Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Two Heart Combine ❯ Win-Lose-Confusion ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Heart Combine

By Net

Chapter 21

Touya dodged another wave that aimed toward him. The wave hit the wall disintegrated it into sand.

He quickly hide behind a post then Hawk's voice came up to his hearing.

"Very good, commander." Said Hawk. "You're the first person that can survive this long against me."

"Should I count that as an honor?" Asked Touya from behind the post.

"If you want." Replied the colonel before blasted the post that Touya was hiding with another wave that was disintegrate almost half of the post.

"Crushed concrete wall into sand and that high pitch noise..." Muttered Touya then a sign of realization appeared on his face.

"Sonic blaster, isn't it? You blast me with The supersonic wave!" Shouted Touya.

Hawk grinned. "You've impress me commander. Like you say. I used the supersonic wave that was created by my artificial arms against you. It could crush every solid thing into dust. Including all the bones in your body."

<Those plate on his palms must be the sound generator.> Touya though, then he came out from behind the post and shoot at Hawk. Aimed for his hand.

Hawk grinned, he simply blasted Touya's bullets into dust before it could touch him.

"If that's the best you can do, you'd not going to live to see the sunrise tomorrow, commander.


Syaoran raised his lightsaber up to blocked claws-like energy blade that was aimed for head intended to slice him into half. Both energy blades met making the spark flying out.

Shengron applied more pressure, pressing the blades down to Syaoran's head.

As he realized that his power couldn't match with his opponent. Syaoran reduced his power and fall backward using Shengron's momentum against him making him fall forward then he kicked him in the gut sending Shengron flew above him but before he hit the floor Shengron flipped himself into a summersault and landed nimbly on his feet.

"That was impressive." Said Shengron, turned to face his opponent once more. "But if you thinking about defeated me you must do much better than that."

Syaoran, looked at Shengron. <The energy claws were came out from his right arm That's mean.>

The boy dashed at his opponent then changed his direction to the side aimed for Shengron's left arm.

The boy saw that Shengron used his right hand's energy claw to block his blow, which confirm his thinking.

<He only have that energy claws on his right hand.>

After leapt out for a distanced Syaoran took on his fighting stance once more. <Now, it's payback time.>


"This is not good." Said Nakuru, whipped another man in black with her whip.

Even theirs skills were better but the different in numbers had taken effect. It seemed that there's only a matter of time before they'll be beaten by their outnumbered enemies.

Sakura ran her eyes over to see if there's anything that could help them out of this situation. Suddenly her eyes founded something on the ceiling.

"Yue-san." She called the silvery hair man. "Could you blast that thing with your explosion knife?"

Yue looked after her index finger to the thing she's talking about.

Without a word he threw his knife at his target. It stuck right on target above the group of the men in black then it exploded.

Suddenly gallons of water streams down from the damaged sprinkler wetting the men underneath it.

Seeing the opportunity, Sakura extended her rod and sticked its tip into the water then she press the red button.

The spark shot out as the cyborgs were paralyzed by the 5,000 volts of electricity from the teaser at rod's tip.

Sakura shut down the teaser and all the men in black were fell down to the floor.

"That was great, Sakura." Said Meirin, walked up to her.

"That's have to thanks Yue-san. I'm not sure that I could do it myself." Replied Sakura turned to Yue.

"It's nothing." Said Yue.

"Alright, now let's tie them up first, shall we?" Said Nakuru. "Unless we want to have another round with them."

Everyone nodded in agreement and start tying the men up.


Colonel Hawk had lost the sight of his enemy. He looked around keeping all his sense alert in case of a surprise attack.

Suddenly he heard a sound of movement from a side of the room. He follow the sound and at a corner of the room he saw a shadow moving. He grinned as he activated the weapon attached in his mechanical arms. Then he shot the supersonic wave to his target. Once the supersonic wqve hit its target, it break down into dust. The colonel then realized what he just been shooting at.


Suddenly Touya launch himself out from the darkness kicking Hawk right in the face sending him crashing into a restroom.

Hawk was quickly getting up and about to shot the supersonic wave out but then stopped as he realized where he was.

Not wasting the opportunity, Touya shoot at Hawk's hand destroyed the supersonic wave's generator.


Touya calmly stepping into the restroom.

"The weak point of the supersonic wave is it cannot use in the small space because it will echo back to you. That's why you stopped when you realized where you are."

Hawk glared at Touya then launch himself at Touya his right leg swung full speed Aimed at Touya's neck intended to break it in one swift kick.

Touya dodged the kick then grabbed the leg then twisted it knocking the colonel of balance. As his opponent fell back to the floor Touya continued his assault. He wrapped his muscular arm around Hawk's neck and squeeze it tight. The colonel was out of conscious.

"You're lucky that I'm not in a mood to kill anyone today."

Touya then start searching for the Clow card but all he founded is a signal imitator. All the sudden it became clear to him. The signal that he was after was coming from the machine then the real cards must be with....



Syaoran drew his lightsaber in front of him his gaze fixing at Shengron who stood a distance away.

Suddenly Syaoran dashed out with an incredible speed towards Shengron but when he reached just two metre from Shengron he jumped to the left, where the chopper was. He making a quick triangle jump with the chopper aiming to Shengron's left side. But before he could reach to Shengron something wrapped itself around his neck suddenly he got dragged to the floor. When he have a clear look of the object that was around his neck, he recognized it right away. It was the pendulum that Shengron used to took the card from him a while ago. Its robe was wrapped around his neck. He reached to the robe but before he could touch it he got kicked in the gut. The impact sending him rolled away for several meters.


Shengron walked up to him.

"You've given me a hard time kid but I will end it here." Shengron activated his energy claws and brought his hand up then suddenly he stopped as he saw something. Syaoran's left sleeve was torn revealed a mark on his upper arm. It was a mark that was tattoo on his upper arm's skin. It was a wolf's head symbol.

"That mark!" Muttered Shengron, lowered his hand.

"What's your name?"

Syaoran pulled himself up to the sitting position, the effect of the blow he got was still there so he couldn't get up. He glared at Shengron before answer his question. "Syaoran."

"Do you have the last name?"

"No, I'm an orphan. I didn't even know my parent's face."

Shengron grinned then turned to the roof's door as he heard someone was running up the stairs. "Look like it's time to go now."

He then turned back and walked to the end of the roof.

Syaoran gathered all of his might he have left to pulled himself up to the standing position. The brown hair boy shouted after the man. "Where are you going? We haven't finished it yet!"

Shengron looked back at him the smile was still plastered on his face. "You don't need to hurry to die that much, little brother."

Syaoran was stunned by the word he just heard. "What did you called me?"

"If you keep your life until we meet again, I'll tell you. Farewell."

With the last word he pushed the button of a machine that was hung on his belt then the bright light was flashing up and a second later Shengron was gone. Leaving Syaoran . He touched the mark on his left arm, he stared at the empty space where Shengron was, seemed to lost in his thought.

To be continued

Author's note : Hmm, the plot is ticking. What is the relationship between Syaoran and Shengron? What is the meaning of the symbol on Syaoran's arm? You'll find out in the later chapter.