Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Hitokoro Sai ❯ Chapter One: Early Waking ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS… I might steal it some day, or maybe I won't…. Oh sorry if my names wrong, I haven't studied much Japanese… So…
Hitokoro Sai (Once Again)
Chapter One: Early Waking
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“Aaaand good morning! This is 89.6 Random Radio FM. To wake all of you out there we have a Metallica song for you! YEH!”
A hand stretched out over the alarm clock and fingered it, looking for the off switch. After about a minute or so the hand found it and flipped it off, but it was too late for the person that the hand was connected to, they were up and wide awake. The boy walked over to the only window in his bedroom and pulled the curtains open. “The sun's still not up…”
The teen looked around out the window to see if anyone else was awake at this hour. Only a few going to work. The boy walked over to his drawer and pulled out some socks, some white boxers and a pair of plain blue jeans with a small hole under the knee. Next he opened the closet to choose a top. “Now what should I wear?” The adolescent scanned his closet and a dark blue top caught his eye, “Sakura…” He had received the short-sleeve, button-up top on his sixteenth birthday two months earlier. The shirt had a grey wolf on the right side and Japanese characters on the left. They read “My Guardian the wolf.” Sakura, the girl of his dreams, had gotten it specially made. He took it in his hands, hung it over his bare shoulder and walked of to the bathroom.
What was she doing here? It's too early. He might get mad at me for arriving so early…Sakura was standing in the elevator nervously. She had decided to visit Syaoran since she couldn't sleep. She's had a crush on him ever since she was fourteen and when ever she is near him her heart beats like it's going to pop out of her chest. As she stood in the halting elevator she thought of how long she'll be in his apartment, if he lets her in. She would rather not go into his apartment; she doesn't know what she'll do while she's in there, especially with her dream boy sitting near her.
Once she snapped back to reality, she was standing inches away from apartment number six, `his' apartment number. Well since I'm here. Lifting her small hand she rapped on the door slowly and loudly. Damn it! I just knocked like an old man! When no one answered after a couple of seconds, Sakura decided to knock again. But right as she was going to hit the door, it opened slowly.
“What do you want? Do you know that it's… Sakura? What are you doing here?”
“I just came to say hi…” Sakura looked down at her flip-flop sandals.
Syaoran looked at her concernedly and lifted her chin so that her eyes met his, “what's wrong?”
“You aren't mad at me are you? You know for coming here so early…I could leave if you want…” As Sakura looked away she noticed that Syaoran was only wearing a blue pair of jeans, the ones he always wore with the small rip under the knee. She also noticed that the waist of his underwear was showing out the top of his jeans. Holy crap!
“Of course not! I'm really happy you came to visit.” Sakura just stared at him, and scanned over his hairless, well built chest. As they stood there Syaoran started to look at Sakura in a confused way, “Umm Sakura?” This revived Sakura from her trance like state and she blushed a deep red once she realized what had just happened.
“Umm…Come in. Can't just have you standing out here all by yourself.” As she walked in, she swung her arm which brushed against Syaoran's stomach, lightly. Both of them blushed a bright pink and Sakura hurried into the living room. Syaoran finally noticed that he had been standing in front of Sakura that whole time without a shirt on. I'm so stupid! How could I forget about my shirt! Stupid, stupid, stupid! No wonder she was staring. Syaoran quickly ran to the bathroom to put on his shirt.
“So what are you doing here so early Sakura?” He said from the bathroom, while putting on his shirt. “We don't leave until 8, and it's 6.”
“Yeah I know but I was too excited by the trip…” Sakura was cut off as Syaoran came walking out in the top she had bought him on his birthday. “Oh my God! Your wearing the shirt I bought you!”
Syaoran sat down on the couch, in the space directly beside Sakura. “Of course! Why wouldn't I!”
“I dunno…But…” Sakura scanned his muscles, which were fitted perfectly in the shirt, that were perfect in her eyes, not too big and not too small. Just right. She also noticed that he had done up every button. “Syaoran, you shouldn't button up all your buttons.” She shook her head and leaned over him and took the top button in her hand.
“Sakura?” She solely unbuttoned the first two as Syaoran sat motionless. She skipped the rest of the buttons and took for the last one. Syaoran shifted uncomfortable in his seat, “Sakura, what are you doing?” She took the button in her fingers and finished with it. As a last step of making him look nicer (AA: Than he already does) she took the top of his shirt and spread it open reveling some skin and muscle. Her job was complete.
