Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ All of this time... It was you... ❯ A new friend. ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

During the rest of her classes, Sakura couldn't bring herself to pay attention at anything. It was disturbing enough the fact that she could feel Syaoran's eyes on her all the time, but it seemed that fates wouldn't give her a break - He was in every single class as she was. - This is some kind of sick joke from…from…from someone! Hoe…what did I do to deserve this!? - She couldn't bring herself to enjoy even P.E. class, knowing that Syaoran was staring at her from the football field, even when she was at the other side of the fence, playing volleyball.

It wasn't until lunch time, when she finally got her wits together and decided that she simply couldn't live like this. She was going to have a talk with that guy.

And so, the first thing she did when she entered the cafeteria, was to look for him. And failing miserably.

The guy wasn't anywhere! Of course, in this mess of people, chatter and the sole size of the whole damn building, it was quite difficult to find someone. - Of course this had to happen. I feel him staring at me the whole damn morning, and when I want to talk to him, he disappears. Damn Murphy's law. - But right then, as she walked outside of the cafeteria, she saw him turning around in the corner of the gym building.

- Finally! - She thought, knowing that where he was heading, was nothing but grass, a tree, and one huge wall, meaning that he would be cornered. So she hurried to where he was…and found nothing.

She was starting to believe the guy was just some strange manifestation of her imagination. She saw him turning around in that corner, and had completely disappeared. No traces of him at all.

She sighed, and slumped down under the tree to eat the poor lunch she had fixed herself that morning.

"Oi, is that your lunch? You're one hell of a bad cook." Someone commented.

Sakura freaked and started to look for whoever said that. "Wha- who said that!?" she looked around frantically and still found no one. She was seriously starting to believe that she wasn't only seeing things. Now she was hearing them too.

"Up here, genius." The voice sighed.

Sakura looked up and sighed in relief. She wasn't going mad after all! "Li-kun…you scared me!" she placed a hand over her heart trying to calm herself.

Syaoran frowned. - who the hell…? - and upon closer inspection, he found out that it was no one but the Card Mistress herself whom he had scared. - Oh, I'm so screwed- he immediately leaped down the tree and kneeled next to her, head bowed, trying to apologize. "I'm sorry for my rude language, Card Mistress, but I was not aware that it was you. I sincerely apologize for-"

"Hoe, calm down! I'm not angry!! A bit creeped out, yes, but not angry!" Sakura interrupted him. When he shut up, she relaxed a bit.

"You mean that you're not angry because of my rude language towards you, Card Mistress?" Syaoran asked, a bit shocked.

Sakura just leaned against the tree. "Why would I? You just thought it was any other girl, and frankly, I prefer you being rude to me than calling me Card Mistress and being so polite towards me. I though I made this clear last night?"

At his silence and shocked face, she decided to explain herself. "Li-kun, it's obvious that you don't like to act like this, and I don't like it either. It makes me uncomfortable. I know it has something to do with the fact that I'm the Card Misstress, but we're the same age, for gods sakes! Stop treating me like royalty!"

"I'm sorry if my behavior makes you uncomfortable, Card Misstress, but the rules of my clan dictate that you are two ranks over me, and so I must pay my respects." He answered, head bowed again and looking at the ground.

"For gods sakes, I'm telling you not to do that!" Sakura was getting exasperated.

"I have to do it, dammit, so shut it and-" Syaoran shut up as suddenly as he snapped. He looked at her now shocked expression and immediately bowed his head to wait for her scolding, but a chuckle from Sakura made him look up at her.

"That's better!" Sakura laughed. "Now, why don't you sit down next to me and eat?" She took out her chopsticks and started munching her slightly burn rice.

Syaoran just stared at her, and finally sighed in defeat. He slumped down next to her, praying to all gods not to let ANYONE in his family found him eating like this next to someone who was even higher in ranks that his own mother.

"Hey, what do you have there?" Came Sakura's question. He turned quickly toward her to find her staring down at his food. "Wow, that looks really good. Can I…?" she gestured to the food, and he nodded quickly, if a bit stiffly. When Sakura smiled sweetly at him, he took a deep breath of relief.

"Wow! This is really good! Did you cook this yourself?" Sakura asked, marveled by the taste of his food. At Syaoran's nod, she smiled even more brightly. "Great! I didn't knew any guy besides Eriol who could cook like this!" She stared down sheepishly at her own food, completely missing the blush in Syaoran's face. "Hehehe, my food, on the other hand…"

When Sakura looked at Syaoran, she found him offering her his complete lunch. She sweat dropped. "Li-kun…what are you…?"

