Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Two Heart Combine ❯ Getting Ready to Rumble ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Heart Combine

Chapter 23

Syaoran was standing at the balcony of the city's center. He stared at the city down below then turned to look at the mark on his left arm. The wolf's head symbol that was there since he's remembered. No one can tell what's the meaning of it and he didn't thinking about it much either but just the few hours ago after the man who he fought with had seen this mark. He called him "Little brother". Li Shengron, that's the guy's name. From what Touya had said earlier, he's Touya's old friend and was the last descendant of a warrior clan. The Li. <Who is he? Is he have any connection to me? Why he called me "little brother"? Is he my family? Or is it was just a trick? There's too many question.>

His thought was interrupted by the sound of someone's footsteps. When he turned to look at its owner he saw the green eyes girl who he was fond with more than anyone in the world.

"Am I interrupted you?" Asked Sakura.

"No, I'm just thinking about something. Replied Syaoran. "Is there anything happened?"

"No, I'm just come to tell you that Eriol-san and Touya-san had arrange the meeting within an hour and they want everyone to come."

"Alright, I'll be there."

Suspected something in Syaoran's voice, Sakura walked up to him. "What happen Syaoran? I saw you like this since the battle was over. Please tell me what it is. We've promise each other that we won't keep any secret."

Syaoran sighed, as he knew that he couldn't keep any secret from her so he decided to tell her the whole thing. He tell her about Shengron's look when he saw the mark on his left arm and he's called him "little brother" before he left.

After Sakura had finish listened the story she just stared at him not know what she should say to him.

Syaoran looked at Sakura. "It's bothering me and I can't just shake it out. It was the first time I got a clue about who I am." Then he paused for a second before continued. "But at the same time I don't want to know it. I' afraid that when I found out about my true origin I might not be able to live my life as it used to be anymore and it's scared me."

Seeing that Syaoran was hurt making Sakura felt bad herself. She walked to him then she place her chin on his firm shoulder and hugged him tight. "No matter who you are or what your past is. You are my Syaoran. The person I know and love for very long time. Just be you. It doesn't matter what happen in the past. It can't change you from what you are."

Profound by the girl's words, Syaoran hugged her tight buried his face in her soft golden brown hair. "Thank you Sakura. You don't know how many time your kindness and your love had save me."

"I know." Replied Sakura smiling as she tighter her embrace.

After a moment the two young couple looked up at each other for a moment then their lib drew closer and closer until it met each other as they shared a passionate kiss.


Meeting room, an hour later.

The Emperor sat at the head of the meeting table as everyone was sitting on their seat.

"The situation was getting worst." Said the emperor as he pushing a button on a remote in his hand. Suddenly the large screen on the wall had activated displayed the map of capital city.

"Just half and hour ago the unknown troops had taken over the Intelligent Tower" He pointed the laser pointer to a spot at the middle the map. "Which inside had held "the Clow" the ultra computer that is the heart of the empire. They had taken over the building. We think that these troops were sent by Kuki in order to take over the Clow."

"Is that means they've already taken control the Clow?" Asked Meirin

"Not yet, Meirin-san. The capital city was very far from here. It must take several hours to get there even by the fastest plane but it was just a matter of time before they get the cards." Replied Eriol.

"Why don't you just blow them away?" Asked Kero.

"Used your head, dummy." Said Suppy. "Even the dumbest would know that it might risk damaging the Clow which means doom to the world."

"And It would be too risky if we used the big army against them. Said Yue. "We're not sure that is there any other troops that was under Kuki's command. If we don't making the move carefully the situation might get worst."

"Then what do we gonna do?" Asked Syaoran. "We can't just sit here and do nothing."

"That's true, Syaoran-san." Replied the emperor. "And that's why we're here, to discuss about what we're going to do."

He turned to Touya. "Commander, as everyone know that you have the best strike force in the world under your command. How soon could you assemble your team?"

"I'm already call them. They'll come within a few minutes." Replied Touya.

"Good, because right now we can't trust the Empire's soldier we'll have to count on you and your team."

"What about the transportation?" Asked Tomoyo. "We'll need many airplane to deliver them."

"Leave that to me." Said Terada. "I'll get as many plane as you need for this mission."

"Alright, if nobody's against this plan then let's get to work!"

After the Emperor's word, everyone rushed out of the room


Ganda city's airport, 30 minutes later

Touya stood in front of the line of men. They're all dress in commando's suit. Their expression was cold as ice.

In front of them was a small screen which displayed the blueprint of the Intelligent Tower.

"This is the Intelligent Tower, now it was took over by Field marchall Kuki Yodo and his followers. Our mission is to take them down and take back the building and keep remind yourself to avoid damaging the building as best as you can. Do you have any problem?"

"No, sir!"

"Alright then before we go on for our mission I'll give you the final order. I want each and everyone of you to report to me after the mission is over and if there's anything funny happen I'm allow you to do anything necessary. DO YOU GET ME?!"


"Then let's go!"

After Touya's last order the troops went into the cargo plane that was waiting. Touya then took out the laser communicator out and switch it on.

"This side is ready, how about you?"

"The preparation's almost complete." Replied the Sub-commander. "If anything happen our main force will be safe."

"Good. I didn't fully trust them yet if I lost contact for more than 1 hour or anything funny happen you do as we planned." Said Touya. "And how about the 'thing'?"

"I gave it to Tomoyo. She knows what she has to do when the time has come. After all she's my best student."

"Very good. I'll call you again in the next hour, over. "

"Good luck."

Touya grinned as he switched off the device. "I'm gonna need that."


The Intelligent Tower, the same time Touya finished the contact with Mark.

A hovercraft had landed on the top of the tower. There's a group of men walking out from it and the man on the lead was an old man around 70s. His head was completely bald and there're numerous scars on his face. His eye was sharp as knife.

In front of him was a group of men dress in black combat suit. The man in the front walked up.

"This building is under our control. Now all we need is the cards."

"Very good." Replied Field Marshall Kuki.

To be continued next chapter.

Author's note: Do you like it? After 23 chapters I'm managed to put the S+S in a love scene. I know it was very late but what can I do about it? Next chapter is going to be one hell of a fight and I hope you guys will stay with me. And please leave your review to let me know what do you think about this story or contact me at