Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Foolish heart ❯ Broken vow ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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Summary: Clow Read has everything that anyone ever desired; power, money, looks and reputation. Perfect isn't it? ...... NOT! Clow suddenly discovers that something is very wrong with his life, but Yue doesn't think so. Sakura on the other hand has just encountered a broken promise that shatters her future forever. The cards find a solution to both their masters' problem. Only question is, will Clow and Sakura survive the possessive past and future Yue?
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Tell me her name
I want to know
The way she looks
And where you go
I need to see her face
I need to understand
Why you and I came to an end

Tell me again
I want to hear
Who broke my faith in all these years
Who lays with you at night
When I'm here all-alone
Remembering when I was your own

I'll let you go
I'll let you fly
Why do I keep on asking why
I'll let you go
Now that I found
A way to keep somehow
More than a broken vow

Tell me the words I never said
Show me the tears you never shed
Give me the touch
That one you promised to be mine
Or has it vanished for all time

I close my eyes
And dream of you and I
And then I realize
There's more to life than only bitterness and lies
I close my eyes
I'd give away my soul
To hold you once again
And never let this promise end

"Broken Vow" by Lara Fabian
Author: Katsumi_Saito
Rating: Pg

Japanese words used:

Doushitan desu ka- What's wrong
Iie- No
nandemonai- Nothing
Daijoubu desu yo- I'm alright
ne- Right?
sama- a title that means Lord, but this title is given to someone you really look up to or you worship or a person you really admire e.g: someone you have a great crush on
kun- a title given to a man who is younger
baka- idiot/ stupid
onii-san- older brother
Tadaima- I'm home, in Japan you say this when you get home; sort of a greeting
gomen nasai- I'm sorry
Naze- Why?
Watashi- I
demo- but
Anata wa usotski dayo- You're a liar
Urusai yo- Shut up!
Onegai- Please
Sayonara- Good bye
Zutto Aishiteru- I love you forever
one-chan- Little sister
Wakarimasu- I understand
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Foolish Heart
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It was a glorious afternoon. The bright sun was shinning above though the heat was a little bit unbearable, nothing that a tree can't do anything about. The sky was a blue as any blue-skied day while white fluffy cotton candy like clouds adorned the infinite blue. Birds fluttered across as the wind slightly blew by, like a soft caress.

Clow Read, along with his guardians, Yue and Cerberus were under an old tall tree that shaded them from the heat. Yue was seated on the grass, leaning against the thick trunk of the tree while Cerberus was lying on the grass like a cat, savoring the day by sleeping, like what Yue was doing.

Clow, the long, violet pony tailed raven-haired man who was dressed in his black, purple and gold colored robe was seated on a chair not far from the two. He was reading a small book, which he seemed to be finishing in about an hour. As he flipped a page of the book, he suddenly brought up a hand and pushed his spectacles.

Cerberus opened an eye as he stared at his master. He noticed that Clow was more reserved than usual and was becoming troubled. He heard Clow sigh.

"Doushitan desu ka Clow?" Cerberus asked in a concerned tone as he stared at his master who eyed him when he heard his name being called.

Upon hearing the concerned note in Cerberus' voice, Yue immediately awakened from his nap. He looked at his beloved master and awaited a response.

Clow merely smiled at the question and shook his head. "Iie, nandemonai Cerberus. Daijoubu desu yo." He replied as he closed the book. He stood up and said, "It is a nice day, ne Yue?"

Yue shrugged. "I wouldn't know Clow-sama. All the blue skied days look all the same to me."

Clow chuckled at Yue's reply. "You should try to smell the flowers at times Yue. You'll see that it's very rewarding."

Yue gave Clow a quizzical look and blinked; unable to comprehend when he heard his statement. "Smell the flowers Clow-sama? What has that got to do with what you are speaking?"

Cerberus sighed and shook his head disapprovingly. "Yue, you'll never get it. It was just an expression baka." Cerberus said while he looked at the white haired guardian.

Yue shot the Lion looks if daggers, and if his looks could kill, Cerberus would be swimming in his own blood right now.

Just when Yue was about to say something, Clow immediately went in the middle. "I guess, we had enough sunlight. Maybe we should go inside and do something else, of course..." Then, he stare dup at the sun and brought up a hand to shield his eyes from the bright light.

"I don't think we will be in for a long time. I think I can hear nature calling me back outside." He chuckled, and then turned around, his cloak swishing behind him as he lead the way.

"He needs someone." Yue heard Cerberus say, head low.

Yue looked back at the other guardian. "What do you mean by that?"

