Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ My Best Guarded Secret ❯ Chapter 7. ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7.

"Suppi?! That's a very peculiar nick name."

Tomoyo commented a few moments later. Then something in her brain
clicked and made a connection. "Wait a minute. Did you say

"Ahh, so I see we have another one of my brother's fans here." Suppi
said teasingly, while Kero and Yue looked at her pointedly.

Tomoyo felt a sudden flush quickly spreading over her features.

"You mean Eriol. I only met him once outside my house the day I moved
in. I'm not one of his 'fans', I just remembered the last name, that's
all." Tomoyo said a little hotly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything. I was only joking." Suppi
sounded truly apologetic.

It wasn't Tomoyo's nature to stay angry at someone for a long time so
therefore she offered him a friendly smile.

"That's o.k."

At that moment, the school bell rang.

"Well, I'm off to lunch now. It was nice meeting you folks. Later."
Suppi waved and started to take off.

"Hey wait up, Hiiragizawa, we've got lunch too." Kero called out to him.
He and Tomoyo both stood up and started towards the exit.

After one last fleeting glance in Touya's direction, Yue also stood up
and followed Tomoyo and Kero towards the exit.


After grabbing their lunches from the counter, Yue, Tomoyo, Kero and
Suppi sat down at a table near the end of cafeteria. Yue noticed, as he
sat down, that they were joined by more people. Some of whom he'd
already seen in the gym, and a few new faces.

"Hi Sakura." Tomoyo greeted the cheerful girl, when she sat down.

"Hey Tomoyo. I see you've met Suppi, Kero's arch nemesis." Sakura said
smiling, and winking in Kero's direction.

Tomoyo gave a small chortle.

"Let me introduce you to the love of my life. This is Syaoran Li." Said
Sakura, pulling on the arm of a handsome young man with unruly brown hair
and bright amber eyes.

He offered a small smile to Tomoyo.

"Syaoran, this is my new friend Tomoyo."

"Your new friend!"

Sakura ignored Kero and continued with the introduction.

"And this is Yue. He's Tomoyo's big brother."

Syaoran nodded his head in greeting towards Yue, who answered with a
slight nod of his own.

"Well, I guess most of the introductions have been made. Right?" Kero
asked the general audience. "Oh hey guys." He greeted Chiharu and
Yamazaki as they sat down on the table with trays of their own. More
hands were shook, and more introductions were made. Soon, everyone was
enjoying their meals talking with their new friends. Most of them doing
more talking then others. They asked each other about what kind of
activities they liked, what was their favorite sports team and what kind
of movies they liked to watch. After a few moments, they were joined by
a quiet girl with large expressive brown eyes, known as Rika Sasaki. She
had remembered Tomoyo and her brother from the restaurant. Soon there
was laughter emanating from this particular table. Tomoyo was especially
having fun watching Suppi and Kero have a pudding eating contest. A few
of their friends had donated their own pudding cups for the sake of the
contest. Now both of them had three pudding cups each in front of them
and were actively engaged in shoveling them down.

"Go Kero go, you can do it!!"

"Go Suppi, show him what you got!!"

Tomoyo, along with Sakura, was cheering for Kero. Whereas Chiharu and
Yamazaki were screaming for Suppi. Tomoyo and Sakura were laughing so
hard at their antics, tears were rolling down their cheeks. Syaoran and
Yue were looking on with softened eyes at the highly amused girls.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, I can't take it anymore."

Tomoyo said clutching her sides. But one look at Kero, with pudding
covering the lower half of his face glaring menacingly at Suppi, sent her
into another gale of laughter.

"Tomoyo Daidouji."

She stopped laughing when she heard her name and looked up. It was
Eriol. He was standing there with his backpack slung over his shoulder,
a food tray in his arms, and his glasses perched on his nose. Tomoyo
felt a slight blush spreading over her features. Why she felt her heart
doing somersaults around this guy, she didn't know. She gave him a small
smile. Eriol smiled in return and sat down, across from Rika. They both
smiled at each other and offered their greetings.


A loud yell from the side drew everyone's attention. It seemed that the
competition was over. Suppi was grinning broadly waving his empty cup
around, while Kero was looking on disbelievingly still in the middle of
his third cup.

