting for Sakura's commands. She nodded and lifted the book. Quickly she wrote down the words that she knew could mean victory. Syaoran stood by helplessly, not knowing her plans, not understanding. She was using Fight, but how would that help against an energy? And Create...a dull revelation fell upon him.

"Sakura! You can't- it'll take up too much of your energy!" he cried and tried to grab the book from her hands. She pulled away and shook her head, determined.

"Trust me, Syaoran. Trust me. I can do this!" And she finished the last word.

Slowly, her words changed to reality, and Fight dematerialized. She felt the strong power flow by her side and let out a small breath of relief.

"Fight- protect the Cards! Defeat the strongest power in this room!" Immediately, the now dematerialized Fight Card struck out at the foreign energy.

Sakura took a deep breath and pulled out a third Card, knowing she was treading on dangerous grounds. But she wouldn't let another of her Cards be taken! Not this time.



The third card emerged and she fought to stay on her feet. She couldn't collapse now- she wouldn't! Pulling on her last reserves, she cried out her last instructions.

"Surround the Book, Shield! Protect them!"

Sakura closed her eyes and focused on the two energies. She could feel the combatant rush of Fight's power strike repeatedly against the darker energy. The foreign energy retaliated, its power surging and frighteningly strong. She gasped, her fear escalating as the combined natures of her Cards weakened steadily against the onslaught. Ignoring her sensibilities, she poured out even more of her energy to the Cards, filling them with her strength, but already she was running dry. It was just too strong...too strong!

She started to fall, her knees buckling under her, and then Syaoran was holding her. A new strength flowed into her and she stared in wonder. Was this coming from him? She felt the familiar aura overwhelm her own and in the immaterial battle, she felt the first bit of pain come from the foreign energy. Re-energized, she poured out the new strength to her Cards, spurring them on.

And then the unthinkable happened. From within the unused Cards, a shadow surfaced carrying with it a stolen energy. Sakura cried out at the sudden loss. Another of her Cards- damn it! Not another one!

She watched in horror as her second sight saw the stolen energy added to the weakening aura. She could recognize the Card now- Power! The only Card that could defeat Fight, and with one blow she felt her Card wilt entirely. Shield collapsed, and with it, Sakura fell entirely, her mind blank. She had lost...

* * * *

Syaoran gripped the phone tightly, his nervousness more than evident. For someone who was to be the chosen leader of a powerful clan, he had very little courage when it came to his mother. It wasn't that she frightened him- it was that she overwhelmed him. He felt that there was no expectation of hers that he would ever meet. To be born a constant failure- to shoulder such a responsibility- it was his task.

He was the son of Yelan Li.

In the Hong Kong world of money and magic, power and intrigue, that sentence alone brought silence to crowds and sympathy by the throngs. He hated the looks of interest, of thinly veiled malice, and more than that- the open smiles of pity. Even if given a choice in his fate, he would have chosen the same path. He was Xiaolang Li, and it was his name alone to bear. The ring carried over to his side faintly. Syaoran could almost picture one of the family's many servants walking to answer it. He could see the white gloved hand pick up the handle and hold to ear. The dry mouth would open and familiar words in his home tongue would come-

"Li residence, how may I help you?"

The tone came naturally; it came from years spent in a house where order and command were venerated as signs of respect.

"This is Xiaolang Li. I wish to speak to my mother."

"One moment, Master Li."

Yes, Master Li. Even the servants that had seen his first steps and known his first words called him by the informal term. It was simply another sign of status, of his order in the Clan caste of importance. That he was the Chosen One, and that he had already failed at his first tasking, were considered irrelevancies. He was his mother's son: he was Yelan Li's son.

The voice spoke out, drying his mouth and sending the same qualms of inadequacies through him. Always so cold, so severe.

"Xiaolang? I see you've finally decided to remember your family." The disdain in her voice was more than apparent. Syaoran bit down the anger that surged at her every word. She sounded so accusatory, as if she actually cared whether he thought of them or not. In truth, he knew that she merely was concerned of his responsibilities- his duties and ties to the Clan.

"Yes, Mother, I've called to tell you that I'm returning for a short time. I need to look through the archives for-"

She cut him off deliberately, establishing who really was in control of the conversation and ultimately him.

