Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ A Visitor ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's the next chapt.


Syaoran gazed at the clock that was placed on the kitchen wall,
"Hmm..six o' clock in the morning." Syaoran was sitting at the kicthen
table in his green velvet boxers at six o' clock in the morning, "Time
is going by too slow. I came and sat down here at five thirty, and it
seems like I have been sitting here for three hours." he sighed,
talking to himself, bored out of his mind. "Maybe I should just go
sleep on the couch or something." With that, Syaoran got up from
chair, and walked into the family room. But, just before Syaoran could
reach the armchair, the front door swung open.

"HERE I AM!!!" A male voice shouted.

"AAAHHH!!!" Syaoran shouted, blushing woth fury. After all, he was
only in his boxers.

The male turned out to be, Touya, "Here he is! To stay the night with
my family! The god damn best man, EVER! TOUYA KINOMOTO!" Just then
Touya's eyes glared down at Syaoran, "Oh, you're awake."

"Yes." Syaoran said, and glared back at Touya.

Touya walked in, carrying his bags, and put them down on the couch, "I
am here to visit, and I'll be staying the night."

"Why can't you stay at your house!?" Syaoran asked madely.

Touya took out his blanket and placed it onto the couch, and the
looked up at Syaoran, "Well, can't I visit my sister and nephew every
one and a while?"

"Yes, but, it's six o' clock in the morning." Syaoran told Touya.

Touya crossed his arms, "You think I don't know that? Anyway, It's
almost my little nephews birthday so, I thought I ought to stop by."

"Fine." Syaoran finally gave in, "Sleep."

Touya looked at Syaoran, "And what are you doing? Scaring the rats

"Eh?" Syaoran asked, confused and looked down, seeing he was only in
his boxers. He blushed beet red, "Shut up!" Syaoran said and took a
seat in the chair, "So, where's Mr.Kinomoto?" =SYAORAN! He's your
Father In Law!= "I mean- Fujitaka."

"Dad?" Touya said, "Well, he's at home. Working." Touya couldn't help
but ask, "Why are you awake anyway?"

Syaoran sighed, "Well, I couldn't sleep. I was thinking an-"

"Don't hurt yourself." Touya interrupted.

Syaoran grunted and continued, "AND I decided to go into the kitchen
and eat some cake. Trying to satisfy myself, and make me tired."

"Like that is going to work?" Touya said.

Syaoran just shrugged, "Anyways, I think I am tired again. I might as
well go to sleep."

"Don't try to pull anything on my sister. You already have ONE kid!"
Touya growled.

Syaoran just smirked, "I won't Touya, not while you are around."

"WHAT!?!" Touya shouted.

Syaoran walked up the stairs, and into his bedroom. He quietly walked
over to his bed, not trying to wake Sakura. He then got into bed, not
knowing that Sakura was awake listening to him. Syaoran then covered
himself with covers and sighed comfortably.

"Shaoran!" Sakura shouted.

Syaoran's eys buldged open, "AAHH!!" he screamed and looked at Sakura,
"Sakura, you scared me! I thought you were asleep!"

"Well, you woke me up." Sakura said.

Syaoran sighed, "Well, go back to sleep." Sakura then sighed, "Oh,
yes," Syaoran said laying his head on the pillows, "Touya has came
over to visit."

"What!?!" Sakura said, "Touya?"

Syaoran gave a nod, "Yes."

"Oh boy," Sakura said.

Syaoran giggled, "Listen, just try to sleep, okay?"

"...Okay." Sakura smiled and rolled on her side. Syaoran then closed
his eyes falling to sleep.

Minute later...

Syaoran was snoring in his sleep, and kept getting louder each minute.

"Shaoran!" Sakura shouted, making Syaoran shoot up waking up.

"What?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura tugged her covers, "You were snoring."

"Sorry." Syaoran apoligized, "I won't do it again." Syaoran then went
back to sleep, and right away he started snoring.

"Shaoran!!" Sakura said.

"What?" Syaoran said once again shooting up.

Sakura sighed, "You were snoring again..."