"When are you gonna learn, Kero, I am better than you at everything."
Suppi asked smugly. He had managed to keep himself clean and devoid of
any pudding particles. Whereas Kero was a mess.

"Oh yeah, you think you're so cool." Kero cried indignantly. "This
isn't over Hiiragizawa. I want a rematch." Kero said pounding his fist
on the table. He was answered with a napkin to the face, which came from

"Clean yourself up. You're worse than a four year old."

Suppi said dismissingly, which left Kero sputtering.

"Why you.."

"So Tomoyo, how do you like our school so far?"

Leaving those two at their own devices, Eriol turned towards Tomoyo.

"Oh the school is fine. I just can't believe I've met so many wonderful
people and have already made friends." Tomoyo said smiling.

"Well, I'm glad." Eriol said with a smile of his own.

"And you Mr. Daidouji. I hope you're having a good first day." Eriol
asked politely of the quiet boy. Yue turned his eyes towards him.

"Yue would be just fine. The school seems o.k." He answered the
inquiring boy. 'With the exception of a few people.' He added quietly
to himself, thinking about Touya and his girlfriend.

Eriol smiled and nodded his head.

A few moments later the bell rang indicating the end of lunch. All the
new and old friends stood up to go to their respective classes. Some of
them high fived, and some waved and smiled at each other. Promising to
meet after school, they all took off in different directions in the


Touya Kinomoto was not having a good day. As he walked towards his final
class of the day, he contemplated today's events and thought over the
conversation that he'd had in the cafeteria.

When he had walked into the class this morning, he had not expected to
see that boy there. Ever since that encounter in the restaurant, a
little over a week ago, Touya had not been able to get that boy out of
his head. He was the first guy to stand up to him in a long time. At
first Touya had thought that he had succeeded in scaring the boy out of
his wits, but one look into his eyes had rectified his belief. His eyes,
the color of bright silver, were glaring right back into his with a look
of defiance. He hadn't backed down, nor had he shown any offense. There
was a cold indifference on his face that Touya couldn't get out of his

'How dare he?' He had thought. 'He should be scared out of his mind
right now. How could he look at me like I'm no threat to him?'

All throughout the week, Touya had thought and thought over about that
boy and his icy demeanor. He had never felt this strong surge of emotion
for anyone, ever before.

He had been a little shocked to find that boy, sitting in his class. He
had kept his eyes on him throughout the period, hoping he would get
agitated and turn around and give some sort of reaction. But Yue had
shown strong persistence. He hadn't turned around once. He didn't even
show any signs of annoyance when Nakuru bumped into him, sending him into
the desk. Even she had failed in getting a rise out of that boy. And
usually she didn't even had to try very hard. People found her
irritating very easily.

In the gym, when he had felt someone's eyes on him, he had looked up and
found that same boy, who had been occupying his thoughts recently,
sliding his gaze over his body. Touya had felt a slight tingle go
throughout his body and felt a strong surge of emotions that he couldn't
explain. 'What is that guy doing to me?' He had thought silently and
fixed his own eyes right into his. He established and kept the eye
contact, until that boy turned his gaze away. Touya, through eye
contact, wanted to let him know that he knows he's there, and that he's
got his eyes on him. He had tried to appear as menacing as possible,
which wasn't very hard. His whole personality spoke danger. Someone you
should stay away from.

In the lunch period, he had sat at his usual table with his gang, at the
very last table near the exit. Nakuru had sat down besides him and Fumi
and Akira across from them. Nakuru had immediately attached herself to
Touya's arm, when she sat down. Touya rolled his eyes at that and looked
around in the cafeteria, ignoring her.

It wasn't as if he hated Nakuru, but it also wasn't the case that he was
in love with her. When had Nakuru became his girlfriend, he couldn't
recall. It must've been in Junior High School. Nakuru was always
screaming his name, every time she saw him, and would jump and latch
herself on to him. No matter how much he tried to avoid her, and ran
away to hide every time he saw her, she always caught up to him. After a
while, he had stopped trying. And when they entered High School and
Touya started the gang, Nakuru was automatically pronounced his
girlfriend. Touya hadn't said anything to remedy that fact and let
people (and Nakuru) believe whatever they wanted to. He had never gone
all the way with Nakuru. All they did together was kiss and hold hands.
Well, it was more like Nakuru trying to eat Touya's face and latching
herself on to his arm (Bunny Chan: ewwww gross!!!).

