Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Two Heart Combine ❯ Arrive just in time! ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Heart Combine

By Net

Chapter 14

Keroberus jumped toward one of his adversary and hit him with his paw sending the man flew backward and hit the wall. When he's about to go after him that man he saw another man in black came from the left. That man held a hand up ready to strike it down on the mighty beast's head. As he saw that Keroberus quickly dodged out of the way making the man hit the concrete floor instead. The impact was shattered the floor making it cracked open. Keroberus was amazed by what he saw. <That was not what the ordinary man capable to! Who are they!?>

Meanwhile, Sakura, who watched the battle was almost stunned by the event before her.<A stuff toy which had turned into a huge beast and a bunch of men in black who could break the concrete floor with bare hand. What will happen next?> Then she suspect something was wrong. There're only 6 of the men in black that battled the beast. <Where's the leader's one?> Suddenly, she felt something. It was her ability that she knew she has it since she was 7, sometime she could sense when something was going to happen and after years of practice she can control it. Now she can control it to operate only when she wants to and at that time she can know exactly what's going to happen in the next few seconds. But sometime even she didn't want to this ability will operate when the danger was going to happen to her or her friend and now that feeling had came up, make her aware that something was going to happen. She looked up and saw a dark figure came down from above. It was Shengron.

"LOOK OUT! HE'S ABOVE YOU!" Sakura shouted to the beast making him turned his head up to see the man came down at him.

"Oh shoot!" Muttered Keroberus as he dodged the attacked, suddenly he felt sharp pain on his chest and when he looked down at it there was a deep long cut on his chest. "How could it?! I didn't see any weapon in his hand!?"

Shengron looked at Keroberus like predator look at its prey. "That was one deep cut. Now, you can't move around as good as before."

Keroberus struggled to stand up but before he could stand up a man in black kicked him in the stomach making him flew up against the wall.

Saw that the beast was no longer a threat, Shengron then turned his attention back to Sakura who's now leaning her back against the wall whiled gripped on the bag.

"I think it's time for you to give the bag to us, young lady." Said Shengron as he walked up at Sakura.

"No way!" Replied Sakura.

"Don't make me do the thing that I don't want to. Give me the bag now or I will have to used the hard thing on you."

As the answer, Sakura put on the bag's strap securely over her head and shoulder and reach her hand to her back and pulled something out from the back of her belt. It was like a short metal tube. It's around one foot long and it has three buttons on the middle of it. Sakura then press the green button then suddenly the tube grew longer into a rod about 1 meter long. Sakura gripped on the rod and held it in front of her.

As he saw Sakura's reaction, Shengron signed deeply to himself. "If that was your answer there's no need to talk anymore."

As Shengron finished his sentence. Two of the man in black walked up then they charged at Sakura full speed but what they didn't know is Sakura was ready for their attacked. By using her ability she could know how they're gonna attacked and already have the offensive move in her mind. She duck the first man's blow and hit him in the jaw with her rod. Then as the second one approach her from behind she pointed the end of the rod at him then push the blue button on the rod. Suddenly the rod grew longer with incredible speed and hit the man right on his chest and pushed him back against the wall.

As they saw that two of their friend were down the rest of the remain men in black were about to go at Sakura but they were stopped as Shengron reached out his arm and stopped them.

"Let me deal with her myself." Said Shengron as he walked up to Sakura. "You must have some kind of special ability right? I saw you duck their attacked even before they did it. Actually it was not that strange thing to say. According from the report that taken from global population, they had said that 10% of the children that was born after the "Great War" were had the special ability from the day they were born. You're one of them right?

Sakura didn't answer him. She concentrated all of her attention on his movement.

"It's fine if you don't want to answer me but I want to tell you one thing. Your ability was no used on me."

Sakura's eyes wide as suddenly, Shengron vision had flicked into a blur shadow and vanished. And before she could react, he's appeared right before her and pinned her to the wall with his forearm.

Shengron grinned. "Even you can know what I'm going to do but your reaction was not fast enough to block my full speed."

Sakura tried to squirm but Shengron was too strong.

