Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams of Amber ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura belongs to CLAMP/Kodansha.
Story Notes
There are a few `Sound of Music' references in this fic. The beginning, especially, is similar but that's about the only similarity there is (I love the movie, by the way). The “Sakura is the nanny of Syaoran's children” plot has been done so many times anyway, but mine is (hopefully) different.
This story takes place almost entirely in Hong Kong. I myself have never been to HK. I'm basing this on information I find on the net. Please ignore any mistakes that may crop up due to this. Since Hong Kong was under the control of the UK until a few years back, I'm guessing that the laws there would be the same as in Europe. Or maybe not. So please overlook any errors in the story due to such an assumption as well.
As for characterization, Li Yelan (Syaoran's mother) is sort of the antagonist in this story. Though, I've tried hard not to bash her character- I simply feel she's a woman with many principles and expects everyone around her to live by them. She loves her son and wants the best for him. But what she feels is “best” may not always keep him happy. Also I doubt she'd be too favourable to Sakura in an AU like this, where she's not the card-mistress, but a nanny to her grandkids.
There are also many OCs in this fic and they play a semi-important role in the development of the story.
Dreams of Amber
Author: Ephemeralda
Beta-reader: AkemiLove
Chapter 1
Sakura looked at the newly wedded couple now slow-dancing to the music. She smiled sadly at how happy they seemed in each other's arms, as if they belonged there. As if they were in love…
She wondered how it felt like to be in love. She had heard Tomoyo saying that the feeling was indescribable—like magic. It was how she felt like when she was with Eriol.
Sakura had never felt like that with anyone, but she wanted to.
“And to think that could have been your wedding.” Sakura turned to find her best friend looking at her keenly.
“Well I'm glad it isn't Tomoyo. Kagami and I were never meant to be,” she said, turning her forest-green eyes back to her ex and his bride.
Tomoyo didn't seem convinced. “Are you sure Sakura? I remember you calling me up a dozen times asking if you did the right thing by turning down Kagami's proposal.”
“I remember too. That was two years back—I was just seventeen and I wasn't sure about my feelings. Now I am. Kagami was just a teenage crush.”
“Hmm…” her friend said skeptically.
Sakura sighed. “Okay, fine. Do you know the real reason why I dated Kagami? It was because he has brown eyes.”
Tomoyo frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You know, whenever I close my eyes and think of how the man of my dreams would look like, all I see is a pair of intense amber eyes.” She closed her eyes. “Eyes you'd want to lose yourself in. Eyes that would make you feel warm and protected…”
She opened her eyes on hearing a giggling sound. “Sakura, you sound like a lovesick idiot.”
She pouted. “I share my biggest secret with you and this is the reaction I get.”
Tomoyo smiled. “Oh fine—I'm sorry. So tell me, what does this have to do with you having gone out with Kagami?”
“Well, I told you. He has brown eyes.”
“So, his eyes were the best match I found to those amber eyes in my dreams. Maybe not as intense or alive, but—” she was cut off by Tomoyo's laughter. She frowned. “Why, what's so funny?”
“Sakura,” she said amidst giggles. “You dated Kagami just because he has brown eyes?”
“Well… he's also good-looking, and he's not such a bad guy either…”
“Oh Sakura, you're such a dreamer! And you're so adorable, so—”
“Kawaii… I know, I know. Now let's not get started on that subject.”
Her best friend smiled. “Fine. So… you no longer have any feelings for Kagami?”
“No, he's nothing more than a good friend to me. Too bad I realized that too late. The magic was just not there in our relationship. I'm glad he's with Miyu, not me.”
Tomoyo shrugged. “Well, if you say so. But sometimes I get the feeling he never got over you completely,” she said, pointing with her eyes towards Kagami.
Sakura noticed that he had stopped dancing with Miyu and was now walking towards them. However she laughed at her friend. “Don't be silly, Tomoyo. He's married now.”
Tomoyo walked off after giving her a wink and a sly smile, and Sakura was left shaking her head in indignation. It was tough to have Daidouji Tomoyo as your best friend. She thought she was all-knowing in the department of love and made all kinds of weird assumptions…
“A dance, Sakura? Just for old time's sake?” a familiar male voice startled her out of her thoughts. She saw Kagami's deep brown eyes staring at her face eagerly. She smiled and took his hand as he led her towards the dance floor.
…but sometimes it was quite scary how right Tomoyo was in such matters…
“Morning Dad,” Sakura stifled a yawn as she walked out of her room.