"Xiaolang, the Elders were greatly angered by your departure. Your failure to write or call and explain your leaving has only further enraged them. Much of that anger has landed on my shoulders. And now you call to announce your return. You are not Clan Leader yet, Xiaolang, do not mistake your authority."

Syaoran's grip tightened. He would not hang up on her, and he would not allow her to cut him down.

"Mother, I should be arriving in two days' time. Sakura Kinomoto will be coming with me."

"The Card Mistress?"

Oddly, his mother's voice seemed to soften at the mention of the girl. It seemed that her heart could bring even the coldest of souls a gentleness. After all- look what she had done for him by merely standing at his side!

"You're bringing the Card Mistress to Hong Kong with you?"

Again the curiously soft tone. Syaoran shook off the strange feeling and answered curtly.

"Yes. It concerns her, and that is the reason for the return. We have need of information in the archives."

A long silence. He waited impatiently. Why wasn't she answering? Finally, he heard a low sigh and he could almost see his mother run her hand over her ivory forehead.

"Would like a car to meet you at the airport?"

"No, we'll be fine. We should only be staying for a week. I'll answer the Elders' questions when there."

"Be safe then, Xiaolang. You are my son first and foremost."

"I know."

And the bitterness almost struck the woman on the other end physically. Her son...her Xiaolang was truly her husband's own.

"Good bye."

And the phone went silent.

Syaoran dropped the phone and pulled his talisman off roughly. Transforming it into a sword, he began to run through the strokes that filled the hours of his childhood. Flashes of memory swarmed forward with every thrust, every stab, every twist and turn. His mother's eternally stern lips. Her youthful eyes accusing him, never forgiving him for the sin of having been born with his eyes and hair, for having his father's every feature.

He couldn't smile with her near, couldn't laugh; he could barely move in her presence, knowing that the slightest gesture would remind her once more of why he was alive, and his father dead. Had Syaoran chosen for it to be so? He had no refuge to run to, no relative to seek guidance in. His sisters found solace in each other, sharing the privilege of knowing the man he so resembled.

But he carried the greatest sin of all- to be the image of a man he had no memory of.

His mother would never forgive him of that, no matter his accomplishment, no matter the titles given him. He swept the clean blade in an even arch, spinning around to bring it down in one fatal jab. How many times in his fifteen years of life had this sword been his one companion? How many times had it been to this sword that his fingers found comfort and his thoughts refuge?

The sword became a silver blur as he whirled left and right, forcing his body to defy inertia and deny gravity its pull. Clarity came with each lightning fast stroke. It was in this sword that his strength lay, in these movements. The one thing that had lasted time and challenge. His eyes blurred as the tears threatened but he blinked back the weakness. Solitude, solicitude, solutidinous- adjectives of his emotions.

A flash of familiar green overcame the severe memories. A smile all at once breath taking and heart breaking flew behind it. New memories overlapped the old, and Syaoran's quiet anger faded. His arm tired, and the sword fell of its own accord. No longer was the weight he bore about his neck his only friend. No longer was the world a thing of loneliness. He had someone now.

Sakura: Card Mistress, friend, classmate, partner, and lastly, his first love.

New adjectives, new titles, new words and those glorious lips lilted in happiness. Let his mother frown. Let the Elders scream. Even let his respect and position fall into dust. It was all worth it for the emotion and peace that now filled his entire being at her mere presence.

"It's like dancing..."

He turned to the voice's owner, his heart warmed by her very words, her very utterance.

"When you use your sword, I feel as if I'm watching an intricate dance," Sakura stepped into the room, the air's tension heightening her words.

"Sakura," Syaoran gazed at her intensely, his amber eyes filled not with desire or want, but with the root of all his emotions. The volume of them set her heart skipping and her breath rushing.

He took the first of steps toward her, his chest heaving from the earlier exertion. She found that she couldn't move, couldn't speak. Never was she more aware of the very physicality of his movements- the taut strength in each limb as he drew nearer.

"Do you know why it is that your smile makes me feel alive?" he asked, one step closer.

"Do you know how it is that your eyes fill me completely?" Another step.

"Can you understand why it is that I could never leave you?" Finally touching.

The bitterness of his childhood, the cold apathy of his mother, the weight of a family's expectation, the guilt of a childhood spent with a ghost stealing away any love- it all paled when brought against her eyes, her smile, her lips, her voice and kindness. He took her thin hand and placed it over his heart.

