Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Stay with me! ❯ Vacation or no vacation I'm still your friend! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ohayo mina-san! Here is the next chapter. Bigger and hopefully better. This one might be a little crazy, but it has to be that way. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. What am I here for anyway? Well enjoy!

Thanks to:

hannah - ????????????

aya-yahiko - YES! There's gonna be some E+T further on, you just wait. Thanks for the review.

Type Zero - Thanks again for reviewing. Here it comes the next chapter. *Launches chapter in the air*

Sweet Madison - All your questions will be answered in this chapter. And by the way: "He is a total jerk!" *I'm so evil* ^_^

Misora - Thanks for reviewing again. Review this one too, please! :p

EmpressMinet(Moon_Kitsune) - NO! I can't resist that doggie face! Yay, here's the next chappie. :)

Cherry-Lally- Thanks for both your reviews! No abortion, yeah! And about making Syaoran popular … I think beating up the hottest guy in school makes him very popular, don't you? ^_^

SakuraSyaoran4eva- Arigatou! Receiving reviews is so good. I'll try to make the chapters a little longer, but don't expect much from me now. I work you know? It keeps me a lot busy sometimes. And thanks for the 10, you're all very nice to me!

MzSyaoranLi - Thanks for putting me on your favourites list. But you could leave a review, right? ^_^

Eel, this time I ad less reviews, but I guess it was because of the day I posted the chapter. From now on I'll only post on Fridays, because I can't post on weekends, unlike most. So, come every Friday and check this out, I promise to try hard to post every week! Thanks for all your support.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything! Not from the anime, mangas or movies, they're all Clamp's property.

Summary: Syaoran left everything for this one girl. The clan, his family, his money, and above all he left his pride. But he found out that the girl only wanted his money, and so she dumped him when he was left penniless. Syaoran knew he could never go back to the clan or to his family, so he decided to end it all. He goes to the highest building in Tokyo, ready to end up his misery. But what he finds up there will change him forever.

"…" - Dialogue

«…» - Thoughts

'…' - Whispers, or words with double meaning

(…) - Author notes

# Italic # - Flashback

~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ - Scene change

Stay with me!

Chapter 1: "Vacation or no vacation I'm still your friend!" - Daidoujii Tomoyo

*By: NightAngel*

[Last chapter]

"Thank you Syaoran. No one ever cared for me like you do. Thank you so much." - Syaoran smiled and hugged her back, trying to stop her tears. He was happy that she was not mad at him, but … he didn't like to see her cry like that.

"Sakura-chan? Is that you?"

[Last chapter]

"Sakura-chan? Is that you?" - Sakura and Syaoran both looked behind, just to find face to face with a young girl. Long black hair and white skin with two wonderful purple orbs staring right at them.

Daidoujii Tomoyo looked at her friend's tear stained friend and immediately ran to her.

"What happened Sakura-chan? Why are you crying?" - Sakura couldn't take it any longer. She hugged her friend and cried on her shoulder, not saying a word.

Tomoyo glanced at Syaoran who gave her an apologetic smile, making her understand that this wasn't the best moment to make questions.

The sensei entered the class and greeted the class. Sakura sat next to Tomoyo and in front of Syaoran. She decided to talk with Tomoyo later


At lunch:

Syaoran, Sakura and Tomoyo left the classroom and headed to the gardens. - "Do you want me to leave you two alone? I don't mind." - Syaoran said, coming to a stop.

Sakura grabbed his arms and dragged him along.

"Tomoyo this is Li Syaoran. Syaoran this is Daidoujii Tomoyo." - Sakura introduced.

"Nice to meet you" - Tomoyo said with a smile.

"Likewise." - was Syaoran's reply.

When they reached the gardens, they walked to under a Sakura tree and sat down, forming a circle. Tomoyo looked around, making sure no one was around.

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong?" - Tomoyo asked, almost jumping with anticipation.

Sakura glanced at Syaoran in search for help, and he just smiled. Every time he smiled like that, her heart skipped fast, but she couldn't understand why. She though it was because they had became great friends in the last few days.

"Tomoyo … I'm pregnant." - Sakura said while looking down at the interesting grass … green grass. Ah. That's so interesting, right?)

Tomoyo blinked a couple of times, and then looked at Syaoran who was looking at her inquiringly. She raised her hand in the air and …


"Hoooooeeeee! Tomoyo-cha, what are you doing?" - Sakura got up and checked on Syaoran who was currently brushing his left cheek.

