Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ A Day Together ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

13th chpt. I just keep sending them in! Yes, the person who joins was Sakura! You didn't think I was going to leave Sakura+Syaoran out just because Syaoran got transported back to his time did you? Well, let's continue...


"Breakfeast,breakfeast, fixing some breakfeast." Sakura sang cheerfully in the hotel room kitchen as she stirred a wooden spoon in a cooking pot. In the other room, Jigokuinu and Syaoran watched her.

"So, that's the gal?" Jigokuinu asked. "YOUR gal?"

Syaoran nodded, "Yeah."

"Well," Jigokuinu turned to Syaoran's face, "What are we going to do? She doesn't even know why we are going on this journey."

"Why not tell her?" Syaoran wondered aloud.

"Tell her!?" Jigokuinu barked, "Tell her what? That you got transported to a different time and you two were married and have a kid and now you are back here and want to get revenge on a guy who screwed up your tiny little brain?!"

Syaoran groaned, "She has a right to know!"

"She doesn't need to be involved." Jigokuinu snorted.

Syaoran crossed his arms, "What am I supposed to do? Make her go ALL the way back to Japan?"

"Why not?" Jigokuinu snarled.

Syaoran growled, "Just give her a chance."

"Fine the gal can stay." Jigokuinu fowled, "But if there's any problems with her. You know what will happen." she showed his sharp teeth.

"Alright boys." Sakura said walking in with two bowls, "Here's some breakfeast." she handed them bowls with soup with cutted vegetables in it.

"Ummm.." Syaoran said, "Breakfeast???"

Sakura smiled, "Yeah. It's miso-soup." Sakura sweatdropped, "Okay, it's usually made for lunch or dinner. But, I couldn't think of anything else to cook for you two." Sakura took Jigokuinu's bowl and laid it down on the floor infront of his snout. "Go on, boys, it up." Syaoran took a spoon and took a slurp. Jigokuinu sniffed the soup and unraveled his pink tounge and licked some of the steamy soup into his mouth. "Well??..."

"It's good." Syaoran answered, smiling up at her.

Jigokuinu also must of that the same, he was licking the soup up like crazy, "Mmmm..maybe she SHOULD stay with us!" he said between licks.

"..Thanks?.." Sakura said. Jigokuinu and Syaoran froze at the moment.

"You can hear him talk, too?" Syaoran asked.

"You can hear me?" Jigokuinu asked.

Sakura frowned, "Well, yeah. I have magical powers, too. I am the Card's Mistress."

"Oh, sorry gal." Jigokuinu apologized. "Anyways, do you even know one little bit of what this journery is about?"

Sakura thought, "No. Not really. But if you tell me, I'm sure I'd understand."

"Xiaolang." Jigokuinu turned to Syaoran, suggesting him to tell her.

Syaoran gulped, "Sakura. This whole journery thing is about...Well.. Listen carefully, this may take awhile."

30 minutes afterwards....

"Nani!!??!?!?!!" Sakura screamed, embarresed yet confused. "Me and Syaoran- future? Me and Syaoran??"

Syaoran nodded with crimson on his cheeks, "Yeah. We are married in the future. And we have our own son."

"I didn't know about that." Sakura said.

Jigokuinu laughed, "Well, now down to the NEW news." Sakura looked at Jigokuinu and glared at him madely, "I have thought and now came to a conclusion that we could stay here for another night. And after that, we could go on with this quest for Elder Hinoraku."

"But do we even know what he is capable of?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran's eyes fell to the ground, "Not really."

"Oh.." Sakura said, she than smiled and clapped her hand together. "Hey, how about we go out for dinner?"

"No." Jigokuinu said, "They won't allow me in."

Sakura smirked, "Exactly. And I wasn't even talking to you, pooch."

"Pooch?!?" Jigokuin growled, a vain popping out of his head.

Sakura held Syaoran's hand, "Well? Dinner, ne?"

"D-Dinner?" he asked, blush appearing on his face. "Together?"

"Of course, Shaoran." Sakura giggled, "Will you go?"

"Y-Yeah!" he exclaimed. "Of course!"

"And what about me!?" Jigokuinu snarled, wonering what he would do in spare time.

Sakura glared at him evily and Syaoran sweatdropped at his girlfriends look, "YOU can stay here and house clean!"

"House clean?" Jigokuinu snarled, "But this is a hotel! The maid can clean!"

Sakura crossed her arms. "Well, okay. You don't need to. But, you can only stay in this room."

"That's not fair!!" Jigokuinu growled.

Sakura's eyes widened and she smiled at Syaoran, "Fair! Yes! We can go to a fair!"

"Yeah." Syaoran gave a nod.

Jigokuine snorted, "Ha! I hope the ride you go on collapses and the gal gets killed."

"Nani?!?!" Sakura meanly exclaimed. She got up and grabbed Syaoran's hand, "Let's go, Shaoran."

"Alright." he said as he was dragged out the door.

Jigokuinu watched them leave and shut the door. He walked out onto the balcony and smirked evily, "Goodie. The gal is JUST what I need. Now how am I going to finish the mission!?!?!?!!"

"Come on, Shaoran!" Sakura ran down the hotel hallway, giggling, holding Syaoran's hand.

"I could if you let me go." Syaoran said.

Sakura stopped and let go of Syaoran's hand, "Sorry."

"It's alright." Syaoran said and smiled at her.

"Ummm.." Sakura said and started walking, "We better get going."

"Right." Syaoran said and followed her.


"Let's see here.." Jigokuinu said walking up to Syaoran's carrying bag, wagging his tail. "Let's see what he has here.." Jigokuinu unzipped the bag. "Whaaattt???" a big sweatdrop rolled down his forehead.


