Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ All of this time... It was you... ❯ New Beggining ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*DONG....DONG...DONG* The Seijou Highschool Bells announced the end of the school day. Sakura Kinomoto stood up from her seat and qiuickly made her way out of the classroom.

"Sakura-chan" A sweet and worried voice called.

Sakura stopped dead on her tracks and turned around with a smile. "Yes, Tomoyo-chan?"

The look on the raven haired girl showed concern. "Sakura-chan, are you alright? Today I haven't spoke to you, it's like if you were... avoiding me..."

"Don't be silly, Tomoyo-chan! How could I be avoiding you?" Sakura faked a cheery mood.

Tomoyo seemed to think of this. "Maybe it's jus me..."

"Come on, Tomoyo-chan, those late practices are affecting you. Now, don't worry about me, okay? You have more serious business to attend! Besides, I-"

"Tomoyo-san?" a boyish vice spoke.

Tomoyo looked over Sakura's shoulder. "Oh, Hi Eriol-kun" Tomoyo couldn't help but notice the sudden change in Sakura, who now seemed more tense.

"Um, Tomoyo-san... may I speak to you in privately, please?" Eriol asked shily.

Tomoyo blinked. "Sure, but can it wait? I'm talking to Sak-"

"No!!" Sakura said suddenly, and started to laugh nervously. "Go talk to him, Tomoyo-chan, I told you not to worry, and I'm kinda in a hurry... I... I promised Onnichan to go shop with him, and I have to go!" She ran away quickly, leaving her friends behind.

Non of them noticed the sudden tears that sprang out of her eyes.


"Tada-de-da" Yukito Tsukishiro hummed a song as he happyly washed the many dishes from tonight's dinner. He looked out of the window. "Oh my, the rain it's pretty hard tonight..." he observed.

*DING-DONG* The doorbell rang. Yukito blinked. - Who can be out in a night like this? - he hurried to the intercommunicator. "Hello?"

"Yukito-san..." A weak voice answered from the other side.

"Oh my god! Sakura-chan!? It's that you? I'll be there in a second!" The alarmed Yukito hurrid to the door. What was Sakura doing in that wheater!?

As soon as he opened the door, he found himself in front of a dripping wet Sakura. Her hair was loose and all of her clothes soaked. She was still wearing her school's uniform. "Sakura-chan, you'll get sick! Get inside!"

Sakura entered the house silently. Yukito offered her a change of clothes and a cup of tea, wich she accepted calmly. As soon as she was changed she sat at the low table, waiting for Yukito.

"Sakura-chan, you scared me! I already called To-ya and told him that you were spending the night here.... is that okay?" He asked as he came out of the kitchen, carrying a tray with hot tea and a towel in his hand.

"Thank you, Yukito-san..." She answered weakly, witouth looking up.

Yukito placed down the tray and poured some tea in a cup for her. "Here, this way you won't get sick." He smiled.

Sakura accepted the tea, and drank. Green tea. Her favorite.

Suddenly, she felt Yukito behind her, sofly drying her hair with the towel. "It's not good to have you hair so wet, specially in such a cold weather." He explained.

The stayed like that for a while, silent.

"You know, Sakura-chan, your hair it's beautiful. Long and wavy, and very soft too." He commented.

"Thank you." Was her only answer.

"You know, when you were little, you and Tomoyo were just like twins! The only difference was your hair color!" he laughed.

Sakura was silent for a moment. "Yeah, I guess so...."

***Flashback ***

A young eight years old Sakura was looking back and forth from the two dolls she held in each hand. She was in the Twin Bells store, trying to decide wich new doll to buy. Then, little Eriol appeared by her side.

"Any problem, Sakura-san?" He asked politely.

"I can't decide.... which one do you think its the best?" She showed him both dolls. Little Eriol seemed to think for a moment before signaling the doll in the right hand. "That one, she has long hair, and this one has it short. I think that long hair looks better." He explained with a smile.

"Do you like long hair better?" She asked him, while absentmindly stoking the back of her own short hair.

"Yours is short and cute, and it looks nice on you. But I have always think that long hair looks prettier in a girl. And I think that you'd look beautiful with long hair." He smiled as they went to pay for the doll.

"I see..."

***End of Flashback ***

Yukito was still still drying Sakura's hair, when she suddenly looked up at him. "Yukito-san? I need to ask you for a favor..."


"WHAT!?" Touya asked, rather loudly, in disbelief.

"*Stop* yelling..."Sakura glared at him while she covered her ears.

"How the hell do you make this kind of decision withouth discussing them first with your family!?"


"Don't `onnichan' me! I swear I don't know what has gotten into you lately! First you appear in Yuki's house in the middle of a storm, then you come back home with the haircut of a five years old and now THIS!?"

"First of all, onnichan, I'm a grown up girl, and I can take care of myself, and about my haircut, it's NOT like a 5 years older...." she answered sharply, stroking her now short hair. She had asked Yukito-san, the day in wich she appeared in his house, to cut her hair.

Touya was about to reply when their father entered the house with a bag of groceries. "Touya-kun, your yells can be heard from the other block, what's wrong?" he asked placidly.

"What's wrong!? I'll tell you what's wrong! Your daughter has gone mad! She--!"

"Silence card!"

Touya's yells were silent now, and Sakura let out a sigh of relief and she placed down her staff. "Much better..."

