Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Two Heart Combine ❯ Havoc inside the city center ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Heart Combine

By Net

Chapter 20

Colonel Hawk looked down at his watch. It was 1 minuet to the dead line.

"It's almost time. Do you really think they're gonna come?" He asked Shengron who stood beside him.

"They will." Replied Shengron grinning. "Believe me they will."

Suddenly one of Hawk's crew walked up. "Sir, they're here."

The group stood before bunch of men in black. Far behind the wall of men in black were the hostages, all of them were on their knee with five of the men in black point their gun at them from a distance.

"Greeting. All of you." Colonel Hawk walked up to them. "Especially for you. Your majesty. And you Commander" The last sentence he talked to Touya and Eriol.

"Enough talking!" Said Eriol. "Now we're here. Let's the hostages go!"

"Not so fast your majesty. First, we want you to give us the cards and then I want you to come with us." He then turned to Touya. "And you as well commander. Field Marshall Kuki wants to meet you personally."

"After what I did to him years ago. There's no wonder why."

"What did you do?" Asked Sakura to her commander.

"Let's say that I'm responsible for the lost of half of his body in the mission that he suppose to left the scene unscratched."

"That was quite a story." Said Syaoran. "Tell me more about it later if we have a chance."

"Sorry to interrupt you but now give me the cards."

Eriol nodded to Nakuru. She took the book that held the cards inside from her bag and handed to him. Eriol took it and held it in front of him.

"The cards is here."

"Bring it to me." The colonel ordered his men.

One of the men in black took the book from Eriol and gave it to hawk. He opened the book and saw the cards inside. He took a small machine from his pocket and held it above the cards. The machine gave a loud beeping sound, proving that they're real.

The colonel smiled in satisfaction. "Good. Now, I want you and Mr. Kinomoto to took a few steps out."

Touya and Eriol glanced at each other then began to walk.

After they had walked for a distanced from the others, the colonel ordered them to stop then looked at the remaining of the group.

"Now, as we have the emperor and the commander with us here. There's no need for the others so I'm sorry to say that I'll have to get rid of you right now." The colonel raised his right hand up as a signal to his men but before he could do anything further he heard a voice said something.

"You want to blow this thing with us?"

The colonel looked at the brown hair boy who held something in his hand. It was a card.


"From what the emperor said before. You need all the 52 cards to unlock the system. Which is mean even only one of them was missing. The other 51 card will be useless. And now what do you gonna do." Said Syaoran with a mocking grin on his face.

The colonel let some curse came out of his mouth before giving Syaoran a death glare. "Give it to me brat! Or else I'll blow the hostages off!"

Syaoran grinned as he replied. "I don't think you could do that anymore. Take a look at your comrade behind you."

The colonel looked over is shoulder and saw that his men that guarded the hostages were barely standing. It look like they're gonna collapse in any moment. The hostages however were all lied on the floor, sleeping. Then he noticed the light blue gas that came out from the air vent. He quickly covered his mouth and nose. "Sleeping gas!?"

"Now!" Touya shouted his order out loud.

Everybody dashed out as planned. Sakura, Meirin and Yukito take on the guys near the hostages. Tomoyo, Eriol, Terada and Kaho went to the reception table and open the alarm that will call all the police in the city to help them. While Syaoran, Touya and Nakuru take care the remaining men in black.

Colonel Hawk gritted his teeth in frustration as he looked at the havoc before him. He took a small gas mask and put it on his face then took his radio up and said into it.

"They're tricked us. Change to plan B"

As he finished his sentence, the window was break open by another group of men in black about 20 men. This bunch were all wearing the gas mask.

The heroes were surprised by the turned of situation.

"This is not good." Muttered Syaoran as he hided behind the concrete wall.

Suddenly there's a sound of something flying through the air toward him. He turned to that direction and saw that it look like a small pendulum. Not bigger than a thumb. It's end was attached to a small chain. That thing slid through his shirt and wrapped around the card that he kept there and within a split second the card was flew away.

Syaoran looked to the direction the card was flying to and saw the one who threw the pendulum a distance away. Li Shengron.


The man smiled at Syaoran making the boy tremble with anger that rise from within.

He dashed foward but what he didn't know is one of the men in black pointed his gun at him.

"Look out!"