"Woooww!" Sakura amazingly said looking at the stores in the streets, "This is so neat!"

Syaoran smiled, "Sakura. This is just in the middle of the street."

"I know." Sakura smiled, "But it's still pretty neat."

"Artifacts, sculptures, very cheap!" a shopkeep yelled with a table outside, showing off the events.

Sakura smiled, "Let's go see them Shaoran."

"Sakura, the only thing that probably IS over there is a dust ball to sell because they want money." Syaoran told her.

Sakura giggled, "Well, we better get that dust ball before anybody else gets it."


"What's this place?" Sakura asked walking into a shop as Syaoran followed her carrying lots of bags full of things she bought. "Shaoran what's this?" she held up a dragon statue up to him.

"This?" he asked looking at it. "Oh. That's a statue of Tien-Lung."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "Tien-Lung?"

"Yeah." Syaoran answered, "He is one of the mystical dragons. This one is the Celestial Dragon. It protects the places of the Gods."

"Oh." Sakura said, "Neat!" she put it up to the clerk.

"Sakura.." Syaoran whined, "We are going to go broke."

Sakura bought the statue and walked over to Syaoran, "Ohhh.. don't be unhappy. I might get something for you too."

"Might?" Syaoran asked.

Back at the hotel room...

"This boy really is WIERD!" Jigokuinu sighed, as millions of Sakura pictures were scattered all over the floor. "These pictures were the ONLY thing in his bag?" he sniffed the air, "Welp, might as well go and walk around and cause trouble." he said and walked through the door and out on the hallway and dissapeared into thin air as he walked.

Sakura and Syaoran were at a restuarant together, "So, you told me you would get me something?" Syaoran asked.

"Yeah." Sakura smiled, "I did." she searched through the bag beside her. "Here we are!" she pulled out a bracelet. "Ta da!" Syaoran sweatdropped.


"Heheheh." Jigokuinu giggled as he looked in a door in the middle of the hotel hallway. "I never knew peeping on a a room with a girl inside would be so much fun!" Jigokuinu looked out the window, "Mabye I will get even luckier down at the heating room." he giggled and ran down the stairs.

"Mommy!" a little girl said, spotting Jigokuinu. "A doggy!"

"Yes, honey." her mom said, but the little girl ran over to Jigokuinu and started petting him.

"Awww.. cute doggie." the little girl said.

"Oh boy.." Jigokuinu mumbled. "Think of something to get away Jigokuinu, FAST!" Jigokuinu than ran off down more stairs, "Good solution."


"May I take your order, please?" the waiter asked but froze and gave a disgusted look at Syaoran who was wearing bracelet, clip-on earings, and necklaces.

"What?" Syaoran said, "Oh, I know. The necklace doesn't go with the rings does it?"

At the hotel Jigokuinu had went over to the front desk to see the clerk giving people keys to their rooms. "Oh..this will be fun." Jigokuinu waited until the clerk went for a brake and went behind the desk and made a mask with a fat man's face on it. "Heh.." he put the mask on and waited for someone to come.

"Excuse me?" someone asked, "Anybody here?"

Jigokuinu snickered and slowly peered up from the desk to look at them. It was a woman with tons of make up on. "Wow!" Jigokuinu said, "What is her day job supposed to be? Circus Clown?"

"May I have a room?" the girl asked. Jigokuinu started to get hot under the mask and started panting. The girl got a disgusted look, "PERVERT!" she yelled smacked Jigokuinu with her purse and leaving the hotel.

"Ooookay." Jigokuinu said and took off the mask. "Time to go back to the room.." he dissapeared into thin air and reappeared in the room, but he was in the pile of Sakura pictures. He was surronded! Everywhere his face turned he saw smiling Sakura's!



"Get that thing out of here!" the restuarant manager said.

Syaoran and Sakura looked over to see Jigokuinu running towards them.

"Jigokuinu?!" Syaoran asked, "What are you doing here?!?!?"

"You will pay for making me stay at the hotel and be cursed by millions of pictures of the gal!!!!" Jigokuinu screamed. Jigokuinu ran over to them and sat by them. The manager walked over.

"Is this YOUR dog, sir?" the manager asked.

Syaoran sweatdropped, "Yes. No umm..Yes?"

"Then, you are kicked out!!!"


"Why did you do that?!" Sakura asked Jigokuinu at the hotel room. Sakura and Syaoran were sitting on the bed as Jigokuinu was sitting on the other one.

Jigokuinu frowned, "You left me here as you went and had a good time. And you wanna know the worst part? I had to look at millions of pictures of the gal!!"

"Well," Syaoran said, "You are kicked out." Syaoran kicked Jigokuinu out of the room out in the hallway.

"Wow," Sakura said. "It seems so much quieter now."

Syaoran sat down on the bed next to her, "Sorry. He does get a bit annoying."

"So, even though our date is over." Sakura blushed, "How about a good night kiss?"

Syaoran raised his eyesbrows up and down, "Good idea." he answered. As he leaned his head forward until his lips met Sakura's, he loved feeling her sweet soft lips. It made him happy to feel it once more.

"Yuck.." Jigokuinu coughed as he watched from the keyhole. "I swear. I hope I get my mission over with soon so I don't see them doing that again! Or see them period!"


Please review. I feel like quiting this story. Because theres been LOTS of people who have read this fic and basically NOBODY reviews. And people read the story and don't review, so, how do I even know they like it and want me to continue?...Oh, well, but thanks to the people who have reviewed. Thankies!! ^_____^