"Back off Sakura-chan. I'm going to teach this bastard a lesson he'll never forget. How dare he get you pregnant?" - when Tomoyo was ready to sap him again, Syaoran grabbed her wrist.

"I wouldn't if I were you." - Sakura got up and separated the two.

"Tomoyo-chan, Syaoran-kun is not the father. What the hell gave you that idea? (DUH! Ain't it obvious?)" - Tomoyo blinked again, and she calmed down.

"He isn't?" - she brought her hands to her mouth. - "Oh my God! I'm so sorry Li-kun. I'm so sorry." - she said while checking his face for any mark of the *slap* - "Gomen nasai!" - she said bowing.

"It's ok, just don't do that again please. It really hurts." - he said while sill rubbing it.

"But Sakura-chan, I don't understand. Who is the father then?" - Sakura wanted to be strong, but she couldn't. She started crying and fell on her knees. Syaoran hugged her, trying to sooth her pain. Tomoyo looked at him, asking for an answer.

"She … she was attacked." - Tomoyo's eyes opened beyond imagination.

"No … No … NO!" - she fell on her knees and started shaking Sakura. - "Why Sakura-chan? Why didn't you call me?" - she asked with ears in her eyes.

"I … didn't want to … ruin your vacation. You called everyday saying what a great time … you were having in America … and it was my problem not yours." - Sakura said, before returning to Syaoran's safe arms

It took some time before Tomoyo opened her mouth and fro the first time in ages … Tomoyo yelled. - "Vacation or no vacation, I'm sill your friend!" - Sakura's sobs stopped and she looked up at her best friend, that, for the first time, had lost her temper.

The all so cool Tomoyo was angered and hurt. And it had been her best friend to put her in this state. - "I would've come running. I wouldn't even think twice. How could you answer the phone every day and say that everything was ok when you had just experienced the worst thing of your life, Sakura-chan? What kind of friend do you think I am?" - and with that, Tomoyo ran away.

Sakura looked at Syaoran guiltily. - "I think I did it this time Syaoran-kun. I lost my best friend." - his only answer was to hold her close and letting her soak his shirt with her hot tears. Not complaining … not saying a word.


Daidoujii Tomoyo ran through the empty school halls, not knowing where she was going, or what she was doing.

She entered the girls 'bathroom' (I know that's not the name you give it. What is it? Public bathrooms, how do you call it? ) and leaned against the door. Little by little her body ell to the floor, and she cried until she had no more tears to shed

She though of herself as being a bad friend. How could she not have noticed the difference in Sakura's attitudes in the last month? Actually she had but she though it was because Sakura was bored. Why hadn't Sakura told her anything? Why?

For as much as se though about it she couldn't find an answer. And with that on her mind, she fell asleep, on the cold floor against the door.



After a while, Sakura fell asleep in Syaoran's arms. He sighed and picked her up in his arms, carrying her to their next class.

He still had thirty minutes. Precious time he would use to find Daidoujii.

He could see that the two girls were great friends and they shouldn't argue like this.

He looked everywhere, but he just couldn't find her. There was only one place where he hadn't looked. The girl's bathroom!

He eyed the entrance to there and though about his choices. There was no one around so no one would see him, and he did need to find Daidoujii, so he pushed the door open.

At first it seemed like it was stuck, ad Syaoran was forced to push the door with a lot of strength. He finally managed to get in and to finally understand why the door wasn't opening

Thee, on the floor, with her back to the door, was Daidoujii sleeping. He smiled kindly at her and picked her up in his arms. He opened the door with his foot and took her to the classroom, the same he ad put Sakura in.

They had ten minutes until class started and there were already some people in the halls.

Syaoran sat down on his seat and though about if he should or should not wake the two girls up. They were both mentally exhausted and they needed the rest but the next class would start soon. He sighed heavily and got up, deciding to wake Daidoujii up first.

"Daidoujii wake up!" - he called at the same time he shacked her by the shoulders. Little by little her eyes opened to meet amber ones. She jumped back on her chair, before realising it was only Syaoran

"Syaoran?" - he nodded gently and sat on the chair in front of her desk.

We need to talk. About Sakura!" - he stated calmly. Tomoyo turned her face to the left, seeing Sakura seeing calmly.

