Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ the return ❯ Li, Xiao Lang ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Return

Chapter 2 - Li, Xiao Lang

Place: plane over the water

When Syaoran had boarded his plane he requested that no one bother him. He wished to sit in privacy and think about what would happen. Every time he tried to think of a new way to express his feelings he discovered a flaw… 'Too cheesy…nope to pushy…too blunt…no that's too…not me.' He thought to himself before finally settling on one decision.

"I have to act natural. Be myself. I don't have to plan ahead this time." He muttered to himself and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Place: Tomoeda, Japan

"I still can't believe you rejected him. He's going to need major therapy after what you just did to his ego." It was the next day and Sakura had just told Tomoyo all of what had happened outside of the school the day before.

Sakura and Tomoyo were busy shopping for next semester and totally oblivious to who was being carried in the plane passing just above their heads.

"Do these planes seem to get louder or is it just my imagination? Must be someone rich." Sakura noted as Tomoyo dragged her to yet another shop looking for the perfect anniversary present for her boyfriend.

"Uh huh. Do you think Eriol would like this?" she asked not paying attention to what Sakura had asked. She had her nose squashed against another pane of glass and was pointing to a watch that had a gold and silver braided strap and a diamond studded faceplate. It was stunning to look at and it seemed to glow in the sunlight. But one look at the price tag and Sakura knew she wouldn't be buying anything in that store anytime soon. She was about to point out the cost when she remembered Tomoyo's stash of credit cards. With her money she could probably buy out the entire store and still have money left to shop.

"He'd love it I'm sure. Why don't you get it and have it engraved?" Sakura asked nodding towards the engraving shop next door.

"Oh what a great idea, he will love it."

So Tomoyo went into the store and bought the watch and dashed next door and had it engraved to say: "happy 5th anniversary, love Tomoyo." As they were waiting they decided to get a quick ice cream and afterwards head to Sakura's house to talk more about Jing and to catch up on everything Tomoyo was missing while going to a private school with Eriol.


"So back to Jing. I always thought it was every girls dream to get a chance to go out with him. I'll bet everyone who hears about this will be thinking, 'Yay! He's still free but what the hell was she thinking about when she rejected him?'

"Maybe so, but not mine. I still lo-like you know who." replied Sakura staring out the window as trees and houses rushed past them.

"Oh, that jerk! If I ever get my hands on Syaoran, I swear I'll truly make him pay for just leaving you like that. No call or letter after he left. The nerve of him." Tomoyo started to get angry all over again. "And to think, you never stopped loving him!!"

At this Sakura thought her eyes would pop out.

"Tomoyo! I never said I loved him." Sakura said trying to stick up for herself.

"You didn't have to." Tomoyo put simply. " Are we still racing today like always?" she added.

"Of course."

Tomoyo's driver dropped them off at the corner, at Tomoyo's request, and the two girls took off running as fast as they could heading towards Sakura's house.

Every time, for the past six years, they raced home after a day of shopping. Sakura would go one way and Tomoyo would go another and they would meet up at Sakura's house. The loser had to make Kero dessert. And for some strange reason Sakura never once made it home before Tomoyo. (A/n: Tomoyo knew of a shortcut called Eriol. Proving that having a boyfriend isn't just about hugs and kisses, for them it's about winning races.) But this time Sakura was determined to beat her. Except she didn't imagine that she would have to clobber a guy in the process.

As she turned the corner of her high school she crashed headfirst into a student who was walking out of the front gates.

"Ow!!" exclaimed the guy who had been flung to the floor on his back with Sakura on top.

"So sorry!" cried Sakura who had already gotten back up and was racing around the corner in a flash of pink. She left the guy standing wondering who she was.


That guy had been Syaoran. But before he could get a good look at her she had already disappeared around a corner. 'Who was that?' he thought to himself as he dusted off his pants and headed to his new apartment. Neither teen knew who the other was.

He had just been enrolled at the local high school and had gotten everything he needed: uniform, books, and timetable.

"So I guess my first class is math." He mumbled to himself as he started to unpack the stuff that the movers had been told not to touch. Mostly these boxes only contained Syaoran's stuff and a box full of magic books.

He decided to start on the books first and then get around to his stuff whenever he could. He hadn't really needed the books in Japan but his mother insisted he bring them. 'Who knows when you'll have to use them' she had said. So he decided to take a few just to please her.

Finally after a few hours of unpacking he was done. He was exhausted from over working that he just collapsed on his bed and stared at the ceiling reviewing the past few events in his head…


"Xiao Lang please come here." Called his mother. He knew it had to be important from the tone in her voice and the fact that when he arrived in the living room the clan elders were seated and even his gossipy sisters were there.

"Yes mother?" he asked scanning the faces for any sign of the announcement his mother was about to make, but their faces remained a blank stare.

"Are you happy here? In Hong Kong?" she asked catching him off guard.

"Hai." He lied.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Uh…iie." He answered with his eyes cast downwards waiting for the discipline that never came. He slowly lifted his head and saw the elders nodding to his mother.

"Well then where would you be most happy?" she asked. He decided to answer truthfully again.

"Anywhere Ying Fa is." He replied

"Who is this Ying Fa you talk about?" asked one of the elders who was sitting on the couch with a curious look on his face.

"Her name is Kinomoto Sakura, Ying Fa in Chinese. She lives in Japan." He said with determination, then added softly "and I love her." After he said this he expected to be worked to the bone for weeks or tortured for hating Hong Kong but his mother had her own agenda.

"Then take this and be happy. And don't come back till she's yours." And she handed him a one-way ticket to Japan. He was so overjoyed that he leapt into his mother's arms and showed so much emotion that shocked everyone. They were used to the boy with no heart, the boy who came back from Japan solemn and heartbroken. 'This Ying Fa did something wonderful for him but this might not be exactly what he wants' his mother thought solemnly as she let go of her son. After years of pestering he finally got what he wanted although she had ulterior motives for sending him to Japan again. But he would soon find that out.


"Hello I'm here to enroll for the second semester here. I just moved from Hong Kong. I'm an exchange student"

"Ok fill out these forms and what's your name?"

"Um… Li Xiao Lang."