Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ False Face, Hidden Heart ❯ Innocent Manipulation ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura and it's characters do not belong to me however the plot does so don't even think about stealing it.

Foxtails: New chapter...enjoys people. Thank you to Tomoyo Hiiragizawa, embattledcurve, Kayochen, Nikki Miyawaza, Dana Daidouji, crystal~heart, DigimonPrincess Shinaka, raven, m@ve, mysterio000, Silverwing, tahaiyo and Riaka, Sorceress of Stars for reviewing.

False Face, Hidden Heart: Chapter Three

Eriol groaned and tried to turn over in his sleep only to find something squashing his arm preventing him from doing so. Azure eyes opened to thin slits trying to find the source of the obstacle stopping him from moving to his desired position. He blinked, please tell me this is a dream, he blinked again, damn it, she was still there. Eriol's eyes widened to their extent and he shot upward to a sitting position.

What the hell was that Tomoyo nurse doing here?!

Despite the fact that her head had rolled to an uncomfortable position thanks to Eriol sitting up, Tomoyo only groaned slightly and settled back down to sleep again. Eriol's eyes softened ever so slightly before hardening to ice again.

Unsure of what to do Eriol sat on the bed in the still dark room staring at Tomoyo's head which was resting on the edge of his mattress.

Unconsciously his eye drifted to the thick spread of black that draped over Tomoyo's back, he cocked his head to one side and spent the rest of that morning trying to figure out why Tomoyo's hair changed to a deep amethyst shade whenever the light peeking through his window curtain hit it.


Tomoyo moaned and blinked wearily wondering why her back ached so much. She stared blankly at the sterile white ceiling for a while, wondering why her bedroom was now white.

She blinked…her bedroom wasn't white. She shot up and looked around catching sight of Eriol with his back to her, sitting in a chair and reading.

'Ah, you're awake Tomoyo-San' he said without even a falter in his reading.

'What? Why am I here?' she asked blearily.

'I was actually hoping you could enlighten me on that one Tomoyo-San, I woke with you at my bedside and seeing as sleeping sitting up isn't healthy I moved you to the bed.'


Struggling out of the tangle of sheets she moved to sit opposite Eriol, they stayed like that in complete silence for minutes on end. Eriol seeming to be reading and Tomoyo quietly watching him.

'Tell me Tomoyo-San, why does your hair turn purple in the light?'

Tomoyo blinked, then blushed. He had been looking at her hair!?

'Uh, I must've inherited it from my parents I suppose…'

'Doesn't that have something to do with genetics?'

Tomoyo smiled brilliantly, she loved anything to do with the medical world, genetics being one of them. And with Eriol watching her with what she assumed to be genuine curiosity she couldn't help but start on a long explanation about the technicalities and theories of genetics.



The shout cut Tomoyo off in the middle of her explanations of X and Y chromosomes. She turned questioningly to the door of Eriol's room just as it flew open, slammed into the wall and nearly deafened everyone.


Eriol calmly asked staring down the new occupants of his room. Tomoyo turned in her seat and came face to face with Sakura and a barrage of nurses. She was about to speak when she was furiously hugged by a distraught seeming Sakura.

'What is it Sakura?' she asked calmly.

'Where were you? We were so worried! You never showed up in the morning, we thought you had been attacked or something--'

Tomoyo smiled reassuringly and replied,

'I'm perfectly fine Sakura, I was just talking to Eriol about genetics--'

'--and Doctor.Fujisaki has been looking for you everywhere, he had a whole load of files for you!' Sakura carried on oblivious to Tomoyo speech.

'-NANI!?[1] I'm gonna be in so much trouble with Doctor.Fujisaki, I was supposed to collect those files this morning!'

Tomoyo cried and shot up from her seat, she was about to rush out and go in search for Doctor .Fujisaki and her now-late-to-collect files when a hand caught her wrist firmly.

She glanced down to find her obstruction was Eriol who had gripped her wrist and was staring up at her with azure eyes behind glasses.

'Will you come back?'

He asked seemingly uncertainly.

'To finish your explanation on genetics I mean.'

The disappointed look on his face looked so genuine that Tomoyo gave in, smiled sweetly and nodded; violet tinted black curls flying everywhere.

'I promise.'

She said sincerely.

Eriol, looking satisfied nodded quietly, released her wrist before picking up his book from a nearby table, and continued to read it as if nothing had happened and seemingly oblivious to the odd stares he was getting from Sakura and the nurses.


As soon as the door clicked shut and the lock of his room slid home Eriol dropped the book he had picked up on the floor. He hated 'Romeo and Juliet'. He immediately stood up and walked swiftly and silently around the room turning off every single lamp and light switch in the room.

The room fell into darkness except for the column of light which peaked though the window curtains. Looking around the room; nearly completely submerged in darkness Eriol nodded to himself before returning to pick up 'Romeo and Juliet', placing it neatly in a pile near his bed.

Satisfied that everything was in order, Eriol returned to his seat and sat quietly returning to his normal routine of staring blankly at a wall whilst contemplating.

He had won her over. Tomoyo trusted him now and he knew it. His mind smugly told him that he had advantage of Tomoyo and could now use her to escape this damned hospital.

With the veil of darkness hiding all of him except his eyes, Eriol allowed a small smirk to cross his face, eyes never changing.


Foxtails: Sorry for the delay, school started and it was so boring, though it did snow on the first day of school.

Yuriko: You have tests coming up you should--

Foxtails: *Cuts Yuriko off* Anyway my next update might be a bit late because we have all these lectures about responsibilities and stuff coming up in class because I'm taking my GCSEs soon. It won't take too long though, a week or two only hopefully. Up to three at the most. Anyway see you next update people!

[1] Nani means what?