“There, now you don't look like a dork.”
“Umm…Thanks… I guess.” He straightened him self while blushing a slight pink. “So, are you hungry Sakura? Have you eaten anything?”
“Well, honestly I only had a piece of toast before coming here.”
Syaoran stood up and headed for the kitchen. As he rummaged through the frying pans he asked Sakura, “How many eggs do you want?”
“Umm, three and some toast.” Sakura looked around Syaoran's apartment and noticed a few things here and there. One of the things that caught her eye was a picture of herself, back when they were twelve. It was the party they had right after defeating Eriol, but Sakura was sad at that time. It was a time when she believed she would lose a friend who would never return.
Syaoran finished with the first three eggs and started with the next ones, along with buttering the toast that had just popped. “Hey Sakura could you pour us a glass of orange juice or something, I'm busy with the food.”
“Sure.” She stood and headed into the kitchen to help with breakfast.
The clock read 7:00 AM; she still had an hour to wait. “Time's going past soooo slow!” The violet eyed girl walked around her room aimlessly, “Maybe I can call Sakura, see if she's awake.” The purple haired teenager grabbed her cell phone off her dresser and dialed her friend's number. One ring, two rings, three… “Come on Sakura, there's no way your still asleep… Pick up!” She waited and after a couple more rings there was… Nothing. “… Boredom, why must you haunt me!”
“So, Sakura what do you want to do? We still have an hour to wait.” Syaoran was sitting on the couch, bored.
“I don't know… Why don't we go for a walk or something?” Sakura looked at him.
“Ok, I guess we could go for a walk.” He stood and headed for the door where their shoes were laying. “How about we walk to the park?”
“Sure, that sounds good.” Sakura slipped on her flip-flop sandals as Syaoran put on his white sneakers. “Hurry up! You take forever!” She was ready to go and he still had one shoe to tie.
“Ha-ha, very funny. Don't you have any patience?”
“Yes!” Sakura laughed a little and headed out the door. “If you don't hurry I'm leaving without you.”
Syaoran stood and walked out, “Ok let's go.” The two of them walked toward the elevator and waited for it to rise. As the elevator reached his floor (AN: Which is the second, the first is something else… for this apartment anyway.) they walked through the opening and stood in the elevator, which was also accompanied by two other teens. They were about 18, one boy and one girl. It was hard for Sakura and Syaoran to be comfortable with them staring at them the whole time.
As the elevator came to a stop Syaoran and Sakura quickly exited the elevator. “Wow… What was their problem?” Sakura asked as they left the apartment building.
“I dunno, but I know that I've never seen them before.” They started walking along the sidewalk that led to the park. That was the last thing either of them said before reaching the park. Sakura started to walk toward a bench, but before she could reach it Syaoran grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the swings. “I think you would much rather talk on the swings then on hard wood.”
“Your right, I would.” She took a swing while Syaoran took the one beside her. “So… What do you wanna talk about?”
“I dunno…” Syaoran looked at the ground and kicked the sand.
“Ohh… Hey have you heard from Meiling at all lately?” Sakura looked over at him.
“Not much. She's doing really well with her training.” He looked up and smiled at Sakura, “What about Touya, how's he doing?”
“Good. Him and Yukito are having a great time in college.” She looked down, her shoulder length hair fell in front of her face, “I miss them sometimes.”
“Don't worry, they'll come and visit when they can.”
“Yeah I know.” For a few minutes neither of them talked, they just sat and listened to the silence and the breeze.
“Sakura… I have something I want to tell you…” Syaoran looked down, his short, messy hair blew a little in the wind.
“Yes Syaoran, what is it?” Sakura looked over at his body which was illuminated by the orange glow of the still rising sun.
“I…” He looked up into her emerald eyes and drew in a deep breath. “I…”
“Master what do you wish for me to do?” A dark figure said, while kneeling on a black floor.
“Keep them busy.” A voice came from a high chair. “Don't kill them, just waste time.”
“As you wish.” The figure disappeared in a burst of black flame.
“Sakura what I'm trying to say is that…” Syaoran was blushing a deep red at this time, but Sakura didn't notice because of the sun's glow.
Syaoran was just about to say what he's been wanting to say for so long, but something appeared beside them and said, “I hope I'm not interrupting anything.”
Please R&R and I hope you liked it. Sorry if it was boring, it will get better!!