Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Alone ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

By Wendy
Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura does not belong to me, they belong to Clamp.
It's something that people take for granted.
We never really think about it, let alone talk about it.
We're usually more worried about other things…
Like getting to work on time, whose turn is it to do the dishes, or why won't my pen work.
We are too busy trying to accomplish the goals that we set that we forget the one thing about life.
It doesn't matter how much, or how little, an individual has achieved; the end results are always the same.
It's a word that people usually don't bring up in their conversations because maybe they don't really give a care, or maybe they are afraid of it.
Who wouldn't, dying means that you can never experience the things you did when you were alive; that means you'll never see the blue sky, feel the green grass underneath your feet, or even smell the pollution in the air.
Never again will you be able to interact with others, share a laugh with your friends, or tell that one person in your life that you love them.
Life as you know will soon fade away, a black blanket of death will engulf you and one word runs through your head as you take your last breath…
This is pretty much a summary of my life…well it will be in a few minutes. I never thought that my life would be so short, so incomplete, and so…lonely. Sure I had my share of friends, we laughed, we played, but they were just friends. I never met that special person, who would always be by my side, who would understand and care for me, and more important, someone who loved me back. And with what I'm about to do now, I guess I'll never meet that special someone.
I never really knew why I owned a gun, I guess it was for protection, my family always thought that guns were dishonorable and preferred to fight with swords. I was brought up this way and even though I fight with swords, I still bought a gun. I guess it was the way it was made that lured me towards it, the color, the shape, and the size that was able to make me buy something that was considered evil by my family.

I gingerly took the gun out of the box and set it on my desk, taking one last look at it.
"How can one little gun carry so much power?" I mumbled to myself. I grabbed the gun surprised at how cold it was against my flesh and more surprised how well the handle fit my hands, it was like we were meant to be.
"Ok, how hard can this be. Place gun near head, pull trigger, then the suffering will stop. Doesn't seem too hard", but it was. For some reason I felt that I was being watched, but by who and where. I looked up and saw them, a pair of eyes telling not to pull the trigger, to give life a second chance. 'Sakura' was looking at me, telling me to stop and not make the biggest mistake of my life.
If that was Sakura-chan telling me to stop, I would have, but the one staring at me was just a stuffed animal. No wait, not just any stuffed animal, it was a bear, my 'Sakura' bear.

"No I can't do it in here, not with 'her' looking at me." I placed the gun on my lap and wheeled myself into the living room, where there was no bear. Well I guess it's now or never. I slowly lifted the gun to my head, my hands shaking, making me wonder if I was nervous or scared, maybe even both. I wonder if they received my letter, would they care, cry, worry, or would they be happy because the Chinese brat is finally gone. I started to apply pressure to the trigger and in a few seconds I will be free, but my mind was still on Sakura.
Arigato Sakura, for being such a good friend.

Gomen Sakura, I never wanted to do this to you.

Aishiteru Sakura, always and forever.
…A scream…
…A shot…
…Then silence…

To be continued…
(Only if you want me to)
Well I hoped that you like my story, it's my first CCS story. Yeah I know that it was kind of depressing but maybe I'll change that. So please review and if you're going to flame me, make sure that it's less then 3 sentences.