"It's no good to resist, now give me the bag." Shengron reached out his other hand to the bag.

Saw that the man was going to get the bag and the thing inside it. Keroberus gritted his teeth whiled he struggled to stand up but was cut of by another blow on his side by one of the men in black.

That was made Shengron divert his attention to the beast. "You had been enough trouble for us guardian beast, I think I should finished you off one and for all." He then signaled to one of his crew. That man took a pistol from his coat and pointed to Keroberus's head.

"NO!" Screamed Sakura as she knew what's going to happen to the creature.

The man in black was about to pulled the trigger but suddenly a flashed had came down from above and split second later the man's hand which was carried the pistol has dropped to the floor.

Sakura saw something had stabbed to the ground near that man, she quickly realized that it is a lightsaber!

Everyone looked up and saw that on the top of the building stood a boy with amber hair. His eyes looked down at each of them and stopped at the green eye girl who had pinned to the wall by a man with long horsetail hair. He leaped down from the roof 's top and go at the man who moments before had his hand cut off and kicked him in the jaw making him fell to the floor.

"Syaoran!" Exclaimed the green eye girl as she saw who he is.

Syaoran picked up his light saber from the ground and deactivated it then looked at the group of men in black before him.

"I don't know what's going on here but I want you to take your hand of her right now." Said Syaoran with dead serious tone in his voice as he glared at Shengron who held Sakura to the wall with his forearm.

Shengron gave the new comer the observing look then turned to the girl. "I guess that was your boyfriend, right?"

That sentence made Sakura blushed, her face turned red.

Shengron then turned his attention back to the boy. "Take it easy boy, I have some business with your girlfriend. It won't take long. Could you just stand there and be quiet?"

"I said……" Syaoran took a step forward. "GET YOUR HAND OF HER!"

"Look out!" Shouted Keroberus who's now lied next to Syaoran foot making him turned around to saw that the man he just kicked down was behind him. Syaoran looked the man's arm that had been cut-off moments ago and saw something odd at that arm. There's no blood came out of the wound and instead of blood he saw wired and the spark of the electricity came out. His arm was made from mechanical. Syaoran stopped his thought and ducked the man's blow and gave him the roundhouse kick to the temple making him fell to the floor once more. Syaoran then dashed out from where he stood and leap to the air with an incredible speed toward Shengron who now let go of Sakura and put on the fighting stance. Syaoran punched his right fist out, aimed at Shengron face but Shengron was already prepared for that. He blocked the blow with his left hand then gave Syaoran him a blow in his rib. Syaoran gritted his teeth as the pain run through his body and kicked his left leg out. Shengron saw that surprised attacked and barely ducked the kick but it stills scratch his face, making trail of blood came out.

Syaoran flipped his body over and land on his feet then activated his light saber and swung it at Shengron making him jumped backward to avoid the attacked.

As Shengron had moved out, Sakura quickly ran to Syaoran's side.

"Sakura. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. How about you?" Sakura lookeds at Syaoran as he hold his rib where's Shengron had punched him moments ago.

"I think one of me rib was cracked but I think it's fine for a moments." Said Syaoran whiled gritted his teeth tried to stand the pain.

They then turned at Shengron who's now looked direct at them with a dead glared.

"We had spend too much time with this. I think we have to end it right now!" Said Shengron as he started walking at them whiled his crew had walked up to joined him as well. Suddenly there's a loud thud sound came out from behind making them turned back and saw two of them had fell face down on the ground and there're three figures stood there. It's Touya, Tomoyo and Meirin.

"Touya." Said Shengron as he saw that's the new comer is. His voice was more serious than before.

"Shengron." Said Touya with the serious tone in his voice.

To be continue next chapter

Author's note:

Whew…… This chapter was full with fighting scene. I was fun to write it but it took me a lot of energy doing it. Sorry for all of my dear reader that this chapter is a cliffhanger again. But I can't do anything about that. I will write the next one as soon as I could so please stay with me OK? Thank you for all the review you guys had gave me. It's the thing that makes me go on with this story and I appreciate that. So, please give me the review I really want it.