"Sakura-san, what's going on?" Fujitaka asked and he watched his son with an amused look. Poor Touya was now trying to yell his lungs out and failing miserably.

Sakura smiled. "I've gotten permission from the school to go study to China." She explained.

"That's great Sakura-san!" Fujitaka smiled. "And when are you leaving?"

"In two days..."

"That's soon..." he observed.

"I know... it was sort of an emergency request..." she looked away.

Fujitaka was about to ask about that answer, but when he saw the expression in his daughter's face, he knew better. "I think it's a wonderful idea, Sakura-san." He beamed at her. "What do you say if we make a special dinner to celebrate the ocassion?" He winked at her.

Sakura smiled. "That'll be great."


*Click* Sakura opened the door the her new house. She closed the door behind her and looked around. - Pretty comfy - She thought as she scanned her surroundings.

The house was pretty big for what she expected, and specially considering that she would be staying alone. It consisted in two stories, both with furniture. In the first one, there was a bathroom, the kitchen and a pretty big living room with TV. Upstairs, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a studio.

"Well, time to unpack!" She declared.


"Finally!" Sakura let herself plop down on a couch. It took her the whole day, but she got everything unpacked. Books, clothes, towels... everything.

Finally, she was in China. It took her less than what she expected to convince her brother.... well, her father made most of the talking, but the fact that she didn't took off the Silence Card off him until he agreed helped a little. Of course, he was still mad at her, for making such an important decision alone, but she knew that deep inside of him he was just worried for her safety. - And like dad said, he is just hurt because his baby sister will be living on her own now... - She smiled at the thought.

She got up and went to look for some pajamas. "Tomorrow it'll be my first day at school, so I better go to sleep early..." she said to herself.

While she was looking in her drawer for a clean towel, she found her favorite navy blue ribbon. She stared at it.

Eriol... gave me this ribbon...-


"Mou, not again..." A ten yers old Sakura complained as she placed back her shoulder length hair, wich blowed into her face with the slightest wind. She was sitting against a tree in the school's yard, eating her lunch alone.


"Eriol-kun?" Sakura looked back and saw her friend come out from behind the tree under wich she was sitting. "how long have you been there?"

"Not much." He said, smiling. "Here, this is for you" He said, giving her a small box.

Sakura blinked. "For me? But my birthday isn't any time soon" she was confused.

Eriol laughed. "Can't I give my friend a present just for the pleasure to see her smile?" He smiled at her, making her blush.

"T-Thank you..." she accepted the box, and opened it. A aingle navy blue ribbon was there.

"I've noticed that long hair seems to bother you greatly, and so I though this could help you." He explained as he took the ribbon and made her hair into a nice ponitail.

Sakura blushed "Thank you, Eriol..."

***End of Flashback***

Sakura's expression showed nothing but sadness. She took te ribbon and placed it around her wrist like a bracelet. - From now on, it'll be my lucky charm... - She smiled sadly at it.

She got up, took a shower and went to bed, snce tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.


"Li Higschool, Li highschool..." Sakura chanted desperately as she looked around, trying to find her new school. "Hoeee.... first day, and I'm gonna be late because I can't find the school!"

She ran down the street, and when she turned into a corner *BUMP* She collided with someone.

"Hoe...." Sakura complained from the floor.

"Sorry" she heard the person apologize to her, she looked up and saw a girl with balck hair tied up in two pigtails. "Here, let me help you..." The girl offered her hand to help her up.

Sakura accepted her hand and dusted herself up. "Thank you..."

"Uh? You go to the Li Higschool?" The chinese girl asked, noticing that Sakura's uniform was the same as hers.

"Yeah..." Sakura answered.

"You must be new, then. I haven't seen you around in my life." The girl said.

"Actually, I just came from Japan. It's my first day and..."

"…You can't fin the school, right?" The girl smiled.

"Well, yeah. How did you knew?" Sakura blinked.

"Because you already passed it, two blocks ago" Meiling said.

"Hoeee!" Sakura sweatdropped.

Meiling laughed. "That's no problem, I'll take you there. By the way, I'm Meiling." The girl stretched out her hand.

Sakura smiled. Meiling was a nice girl. "It's a pleasure, Meiling-chan. I'm Sakura."

"Well, Sakura, I hope you have good legs." Meiling said as she stretched her arms.

"Why?" Sakura asked, confused.

"Because we need to run if we don't want to be late!" Meiling yelled at her as she started running towards the school.

"Hoe! Wait, Meiling-chan!" Sakura called, running to catch up with her new friend.


Two sighs of relief were heard as the door of the principal's office closed, and Sakura and Meiling leaned on each other in relief.

"Thank god you came up with that excuse of being showing me around the school...." Sakura breathed.

"Yeah, that was close..." Meiling sighed and stretched. "Well, Sakura, what do you wanna do now?" she asked.

"Uh? Don't we have to go to class?" Sakura asked.

"We're late for the first and second period anyway, and I already told the principal I was giving you a tour around the school, so I might as well do it" she winked at her. "Besides, I don't like being a liar"

"I see... well, I guess it won't do any harm..." Sakura smiled.

"That's the spirit!" Meiling beamed. "Here, let's go!" She took Sakura by the arm.

This was going to be an interesting school year.


A.N.: Right... so, do you people like it? I seriously need opinions. Please review? Please? *puppy dogs eyes*