Cerberus gave an exasperated sigh. "Though Clow made us, and have us as companions, I'm sure that he would want someone else by his side. We can't be the only people for him."

Yue's face-hardened of that who just had a trespasser. "No!" He strongly stated. "Clow-sama doesn't need anyone else! He has us and that's all that counts." Yue retreated to follow the magician inside the mansion while Cerberus was left to watch.

~Yue, soon, we have to let Clow go, though I hope not soon. He needs someone, and that someone just can't be us.

~~~~ Tokyo, present time~~~~

Across the Penguin park, a young lady, around eighteen was walking along. Her shoulder length, chocolate brown hair flipped as she walked. Her fair skin added to her simple yet elegant beauty. She walked with grace and maturity. Her emerald green eyes twinkled with delight and happiness. She was finally in her last year in highschool, and soon, she was off to college.

Six moths from now, Sakura Kinomoto was turning eighteen. Her otoh-san and onii-san wants her to celebrate her birthday with a debut, though in Japanese tradition, they would be considered adult, only when they turn twenty-one.

Sakura was looking forward to her nearing birthday, not really because of her debut, but because she was finally going to see Li Shao Lang again. Finally, Shao Lang's promise to her will be fulfilled.

When Sakura looked up to see where she was, she saw that she was finally home. She entered the gate and opened the door. She took off her shoes and placed them on the shoe rack at the right side. She took her house slippers and slipped them on.

"Tadaima!" Sakura announced as she placed her bag down on the sofa. As she placed her bag down, she saw a black trench coat hanging at the armchair and a Chinese sword.

Sakura stared curiously at the items before her. She knew all too well who owned the items. Tears began to form in Sakura's eyes as she finally realized whom they belonged to.

"Sakura." A voice called out. A figure stepped out from one of the corner.

Sakura gasped upon seeing the owner of the voice. He still looked the same even after all these years, with his men's cut brown hair with bangs that almost reach his brown eyes that mesmerized Sakura.

"Shao Lang." Sakura whispered as she stared at the man who was to fulfill the promise to her. She immediately ran towards him and threw herself at him. "I missed you so much Shao Lang."

Shao Lang sadly smiled as he softly embraced Sakura. "So did I." He said.

Sakura noticed the sadness in his voice and felt deeply concerned. "Shao Lang, doushitan desu ka?"

Shao Lang avoided looking into her emerald eyes. He lightly pushed her while he had his hands on both her shoulders. "Sakura, we need to talk." He simply said.

"Sh-Shao Lang?"

Shao Lang walked towards the couch and picked up his coat and sword. He sat down and offered Sakura to do the same. She was getting worried at Shao Lang's actions. She knew that there was definitely something wrong with him.

Sakura sat down beside him and placed both her hands at her lap. She was clutching her skirt as she stared worriedly at the young man before her.

Shao Lang took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, then said, "Sakura... gomen nasai."

She stared at him a bit perplexed. ~Why in the world is Shao Lang apologizing? ~ Sakura wondered to herself. "Naze?"

He took another intake of breath and stared at the mesmerizing green orbs of the women he so loved. "S-Sakura... Watashi... anou... watashi... gomen nasai, demo... I can't fulfill my promise."

The words Li said didn't seem to register in Sakura's brain. "Wh-what do you mean Li-kun?" She asked in her quivering voice, fearing the worst.

"Sakura, gomen, demo I have a duty to fulfill to my family... to my clan. I can't be the one. I will be marrying Meilin. It has been decided."

The color in Sakura's face drained like water. She was slightly shaking, while clutching her uniform even harder. She lowered her head as she looked aside. "Naze?" She whispered as Shao Lan moved forward.

"Anata wa usotski dayo!" She screamed as tears freely flowed from her sorrowful eyes.

Shao Lang could not bear to face her, not after what he said. He felt like his heart was being crushed to a million pieces. How he wanted to keep Sakura in his arms and forever protect her from those who would harm her, but he was the one who was harming her the most, and would forever leave a scar in her heart.

"I am not lying. Sakura, gomen, but I love Meilin... but there is one thing I want you to know..."

"Urusai yo! Urusai!!!!" Sakura pleaded as she fell on the floor, clutching her head, refusing to listen anymore to Shao Lan's words.

"Onegai Sakura. I just want you know that I have loved you dearly. You will forever hold a special place in me." Shao Lang said as he stood up and got his coat and sword.

He turned around and headed for the door. He turned the knob, but before opening the door and stepping out, Shao Lang looked back at the sobbing Sakura who was kneeling on the floor as tears poured.

His eyes too held sorrow and hurt, but he had to tell her the truth. He learned to love Meilin and he couldn't keep two women at his side.

"Sayonara Sakura. Zutto Aishiteru." And having said those words, Shao Lang opened the door and stepped outside.

Sakura who was left alone was still on the floor. She couldn't move. How she wanted the world to fall on her so she would stop feeling the pain she was feeling right now.

"Zutto Aishiteru Li Shao Lang." Sakura whispered in between her hiccups.

