Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Cheering up Sakura ❯ Flashbacks ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: I do not own own CCS, Clamp does

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After Tomoyo had gone home, Sakura ran up to her room, sat on top of her bed and cried her eyes out on her pillow. Kero flew over to her and asked, "Are you all right Sakura?" She mumbled something Kero couldn't understand so he just shrugged and put on the T.V. Sakura looked up from her pillow and saw Kero choosing over three kinds of video games to play. She smiled slightly. Kero will always be Kero.

Then her eyes moved to the photo of her and Shaoran in their battle costumes that Tomoyo made when they captured the Void card. It was on a cute picture frame that Shaoran bought her on their first date three weeks ago. The picture was taken by Meiling after everything went back to normal.


"Look!" Sakura shrieked. Everything started to go back to normal. Tomoyo and Meiling reappeared. "Sakura? What happened?" she asked looking confused. Sakura started to explain everything that happened and from the corner of her eye, noticed everything starting to go back to normal. When she finished, Tomoyo's face fell. "What is it Tomoyo?" Sakura asked.

"I didn't get a chance to tape it!" she squealed. Everyone sweatdropped. Meiling then noticed Sakura and Shaoran in their battle costumes and shrieked, "You two stay there! Tomoyo, come with me." And before Tomoyo can say anything, Meiling grabbed her arm and ran to the direction of the stage.

"What do you think Meiling needs from the stage," Shaoran asked, confused. Sakura only shrugged. After a few minutes, Meiling and Tomoyo returned, a camcorder on Tomoyo's hand and a digital camera in Meiling's hand. "What are those for?" Shaoran asked, clearly annoyed. "Just shut up and make a pose," Meiling snapped. "Hoe?" Sakura said. Meiling rolled her eyes and dragged Sakura in a corner. She positioned her staff for her. After positioning Sakura, she dragged Shaoran beside the girl and asked him to produce his sword. When he did, she positioned it for him like she did with Sakura. When she was contented with their positions, she stepped back and clapped her hands. "Perfect!" she cried. Tomoyo looked up from her camcorder and her eyes went starry. "Kawaii!" she shrieked.

"Why do we need to pose Meiling?" Sakura whined but not moving to maintain her position. Meiling's smile turned into an evil smirk. She raised the digital camera and simply said, "A very kawaii picure." FLASH! went the camera.

"Hoe?" Sakura said, sweatdropping.


Sakura giggled at the memory. She remembered how Shaoran steamed up when Meiling took lots of pictures- and Shaoran did not smile in either of them. That is, until the last picture when it was Sakura who persuaded him to smile, and that picture is now found on that picure frame.


"Thank you for taking me out Shaoran, I really enjoyed myself," Sakura said. They were standing outside the Kinomoto house. Shaoran had taken her home after their date- their first date. "I'm happy to know that," Shaoran replied, blushing. "Oh, this is for you by the way. I bought while I was waiting for you." He handed her a small box.

"Thank you, I'll open it upstairs."

"Hey monster! Is that you out there?" rang Touya's voice. Sakura sweatdropped and replied, "I'm going in soon big brother. I just have one more thing to say to Shaoran." She turned to him.

"Well...good night Shaoran," she leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the lips before opening the door, went in and closed it. She ran upstairs to her room, shut the door and went straight to the window. She saw that Shaoran haven't moved an inch, his face looking straight at the front door. Sakura giggled quietly. She continued to gaze at Shaoran until he finally moved. He looked up at Sakura's window and saw her watching him. He smiled and mouthed, "Good night. I love you" Sakura blushed and waved. He walked down the sidewalk, sneaking glances at Sakura's window until he was finally out of sight.

Sakura sighed and noticing the box Shaoran gave her, sat on her bed and opened the box. Inside, she saw a cute picture frame. It was pink with hearts all around it. At the bottom of the frame, there was an inscription, SAKURA AND SHAORAN 4EVER. Sakura smiled and brought the picture frame close to her heart. "Oh Shaoran," she whispered.

"Hey Sakura! What's that you got there?" Kero came out of his drawer that serves as his room and flew to Sakura. "Oh! A picture frame. What kind of picture are you going to put in there? Will it be the picture of moi?"

Sakura laughed but did not answer. She opened the top drawer and took a picture from it. She opened the latch at the back of the frame and fitted the picture in it. "Perfect!" she said in delight. Kero flew to her side to see the picture. "Oh, brother," he exclaimed, rolling his eyes. The picture is her and Shaoran in their battle costumes and the only picture Meiling took with Shaoran smiling.


Sakura smiled at the memories. "I'll never forget you Shaoran," she whispered, taking the picture frame and hugged it close to her heart.

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What do you guys think? Come on it. The computer won't eat you. Anyway, I'm already working on the next chapter so just sit back and relax.