Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ All of this time... It was you... ❯ Knowing my friends ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sakura smiled. "Hello stranger."

Syaoran took a moment to absorb her presence in. "Wha…? How did you got here!? Who are you!?" Syaoran's voice asked angrily as he looked up to see Sakura still sitting on a tree branch, looking down at him - How long has she been there? Why didn't I felt her presence, if I was using my whole magic capability? Did she saw me use magic? -

Sakura rubbed the back of her head apologetically. "Sorry, I guess I should have said something when I got here, but you were so concentrated in your practice.. I didn't want to distract you."

Syaoran stared at her in a mix of disbelief and wariness. "How did you get here?"

Sakura hesitated for a moment. "Ano.. I felt your aura…I didn't knew it was you. I just knew someone was using magic, and I wanted to see who was it." She bowed her head. "Sorry"

This surprised Syaoran. "You felt my aura?""

Sakura blinked. "Yeah. It was rather strong too, that's why I came. You're the second person that I know who has such a powerful aura"



Syaoran took a step forward. "How did you - A little, defenseless girl - felt my aura? Are you a sorceress?"

Sakura frowned. "Hey! I'm not a little girl, and yes, I'm a sorceress, why?"

"Raitei Shorai!" Syaoran called suddenly, lifting up his sword.

Sakura felt the sudden rush of magic and reacted immediately. "SHIELD!" All in less than a second before a lightning bolt came down against her bubble shield.

As soon as it was safe, Sakura called back the card and jumped down the tree branch ready to give Syaoran a piece of her mind, when, to her surprise, she found him looking at her with a dumbfound expression. She looked at him funny. "Er…You okay?"

"Clow Card…?" He asked.

Sakura lifted an eyebrow. "What?" And then, cached on. "Oh! Yes. These were Clow Cards, but now they're Sakura Cards, long story actually…what are you doing?"

Syaoran was bowing to her in one knee, his sword laying in front of him in a respectful way. "I bow to you, Clow Mistress".


Sakura yawned. Last night had been quite a rough one, and it was only 7:30 am, or "too bloody early" as she preferred to call it.

Last night, after she got Syaoran to stood up, she noticed it was late, and went back home after a brief goodbye at the dazed boy.

- I just hope I get some actual classes today - She thought bitterly remembering yesterday.

"Hey Sakura!" Sakura looked up and saw Meiling waving at her, next to Jenn, the foreign girl she had met yesterday. "Hey" she greeted.

Meiling frowned. "You look like hell. What happened?"

"Bad neighbors?" Jenn asked, still wearing her black shades.

Sakura shook her head and yawned. "Nope…just…ah, nothing important." She smiled tiredly.

"If you say so…" Meiling looked down at her wristwatch. "It's still early, and you look like you could use a cup of coffee. Wanna go get one at the cafeteria?"

"I'm not exactly a coffee drinker, but today I'll make an exception…" Sakura rubbed her eyes.

And so the three girls headed to the cafeteria, and while Meiling went to buy the coffee, Jenn and Sakura got a chance to talk.

"You have an older brother too?"

Jenn grinned. "Oh yeah, and he's annoying as they come… god, I remember the fights I used to get into with him…" she frowned at the memory. "But he was the one who asked for them!"

Sakura nodded. "I know how you feel! My brother always calls me "monster"!"

"For Michael I was "grasshopper"…" Jenn pouted.

Both girls were silent for a few moments before breaking into laughter.

"Having a nice morning, girls?" Both Sakura and Jenn turned to see Miss Mizuki smiling at them.

Both of them got up and bowed. "Good morning, Miss Mizuki." They chorused.

"Good morning to you too!" Miss Mizuki laughed and then addressed Sakura. "How are you today, Miss Kinomoto? I hope you haven't found anymore trouble in our campus?"

Sakura shook her head. "Not at all!" she smiled.

"I'm glad." Miss Mizuki nodded.

"I'm back! Oh, good morning Professor." Meiling greeted as she placed down the tray with coffee.

"Good morning, Miss Li. I was looking for you"


"Here" she handed Meiling piece of paper. "Please, give this to Li-sama. I need to talk to her bout a few things."

Meiling's shoulder slumped down. "Did Xiaolang do something wrong again?" She asked, worried.

The teacher laughed. "Oh no! Don't worry about your cousin's doings, Miss Li, since has actually won a few points since yesterday." She smiled. "I'm sure Miss Kinomoto here will be able to explain my words more clearly." She patted Sakura on the shoulder.

"I have thing to attend now, girls. Be sure to get to you classes in time!" and she exited.

