Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura Princess Diaries ❯ Showing it All ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*Next Morning*

"Sakura.. get up your ganna be late again... Hello rise and shine..WAKE UP" Kero
finally yelled in Sakura's ear. Sakura jumped up and swung her hand making kero fly
into the wall. "Ouch" he said as he rubs the back of his head. Sakura looks at him and
smiles sheepishly "Sorry Kero I was having a bad dream about going to school in my
underwear." Kero arched his eyebrown "Ohhhh K, What do you people do at school."
She laughed and got up to get ready for school.. a few minutes later she ran downstairs.
"Morning Dad Morning Mom." She said. "Well, you look like you had
a good nights sleep." Sakura smiled at Aiden "I did .. I better go I am ganna
be late we have an assembly today." She grabbed her bag and started out the door.
Madison was waiting for her to come by. "Morning Madison" "Morning Sakura" "I see
you have your trusty camera huh? So you don't miss anything." Sakura smiled. "But,
of corse my dear friend." Madison said with sparkles in her eyes. Sakura sweat dropped.

They finally arrived at school. Meilin was standing on the steps as always chatting
pointlessly with her friends. She looked over and saw Sakura and smiled evily at her.
"HOE.. why was Meilin smiling at me so mean? I didn't do anything." Sakuar looked at
Madison hoping she had the answer. "Don't worry about her Sakura she is harmless, she
can't do anything." Sakura smiled beleaving her friend was right and walked into school.
Li was watching the whole incedent, and he knew Meilin was up to no good. He walked
to her and asked "What do you think you are planning to do to Sakura?" Meilin smiled
innocently and grabbed his arm. "I wouldn' do anything to that freak." Li shoved her
off his arm and growled he didn't beleave her she was up to no good. Meilin and her
friends starting laughing like crazy. "Do you know what you are suppost to do?"
Meilin asked her friend. "I sure do." She smiled. The Bell rang got 1st period and
Sakura took her seat by Madison. "Class, we will have an assembly today in about 30
minutes.. since that is not enought time to start working we will just have free time
til then." The teacher anncouned. "YEAAAAAAH" Cheers were heard in the class. "Sakura?
wanna see some of the footage I got of you tring on the clothes at the mall?" Madison
asked excited. Sakura sweatdropped but went along with it.

30 Minutes Later....

"OK class please leave your books here and walk to the auditorium." said the teacher.
Sakura and Madison took there time getting there. When they finally arrive it was pretty
packed and just a few people were moving around. "Look there are 2 seats." Madison
pointe out to Sakura. As they headed down the isle a foot cam out and tripped Sakura.
She stood up and as the girl was tellin to "Sorry" Then out of nowehere Sakura felt
her skirt being yanked down from around her waste. Sakura looked down to see her white
underpants with pink cherry blossoms being shown to the entire school. "AHHHHHHHHHH
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' Sakura screamed and she grabbed her skirt and pulled
it up. She ran out of there screaming loud. Madison ran after her, but not before kicking
Meilin in the stomach. Meilin fell over sore but laughinh along with the school. Li
was the only one who didnt get a kick out of her mean prank. Li walked to Meilin
"What did you think you were doing? That was the meaniest thing you could do.. oh and
for a reality check, I can't stand you I never could and please don't try to talk with
me unless you like the cold shoulder. Meilin set in the floor in shock as Li walked
out the door. "LI Wait, I was only having fun LIIIIIIIIIIIIII." She screamed.

Meanwhile in the ladies room.... "OH MY GOD, what am I ganna do everyone saw even LI..
oh my life just got so much worse, I never thought that was possible." Sakura was
crying her eyes out to Madison. "SHHH it's ok they will forget about it in a few days,
somethkng else more exciting will happen and you will be yesterdays news." Sakura sniffed
and look at her friend "You think so?" Before she could answer there was a kock on the
door. "Sakura, can I come in." Sakura froze in her tracks it was Li. What could he want
to laugh at her more.. make jokes. "Yes." She finally said. "Look I am sorry for what
happened I didn't know Meilin would go so far. Please be ok, besides.. there wasn't
anything to be ashamed of." He trailed off blushing. Madison and Sakura looked at
eachother as Sakura was turning a beat red. "It's ok Li I will get over this in a few
days, besides they can't think of me forever can they?" she giggled sadly. "Well, I
am just glad your ok and don't worry I won't let the Wench do anything else to you, cuz
yoy certainly don't deserve it." Li said with a smile across his face and a red tint
to him. Sakura blushed madly "Thank you Li." Then he hugged her.

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Please R&R so I know how I am doing. I know how this feels, I had it done to me but
in Chorus..Wow I felt stupid.. but the person who did it to me got made fun of more then
I did "HAHA"