Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Plum Blossoms by the Moon ❯ Chappie 1---Sakura... ... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yue: You know, SakuraStarlight, I don't think this is a very good idea……

SakuraStarlight: Maybe it's because you don't like how you're being portrayed here?

Yue: *reads random pieces of paper* yes, yes, you're quite right---WHAT THE $%@# ARE YOU THINKING????? THIS IS NOT MEEEEEE!!!!!! I AM N---*cut off by SakuraStarlight*

SakuraStarlight: *sweetly* Yue-sama, if you don't shaddap now, I will make Pikachu & Charizard fry you then Nakuru-chan and Kero-chan to toture you.

Yue: O.o'''' O-Ok……

Disclaimer: When Naoko keeps a Venomoth, CCS and Pokemon will be mine. If you offer me a new comp I might consider sharing with you……

^^^^scene change^^^^



+++time lapse+++



Tomoyo sighed in complete satisfaction---she had finally finished making Sakura's birthday present. It was of pastel pink chiffon and silver, eight pointed stars lovingly embodied on. The strapless, floor length gown had strappy pink heels, which had also been made by the lavender eyed girl. Tomoyo had also made a set of accessories with a star theme to match with her work. ~Sakura-chan, if only you knew how I felt about you……~ Tomoyo had told Sakura about how she felt towards her, but her naïve Sakura had thought Tomoyo was referring to their friendship. ~Iya. Sakura-chan is not yours. You know very well that she loves Li-kun. They belong to each other. She. Is. Not. Yours.~ she told herself firmly. ~As long as Sakura-chan is happy, you should be happy for her to.~

***"S-sakura-chan, you kn-now I l-lo-ove you, don't y-you?" "Of course, you're my best friend, I love you and I know you love me."***

How those words had wrenched her heart, tormenting her everytime she saw Sakura, thought of Sakura. But she hid her feelings. She hid them, behind the perfect Tomoyo everyone knew and loved. Nobody knew anything about her love for Sakura. Well, save maybe for Eriol and Yue. They were just so…perceptive, you could say. Eriol had helped her through a little, causing her to fall for him. But he must have saw that, for he moved to England with Kaho and his guardians soon after. He left her a single, handwritten letter, wishing her good luck and stating that he was going to England with Kaho as he loved her, and wanted to be with her.

So that had left her with the cold moon guardian to talk to. Which wasn't the easiest thing to do. She had a few short conversations with the winged guardian, none of which were very deep. It was all pleasant chatter, like, how are you these days, or any new interests. Small, little meanlingless questions. Tomoyo had to admit Yue intrigued her greatly. She often wondered what he was like behind that cold, emotionless exterior that he always wore.

Tomoyo looked out of her window. The once pastel blue sky had become a canvas filled with warm hues. She put down the dress in hands, and headed downstairs. ~You think too much. Get yourself out.~

"Ayame-chan, I'm going out for a while."

"Demo, Daidouji-sama, dinner will be served soon."

"Mou, Ayame-chan, call me Tomoyo-chan. I've told you so many times! Anyway, I'll be skipping dinner."

"Hai, Dai-Tomoyo-chan."

"Much better. Ja ne!"

"Take care!"

"Hai, hai."


Tomoyo smiled slightly as the cool, night breeze ruffled her long hair. The stars were shining brightly in the clear sky, while the waves gently broke on the deserted shore. "Such a romantic setting. Too bad I've no one to share it with." She murmured. "Actually, you do." A deep, gentle voice said behind her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw violet feathers. "Y-yue-san?" "How'd d'you guess?" "Lilac wings." "Oh." "Aren't you going to sit down?" "Yes, I am." "Ne, Daidouji-san, why are you here?" Tomoyo felt tears pricking her eyes as the memories flooded back. "Sakura." She barely whispered to her companion. "Gomen nasai……you love her don't you? More than a friend, a relative?" Tomoyo merely nodded mutely. "What about you Yue-san?" "Me? I don't know. I love Sakura, as a mistress, as a friend, but I still can't forget Clow." "You don't forget people like Clow. You won't---it's impossible. You just……you still remember them, but you love someone else I guess." Tomoyo said, snuggling against Yue as it got cold. Yue was rather surprised at this."True." He said, after some time.

They sat there like that for a long time, listening to the waves and gazing at the heavens. Tomoyo squealed suddenly. "Look Yue-kun! A shooting star!!" ~Yue-kun? Where did that come from, Daidouji-san?~ "Make a wish!" So saying, the lass beside him closed her eyes before clasping her hands together tightly. ~I wish……I wish that I'll find true love some day.~ ~I wish that both of us can get over Sakura and Clow.~ Yue wished, after some contemplation. "Yue-san, what did you wish for?" "Not telling. Or else it won't come true, remember?" "Aw……" "Mou, it's getting late. You should be home soon, lest your mother starts worrying." "Ok, ok, just a while longer?" "Hai."

Yue: Ok, not so bad as chap---*cut of by SakuraStarlight*

SakuraStarlight: *twitch twitch* Yue……

Yue: Eheheheheheh… …^^''''