Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Rivals...or Allies? ❯ Powers...United ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 11. Powers....United
My fave store is seven-eleven.... I just hadda mention that...
Ummm, you all know I don't own CCS, or CC, right? CLAMP and Nelvana, do, unfortunately. I do own this story, though, and anybody who steals it, and find out where u live, fly over there, and kick your sorry @$$!! Got it? This is the last chapter....I think, then there's an epilogue, then a sequel, maybe.... I had MAJOR writers block when I wrote this, kay? So, feel free to blame me if it sucks. R+R= PLEASE?? I would also like to thank author Silver RavenWolf, author of books such as To Stir a Magic Couldren, to Light and Sacred Flame, To Ride A Silver Broomstick, and Teen Witch, from which I got the spells in this story. But, Mrs. RavenWolf, please don't sue me because I mixed the spells and added my own words, okay?? Arigato!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~brief part from last chapter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All her friends had been plowed down. Only one remained standing. Pluto. But she was injured. Badly. A long, bloody gash ran down her right thigh. Deep cuts covered her arms and her face, and her wings were broken and bloody. But the warrior refused to give up. She strongly stood her ground, to the amazement of Meilin and the conscious scouts, ignoring all the pain surging throughout her body. Her long green hair was singed, and beginning to turn red, her fuku was torn, and her Time Staff was blown into oblivion.
"Art? Anytime...." Pluto shouted as Meilin launched a final blow. The last.
Artemis' head shot up at this, seeing her friend in danger. A little red rubber ball appeared in her hand.
"From ground to air
From air to ground
I bounce the magick
Round and round.
Power of Strength.
Power of Sight.
Guide this magic light!" The little ball began to glow as Meilin's attack flew towards Setsuna, who stood motionless.
"Dragon's eyes,
and Angel's wings.
Now I touch the fairy ring.
Power of Strength.
Power of Emotions.
Guide this little magic ball." The ball whipped out of Artemis' hands, flying at the speed of light to Meilin.
"Earth and Air,
Fire and Water.
My little ball
goes higher and higher.
Mine is the magick,
Mine is the power.
It is time to know the answer!" Artemis shouted, as the ball hit it's target. Meilin. But the beam headed straight to Pluto, and it went directly through her. Meilin shrieked, and fell to the ground, holding her side in utter pain. A bloody hole was left where the little ball had gone through her side. She suddenly grinned.
"Ha. You just delayed me. But you said so yourself. You do not mess with humans. You will not kill me!" Meilin shrieked with laughter.
"Sakura. Chant this...." Li said, standing up, very, very, slowly. He whispered something to Li.
"Moon, moon, Mother moon
Brightest star, and Witch's broom.
The change has begun,
With harm to none!
Element of Water!" Water flowed from the tips of Sakura's hands.
"Element of Fire!" Scortcing flames leapt from her finger tips.
"Element of Air!" Long gusts of Wind escaped from her palms.
"And Element of Earth!" Long branched traveled toward Meilin, combining with the rest of the attacks.
" I melt your cold heart with angel fire
The truth you'll see, and not the mire.
As this ice melts, the truth will appear,
Pushing away my fear.
Angel Fire!
Higher and Higher!" Sakura yelled. The Elements grabbed Meilin, burning her, soaking her, blowing her away, and strangling her.
"No! I will not be defeated by a mortal!" Meilin shout.
"Sakura! Get down! She's too strong!" Mars yelled, struggling to stand up.
"No. She must continue!" Li said. He began to say the chant with Sakura, holding on to her for support.
"I set to fire the inner light,
so I may see a second sight!
Away, away, we banish thee!
I push your evil away from me!
May all around me be faithful, but free,
should Spirit want this to be!
Guardian angel, sun and moon above,
bring to me my one true love!
Let the others fade away!
I walk with spirit every day!
So mote it be!" Pink and green lights flared from their hands.
"Meilin laughed again, but suddenly stopped, suddenly feeling weak.
"What?! This isn't right!! This can't be happening! I'm immortal!" she shrieked.
"Wrong." Artemis said as she bandaged the Sailors. "Only I decide who gets to become an immortal. And you, sure as hell, are not one of them!" She smirked as Meilin screamed.
"Sakura? Saaaakkkkuuurrraaaa!!!" was the last thing the young sorcerous, the most powerful, heard.
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Well, that was chapter....11? I can't remember. The epilogue is up next, and uh oh, Sakura's dead!! Muh haha! I thank again Mrs. Silver RavenWolf for 'lending' me her spells, and Silverangel, Wussup, Shay, Angela, Ka Hime, S+S, Empress Sarah-sama , Lilian Silverdaydream, nao-chan, and every one else who read my story. But you guys didn't sign a review, so I didn't know who u were....
pouting. Anyway. Epilogue up next.
Sets ^.^