"Someday, Sakura, I will share this with you completely."

She could only stare, not understanding. But she nodded and withdrew her hand. She left the room without saying a word more, her eyes clouded with confusion.

Syaoran looked at the closed door without seeing.

Someday, Sakura, I will share everything with you.


* * * *

"Thank you for coming to see us off, Tomoyo-chan," Sakura squeezed her best friend's hand affectionately.

The raven haired girl zoomed in on her friend's face and then panned out to catch all of her clothes: a mid thigh length blue jacket, white thigh highs, pale blue shorts, and a white knit shirt. To finish the ensemble, Sakura's auburn hair was held back in two matching pig tails, a blue and white ribbon on both. She was too kawaii for words! Tomoyo was glad, though, to see her friend finally wearing clothing that suited her. She was tired of seeing the baggy shirts and long skirts that hid the Card Mistress's figure and femininity.

"I'm glad you let me," Tomoyo replied cheerfully. She turned the camera to Syaoran's face, focusing in on the adoring smile that lighted his usually frowning lips. To think that he could change so much because of her Sakura was amazing.

"It's been four years since I've been to Hong Kong! I'm so excited!" Sakura twirled around, her book bag clutched to her chest.

Tomoyo knew she had Syaoran to thank for Sakura's easy demeanor- it had been he who restored her faith and trust in herself. It wasn't that bad of a trade really- having Sakura happy in exchange for a little thing like her heart. She changed the angle and swept over Syaoran's clothes: greens and browns as usual, and just as usual, perfectly coordinated. Even if she wasn't already aware of Syaoran's four older sisters, she would have devined the female presence in his life by the clothes alone. No boy that she knew of could dress perfectly without giving it any thought.

"Flight 233 for Hong Kong is now boarding! All passengers please report to Gate F12. All passengers please report to Gate F12. Flight 233 for Hong Kong is now boarding!"

Tomoyo put down her camera, a little disappointed that their time was so short, but she smiled all the same and squeezed her friend's hand.

"You'll be back in a week, Sakura-chan, ne?" she asked a little nervously.

"Hai, hai! One week, Tomoyo-chan! And by then, you'll be all done with the play, and I can finally read it. I wish I was as talented as you- but I'm happy just being by your side."

Tomoyo's smile dipped at the last words. If only her friend knew how aptly she had described her emotions- but her Sakura-chan could never know. She wouldn't understand, and Tomoyo doubted she could handle being separated from her friend's life and happiness.

She tugged gently on her friend's grip and pushed her firmly in Syaoran's direction.

"Take this time to look closely around you, Sakura-chan. You may find answers to questions you've yet to ask."

Sakura nodded, her heart oddly troubled by Tomoyo's words. "Take care, Tomoyo-chan."

"Sakura..." Syaoran didn't want to break up their farewell, but the plane was already boarding.


Sakura felt the strangest urge to cry at her friend's last call. She was only leaving for a week, but she sensed that Tomoyo was saying good bye to more than just this small trip. She couldn't pinpoint the idea completely, but she couldn't help but feel that her friend was distressed by something. And struggling not to show it.

The rush of the airport passed her by quickly, the faceless and nameless people stepping their way to family, dreams, waiting baggage, half hour lay overs, and naturally new destinations. She hardly noticed as Syaoran took her hand and guided her through the crowd. There was the gentle prickling sensation in the back of her mind that came after one of her dreams, one of her special dreams. Were Tomoyo's words some sort of premonition? Or was it more than that?

It was there, cut in two in her mind; she needed to somehow draw together the two ideas, the two thoughts. She needed clarity, focus. The noise rose all at once- half whispered conversation, the electronic whirl of the escalator, the click clack of wheels against the floor, the steady tap of her bag's buckle, even the soft ticking of her wristwatch- and the sensation faded entirely. Sakura sighed.

What was she missing?

She blinked as two concerned brown eyes suddenly fell to her level. She stepped back in surprise, almost dropping her bag.

"Are you scared?" Syaoran asked.

"Scared?" she repeated, her muddled thoughts struggling to catch up to his words. Was she frightened? Maybe of the future, sometimes at night. She was scared of a good many things- the unknown, her fickle emotions, that someday her gifts might endanger those she loved. But why was Syaoran asking her this in the middle of the airport?

