Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Entwined forever ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Card Captor Sakura, CLAMP does. Jacob belongs to me!!!


Tomoyo: Welcome back!!
Fanny chan: Thanks for reviewing if you did, and I think you recognized this fic's storyline, *looks at readers' confused faces* maybe not…it's quite different actually, but it is a little, tiny, micro…

Tomoyo: I think they get the picture Fanny Chan…

Summary of this story: Staring the most popular couple *drumroll*…Sakura and Syaoran. Review if you want me to continue!!!


Entwined Forever
By Fanny chan

Chapter 3

"Hey Wait up!!! Don't leave yet!!!" A brown haired guy dashed towards 'Forever'.

The youngster ran up the walkway but was stopped by the ticket collector. "Your ticket," he said in a gruffy tone. The youngster, extremely excited, flashed him the ticket. After carefully examining the ticket, he allowed him to pass. He went towards his third class cabin and dumped his things there, before rushing out of the door again. He ran towards the main deck of the ship, and stayed there ever since.


Sakura looked disgustedly at the hand around her bare shoulder, however she could do nothing about it. They were in front of many millionaires, such as herself and by pushing his hand off, was counted as very disrespectful, does hummilating her father.

Sakura decided to stay rigid the whole dinner. As soon as dinner was over, she gracefully stood up and excused herself and Jacob. Outside of the hall, on the main deck, she turned towards Jacob, glaring at him balefully.

Jacob suddenly started advancing towards her. "Those virgin lips are mine," he laughed sinisterly. He grabbed her shoulders. Suddenly a hand shoot out and Jacob found himself staring into the angry eyes of a brother. "Touya…ermm…"he stuttered.

Sakura had already ran away, crying angriliy.

*********Old Sakura's POV*********

I ran blindly. I could feel my body shaking violently. It was cold, too cold. I saw a railing in front of me. I reached for it and pulled myself over it. I looked down at the ocean beneathe me. I wanted to end it all. I could not stand the torture. My tears slowly dried up.


Sakura looked calmly at the waves beneathe her. She could let go of the railings and it'll all be over. All her misery. Suddenly, a voice rang through her confused thoughts.

"You won't do it." Sakura looked up to see an amber-eyed man, around the same age as her. He offered his hand. I'll help you over if you want."

"Who are you to tell me what to do mister?" Sakura said defiently.

"I'm Syaoran Li. Call me Syaoran. Mister is a little too old for me," he replied. "Well, even if you jump, I guess I'll just have to save you," he added, taking off his outer coat, leaving his shirt on. "Although it's not you jumping in that scares me. It's the coldeness of the water."

"How cold is it?" Sakura looked at the water wearily.

"Well, I went ice fishing before. Oh ice fishing is…" Syaoran was cut off.

"I know what ice fishing is," Sakura snapped harsely.

"Okay. Well, you just don't stike me as the outdoor type. Anyway, I walked over some thin ice and fell in. It will be as bad as falling through thin ice. Maybe worse," Syaoran said nochantly. "All you can feel was the coldness and pain. Nothing else. You couldn't think properly. All you could do was wait to be rescued or your death. However, if you still insists on jumping, I guess I'll still have to save you."

"But you might be killed too!" Sakura retorted

"Well, that's a risk which I have to take I guess…" Syaoran offered his hand again but this time Sakura took it.

Syaoran smirked and pulled Sakura up slowly. As Sakura was climbing back up, her dress restricted her movements, causing her to miss a railing and she plummetted to her doom. Well, she ALMOST plummeted but Syaoran caught hold of her.

Sakura was kicking frantically. Syaoran tried pulling her up but halfway, she fell down again. This time, she screamed. A few crew members and the captain heard the scream and went towards it.

"Don't worry. I got a hold on you. Now climb slowly." Finally, Sakura was on safe grounds.

The crew members came to them to see Syaoran lying over Sakura.

"How could you?!"


Syaoran was handcuffed and Touya was by Sakura's side.

"What happened Miss?" the old smiling captain smiled.

"I was standing on the railing, but this boy here saved me. I slipped but this boy pulled me up. He saved me captain!"

"Is that right boy?"

"My name is Syaoran sir, and yes, what she says is true."

"I see. Well, lucky you did not commit any crime." Syaoran was realeased.

Touya went towards the Syaoran and placed a few coins in his hand. "Take these as my way to say thank you. My name is Touya Kinomoto and the girl you save is Sakura Kinomoto, my sister. That name over there is Jacob Hiragazi, her fiancé," Touya explained, however, Syaoran, who was a very observant person, saw the hatred of the man in front of him with Sakura's fiancé. The same hatred was shown in Sakura's eyes as well.


REVIEW!!! I hope this makes up for the previous chapter.