Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ All of this time... It was you... ❯ Hello Stranger... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"So, Sakura, what do you think of the school?" Meiling asked as she sipped her soda in the school's cafeteria. It was already lunch time, and Sakura's tour was over.

"It's huge! It's at least twice the size of Seijou Higschool!" Sakura exclaimed, wide eyed at the size of the cafeteria alone.

Meling giggled. "All the newbies say that…say, what is your next class?"

Sakura blinked and took out her schedule. "Err… It says here that I have math. Hoe… I hate math…" Sakura sweatdropped.

Meiling eyed the schedule. "Darn, I have Home Economics. We have to separate. But don't worry about the class, the teacher is good, and she gives personal tutoring to those who require it." She smiled.

"I hope you're right…in Japan I never worried too much about it since I had someone who helped me with it, but I'm alone here…" Sakura absentmindedly fingered the ribbon around her wrist.

"Good luck charm?"


Meling smirked. "The ribbon. Is it for good luck? Doesn't looks like a charm from a shrine…. Someone special gave it to you?"

Sakura blushed. "…Kinda."

Meiling's smirk widened. "boyfriend?" at, this Sakura's expression saddened. "What? Something wrong?"

Sakura looked away. "It's nothing Meiling-chan…"

Meiling was about to ask, when suddenly the Bell rang, announcing the end of lunch hour. Time to head to class. "Well, Sakura, time to go to class. I have to run to Home Ec. The teacher gets annoyed if anyone's late. Will you be able to get to Math class by yourself?"

"I…think. Yes. Don't worry, I can ask for directions."

"Good. Say, wait for me at the gates of the school at the end of the day, and we can go home together! Okay? See ya!" Meiling hurried to the door.

Sakura saw Meiling go and smiled. Not a bad beginning.


"Hoee… this place it's so big! I can't find the classroom!" Sakura complained to none as she walked by the campus. She was already late for class, of course. And there was nobody around who could show her the way.

"Now, let's see… this is the gym, the science building was….to the right?" she turned at a corner and bumped into someone. - Hoe… how many times can this happen to me?! - she thought. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking I-"

"Hey hey, look what we have here…" A young man, with shoulder length brown hair, smirked down at her. Another guy next to him, with black hair in a ponytail, looked down at her with a sly grim that made Sakura VERY uncomfortable. "Newbie? Haven't seen a hottie like you around in all my years here!" The first guy said.

"Um, sorry for bumping into you…I…I should go now." Sakura said as she stood up nervously.

"hey, now!" The first gut took her arm. "Whatcha doing here, sweetie? Lost? I can show you around!" The guy as he talked very close to her face.

Sakura was visibly shaking by now. "Please, let go of my arm. You hurt me."

"Nope. Than you'll run away, and I don't want my new friend to do that!"

"I'm not you're friend."

"Let go of her, Pao. And do it right now"

Sakura and the two guys turned to see a young man, wearing the Li Higschool uniform in a very untidy way, stood up there with his arms crossed over his chest. He was glaring at the guys, his untidy brown hair getting eve messier due to the wind.

"Didn't you hear me, Pao? Do it now." The guy glared even harder.

Pao let go of Sakura's arm and raised then in a defensive way. "Hey, now… we were just getting some fun. No need to do something rash, okay?" He said as he walked closer to him. "Tell you what, you can come and join us in the fun! Or maybe you'll prefer to look from a side WITH THE BLACK EYE I'M GONNA GIVE YOU!" Suddenly, Pao threw a punch towards the guy's face, but he ducked it and punched him in the stomach from down.

Pao fell with a thud in the floor. His lip was bleeding and he was gasping for air, as the boy had knocked all air out of him. The other guy, the one with the ponytail, suddenly charged toward Sakura's savior. "Why you-" He never got the chance to finish his sentence as he met a shoe in his mouth.

"What's going on here!?"

A scared Sakura, a mysterious savior and two bullys turned too see a red haired woman glaring at them from a buildings door. "Li Syaoran! May I ask why have you done this to these boys?"

Syaoran turned away, without showing any fear or regret. "I wanted to." He said nonchalantly.

The teacher frown's deepened. "You *wanted* to? Mr. Li, you know that the punishment for fighting is expulsion."

Syaoran just shrugged. "I know the school's rules."

"Miss, please don't expulse him. I can explain." Sakura's voice said from a side. All of this time she had been silently watching amazed how this guy, not older than her, beat up these bullys without sweating.

"Miss Kinomoto, I presume?" The teacher asked.


"I'm Kaho Mizuki, you math teacher. I was looking for you, since I assumed you got lost in your way to the classroom" She seemed to soften at her. "Now, you said you can explain this?"

And so Sakura proceeded to explain to her. At the end of the conversation, the teacher looked at Pao and his friend Fei. "I have o say that your behavior is disappointing, boys. I would have expect more of you than skip class and besides, bully a newcomer! What would miss Kinomoto think now of our school? In all my years teaching I have never thought of finding such a low behavior in MY students! And about you, Mr. Li" She tuned to Syaoran, still frowning but with a tone of voice that showed that she wasn't mad at him. "I'm sorry for accusing you. Given the circumstances, I can't find any reason to punish you, and frankly, I have to admit your behavior was quite heroic." She smiled at him. "Besides, I have to admit I would be sorry to expulse such a wonderful student as you."

Syaoran, who by now was just leaning against the gym's wall, merely nodded.

"And, Miss Kinomoto?" She turned to the young girl, who was looking from a side. "I'm sorry for what happened. I hope you don't get the wrong impression about our school. Please, do forget this incident, since most of our students are quite friendly." She gave her a sweet smile, which made Sakura blush.