Touya continued to look around the cafeteria when Nakuru's voice brought
him out of his reverie.

"Ugh, there he is again."

Nakuru was looking at the table, a few down from their own.

"Who are you talking about?" asked Fumi looking over her shoulders.

"You know, the pathetic little sissy boy who had the nerve to stand up to
my Touya."

Touya, along with Fumi, looked over at that table. That boy was sitting
there with that blonde guy his sister always hung out with. Fumi turned
around with a mischievous smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

"Girl, I don't know what you're talking about. He looks pretty hot stuff
to me."

Nakuru gave a disgusted snort, while Akira gave a growl and placed his
arm around her waist possessively and pulled her towards him.

"Oh honey, you have nothing to worry about. I'm not leaving you."

Fumi reassured her amorous boyfriend.

"But if I ever did leave you, it would be for that guy. Woah Mama, look
at that hunk of flesh." Fumi continued, fanning her face.

"I don't know what about him you find attractive Fumi." Said Nakuru. "I
mean look at him. What is up with all that hair? And that physique, he
is skinnier than most girls around here." At his point, a hint of
jealousy could be heard in Nakuru's voice. "And look at his cold,
expressionless face. Seems as if he's got a serious grudge against the
world, but doesn't want to show it. Brrrr, his whole personality seems
cold." Nakuru gave a mock shiver.

While she was giving a thorough explanation of Yue, Touya was checking
him out from behind his bangs.

'Hmm, lets see. Hair, too long?' Touya thought to himself and looked at
his hair. He had them tied up in a high pony tail. The long silver-
blonde waves were cascading down his back and brushing his shoulders.
Some wild strands kept falling over his face and were grazing his cheeks,
which he kept pushing back with his hand. Touya felt his hand twitch, as
if his appendage wanted to take over the job of brushing back those silky

Yue's physique was slender, but there was nothing girl-like about it. He
seemed to be carrying himself very well.

Nakuru had pointed out the same thing that he'd noticed a week ago. A
lack of emotion. What happened to this boy that has made him so cold and
indifferent to the world? Touya thought silently to himself. He shook
his thoughts away and concentrated on the conversation between Nakuru and

"I know he looks like he's got a serious attitude problem. But doesn't
that make him look more attractive." Fumi was saying.

"Well, I didn't know that moody people were your type." Nakuru said

"They're not. But I wouldn't mind having a roll around the bed a few
times with that guy." Fumi said in a lecherous way.

Touya felt like kicking his foot out and hitting Hamada in the shin. For
some reason, he was not liking the way this conversation was headed.

"All I'm saying is that you couldn't get him even if you tried." Said

"What?!! And you think you would have a better chance at him?" cried
out Fumi.

"Hunh. I could get him if I tried. But I told you I don't even like

All of a sudden, Fumi's eyes lit up. She pushed her cuddling boyfriend
away and leaned over the table, closer to Nakuru.

"Oh Yeah, why don't we make a wager on that?" she said smiling widely.

Nakuru furrowed her brows and looked at her suspiciously.

"What do you mean? What kind of wager?"

"Well, why don't we try and see if one of us can make him their
boyfriend. You know, go on and pursue him and drag him out of whatever
angst-ridden drama he has gotten himself into, and make him fall in love
with them. See if one of us is capable enough to do that."

Fumi had a huge smile on her face. She had given no second thought to
the fact that this was a human being they were making a wager on. That
this was his heart and his emotions they were planning on playing with.

"So what do you say?" Fumi asked of her best friend.

"Hmm, sounds interesting. What's the wager?"

Fumi shrugged her shoulders.

"50 dollars from the rest of the gang."

Nakuru looked over at Yue and back at Fumi.

"Looks like its going to be a lot of work. Make that 100 dollars and
you've got yourself a deal." Said Nakuru.

"O.K 100 dollars it is. Now, which one of us is going to do the deed?"