"Why did she do this to me? I'm supposed to be her best friend." - she started crying again and was surprised when Syaoran wiped away her tears with his fingers. She looked deep into those amber eyes and new that he was also suffering, but from something else.

"Do you want to know how I and Sakura met?" - Tomoyo nodded slightly. - "She was very desperate when she found out that she was pregnant, and se decided to take desperate measures." - Tomoyo's shocked face showed that she understood what he meant. - "I … well, let's just say I was about to d the same, and I found her up there. I knew right then that I had to stop her, and I managed to but … I never changed my own mind about it." - he made a pause and Tomoyo waited patiently for the rest - "I wanted to die because I had no one to care for me. No one would notice my death or cry in my grave. When Sakura was leaving I was already at the edge. Then she turned around and told me that if I jumped, she would jump after me I had tried so hard to save her that I couldn't just let her die because of me. So she offered me a house and a family, and all I had to give in return was a little friendship and company when she was feeling down and sad. I'm living at her place now and they all treat me like part of the family. Well, except for Touya of course." - Tomoyo giggled and Syaoran smiled. - "When you called everyday, I was there by her side. She didn't want you to know what had happened. She told me how happy you seemed to be in America, and I understood her reasons. But every time she turned off the phone she would cry and say how bad of a friend she was, although she knew it was for the best. That's why I'm asking you to forgive her Daidoujii. If she did what she did it was because she cared about you." - for some brief moments Tomoyo just stared, and then, a smile formed in her lips.

"Thank you Syaoran. Thank you for taking care of her for me." - he smiled and watched as she got up from her seat, as went to wake up Sakura.

Hen he glared and turned around very slowly, to meet a couple of students who had been listening carefully to each of his words.

When they saw Syaoran's angered face, they all turned around pretending nothing had happened. He scowled. - "Bakas!" - he muttered under his breath.

When he turned around, he saw Tomoyo and Sakura hugging each other with tears in their eyes. E couldn't help but smile. (He's smiling a lot isn't he? I love when he smiles. He's so cute ^_^)

Soon enough the sensei came in, greeting the students who greeted him back, and the class started.


After school:

The bell rang and the students hurried outside. Sakura, Syaoran and Tomoyo stayed behind, going at a slower ate.

"Sakura-chan, don't forget that I'll be the one to sew every cloth for that baby of yours. He will look so Kawaii!" - star-eyed Tomoyo at action. ^_^0

Sakura and Syaoran sweatdroped "Hoe Tomoyo-chan. I'm only one month pregnant. Besides, I also want to make something for him." - she paused for a while. - "I just don't know how!" - she giggled, and Syaoran and Tomoyo fell anime style.

Before Tomoyo could offer to help, Syaoran spoke.

"I can teach you if you want" - Tomoyo and Sakura looked at him with big eyes, ad he blushed like a tomato. - "I mean … I saw my sisters do it so many times that I know how to do it already." - at the mention of his family, Syaoran frowned. His sisters … even if they were annoying he still loved them. But he knew he would never see them again. Sakura looked at him with sadness in her eyes, she knew why he was like that, but Tomoyo couldn't understand very well. She would have to as Sakura later.

Sakura took one of Syaoran's hands in hers and smiled at him when he looked down at her. - "I would feel honoured f you could teach me, oh Great master Syaoran!" - Syaoran didn't know how she did t, but when she as close to him he couldn't stop smiling. He nodded at her offer.

"Sakura-chan, are you going with Tomoyo to your first check-up next week?" - Sakura though about it for a moment before answering.

"Well, I was thinking if you could go with me, but …" - Syaoran blushed like mad. She wanted him to go with her to the doctor? He felt happy on how she trusted him for anything. - "Tomoyo-chan?" - Sakura called, turning over to her best friend.

Tomoyo was giggling after seeing Syaoran blush, which only made him blush harder.

"Sakura-chan, maybe you should take Li-kun. I mean, I don't mind if you …" - ahs swiftly took her V8 from her pocket and turned starry-eyed again. - " … Just film every single moment of it!" - Sakura and Syaoran sweatdroped, while Tomoyo gave one of her crazy laughs.

"Tomoyo-chan!" - Sakura said embarrassed, when Syaoran interrupted.

"I don't know Sakura-chan. Maybe you should take Tomoyo. After all, 'm not even from the family." - he said with a smile, although deep down he wanted to go.

