Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ In the Darkest Hour, There is Light ❯ Talking ( Chapter 3 )

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Otaku-hime: *giggles nervously* Well, you know what one of my most treasured ideas about S+S is, right? The whole Touya-Syaoran thing?

Syaoran: What are you trying to say?!?!?!

Otaku-hime: We-ll… this chapter is basically a conversation. I couldn't help use the idea, you see, of Touya and Syaoran getting along! It was too good to pass up!

Touya: Me!? The brat!? *Glare*

Syaoran: It was her fault. *Glares back*

Otaku-hime: Ehehehe…

Eriole: I think I'll take it upon myself to do the Disclaimer.

Otaku-hime: Thank you. At least one person's sanity can be left unquestioned in times of crisis and pandemonium.

Eriole: This is the Disclaimer. Pay attention, I'll only say it once: 'Our wonderful authoress, Otaku-hime-sama, does NOT own CCS, because CLAMP does. However, she does own this story line and if anyone attempts to steal it, horrible and painful torture shall ensue. *Smile* Carried out by me, of course.'

Syaoran: O.O

Touya: O.O

Otaku-hime: ^.^ Thank you, Eriole-kun! On with the story.


In the Darkest Hour, There is Light

By Otaku-hime


Touya looked out the window. Evening. The stars were out, despite a few clouds. It was odd; the stars always inexplicably reminded him of his sister. There was a slight knock at the door of his guest bedroom.



That gaki. "What do you want, kid?" he snapped irritably.

"What do you think I want?"

Touya blinked. Was he getting slower, or was the kid getting quicker? Neither was good, at any rate. And then there was Sakura...

He sighed. "All right. Come in."

The door opened, and Syaoran stepped in. Touya motioned at the chair. "Sit." Syaoran did so, and Touya plunked down on another chair.

"So?" Touya said finally after several brief moments of silence. "What do you want to say, besides the obvious?"

"The obvious being…"

"Oh, come on, kid. Even I can see you're trying not to ask me about my imouto."

Syaoran bit his lip. "Is it really that easy-"

"To read you?" Touya tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Most of the time, no. You can hide the emotions pretty well. But when it comes to the kaijuu… you're an open book. It's a fact. So, go ahead, ask me why she isn't here."

"Why isn't she here?"

"You sound angry."

"And you sound bitter. Answer my obvious question, which I'm sure you'll have already thought up an answer for."

Touya looked at Syaoran. There was something in his eyes… did he know something Touya didn't? "Have you ever felt like there was only one purpose in your life, one purpose that you think is so absolute?"

"Of course."

"Have you ever felt like that purpose was all of a sudden silly, or wrong, or confusing, or unnecessary?"

The younger boy was lost in thought for a moment, as he pondered the other's strange question. He remembered so many odd things… had he really been so competitive before? Before he met her?

Everything had been for the Clan.

And now everything was for her.

Perhaps- perhaps, just this one time- Touya Kinomoto and Syaoran Li could talk reasonably.


"You miss her."

Sigh. "Of course I miss her. She doesn't need me anymore. And then, just as soon as I get used to the thought of both of you together, something goes and happens to her."


"Something. But an eye for an eye. A secret for a secret. I'll tell you why she isn't here, but you have to tell me something."

"Fine. What would you like to know?"


"That's a very general question."

"Don't get smart on me. Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you fall in love with her?"

Syaoran blinked. This question- was coming from Kinomoto? Touya looked dead serious. "I think you're asking the wrong question. I think you should be asking how."

Touya snorted. "What do you mean, how? I know how you fell in love with her. It was the same way everyone she loves loves her back. She was herself, and she wasn't afraid to be the person that she was. So I know how it happened. I do, indeed, want to know why. Why did you have to fall in love with her?"

"Do you think I just chose to fall in love with her?" he asked incredulously.

"I get the impression you didn't want to fall in love with her at first," said

Touya dryly.

The other young man flushed. "No. I didn't. For a long time."

"So when did you accept it?"

"The fact?"

The brat is embarrassed, thought Touya gleefully, despite everything.

"I think… at the airport."

Touya raised an eyebrow. "What exactly happened?"

"Ah-ah," Syaoran went a fascinating scarlet, which would have cause Rian to faint dead away. "S-Sakura didn't tell you?"

His beloved's 'Niichan' narrowed his eyes. "Iie."

He looked at Touya straight in the eyes. Funny, this was something he had dreaded doing for years, and he had to do it when he was totally unprepared.

"I told her I loved her."


Deafening silence.


"Snake," said Kero thoughtfully. "It means snake. I'm sure of it."

"How sure?"

"Pretty sure." He looked at Tomoyo sheepishly. "Ah- you know I hate to ask this, Tomoyo, but do you have any-"

"Pudding?" She smiled wryly. "I'd be happy to ask a servant to send some up- for Sakura's sake, I think I should feed you."



"Yes, Kinomoto-san?" Eriole put down the book he was reading. The Li's library was quite vast and extensive; a wonderful place to keep amused for a few hours before going to sleep.

"Where is Li-san?"

Eriole briefly fought down the mad urge to cackle like one of the Three Weird Sisters in the copy of Macbeth* he had been flipping through, and opted for smiling comfortingly instead. "I believe he is talking to Sakura-san's brother; your son."

"Touya does not like Li-san very much, does he?" Fujitaka looked sadly out the window, seeing the same star-filled sky Touya had been admiring. "I was hoping they would get along, for Sakura-san's sake."

Really, it was strange how startlingly Fujitaka resembled his daughter in the rarest of moments. He expected Sakura-san's brother and Xiao Lang to get along? How very odd he was sometimes. He couldn't quite remember Clow every being like that. "The problem," said Eriole aloud and gravely, "is that they are much too alike. They both care deeply for Sakura-san, and they both are very protective of her."

"I am very worried about Sakura-san," he said. "I hope we get back home before anything serious happens."

Eriole's own thoughts become darker at the prospect at what could happen to his almost half-daughter.

"So do I."

*No, I do not own 'Macbeth' either. I mean, come on, Shakespeare wrote that. Why would I need to steal the characters of some dead guy who was born in Statford-upon-Avon, hundreds of miles away from where I am?

^_^ Just joking, people!

Anyway, did you like that chapter? I think it's the longest once I've done before. I went to that 'far-away, light-filled place' I always go to when I do something I don't think I can do. And of course, when I come out of it, I have done it. In this case, I wrote a chapter! (In another, I did Scene 6 perfectly for a drama- one that people PAID to see.) I love me.

You know that part at the beginning, when Touya is thinking about the stars? Well, I wanted the Star Key to appear somehow…

So… did you like it? I would really like to know. You can e-mail me at Also- do you see that little box thingy at the bottom of this page? Yes, that one. You know what it's for? Good.

R&R, minna-san!