~~~~ Penguin Park ~~~~

Kinomoto Touya and Tsukishiro Yukito were walking together at the King Penguin park, laughing at the story Touya was telling about the joke his classmate was telling earlier in Physics. Touya's brown hair was beginning to be mused as the wind passed by. Yukito's pale silver hair was still fixed despite the wind blowing it in every direction.

As they chatted along, Yukito suddenly felt a pang of pain in him as if he was suddenly hit with a sharp object, which caused him to stop. He was looking deeply concerned which caught Touya's attention.

"Is Sakura alright Yukito?" Touya asked, looking worried as he shifted the weight of his bag in his shoulder.

Yukito shook his head. "Iie Touya. I can feel that Sakura-chan is in deep pain." Yukito replied as he closed his eyes and looking serious.

~ Yukito, onegai, allow me to be with my mistress. Let me take over you for a while. ~ Yue's concerned but collected voice suddenly said out of nowhere.

~What's wrong with Sakura Yue? ~ Yukito questioned.

~ I don't know, but I want to find out. ~

Yukito returned to his consciousness and looked at Touya with a smile. "Touya-kun, Yue will take over me for a while. He will be going to Sakura to see what's wrong with her."

Upon hearing the name "Yue", Touya's face-hardened into a protective look. "I don't like him near my one-chan." Touya demanded.

Yukito smiled weakly. He knew Touya still did not trust Yue though he and Yue were one. "Wakarimasu Touya, but as the guardian of Sakura, he must know. Let him comfort your ne-chan."

Touya gave out a loud sigh and had a look of a defeated warrior. "Fine. Let him, but..."

"But what?"

Touya's smile tuned into a sly fox's smile, and Yukito knew what Touya had in mind. "Just be home early. We have a lot to do, and I do mean, A LOT."

Yukito nodded and smiled.

"And please give my love to Sakura." Touya added.

After what he said, a long white haired young man appeared before Touya. He opened his wings and soared up in the sky while Touya merely stared at Yue, praying that his ne-chan was alright.

Yue on the other hand, as he soared up in the sky and headed for the Kinomoto residence, his face held great concern and worry for his beloved mistress.

"Please be alright mistress, please." He said aloud as he increased his speed. He felt the wind in his face, and for the first time in many years, felt how warm and comforting they felt, but he didn't have time to think.

He landed at the roof, in front of the window of Sakura's room. He could see that nothing has changed in his mistress' room, it was th same room he has been years before.

He opened the window and pushed the fluttering curtains aside. He heard the soft whimper of Sakura who was lying on her bed.

"Shao Lang."

Yue heard the name, which his mistress whispered. "Shao Lang." Yue said with venom in his voice. He slowly crept inside, hoping that she wouldn't notice, but failed.

"Yue?" Sakura called out when she spun around and saw the winged guardian. "What are you doing here?"

Yue felt a pang of pain when he heard her question, but decided against his will to show her. "I felt you to be in distress mistress. Is something the matter?" He asked in a monotonous voice.

Sakura shook her head. "Nandemonai Yue."

"I don't believe you."

Sakura sniffed as she tried to pull back the tears hat threatened to fall, but she ran into Yue's arms and sobbed even harder. "Yue, it's Li."

"What about Li?" Yue asked as he lightly embraced his young mistress.

Sakura was now hiccupping, but still crying and wetting Yue's garments. "Li doesn't love me anymore. He loves Meilin and he's going to marry her. Yue, he broke the vow!"

After hearing Sakura's explanation, Yue's face turned into that of a menacing tiger as his fists tightened. "You better start praying Li Shao Lang." Yue threatened while Sakura continued to pour out her frustrations, but abruptly paused as her eyes widened when she heard Yue threaten Shao Lang's life.

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So, I guess I'll stop the first chapter there for the meantime. Honestly people, this is my first Card Captor Sakura fan fic and I know how tired you must be of hearing this, but I honestly need your comments and suggestions to see how I did so far. Really, reviews help a lot. How did I do? Hope not too bad. Please read and review.

legal matters: I don't own the characters, do you? I suppose not, not unless you're someone from Clamp. Broken Vow is sung by Lara Fabian V^-^

Sore ja, mata ne! )until then, see ya)