Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ the return ❯ Two Different Paths...Or So It Seems ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Return

Chapter: 1 - two different paths…or so it seems

Place: Tomoeda, Japan

"I heard that she's a lesbian. That's why everyone likes her, because they can't have her"

"No, that's not true. I overheard Xun talking to Miko yesterday. I think he told her that she was depressed because an old crush or boyfriend moved away and promised to return to her, or so I've heard."

"I've seen her during cheerleading practice and when she's at the mall with her friends and I'd almost swear it on my life that she's not depressed. I've never seen her checking out the guys either. I think she's definitely a lesbian." The girls kept arguing as they left the schoolyard. (No offence to lesbians out there.)

That's how everyone reacted after Sakura rejected yet another guy. Not once did anyone ever see her date a guy or even show them a single ounce of affection. The only thing that came close to flirting with her was when she was talking with two of her guy best friends. But of course they had girlfriends and everyone knew Sakura only saw them as friends. When Syaoran left Japan six years ago she vowed that she would never like anyone nearly as much as she loved him.

She never even gave them a chance to date her. She was only interested in being friends. It was a shame only two guys at Sakura's high school, Seiju high, took the time to know her.

All everyone else saw was the shell. Her radiating beauty, her athletic abilities, and the fact that every guy was just dying to date her was what made them crazy about her. Not her personality.

Years ago some guys started a poll to see who could break down Sakura's defensive wall and have the chance to date her. But they went about it the wrong way. She had much more patience than them and eventually they gave up. Everyone who placed a bet had to get their money back.

This time the reason for all of the talk and rumors was because she had just rejected the most popular guy in the entire school, Jing Chan. His ego was so big that it swelled into his brain, making him believe that he was none other than Kami-sama himself.

"What do you mean 'no thanks'?" He was furious that she had the nerve to reject him in front of the whole school.

"You should be lucky I even asked you!!" It looked like he had never been rejected or dumped before in his entire life, which was probably true.

"Oh did I hurt your poor iddy biddy ego?" she mocked in a baby voice with her hands on her waist. While she did this, his face was turning blue with anger. "Sorry but you're not my type." She added and then turned her back on the soccer captain. 'Syaoran's my type.' She said silently to herself.

"Oh she's definitely a lesbian." The girls agreed, shocked that anyone would dare to turn down Jing.

Place: Hong Kong

Over in Hong Kong, girls drooled over Syaoran in the same fashion. And although girls never went up to him directly and asked him out, they were still jealous that they were second best.

"Wow. What a body! I can't believe I actually saw him!!"

"Look at those muscles. He doesn't need the bodyguards."

"Hey wanna know what I heard?"


"I heard that he has to marry his cousin and hates the idea."

"Which cousin?"


"She's so lucky! I would die just to meet him, but marry him? It would be like a dream come true."

"I also heard that he fell in love with some girl while he was away!"

"Why couldn't it have been one of us?"

"Hey! What does he have that I don't?" Asked a guy who was furious that he was being forced to chase after some guy.

"What does he have that you DO?" They countered in unison.

"Hey! What's with the bag?" A girl asked drawing everyone's attention back to the teenager crossing the street, followed by two burly bodyguards.

This particular group had just watched as Syaoran had walked out of the front gates of his manor.

The only difference between the girls in Hong Kong and the guys back in Japan, besides the gender, was that the girls liked Syaoran from afar, afraid to be verbally attacked by his mother, Li Yelan. Back in Hong Kong, Li-kun was their own little celebrity. Everyone knew that he had gone away for a long time. They also knew that he was to be the leader of the most powerful clan in Asia. And every girl that even got a glimpse of him thought he was the hottest guy on the planet.

As much as the public knew about Li-kun, that was as little as they knew about him. They didn't know he was shy, or aggressive or any of the traits he showed in Japan. They also didn't know how much he missed his cherry blossom back in Tomoeda.

Now he finally had the chance to stay with her. After years of suffering in misery without her, his mother had finally given in to his desires and allowed him to return to Japan fiancée-less.

But there was a constant voice in his head that always made him wonder if returning to Japan was a good idea. Horrible thoughts plagued him constantly,

'What if she's forgotten you? It has been six years after all. You never wrote to her, or even called her. What if she never loved you in the first place? What if she only thought of you as a friend? Just a friend who helped her when she needed it, and ended up falling head over heals in love with her. What if she doesn't care if you return. What if you waited too long and she forgot your promise and she gave up on her feelings for you…that is if she ever had any. Six years is quite a long time…what if she has a boyfriend? You waited too long…'

But then he would push the thoughts out of his mind and think of something else.

When he arrived at the airport, a clan member was waiting to give him his best wishes for the flight.

Good luck, finding your Ying Fa sir. When you return, I hope it is with a ring on your finger and a beautiful girl on your arm." The young man said as Syaoran climbed aboard the jet, waving goodbye. When he was seated he began to think again, 'why did I get such a bad feeling when he mentioned coming back to Hong Kong engaged to Sakura?' he hoped that he would finally tell Sakura about his feelings for her and live happily ever after just like in the fairy tales...