"Are you scared of flying?" he clarified.

Oh...that's what he meant. Sakura smiled weakly and shook her head. "How could I be scared of that? I've been flying since I was ten!"

He frowned at her easy response, not dropping his probing stare. Nervously, she tugged on his hand and pulled them up to the gate. A middle aged flight attendant stood there, her nails tapping against her hip impatiently.

"Tickets?" she snapped.

One sharp tear and they were finally into the terminal. Sakura crossed the corridor feeling strangely at a loss. The sensation was back again, stronger than ever. Just was what waiting for her in Hong Kong? Suddenly, she longed for Kero's familiar face and ever useful advice. Where had he gone to? And why for so long- indeed, why was it that everyone had seemingly left her?

The only one who still remained was Syaoran. And she was confused by him more than ever.

She took her seat next to him mutely, missing his intent eyes and worried frown. It wasn't like her to think so was like she was brooding. The thought brought out a hint of a smile; brooding was more along the lines of her Chinese friend's department. But these were worries that she couldn't just ignore! Strange though, that they should all surface here and now. Why not last night? Why not two weeks ago? Why now?

"If you're worried about something, you should tell me." Syaoran's tone was strangely cold, and she felt a stab of hurt run through her.

"I know..."

"I mean it. You shouldn't keep these things to yourself. What's happening to the Cards concerns me too." Again, the cold tone. Sakura glanced up at him from under her bangs. The frown was still there, although the eyes were guarded.

She had the sudden urge to scream.

When had everything become so complicated that she couldn't even talk to him without her heart running a gambit of emotions?

"I'm a little tired, so..." she stammered, unsure of why she held back in confiding.

"I see." He turned away from her, cupping his head against his hand and closing his eyes.

She watched him and then sighed. She did feel rather tired at that. Her head hurt, and oddly, her heart did as well. There was a pressure building in her emotions that she couldn't understand. It was a swelling thing, full of mature and adult thoughts and concepts- ideas that she had no knowledge of, not on an empirical level anyway. These things... they would be clearer after a few hours' sleep. And then everything will be alright, definitely.


* * * *

It wasn't the steady drone of the plane's engine that woke her. Nor was it even a flight attendant handing out the customary drinks and peanuts. Rather, it was a soft breath on her neck that tickled her into awareness. Sleepily, Sakura pulled her unwilling eyes open. Her lips melted into an instant smile the moment she did.

Here was the Syaoran that seldom showed himself. Here was the boy who would smile and send her heart racing. Her dear friend...and more?

But she shook her head and studied his reposed expression: the lips still frowned, but in a gentleness that he tried to often hide, the nose lost its stern disdain and determined concentration, and the forehead smoothed into the innocent lines of youth and adolescence. Absently, her hand rose to brush his unruly hair from that guileless forehead, her fingers lightly touching his skin. He stirred at her touch, his eyes instantly opening. He stared for a full second, his gold tinted eyes widening in awareness at their nearness and her tender smile.

He started to lift his head, but gently, almost as a mother would, she held him back.

"It's okay to lean on me every once and a while," she whispered.

And he no longer tried to pull away, his eyes closing to welcome back the darkness of sleep.

She smoothed down his hair once more, and then rested her head against his. She'd tell him these worries once they landed. Even if she didn't understand what was happening to her, something told her that he just might.

* * * *

Author's Notes:

Wow, you guys are totally awesome! I plan on responding to everyone's reviews next chapter. Sorry, I'm just madly tired right now, and I want to upload this chapter before I get off to bed. I'm still loving this story. Oh, and yeah, I think there should be close to 70 chapters in this story. I may divide it into "seasons" if you get my drift. Yeah, well, I'm still developing a lot. There's many details I've already introduced that I'm going to explore more fully, as well as more details to throw on in.

Oh and about Keiji: the next ten chapters will include a lot of background on the boy. We will be learning what his mission is and his history.

And of course there's the this spring festival to look forward to, white valentine's day, Sakura's birthday and much much more! So while I may get serious, there should always be light hearted stuff right behind it. If the moods seem off kilter tell me, and I'll try to make the changes more gradual.

So yeah, wow, I went on for a long time there.

Oh and no worries, the rest of our beloved cast will be returning. Family has to return for visits on occasion right?