Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Stay with me! ❯ If i could choose the father ... I would choose you ... ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello! I'm so sorry for the delay, but I did the best I could. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Here are my thanks for this week, just for the record, you're all amazing, and I'm glad that you liked the last chapter:

Arrow-card - Specheless, ugh? That says it all. Thank you for the review!

Jennifer - NO! Syaoran doesn't feel that way for Sakura ... yet. You'll know what I mean on the end of this chapter. Thanks for the review.

LigthawkKnight - You're definatly right. That's what love is all about. But it's too bad when you're the only one felling that way. I don't wish that for anyone. Everyone has the right to be loved and to give love in return. Although that's very rare nowadays. Pitty!

Cherry okami - I'm going! I'm going! ... ^-^

Type Zero - You're always there, thanks for keeping in touch.

Xiao Mei - Oh! You're so sweet too (although the finger ...). I'm very happy that you like the story, and I really hope you R&R all the time. Thanks. ; )

Drummagal - If you think he is bad now, wait until Sakura starts with that starvation for rare food. He will go throught hell! :P

Seashell - I intended it to be different. And it's great that people like it. It feels really good. Thank you!

Aya-Yahiko - Oh, Yahiko likes my stoires too? That's too cool. Thanks for always beeing there. You're great.

Vinet - S+S forever, I totally agree. Thanks for the short but great review!

Neogalaxy - Sweet ... That reminds me of candies and chocolate (I love chocolate), but that's not your point. Thank you for all the sweet words. You're all amazing! :)

Pnaixr0se8 - Wah! You're right about the Sakura stuff, but surprises are on the way. Thanks for reviewing!

Kazeshi - I don't know if that word exist, but I got the idea. Thanks for reviewing again! ^_^

Sakuralover - Arigatou for all the compliments. I'm glad you liked it.

And please, after you read this chapter, tell me if you think I should rate it "R". I warn you that I do not intend to make Sex scenes, but there is some language and a litle lime, not more than that. And I don't know if I should get a higher rate. What do you think?

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. It's Clamp's property.

Stay with me

Chapter 7: "If I could choose the father ... my choice would be you!"

*By: NightAngel*

Two hours later:

"Syaoran-kun, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you yesterday that I nedded to buy the books and medicines. I'm sorry. What a lazy head I am!" - Sakura and Syaoran were on the mall, searching for the bookstore, to buy all the books the doctor reccomended.

"Don't worry about it Sakura-chan. I had nothing better to do anyways." - Syaoran said with a smile. Sakura gigled and interwined her arm in his, making him blush.

"There it is Syaoran-kun." - Sakura said excitedly as they reached the bookstore. - "Come on!" - she pulled him inside with her. Syaoran was laughing hard at her excitment.

"Calm down Sakura-chan. It's only 10:05 a.m." - he couldn't understand why he smiled so much around her. It was like she was the best thing that ever happened to him. And actually ... she was!

Sakura started taking the books from the shelfe and handing them to poor Syaoran.

"Wow Sakura-chan! How many books are there?" - Syaoran strugled to hold the big pile of books he had in his hands. You couldn't even see his face from behind all those books.

"Hoe! Syaoran-kun I'm sorry. There's only one more to go. Here!" - she picked the last one, and the two of them walked counter.

When the girl behind the counter saw Syaoran, she sweatdropped.

"Good morning! Will that be all?" - she asked kindly.

"It's more than enough!" - Syaoran grumbled.

After everything was packed, Syaoran was the one to carry it all. Happilly they had already bought the medicines before going to the bookstore.

"I'm sorry syaoran-kun. That must be very heavy. If I could only use my magic ..." - Sakura apologised while they walked back home.

"Ño Sweat Sakura-chan. It's not that heavy anyway." - he said, smiling once again.

"You're so nice Syaoran-kun!" - she said, again grabbing his arm, making poor Syaoran flush like never before.

They finally reached home sweet home, and Syaoran dropped all the books on Sakura's desk, falling on top of her bed. His arms sore.

"Are you ok?" - Sakura asked concerned, seating next top him on the bed.

"Yeah. I'll be ok in a couple of minutes." - he closed his eyes and he could smell her sweet perfume. - "I like your perfume." - she blushed.