Both Jenn and Meiling turned to Sakura. "What was she talking about? Sakura?"

Meiling eyed Sakura. "Is this related to yesterday's incident?"

Sakura laughed nervously and proceeded to explain the incident of the previous day.

Meiling just laughed.

"that's my cousin! Always the chivalrous one!" she added with sarcasm. "You would believe that after spending his whole life living with his mother, four sister, and yours truly he would have been more friendly towards girls."

"Or maybe he hates girl because you and your cousins scarred him for life?" Jenn added helpfully.

"Don't help, Jenn."

"Actually" Sakura interrupted. "he isn't a bad person. He helped me, after all.."

Meiling took a sip of her coffee and smiled. "I know, I know. He's a great guy when he feels like it. But I still think he needs lessons of how to treat girls…"

"I guess…"

"Ano.. Meiling, what's that business Miss Mizuki wants to talk about with your aunt?" Jenn asked, moving her sunglasses up to her hair, revealing a pair of green eyes, darker than Sakura's.

"Bah, probably money stuff. I heard aunt Yelan wanted to add a new wing to the library building." Meiling answered with a hint of boredom in her voice.

"Your family must be swimming in money!" Sakura said, surprised at how easy could Meiling talk such topics.

"In a way…but I don't like it. We have to maintain this bunch of stupid protocol rules when in public and even when we're in family reunions…" she sighed. "Booooring… and those boot lickers of the school committee are so eager for the money, they even named the school "Li"!"

Sakura blinked. "So that's why the school is called like that! I didn't knew." Sakura commented innocently.

Both Jenn and Meiling sweat dropped. "You're really, really dense, aren't you?" Jenn asked.

Sakura looked at her. "Funny. In Japan people used top say that to me all the time"

Meiling and Jenn broke into laughter.

"You're…unique, you know, Sakura?" Meiling grinned.


Sakura was bored.

She was dead bored.

This was the first class she had since she got to Hong-Kong, and she just discovered that science, no matter in which country you are, is boring.

She yawned, careful not to let the teacher notice her, and decided that if she didn't wanted to fall asleep in class, she should do anything else but pay attention, so she got out a notebook with blank pages and started writing.

Dear Eriol:

How are you? How has everything been in school since I left? I hope you're all doing good. I miss you guys so much.

You're probably wondering why I left without a word, and that's a matter that I prefer not to talk about now, nor I think I'll be ready to talk about it in a long time. But I still miss you, guys. All of you.

Hong Kong is such a big city… I'm surprised I haven't got lost yet. But I'm not too worried about it, since I've met new friends, and they're always helping me. Jenn is one of them. She's from America, and she is beautiful! She's very friendly, and has her own car. Then there's Meiling. She's from a very rich family, the Li's. She's friendly, and even when she so rich, she doesn't shows it. Just like Tomoyo-chan, even when they are so different in matters of personality.

I also met a boy, who is Meiling's cousin. His name is Syaoran Li, and I want to talk you about him.

Yesterday, in the middle of the night, I felt that someone was using magic. I decided to find out who was it, and found him practicing with a sword and making elemental spells. At first, I was a bit scared of him, and he even attacked me, but after he found out about the Sakura Cards, he started acting really respectful towards me.

I left the place not too long after everything was cleared out, and I'm still dubious about him, but I'd really like to know your opinion on this matter.

I don't know if I can't talk about Meiling about this, since I can't know if she has magic or not. At first, I didn't noticed anything particularly strange about Syaoran, but after lat night, I don't know what to expect.

If I remember correctly, clow Reed had something to do with Hong Kong, but I don't remember too much about it (Don't scold me! It was so long ago when I first became a CardCaptor…)

I would use the mental link to communicate this to you, but the distance makes it weaker, and I think I haven't used it enough as to maintain it long enough--- I should have listened to Onnichan…but don't tell him this!



Sakura looked at her letter and smiled. She folded it and looked around to see if anyone was looking. No one was actually paying any attention to her, nor to the teacher. Everyone was either chatting between themselves or blatantly sleeping. Even Meiling and Jenn were busying themselves with a drawing of the teacher with horns and a tail…

She smiled to herself and concentrated, a small breeze crept up from her bag and carried her letter out of the window and much farter.

Sakura smiled as she saw the breeze carrying her letter at such a fast speed, but felt a pair of eyes on her, she turned around and saw, at the far end of the classroom, looking at her with piercing brown eyes, none other than Syaoran Li.


A.N. It's a double update! Go read the next chappie, and review! :-D