Nakuru and Fumi looked at each other.

"I'll do it."

Akira, Fumi and Nakuru turned wide, disbelieving eyes in Touya's

Touya was surprised with himself for volunteering. What had made him
speak out, he couldn't explain. All he knew was that the thought of what
these two girls were planning didn't sit well with him. Plus, the
thought of the perverse Hamada laying her paws on Yue really made him

"Touya No!!" cried out Nakuru.

"You can't do it. You're my boyfriend. Plus you don't even like boys."

'Yeah well I don't like you either, but that didn't stop you, now did
it.' Touya kept that thought to himself.

"Nakuru, it's o.k" Touya said in a soothing manner. "It's all going to
be pretend. And plus me being a boy would make the chasing all the more
fun and interesting, right?"

Touya could care less if he had Nakuru's support or not. He still had to
put on the act, for his gang's sake. They had come to expect them to
always be together. Plus Touya had always thought that finding a
girlfriend would be too much of a hassle.

Nakuru was thinking about pros and cons of Touya pursuing Yue.

"I think it's an excellent idea." Said Fumi smiling lecherously in
Touya's direction. "I think you and pretty boy over there would make a
very hot couple."

Nakuru opened her mouth to reject that notion but Touya interrupted her
before she could speak.

"All right then, its all settled." He said.

"But how long does he have? I mean we can't wait until the end of school
year. There had to be a dead line." Akira spoke in a long time.

Touya looked questionably at his group.

"How about..until the ski trip in January?" Fumi offered.

"What?!! But that only gives me four months." Touya cried out.

"So? Prove to us that you can do it." Said Fumi smiling rakishly. "Or
are you saying that you can't do it? Cuz if you wanna back out, I'll
happily take over." She said in a challenging tone.

"No, that's fine." Touya said looking directly into her eyes. "Come
this ski trip, I will make him mine." There was a fierce determination
in his eyes.

"All right!!" said Akira.

They all put their hands on top of each other as the agreement to this
cruel game of love.

Now, as Touya made his way towards the last class, he pondered over what
he had gotten himself into. Why had he agreed to do something like this?
All he knew was that that boy was starting to stir some very strong
unexplainable emotions in him, that he didn't particularly liked. He
wanted to prove to himself that that boy had no affect on him whatsoever.
And the only emotions he felt towards him were of anger and hatred over
his indifference towards Touya.

'I guess it'll be fun to break down his cold mask and watch him crumble.
Then I'll just have myself a good laugh at his naiveté and be on my way.'
Touya thought cruelly to himself and stepped into the class.


Yue stifled a huge yawn as he walked in the last class of the day. Since
it was the first day after summer vacation, the day had felt longer than
usual. And the fact that this class happened to be History, didn't help
matters much either.

Yue looked around and sat down on a seat towards the front. He didn't
want to take any chances. If that Touya person was in this class too,
then he'll surely sit in the back.

Yue took out his notebook and pen and got ready to receive the lesson, or
at least the introduction of the subject. He was idly tapping his pen on
the notebook when the front door opened. Expecting it to be the teacher,
Yue sat up straight in his seat, and then nearly fell off. It was Touya
Kinomoto. Walking in the class before the class had even started. But
there was something missing. Yue looked closely at him and noticed the
lack of the 'red thing' hanging off his arm. He noticed him looking
around in the classroom. 'Oh please don't let him notice me, oh please
don't let him notice me.' Yue repeated this litany over and over in his

His prayers went unanswered when Touya's eyes rested on him and he
started walking in his direction.

Yue braced himself against the shove that Touya would send his way,
before going to the back of the class. He choked back on the startled
gasp that nearly escaped his lips when Touya, instead of passing by,
pulled out the chair right next to him and dropped his large self on the

Yue kept looking straight ahead. His heart was beating rapidly and felt
as though it would burst out of his rib cage. He took a couple of deep
breaths and calmed himself down.

'It's o.k. there is nothing to worry about. He wouldn't try anything in
public.' Yue silently reassured himself and then thought over the
occurrence in gym. 'I hope.'