"T-Thanks!" - she watched him with his eyes closed, and couldn't help but notice how handsome and cute he was. - "Syaoran-kun can I ask you something?"

"Sure." - he aswered calmly. Soon he felt her hands on his chest and her head on his shoulder.

"Can you sleep with me from now on? I'm afraid I'll do the same again." - Syaoran knew her question was innocent, but hell he was 17. Sleeping in the same bed with a hot babe and not beeing able to do nothing would be pure torture to him. - "Please I don't want to hurt the baby." - Syaoran could feel her tears soak his shirt, and he knew what he had to do.

"Ok, I'll do it!" - he said opening his eyes.

"Onto [Translation:'Really']?" - he nodded and she hugged him tigh. - "Arigatou Syaoran-kun! Arigatou!" - he hugged her back and he knew he would be able to behave. After all sha was just his friend, nothing more, nothing less.

Two minutes before dinner:

"Yes Tomoyo-chan, I've alreadu bought everything." - Sakura said on the phone. - "No, nothing is missing." - there was a pause before she spoke again. - "Yes Syaoran-kun went with me, and no we didn't kiss. Do you mind stopping the silly questions? Syaoran-kun and I are only friends." - sakra sighed when her friend on the other side of the phone went all hyper about her and her so-called boyfriend, Syaoran. - "Tomoyo-chan, I have to go now. Dinner is ready. I'll see you tomorrow. Ja ne." - her friend said goodbye, and Sakura turned off the phone. - "Phew! Tomoyo-chan can be so annoying some times." - but she gigled when she remembered something her friend had said during their conversation.

"She walked to the dinning room where Touya, Fujitaka and also Yukito were waiting for her.

"Kaiifu?" - Touya glared.

"Sakura no Kaiiju!" - she fought back the urge to stomp him.

"What was that about kissing the Gaki?" - Touya asked seriously. Sakurs started laughing so hard that her stomach started to hurt.

"Oh Onni-chan ..." - she wiped away a couple of tears from her eyes. - " You're so predictable!" - Fujitaka and Yukito sweatdropped when a vein popped out of Touya's head.

"Sit down Sakura-chan. Dinner is ready!" - Fujitaka said calmly.

"No Thanks. I'll wait for Syaoran-kun this time. He always eats alone." - Sakura said with a smile.

"Who cares about the Gaki? You'll eat with us." - Touya glared again.

"Says who?" - Sakura glared back.

"I do!" - he said glaring harder.

"Touya, Sakura, calm down! If Sakura wants to wait for Syaoran then let her be." - Fujitaka turned to his daughter with a smile. - "That's very kind of you dear!" - Sakura smiled back.

"I'll be up in my room if you need something." - and she turned to leave, but before she reached the door, she spoke again. - "By the way, Syaoran-kun will start sleeping with me from now on. I've been having nightmares and he's always there for me. Don't worry, Touya, Dad. I know he won't do anything. Syaoran-kun is a very good person. Ja ne." - and with that said she left the room, with three mouths hanging wide open.

Bu soon enough ... - "KAIIJU!"


That night, 10 p.m.:

Syaoran entered the house silently. At this hour there was no servent around. He saw the light of the office on and knocked at the door.

"Come in." - Fujitaka said from inside. Syaoran stepped inside the neat room, which was quite simple. A big desk, a chair were Fujitaka sat, two others chairs taht were empty, and a many books around the big room.

"Fujitaka-san, I just came in to say goodnight." - there was only a small lamp on, and Fujitaka sat at the desk signing some papers.

"Please have a seat Syaoran-san. We need to talk!" - Syaoran nodded and sat down in front of the older man.

"How was your day son?" - Fujitaka asked, not taking his eyes from the papers.

"Good! I kicked some asses like usual, but nothing big." - Syaoran smiled and so did Fujitaka.

"Sakura told me you're going to sleep together. Is it true?" - Syaoran blushed a deep shade of red and Fujitaka noticed this.

"It was her idea. She's been having many nightmares and Kero can't do much about it. I tried to refuse because I know Touya-san enough to know that I'm dead, but she insisted so much that I had to say yes." - Fujitaka nodded.

"What are those nightmares about? Has she told you about them?" - «Caught in the trap Xiao Lang Li. Now what are you going to say? ... I know!»