"You said you liked my food the best, therefore I'm offering it to you, Card Mistress" he explained, rather stiffly.

Sakura groaned. "You're back to this!? Don't call me Card Mistress, I have a name you know!"

"I am not allowed to call my superiors by their names"

Sakura frowned. "My name is Sakura Kinomoto, not Card Mistress. That is just a title. Now, call me Sakura, okay?"

"Ys, Card Mistress Sakura."

"No. Sakura. Just, Sakura. Not Card Mistress Sakura. Alright? And don't protest!" she said when she saw him opening his mouth to argue about him being lower class. "You will call me Sakura, alright? Not Card Mistress, nor any other name. Just Sakura. Okay? Now, say it."

He just stared at her for a moment. "Sa…ku…ra." He said like if it were some foreign word. She smiled.

Then, remembering, she frowned again. "Hey! Now that I remember, why were you staring at me all day long? It has been giving me the creeps, you know!"

"Ahhh---that. Um…I saw you- um… using magic in class today. I needed to tell you that you shouldn't be doing it in public, since people could see you, and…" he seemed to be at loss of words.

Sakura frowned even more. "If you only wanted to warn me about using my magic, why didn't you? You could have found a moment to say it to me instead of staring at me all day long, you know."

"I was not sure of how would you take it….Sakura." He said, looking seriously embarrassed.

Sakura stared at him. - He looks so nervous….I bet he's still uncomfortable because of the way I'm supposed to treat him. Poor guy… - and deciding to give him a break, she just smiled. "Calm down, Li-kun. I'm not mad or anything. But when you have to say something to me, please, just say it, yes? No more staring, okay?" When he nodded, a heavy silence fell between them. Syaoran still uncomfortable, and Sakura without knowing what to say.

Finally, deciding that this couldn't go on like this, she spoke. "Say, Li-kun, I think we started all of this the wrong way. What do you say if we start this again?" she stuck her hand out towards him.

He hesitated for a second, but held hands with her, at what Sakura's smiled widened. "Good! Now, I am Sakura Kinomoto. New student of the Li High school. And you are?"

"Syaoran Li. Student of the Li High school."

"Great! I hope we get to be good friends, Li-kun!"


"I think expulsion would have been much better than this…"

"Shut it, Fei."

"Well, it would! I mean, who would have thought that we, sons of two of the most influential men in this country, would be seeing cleaning up the school's bathrooms!?"

"Damnit, I don't like this either, but between this and go to military school, I danm well prefer this!"

"It's your fault, you know. Why did you had to attack that girl?"

"I did it because I wanted to. And everything would have turned out just FINE if it weren0t because of that damn Li kid…"

"I wouldn't mess with him too much, Pao. You know his family is the most influential one. Even both of our families together couldn't match them…"

"And that's exactly what I don't like! The guy skips classes as much as we do, and yet, he doesn't gets expelled or even fucking scolded!"

"What can we do about it, Pao!? Fucking nothing! So stop complaining, damnit."

"Like hell I will. I will get revenge on that brat, and I still have my eyes on the Japanese chick."

"Hey man, what are you talking about…?"

Pao tossed aside the broom he was using. "Screw this. We're gonna do something about this. I don't know what, but we will, alright? Let's get going."

"But what about our punishment, Pao? Miss Mizuki…"

"Screw the bitch, damnit! Now obey you moron!"

and so, both of them hurried out of the bathrooms. But in their hurry, they failed to notice a boy standing outside of the bathrooms, back against the wall, arms crossed, and dressed with a school uniform.

His black hair was neatly combed, contrasting with his place complexion. A smirk on his face the only trace of emotion.

"Those two would do nicely…" he muttered.


When Sakura got home that afternoon, she trew her backpack over a table and absently pushed the button of her answering machine before laying down on the couch.

"You have one message….beep. "

"Sakura-chan?" Sakura's eyes widened at the voice talking. "It's Tomoyo. I finally found your phone number… Why did you leave like that, Sakura-chan? We hardly spend time together the last week… but I know you must have your reasons….I miss you a lot, Sakura-chan. Everyone does. And I want to talk to you….ahh….it's about Eriol…I think it's better if we speak about this. I hope you won't get mad at me, but….oh, well, I think I'll wait for your answer…. But, no matter what happens, remember that I will always be your friend, Sakura-chan."

