Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ The Quest ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Oh my gawd! I am so sorry everyone. I haven't updated in awhile. But, anywhoo here's the next one..Thanks for all you reviewers!

*Disclaimer: Sorry if I don't do good in spelling or something. Because I am half Japanese and I don't hardley write in English as much as I do in Japanese.*


"Shaoran?.." a softened, but also conerned voice came. It was Meiling, she opened Syaoran's bedroom door to see him gruntly lying on the bed with his face in the pillow, "Shaoran. You okay?"

"Yes," Syaoran grunted, "I am fine."

Meiling walked over, "Well, auntie said you weren't feeling well."

"Didn't you hear me?!" Syaoran shouted, lifting himself up to look at Meiling in the eyes, "I said I was fine!"

Meiling gasped, "Shaoran. You look as if you have been crying."

"I haven't.." Syaoran silently said.

"Shaoran," Meiling concernly said, "I worry about you. If I can't cheer you up, well, then call Sakura."

Syaoran's eyes buldged out, "Sakura!?!?!"

"Yeah." Meiling said and handed him the phone. Syaoran took the phone, and dialed up a phone number.

{Hello?} Sakura's voice came from the other phone.

Syaoran almost melted hearing her voice again, "Sakura??.." she sounded so different, he got so used to the older Sakura's sweet tone.

{Oh,} Sakura cheerfully said, {Hi Shaoran.}

"H-Hey..." Syaoran said and gulped. "What are you doing?"

Sakura giggled, {I was just doing some school work.}

=Man.. that feels so wierd to hear her say 'SCHOOL' work!= Syaoran thought.

{What are you doing?}

"Nothing much." he answered, "I just had to talk to you."

{That's so sweet Shaoran.} Sakura sweetly said. {Listen, I'm going to have to let you go. If onii-chan found out I was talking to you when I was supposed to be doing my homework. He'd have my head.}

Syaoran's eyes turned to the floor flawlisly, "Sakura.."

{Yes, Shaoran?}

"Would you mind-" Syaoran said emotionally, confused, sadly, nervously, yet heartbreakingly, "Well, have you ever thought of getting married to me and having a kid?"

{Shaoran...} Sakura said embarressed.

"Please.." Syaoran pleaded, "Tell me."

{Of course.} Sakura answered, {Why wouldn't I?}

Syaoran smiled, "I don't know. I was just wondering."

{Oh.} Sakura said, {Well, bye Shaoran.}

Syaoran sighed, "Bye."

{I love you.}

" you to." Syaoran said, and then he heard the cling of the phone getting hung up. He then hung up the phone, =This is terrible. I love the Sakura in the future, yet, I love this Sakura too. But, Syaoran, who do you love more? They are both the SAME person. But, in someways they act different.=

Syaoran got up and walked into the kitchen. "Mother.." he looked around. "Where are you?"

"SHAORAN!!" his sisters yelled, running over to him.

Feimei smiled brightly at Syaoran, "Mom isn't here right now."

"W-Why not?" Syaoran asked.

Siefa put up her index finger, "Because, she had to go talk to the elders for some sort of meeting."

"ELDERS?!" Syaoran asked and his sisters all held their ears with their hands so they could survive the scream.

Fuutie felt her ear to see if she could still hear, and the smiled, "Yeah. Elders. And while mom is gone she left US four in charge."

"Now, we can dress you in cute little outfits and baby clothes!!" Fanren shouted happily and then all his sister's laughed.

Syaoran sighed and faced sky-ward, "Help...Oh, yeah." he grutned and faced his sister's, "Where exactly did mom go to meet the elders?"

"Ummmmm..." his sisters said in unison all of them have their index fingers to their chins. "Let's see..."

"I remember!" Siefa said. "She went to the Elder's royal kingdom!"

Syaoran sweatdropped, "Where's that?"

"I don't know!" Siefa said cheerfuly, yet densely.

Syaoran growled, walked up to the door, got on his shoes. "I'm going to go look for them." he grabbed his coat, "If mom comes home, then...tell her I'll be home late." he then walked out.

"Oh, poo," Fuutie dissappointedly moaned, "Now who are we going to dress in baby clothes?" the others looked at her and she sweatdropped, "W-What??"

Syaoran walked down the sidewalk of the street, people were crowding just to get in one shop, and the roads were filled with cars, taxis, and buses. "A kingdom..that shouldn't be too hard to find." Syaoran said to himself looking back and forth.