"They are about that night ... she says that whenever she's alone it seems like they come back and do the same again." - «Well it's not a complete lie!»

"I see. Then you have my permission. I trust you son, and I know you won't do anything that might hurt my daughter." - Syaoran smiled and thanked him for his trust. Then he got up, ready to leave, when Fujitaka spoke again. - "Sakura asked me to tell you that she's going to have dinner with you. Please go upstairs to call her down."

"Didn't she have dinner with you?" - Syaoran asked puzzled. Fujitaka shocked his head.

"No she wanted to wait for you this time."

"But why?" - he asked incredualy.

"Dunno." - Fujitaka said with a smile, getting back to his papers.

"Argh! That stumborn girl." - and he left the room. Climbed upstairs and knocked at Sakura's.

"Come in!" . came a cherfull voice from inside.

Syaoran opened the door and saw Keroberos (in his true form) and Sakura on the floor, reading a magazine.

"Why did you wait for me? Don't you know that you have to eat properly?" - Syaoran was really pissed off.

"Hoe! Syoarn-kun don't get angry. I wanted to thank you for yesterday." - he sighed defeated. - "Let's go. I'm really hungry ... I mean ... we are!" - she said peting her belly. Syaoran smiled and the two ran downstairs.

Kero turned into his false form and flew after the two. - "Wait up! I'm hungry too!"

They all had dinner together and in the end Kero was so full that he fell asleep with a big stomach.

Sakura and Syaoran went upstairs, laughing their heads off as they watcehd Kero, who was beeing caried by Syaoran.

Syaoran placed Kero inside Sakura's drawer and headed back to the door, before Sakura grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?" - had he forgotten his promise?

"Shower and change." - he answered simply, but she didn't let go.

"No, don't leave me alone! It's dark already." - she cried and Syaoran panicked.

"But Sakura I have to shower, after all that practice at the dojo."

"Then I'll go with you!" - Syaoran fell anime style. - "What's wrong?"

"Sakura-chan, shower means water, means neked, means NO Sakua in, got that?" - Syaoran said already flushed with embarressment.

"Oh come on!" - Sakura pleaded. She was more afraid of beeing alone that of sseing him naked?

"No is No Sakura-chan!" - he yeleld, regretting it when she started crying. - "Sakura-chan don't cry, please. You have to understand that I need my privacy." - she looked up at him with puppy eyes.

"I promisse i'll keep my eyes closed. Just knowing you're near makes me feel safe. Please!" - Syaoran sighed defeated and the two walked to his room, so he could get his stuffs.

"If Touya-san catches us in there, I'm so dead." - sakura gigled.

"Onni-chan won't do anything to you."

«Of course not! He'll just torture me for days, and then kill me ever so slowly.» - Syaoran's imagination showed him things that made him sick to the stomach.

"Calm down. See? I'm closing my eyes." - Syaoran watched as she closed her eyes and put her hands above them. He smiled at her cutness, while guiding her to the bathroom.

She sat down on the toilet and she could hear the water running.

#Sakura's P.O.V.#

When I heard the water my curiosity increased, and i felt sick. How could i want to see him naked? I had been raped for heaven's sake! But Syaoran was different, and sometimes I caught myself imagining how it would be to make love to him.

«Stop the dirty thoughts! Hentai girl!» - But they didn't stop, and I flushed when my mind started imagining his naked body. With all the training he should have a hell of a nice body.

«AHHHH! Stop it! How am I so~upposed to sleep with him if I keep having these Hentai thoughts?» - Hefore I knew it the water stopped and I though it was already safe to look, so I took the hands from my eyes and opened them.

"Sya ..." - I never got to finish it. Syaoran was rin front of me (a couple of meters away) with only a small towel around his waist. He didn't see me because he was drying his hair. But I got to tell you something: «He has a hell of a great body!» - before I knew it, I got a major nose bleed. - «Nice tonned body, magnificent abs, strong arms that I wanted to be wrapped in for eternity. Oh God! Why do you torture me like this? I shouldn't be having these kind of thoughts. Not after what happened, and especially beeing pregnant. Beside ... he will never see me as a woman. I'm just a friend for him.»