"Well now, I myself will scort Mister Pao and Mister Fei to the principals office. It's late for your math's class anyway. I'll see you tomorrow, both of you." She smiled at the for a lat time and glared at Pao and Fei. "Both of you, get going, now."

Sakura watched Miss Mizuki go with the two bullys and the turned to Syaoran. "Ano… thanks for helping me." She smiled at him.

Syaoran looked at her and just nodded, looking bored. He started to walk away.

"Um, Mister Syaoran…"

"Don't call me that." He said without looking at her. "This was just an isolated incident, and we'll probably won't see each other again. So, there's no need to call me anything. We're just strangers to each other."

Sakura was left stunned at his icy voice, and couldn't find the words to answer to that as she saw him walk away.


Sakura waited at the school's gate as she promised Meiling. She couldn't stop thinking about the incident with Miss Mizuki and Syaoran Li. - So cold… but still, there's something special about him… -

"Hey, waited too long?" Meiling greeted her with a cheery smile.

"Hi Meiling-chan. Nope, I just got here." Sakura smiled.

"Good, let's go. I'll show the places around!"

As they walked, Sakura told Meiling about her day, and specially about her incident with the bullys. "Pao and Fei! God, I swear I'll kick their sorry asses all over the campus next time I see them!" Meiling exclaimed as Sakura told her.

"Ne, Meiling-chan, calm down…" Sakura sweatdropped at the people who were staring at them

"Calm down!? Those jerks! As soon as I see them…" Meiling growled. Than, suddenly looked at Sakura. "By the way, what's the name of the guy who saved you? I didn't hear it."

"His name was-"

"Hey Meiling!" A blonde girl with sunglasses called from a car. "Wanna ride home? I can take you! Oh, who's the new girl?"

Meiling smiled. "Hey Jenn, this is Sakura. Just got transferred to the school."

"H-hi" Sakura said timidly.

The girl, Jenn, took off her glasses. "Nice to meet you I'm Jennifer Goldin. Just Jenn for the friends. Can I give you a ride to your home?" She asked, smiling.

"er.. no, don't worry. I'm just a block away from it."

"What about you Meiling?" Jenn asked.

Meiling shrugged. "I could use the ride. See ya tomorrow Sakura!" She waved at her as she hopped into the car.

"Bye!" Sakura waved at them. She saw the car disappear at a corner and started walking towards home again.






"HIYA! Whazzap!?"

Sakura sweatdropped. "Ano… Kero-chan how did you managed to use the phone?"

"Gimme that, you plush toy! Hey, monster!" Touya's voice suddenly interrupted.

"Onnichan? What's going on?"

"Just callin' to see how were you, and the plush toy came and took the phone away from me! Why did you leave him here!? He'll eat the whole house!" he growled.

"Onnichan, I can't have him here! He would have suffocated in my bag! And I have to take care of the money that the schools give me, I cant spend it all on food for him!"

"I wanna talk to Sakura-chan!" came Kero's whine from the background. And the sound of bickering between him and Touya got muffled as suddenly Fujitaka's voice came. "Hi Sakura-san" he asked, calmly.

"Hi dad! how's everything there?" Sakura asked, glad to hear him.

"Besides Touya-kun and Kero-sama trying to tear each other heads apart, nothing new. I think Kero-sama misses you" Sakura giggled. "How's Hong Kong? Any problem?"

"Nope, until now everything's fine. I even made a friend at school!" Sakura said.

"Good. Please keep me informed, and call at least once a week!"

"Sure dad. I miss you already."

"We miss you too, sweetie."


Sakura slept profoundly in her new bed. It was a warm night, and everything outside seemed quiet. Nothing could be heard.

But when you're a sorceress, you don't need to hear to know that something's happening out there. In the middle of her sleep, Sakura woke up to a feeling she didn't felt in years. A feeling that she met when being only ten years old and which changed her life forever.

Magic. Someone was using magic.

She dressed quickly in some jeans and a white shirt, took her staff out and got her cards in her pocket. Better be prepared in case of a fight.


feathery wigs spread out her back and she jumped out her window to the midnight sky of Hong Kong. - Something out here is using magic…but this isn't the magic of Clow cards, nor Sakura Cards… why does this aura seems…green?- She closed her eyes and concentrated. "To the left"


Sakura found herself flying over some thick woods at the town's outskirts. Quite a big place, but so thick that she couldn't see what was going on down there. She could feel the magic power down there, and it was getting more and more powerful.

"JUMP CARD!" She called suddenly, and her wings disappeared. She landed easily on both of her foots and immediately jumped to a high branch on a tree, from which she jumped to another and so on. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the source of magic.

- What is that in the distance? …a house? - Indeed, a pagoda style house stood in a clear in the middle of the wood. She could only see the upper part, since the bushes around her were thick. - better approach silently - If a sorcerer were the one using magic, there was no way to tell if he would harm her or not.


The sound of sword being used could be heard. This got Sakura even more suspicious as she jumped to a last branch and silently called off the Jump card.

What a surprise it was when she saw Li Syaoran, shirtless, using a sword and expelling more magical power than she had seen in her life. Only Eriol himself could be compared to the power this boy exhaled.

Sakura sat at the tree branch and saw him practice with the sword at the same time he practiced some spells. Fire ones, water ones…. Just to fight the force he called, and cut it with the sword (magical, she imagined. No way a normal sword could cut like THAT an lightning magic force without electrocuting its owner right away). She found herself amazed by the ease the boy used the sword, and the concentration he seemed to have.

Then, he looked up and saw her sitting there. His eyes widened.

She smiled. "Hello, stranger."


N.A. : So… Is it good? I'm happy I actually got more than 2 review for the last chap. Thanks minna ^^ please, keep reviewing. It makes me write faster and keeps me motivated. Pweeze? Oh, and I hope the Kero-chan part has answered the question of DarkAngelz.