Yukito coming in the way of the bullet a second before and the bullets hit him instead of Syaoran. His body shook as the bullets hit his chest before he fell to the floor.


Syaoran rushed to Yukito's side and check for his wound but there's no blood on his shirt when Syaoran took his jacket off he saw the armor underneath.

<This armor look familier.>

Before he could do anything further,the others arrived.

"How is he?" Asked Nakuru.

"He's ok. But he's knocked unconscious." Replied the boy.

"Ok,then. Now the things turn our way." Said the red head.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Meirin.

"Wait and see."

Suddenly something happened with Yukito's body. His hair's colour is change from dark gray to silver. His eye lid opened revealed the pair of ice silver eye. He slowly sitting up and removed his eye glasses. Sakura,Syaoran,Tomoyo and Touya recognized him right away.

"Good morning." Said Nakuru. "Yue."

"Um." Yue replied.

"Yukito-san and Yue-san are..." Sakura couldn't believe her eye.

"The same person." Tomoyo finished the sentence for her.

"Let's talk about that later." Said Yue.

"Let's take care of those freak first!" Yue launched his knives at the guy that shoot him earlier. It stuck him in his chest and before that guy could do anything the knives exploded sending him flew backward about 6 metres away.

"Don't expected me to be as generous as Yukito." Said Yue.

The other men in black was about to shoot back but suddenly Keroberus and Spinel Sun in their full form attacked them from the already broken window. Rika was riding on Spinel's back.

"Looks like you're having a party here!" Said Keroberus. "Let us join you."

Spinel set Rika down before roared out loud. "Let's dance pal!"

As the battle goes on Kaho saw that Hawk and Shengron were leaving the scene.

"They're getting away! They have the cards with them!"

"I won't let them go that easily!" Touya rushed after them.

"I'm going with you!" Syaoran followed on his heels.

"Take this with you!" Eriol threw the cards detector to Touya which he catch it.


Sakura looked after Syaoran worried but got interrupted by Meirin."Keep your eye on the battle! Leave that to them. They're more than capable to handle that. Just trust them!"

"Um." Replied the golden brown hair girl. <Don't push yourself too much Syaoran! I had a bad feeling about this.>


Touya and Syaoran followed Hawk and Shengron to a stair.

"The signal had split into two. One heading to the main hall down the stair and the other one headed up to the helicopter's port on the roof." Said Touya.

"Then I'll go up and you go downstair." Said Syaoran.

"Alright, but be careful. Neither of them can be underestimate."


They exchanged the thumb before they split up.


At the main hall.

Touya looked around looking for sight of either Hawk or Shengron. Suddenly he heard a high pitch noice and he saw a wave of dust heading his way. He ducks it and it hit the wall instead. The part of the wall that been hit was breaking down into sand.

"Well,well commander. I didn't expect to see you come after me yourself. But as you're here right now." Hawk walked from behind a post. His sleeves were rolled up revealed the artificial arms underneath. "Let's have some fun together,shall we?"

Touya took his gun out and getting ready fot the fight.

"Let's do it!"


Syaoran came up to the helicopter's port on the top of the building.

"Come our! I know you're there."

Shengron walked from behind the helicopter.

"Very good kid. I must admit that I'm impress with your skill so far."

"I still owe you some grudge." Said Syaoran clenching his still hurt rib.

"So,you want some payback this time? Very well then." Shengron put on his fighting stance. "Come on kid!"

Syaoran activated his lightsaber and dashed at Shengron, when he came into a distance he lept into the air and slashed his energy blade at his opponent's head. But instead of hitting Shengron's flesh but it was blocked by the energy blades similar to his own that came out from Shengron's artificial fingertips.

Pushing Syaoran away, Shengron raised his hand up and spread his energy claws wide.

"Now, young warrior. Meet your death!"

Touya vs Hawk. Syaoran vs Shengron. Who will win this ultimate fight!?

To be continued next chapter.

Author's note : Pheww! This is the longest chapter ever! It took most of my energy to write it all down. Did you guy like Shengron's weapon? I think it's cool and I think people might get bored with lightsaber vs lightsaber scene from Star Wars so I make some twist here. I found it in a manga but I couldn't remember its name. Feel free to say anything you want with this story. I'm always welcome every opinion from my dear reader.