"Sakura-chan!" - his voice snapped me out of my transe. I blushed like if I was on fire and covered my eyes once again, even if I could still see throught my fingers. (^_^This should be rated 'R', right?)

"Y-Yes?" - I said reluctantly.

"Can I ask you something private?" - he finished drying his hair, truned his back to me and started cleaning te rest of his body, removing the towel. I blushed so much, that I though I was really getting on fire. I really wanted to close my eyes but something was holding me back, and honestly ... I was glad it did.

"S-Sure." - »Oh he must be a God sent down to Earth to tempt me. No wait! There's only one God. Hell, then he must be the hottest guy in the universe.»

"Did you have any boyfriend before that ... accident?" - I was startled by his question and I could swear he blushed, although he was with his back to me.

"N-No ... I never had a boyfriend!" - when I finished answering he turned around and it was then that I closed my eyes tigh.

«AH! Bad girl! Bad girl! You saw him. Oh God I hope he didn't notice it. AAHHHHHHH!!»

"You're jocking right?" - that got me enraged. I got up and opened my eyes to their limit.

"What? Is it a crime not to have a boyfriend?" - it was the that i noticed what I had done. I looked him up and down and flushed again. Covering my eyes, iturned around. - "I'm sorry syaoran-kun! I'm sorry!" - meanwhile, Syaoran stood still on his mark. Like a pale statue. Suddenly he started getting red from head to toe, and steam came out of his ears and every pore in his body.

He dressed quicly and then ran to where I was. - "Sakura-chan, I'm sorry you saw me like that. Are you ok?" - I nodded, still with my eyes closed and hands above them. - "You can open them now. I'm properly dressed." - I opened them carefully and sighed when I saw him wearing a green t-shirt and black boxers.

"I'm eally sorry about that Sakura-chan!" - he bowed in apology and I gigled.

"It's ok Syaoran-kun!"

"Didn't you get scared or something? I don't want you to think bad of me." - «Scared? I was marvelled. Not that I took a good look at his man... You know what I mean, but the rest of his gorgeous body *Sigh* I'll make sure to see him bath more often. Hoe! I said stop the Hentai thoughts. You're starting to get horny and that's no good. I still wonder why he makes me feel like this. He makes forget every thing else besides the two of us.»

I sighed and hugged him by the waist, making him flush again. - "You know something Syaoran-kun?" - I looked up into those amber eyes of him and smiled.- "If I could choose the father for my baby ... I would choose you ... Xiao Lang li." - and again i buried my face my face in his chest, not noticing the heat that his body started producing, caused by a rush of blush that spreaded to his whole body.

"S-Sakura-chan, tell me you didn't say that because you saw me naked." - I gigled again.

"Of course not silly! But you're just so perfect that any girl would give up everything just to be with you." - he frowned and unwrapped my arms from around his body, running out of the bathroom. - "Syaoran?" - I ran after him.

I founf~d him outside, sitting on the grass, with his head between his hands.

"Syaoran-kun did I say something wrong Of so forgive me. Please don't cry." - I felt the tears run down my cheeks. I couldn't understand what I said wrong, and couldn't bare to see him like that.

"You're wrong sakura-chan! Completly wrong!" - he said between sobs.

"What am I wrong about Syaopran-kun?" - he looked up at me with teary eyes, and then hugged me, and for the first time, he was the one to cry on my shoulder. I hugged him back and buried my face on his unruly hair, also crying.

"If every girl would give up everything for me, why didn't she? Tell me Sakura. Why did she leave me? Why? I loved her so much ... so much ..." - when I heard his words, my heart seemed to sink, lower than it had ever. And for the first time I realised something. I was in love with him.

I was in love with Xiao Lang Li!

WARNING: I didn't have any time to revise the grammar on this one, so please forgive me!

AH! How was it? Very hentai for the likes of it, and that's why I need you to tell me which rate should I put for this. But remeber, there will not be any lemos scenes.

Did you like it or not? Lots of fluff moments, you should be happy.

Please leave a REVIEW with your comments and criticisms. Just please No flames. I don't get too well with those.

Bye and Review!



Next Chapter: Sakura has nightmares during the night, and Syaoran tries to make her realise that the rape was bad, but also brought something good to her life. And it's there that she will surprise him. (No she's not going to tell her fellings yet! ^_^) Ja ne!