"Syaoran-kun …" - Sakura knew he didn't mean hat he said, but she also wanted to go with Tomoyo.

"I've got an idea!" - Tomoyo interrupted, getting the attention of the two teenagers. -"I'll go with Sakura-chan this time because after all, it's only a check-up, nothing serious. And then, when she starts making those exams and everything, Li will go. After al, the father has more right to go than the best friend! Hohoho!" - Sakura and Syaoran turned 1000 shades of red.

"I'M NOT THE FATHER!" - Syaoran yelled, making everyone in the street look their way.

"Shill out Li-kun. You were, after all, the one who saved the baby's life. You're almost like a father to him, right?" - Syaoran calmed down a little, although all he anted was to kill Daidoujii for the major embarrassment.

"Tomoyo-chan, you're embarrassing Syaoran-kun. Stop it please!" - Sakura begged.

Tomoyo nodded and they fell in complete silence. Soon they reached the place where they would go their separate ways.

"Tomoyo-chan, you'd better not go alone … I mean what if …" - Sakura stammered. Li sensing her uneasiness broke the silence.

"Why don't you come to our … I mean Sakura's house, and then I'll take you home?" - Syaoran offered kindly. Sakura thanked him silently.

"Well, why not." - Tomoyo aid with a smile. And they continued their journey, until their reached the Kinomoto's mansion.

They entered the gates and walked past the marvellous gardens, until they reached the front door One of the maids greeted them and too their coats off. He had short black hair and unusually beautiful blue eyes.

"Would you like to have something to eat?" - she asked politely.

"Could you please prepare some tea and cookies? Please bring them to my room." - Sakura asked politely. The maid bowed and left to the kitchen.

The three teenagers climbed upstairs and entered Sakura's bedroom.

"Gaki!" - they heard as soon as they entered. Tomoyo jumped surprised. - "Did you bring chocolate cake? Did you? Did you?" - the little yellow stuffed toy asked eagerly Syaoran glared at him. - "Even if I did, it would be all for me. Understood you stuffed toy?" - they glared at each other, while Sakura sweatdroped

"Sakura-chan? Li-kun knows about Kero-chan?" - Tomoyo asked surprised.

"Hoe! Of course Tomoyo-chan. I never told you but Syaoran-kun comes from a family of very powerful wizards. He is a descendent of Clow Reed." - Sakura stated mater-of-fatly.

"Oh I see! Maybe that's why you two get along so well" - Tomoyo said mockingly. Satisfied when she saw Syaoran blushing.

Kero also noticed this and glared harder at Syaoran's back.

"Uh … I have to go now. Daidoujii if you want me to take you home we have to leave now." - Syaoran said, as a try to hide his blush.

"Why?" - Tomoyo asked puzzled.

"Syaoran-kun has a part-time job at a martial-art school nearby. He wants to get some money to college." - Sakura said while looking out the window. Kero stood by her side with a sad ace

"Well, are you coming Daidoujii?" - Syaoran asked while already leaving the room.

Oh cut that off Li-kun. It's Tomoyo to the friends." - she said with a smile.

"Ok then. You can cal me Syaoran if you like." - she nodded and said goodbye to Sakura and Kero, before leaving the house along with Syaoran.

When they were already outside, Kero spoke. - "Sakura-chan …" - but he never got the chance to finish, because his mistress cot him off.

"Don't say a word Kero-chan. Please, not about that. It's our little secret." - Kero nodded sadly and walked off the room, closing the door behind him.

When the door closed Sakura sat on her bed and took off her shirt. She watched her image in the mirror. Her body was covered in bruises, bruises that she herself had inflicted upon her body.

She started t cry, and her nails found the way through her flesh once again.

Ah! I'm evil!

I had told you that in this chapter she would go to the doctor, but that will have to stay for the next chapter.

This last part of the chapter, you'll understand later on. So don't ask. But please, please REVIEW! T's so important for me.

I promise that if you give me lots of reviews, the next chapter will come ASAP. It's all for today.

No wait: REVIEW! Now I'm done.


{Ana Nunes}

Next chapter: Sakura goes to the doctor with Tomoyo, and Kero decides he can't hide Sakura's secret any longer.

NEWS: I already wrote until chapter 7 and already started chapter 8 … but only on the paper (*_*0). Well, at least something is progressing. I'll update every week on Fridays, ok? Goodbye. :p Stay cool!