Fujitaka looked up from his newspaper and smiled. “Good morning Sakura.”
She looked around the room as if searching for someone. “Where's Touya?”
“Touya? Why, he's gone to meet Yukito.”
“So early?”
Fujitaka sipped his tea. “Yes, he said he wanted to discuss something very important with Yukito.”
Sakura shook her head to get rid of her drowsiness and headed for the kitchen.
“If it's breakfast you're looking for, it's here on the table,” her father called out. “Oh, and by the way, a letter came for you yesterday when you had gone to that wedding.”
She looked at him. “A letter? From whom?”
He shrugged. “I don't know—it looked official. It's kept in that drawer there.”
Sakura opened the drawer Fujitaka was pointing to and found the letter addressed to her. She turned it around to find a small stamp at the back of the envelope. It read—Tomoeda Job Agency.
“Oh! It's from that Job Agency where I had registered,” she exclaimed, tearing the letter open. “Maybe they got a job for me… finally.”
Fujitaka looked at her enquiringly. “Well what does it say?” He saw her eyes widening as they scanned the contents.
After having completed reading it, she looked up, her eyes still wide, as if in a daze. “Oh. My. God. I'm going to Hong Kong!”
“Li Syaoran? You are going to work for the Li Syaoran?”
Sakura nodded excitedly at a wide-eyed Tomoyo. “Isn't that great?”
“Oh Sakura, you're so lucky…”
“I know! I can't believe this—I'm actually going to Hong Kong! I've always wanted to go there,” Sakura said, almost jumping in excitement.
Tomoyo shook her head. “No, I meant—you're actually going to get to see the handsome Li Syaoran up close almost everyday! Forget Hong Kong!”
The auburn-haired girl regarded her friend keenly. “How do you know he's handsome? You haven't even seen him yet.”
“Oh yes I have. In fact I've met him. Remember I had gone with mom last year for that fashion show in Tokyo? Well he was the chief guest, and he flew all the way from Hong Kong. He was interested in it of course, what with the Lis being the biggest fashion house in the whole of Asia.”
Sakura stared at her in awe. “Wow! So what's he like?”
“Drop dead gorgeous,” Tomoyo sighed. “And such a gentleman. I have to admit I developed a crush on him, even though I was dating Eriol. And he was so jealous.”
“Eriol was jealous?” Sakura asked, laughing at the absurdity of the statement.
“Uh-huh. He didn't like it very much when I would go on and on about Li Syaoran,” she said, grinning. “Now I am jealous of you. You get to be around him all the time.”
Sakura smiled at her, and looked at the letter in her hands thoughtfully. Then suddenly she snapped her head up, as if she had just realized something. “Tomoyo! You're making it sound as though Li Syaoran just asked me out on a date! I'm going there to be the nanny of his children. He's married, for crying out loud!”
“He was married,” Tomoyo corrected her.
“Whatever,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“You know most girls would die to be in your place.”
“Yeah, most girls with no morals. He's my employer and I'm like… like his servant or something,” she retorted, getting flustered.
Tomoyo smirked. “Okay, fine! You don't have to get all angry—I was just pulling your leg.” Sakura looked at her best friend and pouted. Tomoyo smiled, stepped forward and gave the emerald-eyed girl a hug. “Look, I'm really happy for you. It's just… I'm going to miss you…” she said softly, closing her eyes.
She returned the hug and smiled sadly. “I'll miss you too.”
They remained in the embrace for a moment before Tomoyo suddenly let go. “Sakura! You know what this means? We've got loads of shopping to do, and I've got loads of dresses to make for you!”
Sakura groaned. “Tomoyo…”
Tomoyo however started dragging the reluctant girl by the hand. “Look. No excuses, okay? You're going to the house of a fashion guru. You've got to look your best, even if you're just his nanny.”
She sighed as she felt the wind hitting her face, gently swirling her auburn locks as she rested her head against the car window. She saw Tomoyo observing the passing buildings at the other end of the car seat. They were going shopping, for what, Sakura had no idea.
But still, the whole thing was turning to be like a wonderful dream. Sure she would miss Tomoeda, and her family and Tomoyo, but the thought of going to Hong Kong and working for the Lis, made up for it.
She closed her eyes in anticipation, imagining what her new job would be like…
`Sakura…' she heard a soft voice. She turned around to face a pair of intense amber eyes.
Sakura gasped and opened her eyes with a start.
“Sakura? What…” Tomoyo asked, concerned.
“Nothing. It's nothing… just a dream…”