Syaoran had been walking around four hours, "Jezz, how hard can it be to find your mom and some old guys?" Syaoran then came to a big building with a gaurd by the door, he walked up to the gaurd, "Umm..excuse me. Who owns this place?"

"The Grand Elder Eroshi." The gaurd glanced at Syaoran, "State your purpose."

Syaoran gulped, "My mother, Yelan Li is here. I must see her and the elders."

"Hmmm.." the guard mummed, "Alright." the gaurd opened the big grand door.

"Thanks." Syaoran said and walked in. The room he walked into, was giant room as big as a ball room. He procceded and walked on he then heard some talking, but couldn't make out what the voices were saying. He came to a giant white door where the voice came from inside. He slowly opened the door and peeked in. To see his mother talking to an elder. Yelan heard the door and turned to see his son.

"Xiaolang?" she said, "What are you doing here?"

"Hello Xiaolang." the elder greeted.

Syaoran walked over to his Yelan, "Mother. I need to talk to the elder that talked to me that night."

"Xiaolang," Yelan told him, "Elder Hinoraku doesn't stay here."

"What?!" Syaoran said, "Then where does he live?"

Elder Eroshi put his hands together, "The elder Hinoraku lives far from here. Why do you need to speak to him?"

"Important buisness." Syaoran said.

"Ah," Elder Eroshi said, "Well if you want, I can give you directions to his palace."

"That would be great." Syaoran said.

Elder Eroshi got up, and walked over to his gran desk and wrote down something on his paper with ink, "Alright." he walked over to Syaoran and gave him the paper, "Just read these directions. And you will find Elder Hinoraku. You can speak your buisness with him there."

Syaoran respectivly bowed to Elder Eroshi, "Thank you. And mother, I don't know when I will get back home."

"That's alright Xiaolang." Yelan said, "Take your time."

Syaoran headed out the door, "Bye." Syaoran left out the door. "Welp, might as well get to it." Syaoran left the house, and looked at the paper and kept walking. Syaoran turned a corner to keep walking. He reached a bakery, "Well..I need food, right?" he asked himself and walked into the bakery.

"What'll it be sir?" the clerk asked.

Syaoran scanned the food, "Uhhh...could I just have a loaf of bread, please?"

"Sure thing." the clerk said and wrapped a loaf of bread and took out a pen and paper, "State your name?

"Syaoran Li." he said.

The clerk almost chocked, "Oh, Syaoran Li! I-I didn't know it was you. The great Li Clan member."

"It's okay." Syaoran said, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Alright." the clerk said and gave Syaoran the wrapped package, "Here sir."

Syaoran took the package, "Thank you very much." Syaoran exited the door and looked at the paper and turned left and kept walking on the sidewalk. A black wolf like dog watched him from behind garbage cans with it's red eyes. It growled and dissapeared into thin air.

"Let's see.." Syaoran examined thr paper, "I am to turn right on the next four way stop." Syaoran looked around, "But..I don't see a four way stop anywhere." people walked around, and behind him, and the black dog walked around in the middle of the people the dog stopped and looked at Syaoran, it's red eyes glowed. Just than the road that was infront of Syaoran changed into a four way stop the dog than walked on. "'s one." Syaoran said and turned right.

Later that night...

Syaoran walked into a hotel room and looked around and his eyes caught on the bed, "Bed..." he memorizely said and laid down on it. "Ahhh..."

a growling noise came from a dark corner in the room. Syaoran sat up and looked around. "I hope that's not my stomach."

Just then, the black wolf like dog walked out from the dark corner and growled at Syaoran. "Oh, hey doggy." he said, "What's wrong? Did your owners leave you hear?" the dog growled again. "Oh, want some bread?" Syaoran took out the package and broke off a piece of bread and gave it to the dog, "Here." the dog growled and ate the bread. "There ya go." the dog snorted and dissapeared into thin air. "Wow!" Syaoran amazingly said.

Syaoran looked at the clock, "Almost midnight.." he said and got into the covers, "Might as well continue tomorrow..." he then fell asleep.

...But, outside on a building the black dog watched Syaoran in his hotel room with it's evil glowing red eyes, and then let out a piercing howl.


There's the other chpt. I don't think it was that great..but anywho, please review so I can continue