"beep…this was your only message"

Sakura stared at the blinking light in the answering machine, and gingerly reached to the phone.

"beep….beep…beep…Daidouji Tomoyo speaking, who is this?"




"I've been wanting to talk to you for so long!"

"Me too…"


Sakura hung up the phone and stared down at her hands. It was not an easy talk…for any of them. She smiled…Tomoyo had refused to go out with Eriol because of her. But…her smile faded. This was not what she had wanted.

She went to China for a reason, and that reason was to get over him….over them.

Somehow, she had known all of that time, that those two were…right. That those two were meant to each other, and once her head was clear, she could notice all of the obvious signals between them. Signals she wasn't aware of when she was so completely gone for Eriol.

And now that she had accepted that, she could see no reason for them to go out and be happy. She explained this to Tomoyo, and now everything was clear. Tomoyo and Eriol would date, and Sakura…

She smiled down at the blue ribbon around her wrist. A sad smile.

She fingered the ribbon, and decided to leave it there. It was too soon for her to forget.

+++A week later. Lunch time+++

Sakura sat down the tree under which she and Syaoran had became friends. Somehow, it had become her lunch spot.


She smiled a little at the voice. In the last week, Syaoran became more friendly towards her, and she could honestly say they were good friends already. She looked up and smiled weakly at him, who was sitting on a branch, his back against the tree, looking down at her. "Hey" she greeted.

He hopped down and landed next to her. He looked at her for a moment, and with a light blush, he took out a packet of food just like his. Sakura blinked at it, and looked at Syaoran confusedly.

Syaoran turned away. "You've been in a crappy mood all of this week. I figured out it was because of that crappy food of yours, so I did this for you. I figured out a good food would do you good…"

Sakura blinked at him and smiled warmly at the food. Syaoran looked at her from the corner of his eye, slightly relieved when he saw her smile. He started turning towards her again, when she suddenly flung her arms around his neck, hugging him. "Thank you, Li-kun!"

Syaoran was beet red and at a completely loss for words at this. "ahh…ahh…"

"Ohhh, are we interrupting something?" Both Sakura and Syaoran turned around to see Mailing and Jenn grinning down at them. Jenn sporting her ever-present black sunglasses on the top of her head.

Both Sakura and Syaoran blushed and broke apart like if the other was fire. Meiling feigned to be hurt. "So all of this week you have been disappearing at lunch time because of your romance with my cousin? You hurt me, Sakura….you could have told me that you were lovers!"

Sakura was blushing like a ripe tomato by now. "What!? Meiling-chan I-"

Meiling ignored her and continued. "But I'm still happy for the two of you! Specially since I thought no one was even going to love my cousin….I mean, who would like a guy who has underwear with smiley faces all over?"

"MEILING!" Syaoran yelled, beet red. "THAT WAS A PRANK FROM YOU AND MY SISTERS!" but his protests went unheard by a pair of laughing Meiling and Jenn.

After the two girls could finally calm down, Meiling started "Anyway, we've been looking for you, Sakura!" She sat down in front of her. "All of this week you've been sulking, and I don't like that"

"And since we have three days free of school, we've decided to go to the amusement park" Jenn continued sitting next to Meiling.

Sakura blinked, and looked a bit reluctant. "A amusement park…?"

"And I'm not taking a no for an answer! You're coming with us, whether you like it or not!" Meiling said, giving Sakura a ticket. "It'll be fun. It'll be you, Jenn, me and now that I know the two of you are lovers, I guess I'll have to bring Xiaolang along too…"

"Meling!" Syaoran started to protest, but shut up when Meiling shoved him a ticked in his hand and winked at him.

"I'm kidding!" She laughed.

Syaoran just looked at the ticket and turned around. "Bah"

"Now this is decided, let's eat! I'm starving here…ooh, Sakura, that lunch box is…" Meiling looked at Sakura's lunch box (The one that Syaoran had prepared for her.) Then she looked up at her now blushing cousin, and smirked evilly at Jenn, who didn't miss the clue.

And for the next hour, Syaoran couldn't get a moment free of their teasing.


A.N.: I'm sorry for the delay of this… so I give you double chapter. The next one will be here in three days, if not sooner. I'm feeling creative, and I'll start with it right away.

Please review. If you write fics too, you know that reviews are our life supporters, and if you don't write fics, please review just to make me happy. Yes? *puppy dog eyes*