"Oh, listen. I won't do it again." Syaoran apoligized once more, and
fell back to sleep...and started snoring.

"Shaoran!!!" Sakura said pushing his side.

Syaoran shot up from sleep, "Sorry!!" he said apoligizing.

"You said you wouldn't snore again." Sakura whined.

Syaoran sighed, "Okay, Okay, listen, I'll sleep on my stomach. I don't
snore when I sleep on my stomach."

"Okay." Sakura agreed, and Syaoran laid on his stomach and closed his
eyes. Sakura laid down and scanned the room. Syaoran opened his eyes
looking around, pretending his was sleeping.


"Shaoran!" Sakura said, and tugged him.

"AH HA!" Syaoran said jumping up, and making Sakura scream. "I got you
this time!!"

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran smirked, "I was NOT snoring this time! I was awake the whole

"But you were snoring." Sakura complained.

Syaoran grunted, "No I wasn't! I was awake!"

"Well, you were snoring." Sakura lyed.

Syaoran took his pillow and slammed in on the bed, "I was NOT
snoring!" Syaoran started to grow a little angry, "You just can't
admit you can't sleep and I can!!"

"You just can't admit you were snoring." Sakura said.

Syaoran grunted, "Fine, Sakura, I was snoring."

"But you weren't." Sakura told him.

"UGGGGHHHH!!!" Syaoran growled and turned around putting the pillow of
his head.

Later that night...

Touya was sleeping on the couch, and then he heard someone coming down
the stairs, he looked up to see Syaoran walking down the stairs with
his eyes closed, "Gaki?" Touya asked. Syaoran got down and walked into
the family, "What are you doing?" Touya asked the sleep-walking

"My hands.." The sleep walking Syaoran said, "They're all..sitcky..I wash them..." the sleep walking Syaoran walked into the
kitchen, opened the fridge, put his hands in. And then shut the fridge
and went back up the stairs. Leaving a VERY confused Touya.

"Okay..." Touya said,

Next morning...

Syaoran got up, got on some clothes and walked down the stairs, to see
Sakura and Touya sitting in the family room watching television,
Sakura looked over to see Syaoran and smiled, "Morning."

"Morning." Syaoran replied.

Touya looked over, "Oh, morning Chinese gaki."

"Brother!" Sakura said and stomping on his foot.

"Owww!" Touya said, "She still has it in here.." he mumbled rubbing
his foot that got crunched by his little "kaijuu".

Sakura smiled sweetly at her brother, "Remember, Syaoran may be
Chinese. But also, Hinyu is Japanese and CHINESE! So watch what you

"Okay, okay." Touya said.

Hinyu came out of his bedroom, in his little Pajama's rubing his eyes.
"Morning." he said tiredly. He then looked over and his smile grew
brightly, "Uncle Toya!!!" Hinyu ran over.

"Hey, Sport!" Touya said putting out his arms, letting Hinyu jump into
his arms.

Hinyu hugged onto Touya tightly, "Why are you here?"

"Well, I decided to visit." Touya said, messing with Hinyu's dark
amber brown hair, "So, I am staying the night."

Hinyu spread his arms out, "YAY!!! We can play pirates, and stay up
late, and do LOTS of things!!"

"Oh no," Sakura said, "You need to get lots of sleep, Hinyu."

"Awww, mommy." Hinyu whimpered.

Touya looked at Syaoran and Sakura, "You know Hinyu, you have your
mom's personality. But, you have your father's looks, How I pity you."

"HEY!" Syaoran growled.

Touya looked at Hinyu, "So, Hinyu, what do you want for your

"Ummm.." Hinyu thought, "I want a car!!!"

Touya chuckled, "I don't think that is going to happen soon."

"Awww..." Hinyu whimpered.

Touya looked at Sakura, "Yuki will be coming over soon, I decided to
bring him over."

"Yukito?" Sakura asked hapilly, and Touya nodded, "Yay!"

Syaoran froze and gave a gulp. =Uh-oh...What if Yue senses my


Will Yue sense Syaoran's secret?? IF YOU WANT ANOTHER CHAPTER, PLEASE