Yue was slightly startled when he heard Touya clear his throat. Yue
continued to ignore him. When Touya cleared his throat a second time, a
little louder, Yue turned his head in his direction and looked him in the

For a few seconds, all he could do was look at him. Up close, the blue
irises of Touya's eyes were much clearer. There was a certain spark in
his eyes that Yue couldn't tear himself away from.

When not receiving a response, Yue raised his eyebrows in a silent
question. Touya sat up straight and turned towards him.

"Can I borrow a pen and a paper? I didn't bring my book bag today."

Yue kept his eyes on him for a few more seconds. He then proceeded to
rip out a page from his notebook and handed it over with his pen. He
took out another pen from his bag and went back to staring straight

Touya turned his whole body in Yue's direction.

"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot."

'You think' Yue thought sarcastically and looked at him with narrowed

"I know I was being an asshole picking on you like that."

The eyes got narrower.

"I want to start over. Hi, my name is Touya Kinomoto."

Touya said extending his right hand towards Yue. His hand went ignored.

"I don't know what games you're trying to play here Mr. Kinomoto, but you
can rest assure I'm not going to fall for it."

Touya retrieved his hand back and placed it over his chest in a hurt

"Games? I am not trying to play any games. I just want to be your
friend. And please call me Touya."

Yue looked at him suspiciously for a few moments.

"Yeah well, games or not, I do not make friends with people I hardly

Touya bent over his chair a bit and brought his face close to Yue and
looked his straight in the eyes.

"Fair enough. Can you at least tell me your name?" Touya spoke softly
gazing at his face.

Yue heaved a sigh and answered.

"I'm Yue Daidouji."

"Well Yue. You can rest assured that I will make you mine." Touya said
lounging back in his seat. At Yue's sharp turn of head, he added.

"Friend. I will make you my friend." There was a tiny smirk splayed
over his features.

Yue had just opened his mouth to retaliate when the doors opened and
their teacher walked in. Whatever words Yue had to say to him, died on
his lips as he set his eyes on the man before him.

Yue felt his heart beat increase rapidly as he looked upon the vision in
front of him.

His teacher was a very tall man, standing to be at least 6' 5". He had
long black hair, which were tied up at the nape of his neck and fell down
to his waist. He had a beautiful face with angular features and pale
smooth skin. His eyes, the shade of a very dark blue, were peeking out
from behind a pair of round glasses. (Can you guess who it is already,
he he he he!). He had a thin but broad frame. He was dressed in a crisp
white shirt, tucked into a pair of blue jeans and a sports coat slung
over his shoulders.

He took off his coat and draped it over the back of the chair. He then
cleared his throat loudly to get everyone's attention.

"Good afternoon everyone." The teacher greeted the class.

Yue felt something inside of him melt at the deep sexy tone of his voice.

"My name is Charles Reed (1) and this semester, I will be teaching you
American History."

For a fleeting moment, Yue felt Mr. Reed's eyes come towards him and
settle there for a few seconds.

Mr. Reed then proceeded to explain to the what wars and conflicts in
American History they will be learning and discussing about this

No matter how hard he tried, Yue just couldn't pay attention to what was
being said. Instead, all his concentration was set on the man himself.
During his explanation, Yue noticed that Mr. Reed's gaze constantly kept
coming towards his side of the room.

This was it. This was the man Yue had been waiting for. This was the
person Yue felt he could trust with all his precious feelings and
emotions. Yue momentarily forgot and anyone else existed in this room.
It was just him and the man in the front, speaking softly to the class.
Yue had fallen in love at first sight.



1. I felt that Clow Reed would sound kind of weird, so I gave him the
name of Charles Reed.

Author's notes: dun dun dun *mysterious music plays*. How do you like
it? Please ignore the long wait for the next chapter, I was bitten by
the lazy bug. Oh and don't worry, this is definitely going to be a
Touya/Yue story. I just have to put in a bit of drama and conflict and
all that crap. Thank you soooo much to every one who took out some time
and reviewed. I greatly appreciate it. Oh, and next update will not
take as long as this one did. I am through with school Yay *does a crazy
little dance*, so I have time to work on my stories. Please don't forget
to leave a little note about how I'm doing. Love you all, bye now ^_^.